We all know it’s a seething nest of race baiting, climate change preaching, Brexit hating, Trump loathing, Biden loving shit.
But this nom is a little more specific in that my problem is with its utterly pointless and misleading ‘LIVE’ reporting feature.
Natural disasters, minor pop star funerals, Bank of England interest rate announcements and fucking Harry Kane for the 90th day running.
There’s nothing to report. Posting quotes from days or weeks old articles every 25 minutes is not ‘LIVE’ reporting. It’s fucking lazy, pointless, time filling dross masquerading as journalism.
And for a corporation that seems to have an endless supply of ‘reporters’ to fly round the globe, it never really has a man or woman on the spot. All the ‘news’ they obtain is second hand.
Yet more ‘quality programming’ by those lovely people at the BBC.
What a pile of shit!
Nominated by : Field Marshal Cuntgomery
Always a delight to put the boot into this seething nest of traitors.
Lazy,pernicious,bullshit peddling cunts.
Fucking says it all.
A nest of vipers lurking in the national bosom.
Morning all.
Excellent Nom Roan earlier this morning, you are back on top form!
Back on topic. You can add to the list in the first sentence of the Field Marshal’ nomination, Boris loathing. I know he is not everyone’s cup of tea on here but he is popular, charismatic and a vote winner. As far as the BBCunts are concerned he is the British Trump and is to be feared because he represents all the the BBCunts take a political stance against. They led the charge against him over Partygate which led to his resignation. What a pity they didn’t have the same attitude towards Blair, Campbell and Brown over the lies that were told about Iraq’s WMD a somewhat more serious matter.
In an interview with GQ about 10 years ago, Boris Johnson described the BBC as “a nest of pee –ophiles.”
Man’s not wrong.
“What a pity they didn’t have the same attitude towards Blair, Campbell and Brown over the lies that were told about Iraq’s WMD a somewhat more serious matter.”
They did. This from 2003:
Blair and the BBC were at war right up to the Chilcot report and beyond.
What short memories some of us have.
@ C_C
Do you have a link or any other evidence for that GQ interview?
No. Of course you don’t.
Sums it up nicely, Unkle T.
@ MJB, here you go: https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/boris-johnson-eu-referendum-profile-conservatives
I haven’t watched the national news, or read a newspaper, for years now and it feels like a detox.
Smashing ! You’ll live a lot longer.
I stopped watching the news during the “pandemic”. Without the Hate Box blaring out, you’d be forgiving for thinking that all was good in the world.
Genuinely one of the best things I have ever, ever done.
Same here.
The TV news outlets just became mouthpieces for flawed government policy and I found the fear-mongering and NHS worship quite pathetic.
This was on top of terrible coverage of the referendum and Trump’s presidency, falling in with the Russia collusion conspiracy pushed by the US media.
That and the hopelessly jingoistic coverage of the Ukraine conflict as well as whinging about the tories means I can’t be fucked with their narratives.
Some dago kisses a lezza and it’s the main item of ‘News’ for days.
Are we really supposed to give a shit?
This is the sort of nonsense story that all media love because they can bang on about endlessly with every cunt under the sun who either hates men or has some other axe to grind getting involved.
‘The England women stand in support of the Spanish team’ ?
I happened to see a report where someone had got hold of a video (Tik Tok or some other shit) showing the kiss girl laughing and joking about it with her team mates.
It seems that because others took offence on her behalf she felt obliged to be offended whereas in reality she wasn’t bothered.
This is what happened with the Cathy Newman- Jordan Peterson ‘confrontation’ on Channel 4 news.
Newman was pictured in a taxi, laughing at the Twitter commentary about how badly she came off, then Channel 4 decide she’s a victim and has received threats on social media, none of which they shared. There weren’t on twitter when i used it.
More gaslighting and lying by these ‘trusted news sources’.
But what the wimmin have turned that kiss into, Geordie.
They will want to destroy this Spanish bloke, and it will be relentless.
Something out of nothing, and another victim card to play. Like our dark friends, the Me Too mob love it, and they aren’t happy unless they’re unhappy.
I reckon if the BBC (or any other media cunt) did a poll now on the most infamous and hated kiss of all time, that Rubiales bloke would win over Judas Iscariot.
I’ve heard about it but ignored it. It’s beneath my radar for worthwhile news, and a reason why the mainstream/corporate news coverage is really not worth listening to or reading.
The thing that really pisses me off is that those with the real power (ie not the culture secretary and run of the mill MPs) are determined to maintain the outrageous licence fee despite there being no reasoned argument in its favour.
It is more evidence of dark forces which really run our supposed democracy.
I always think of no news is good news. I live for my own special interests to keep myself sane.
If it doesn’t affect me directly I’m not bothered and since I don’t know what’s going on I have no idea whether there’s anything to be bothered about or not. Suits me. If something does affect me I dare say I’ll find out in time.
BBC suck spurs and man ure cock. fucking wankers.
Liverpool are the worst for BBC sycophancy. The club of Irish immigrants, the unemployed, compo seekers and victims.
‘Sign on
Sign on
with a pen/ in your hand,
’cause you’ll never get/ a job
‘You’ll never get/ a job
Worthless liberals won’t that song to die out. It’s too bad most football fans don’t read the fucking independent.
I’m sure there used to be song sung at Highbury, somehting along the lines of “in your Liverpool home, you eat rats, etc..”. Can’t see any of the middle-class wankers that go there now singing it. Too busy clapping the knee-taking. Cunts.
In your Liverpool slums
In your Liverpool slums
You search through the bins for something to eat.
You find a dead rat and you think it’s a treat.
In your Liverpool slums.
My dad used to sing that at Stamford Bridge.
Now it’s all tourists.
I haven’t watched this pile of biased crap since covid.
Not missed anything have I?
BBC, the truth is out there but we only pick the bits we like.
That’s why you can’t trust the BBC.
We’re well and truly fucked in this warped and twisted country. Avoiding cultural enrichment by switching from the BBC to commercial channels only brings more of the same in offensively miscast adverts – and not the odd one either, they come in spades! Drives me fucking mad. Even the extremely tolerant wife, who’s put up with horrible me for far too long for her own good, is sick of it.
This is also true of radio. Madness enhanced by the cunts all speaking in Manc Cockney patois. Inni’.
I had to stop listening to an extremely good podcast about the Russian oligarchy under Yeltsin/early Putin-era because of diversity English.
I thought the presenter were a Sam Beau. I could forgive that through gritted teeth. Nah, son. I looked him up, he’s as white as me.
Utter cunt.
There’s seemingly little or no escape.
It is everywhere. From blacks grossly over represented on the telly, women pundits on men’s sports or Jamafrican lingo infiltrating it’s way into most forms of mainstream media.
You will watch and you will listen.
Was a time when BBC and Sky had crowd only options on their sports coverage. Not only on football but on tennis and Rugby Union if I remember correctly.
Not anymore though it would appear.
Unless you just fuck it all off and just listen to your own music, watch your own films, read a book or watch with the sound off.
Hear, hear, Isabel.
After six years or so, we cancelled our Netflix subscription this week.
It’s been months since we’ve watched anything on there. The nail in the coffin was my extremely tolerant husband saying “everything on Netflix has to fucking blacks and po ofs in it now.”
How I laughed.
*too many, even
Beyond the suffocating gayblack count, Netflix is just old dross or their own cheapo product. New films are few and far between. you’re better off with flicking over to Film Four at random.
They haven’t got the money for proper journalism, they have to spend it on diversity, gender awareness courses and employing useless, incompetent wankers for box ticking purposes. Look at the money they bung to Linekunt just because he’s black!
To say nothing of the herds of managers galloping through the organisation on six-figure salaries.
June Sarpong being paid £267,000 a year for working three days a week is not value for money.
She still thinks white working class people have it easier than black and Asian people
They ALL do
With this shite being around since nought plonk. It’s the necessary evil of the internet that’s the problem. You just have to learn how to control it.
Off topic, but I have just managed to refer myself to HR (again) by refering to a thick as pigshit interior designer who was two hours late as a glorified scatter cushion slinger.
Always good to end the week on a high.
Love it! Dare you to see how far you can take it…
I hope you are deeply ashamed of yourself. But I’m sure “interior designer” used to be a perjorative term for a homosexual. Just as well you didn’t call him that…
They’re pretty much all female now Komodo.
identical blond bimbos who live in Chelsea or Fulham with rich parents and a room temperature IQ.
Dumbest request I have ever heard from one of these fuckwits is as follows:
Her: “The client wants to cover that wall in seamless black leather”.
Me: That wall is 32 square meters. where the fuck do you expect us to find a cow with 32 square meters of usable hide on it”?
Her: “Well, can you find it or not”? (stomps her little feet)
I just turned around and walked out. I can’t deal with that level of retard
Thanks for the laugh, Odin. Needed, believe me. “Interior designer” must be a last desperate resort for Tanya after being rejected by the Fail’s sidebar of shame and McDonalds.
The correct answer, though, may have been “I’ll get my people to skin a big nauga for you.”
Do let us know how you got on, Odin.
But well done, I dare say a very accurate description of the offended twat.
Where’s Huw, Huw, Barney Mcgrew when you need him.
Fuck knows, that one’s quietly gone away in true BBC style. We all know what they’re waiting for……dead men tell no tales.
I hear he’s decamped to Michael Barrymore’s house and living under a glass coffee table, waiting for a young stud to take a steaming great dump on it.
Tupperware at the ready, Huw.
Rumour has it that Katie Price is a huge fan of the BBC.
There are a lot bigger cunts than hers at the BBC.
Now that’s out, they’ll be opening a new studio up inside her. It all depends whether the beeb can fill the space.
Just tell them there’s a big music festival on in there.
Yeah, Dwight Yorke knows that.
Old Dwighty must’ve had diseased spunk. Smiling on the outside and rotten to the core on the inner. Unless it was something the slapper paid a price for.
BBC? Fuck off. Fingers in ears, close eyes and then, lalalalalalalalalalal….
My main problem with it is the grammar. Almost every day on both the news and sport websites I encounter missing punctuation, words/phrases repeated, words misspelled etc. It’s like they’ve poached Tim Messenger from the Sandford Citizen to lead their journalism department. Not a good look considering our tax money will be funding it.
Hope the same awaits them as poor Tim.
‘ave a look..
Give it a couple of years and all broadcasting in standard English will have disappeared, to be replaced by that debased verbal sludge, along with any attempt to express complex thought. Globalist job done. We’re all gingers (anag) now.
Always complaining how desperately tight the money is but they can find the cash for this shit.
It reminders me of the dimwitted societies described by Huxley and Bradbury
Talking of flying reporters everywhere when there’s supposedly a ‘climate crisis’ in the nom, I have noticed the council house tv channel ITV are making that half chat weather man cunt Beresford into some kind of minor celebrity anchorman type weather reporter- now getting him to travel all over the country to do a weather report he used to do in the studio. I also notice his air time has gone up considerably since ITV decided to extend the early evening news slot and just fill it with woke shit…and more weather.
This has been a gripe of mine for some time.
I was watching the floods in America and this yount bint presenter from the BBC was like “we’re first on the scene”
I am sure these cunts don’t care about what they report – they just want to travel, at my expense.
Millions could be saved by having a feed run via local TV networks, licensed of course but this would save money.
You don’t see the police cordon holding back 500 assorted media types, out of the dramatic shot of water pouring down a highway. But they’re there. There may even be a tour guide:
“Right, folks, that’s the eight feet of water on Main Street, now follow me for the guy stranded on his roof.”
The ‘transfer window news’ is akways tedious shit.
The ‘live’ blurb on the screen, as a bored as fuck hi-vis security monkey stands outside the Arsenal/Man United/Spurs/Liverpool training grounds.
Fuck all happens forever, and then a black windowed 4×4 trundles in. The BBC and Sky wet themselves over some foreign tosspot player who they can’t even see. Vehicle goes in, vanishes, and it’s back to the studio with whoosing sounds and over the top crappy synth string music. On the last day of the ‘window’ they do this all day/ Absolute bollocks.
It’s like watching the modern day black slave trade.
…yes this is one of my pet gripes. Media go on and on about the transfer deadline- sky just have a continuously running programme on it- all talking about who’s going where and the endless millions being spent.
Then after it’s all finished he MSM will do a feature on how extortionate it is now to go and whatch a match and how much the ‘greedy’ football clubs charge for a ticket, beer and pies etc.
Two faced reporting cunts
I gave up watching footie and match of the cunt years ago.
I just wank now, much more interesting.
There were genuinely thrilling transfer news stories years ago. The signings of McQueen and Jordan 78, Robson 81, Cantona 92 (still the best one) and Andy Cole 95 come to mind.
Mind you, that was before all this window bollocks and it was still a man’s game.
The Beeb are currently in a tizz about some Saudi cunts offering ‘Der Pool like’ 150 million for Sir/Saint Lord ‘Mo’ Salah.
Now, that would be great news, if the English league was finally rid of that cunt. But I bet Goosestep Klopp turns it down and keeps his boss, I mean favourite.?
£150m for a player that old? It’s almost a no-brainer, although far too late in the day. It would put pressure on Liverpool to sign a replacement within the day.
I remember a couple of years ago some Bin Dipper phoning up Jeremy Vine and telling him that he’d recently converted to Islam because of Mohammed Salah.
The fucking clown ?
People who phone in to Jeremy Vine are mostly attention seekers and liars. I find many of them start crying on-air.
Hopeless cunts.
Deadline Day coverage has always felt ridiculous, especially on Sky Sports.
A load of busywork for presenters and correspondents reporting on fuck all but rumours and endless speculation. Same as the back pages of the papers – half of which seems completely made up.
It was pretty bad in the late nineties, with red tops screaming about Michael Owen being chased by Real Madrid after World Cup ’98 for £47m. Fucking laughable, even reading/hearing it as a teenager. I don’t think the £30m barrier had been broken back then.
More recently it’s been ‘a source close to Balotelli/Kane/Sterling/whoever’…
It’s his fucking agent or a flunkie pushing up the price, you cunts, although the media know this and again, are in on the circus
I remember in 2009 when Creepo Jacko carked it.
A ‘Live’ feed from the Loony Beeb, and a permanent ‘Breaking News’ one from Sky.
It was just a police car parked outside Jackson’s home and that was it. For hours that was on. Better off putting the old Testcard on.
Hee Hee shamon
How did the kids at neverland know when it was time for bed?
When the big hand touched the little hand
And look at what Four Four Two has come to.
On their website, a massive headline:
‘Arsenal make world record bid for Manchester United star.’
Turns out it’s a woman goalkeeper.?
Do fuck off!
Quite wily of them; generate ridiculous clickbait while virtue signalling.
She’s only repairing the net and making the tea.
Aye got caught out with the cricket once.
BT Sport as it was called ar the time advertising live ODI West indies vs Ireland.
If I want to watch lesbians BT, they need to be fit as fuck and sucking each other’s tits.
Not purple haired, tattooed chippy bulldykes pretending to be men playing (a shitty version) of cricket.
Fucking hate that trick they pull. They do it with the 100 too, but I don’t even watch the men’s version anyway. ‘Cricket’ for retards.
I also heard some bint describe the wiminz ‘World Cup’ as the joint most important football competition in the world.
Get fucked!
And fuck Karen Carney. Never off the fucking telly.
The BBC is a national treasure, its just a shame the one eyed Scottish cunt brown didn’t sell like all our gold… at rock bottom price..
Still some good news loser English keeper Mary burps is having a Nottingham tram named after her.. or it could of been Nottingham trans..
If it’s a national treasure it should be in a museum like all the other national treasures. Better still they should bury it on Salisbury Plain. In a couple of thousand years they can dig it up and figure out how Britain became a third world Muslim country.
Store her in the British Museum vaults.
Then someone will nick her and sell her on eBay for £20.
I wouldn’t know the woman from the local lollipop lady Barry but I’m reminded when my father was alive many years ago, he would say of a woman he regarded as of plain appearance; “She’s got a face like the back end of a tram.”
Regarding the lead story in the link, the problems with RAAC in public buildings were noted back in 1995, so this story is thirty years out of date, and it’s no good the hand wringers of Labour worrying about it. The problem was visible before Blair came to power and labour had 13 years overseeing the crumbling infrastructure.
Surely The BBC(93) News Webshite?
every time I venture near the World Service it has a climate change related program on or something about the struggle of a women’s yoghurt weaving collective in Somalia, the station is riddled with right on shite.
On R4 extra they advertised one program as having the 4 horse persons of the apocalypse in it, or any funny older stuff has the usual bollocks about it reflecting the standards of the time what a cuntish expression that is, how could it do anything else. Patronising woke leftie jelly spined cunts.
Country File should be renamed Gayblack Climate File
They’re obsessed. it’s like the One Show and every other magazine program they have on; a crusade for some form of impossible imaginary justice -social, racial, environmental – and all of us privileged white bigots are on ‘the wrong side of history’.
I bet the Bullshit Corpwrations headline is,ONS lied the economis much healthier than they said…..
Looking forward to the live coverage of the primaries and US Presidential Election next year. Watch the cunts squirming and squealing like stuck pigs when The Donald sweeps to power. It will be the biggest ‘FUCK OFF’ they have ever received. Come on America, you can do it!
I want Big Don to win, just to see Lineker’s head explode.
i remember the exciting transfer deals of old.
United sign Hill, Wilkins, McQueen, Robson, Olsen, Cantona, Van Nisterlrooy and many more.
Now? They have re-signed Jonny Evans.??????
There is nothing left to say.☹
I recall some backing singer from S Club 7 snuffed it a few months ago.
The Beeb went on like it was the deaths of Hendrix, Elvis, Lennon, Bowie, Marvin Gaye and Jim Morrison rolled into one. And, of course, it was the main website headline. With the Loonybeeb saying we had lost a ‘music icon.’
I had never heard of the cunt till they told me he was dead.?
There’s plenty to report. We’re on the brink of the biggest financial crash in history and a third world war. The problem is, the BBC isn’t reporting any of it. They’re too busy promoting more important issues such as the plight of Muslims, violent black criminals and dress wearing pedarasts.
Say what you will about the Chinese (and their government are evil), but right now, they are telling their citizens to stock up and be ready for a massive war. They’ve even built bunkers and are stockpiling food for the people. Our lot aren’t even hinting to the problem. When it hits the fan, they will all go to their plush, well stocked bunkers while we burn or kill each other over the scraps that are left.
The British Broadcasting Caliphate know exactly what’s coming, the treacherous scum.
Wise words indeed, Horace!
Thank you sir.