The Bastardisation of English

It started a long time ago with ‘gay’. Yes, happy go lucky to mean homosexual. Fuck knows why.
Now we have a plethora of words misused, usually for ‘victim’ groups.

Pride – fuck knows what there is to be proud of from an accident of nature. Hardly an achievement.

Phobe and phobia.- Always meant fear to me but now is twisted to mean hatred. Naturally of the self styled victim groups.

Cancel. – what we used to do with milk, now means to persecute somefucker who expresses mainstream views. Depriving them of free speech and preferably depriving them of employment.

Gammon- I always thought was thick bacon but applies to a person having mainstream views.

We are also seeing ‘minor attracted’ for pee doh. No doubt they will have their pride events in the near future. And why ever not. Natural innit?

Then there are words that are beyond a dull cunt like me. – Cis, Terf, Non-binary and so on.
And of course ‘Woke’. Not even proper use of English but all part of the decay and decline of decency through the bastardisation of language.
(Links provided by our literary expert, Night Admin – NA)

Nominated by : Cuntstable Cuntbubble

90 thoughts on “The Bastardisation of English

  1. I doubt anyone has ever described a Welsh cunt as ”happy go lucky”.

    Hence gay.?

  2. Not a good start to the week…….being lectured by Rachel fucking Jellyfish namedropping a load of posh parasites I’ve never heard of. I notice she didn’t quote her own useless brother’s misuse of language….”getting brexit done”. Now that’s a fucking classic!
    The bitch can fuck right off and stick a rolled up copy of Tatler up her arse.

  3. Wicked nom!
    Tote sick.

    Speaking like a retard takes thought and dedication.

    If English people took as much time learning a foreign language as they do trying to fuck up their own they would be fluent.

    I have no idea what English teenagers are talking about nowadays.
    Not a problem as I don’t fucking care.

    • As a rough guide, if a teenager speaks nowadays they usually mean one of the following.
      I’m bored.
      It ain’t fair.
      How long can I stay in pointless education to avoid work?
      What day do I sign on?
      Anybody got any weed?

      Hope this helps.

    • I was in a butcher’s shop in Hampstead (I know) about 30 years ago when I first heard the word wicked being used to describe a piece of beef , I had no idea what the twat behind the counter meant. I thought I was reasonably up on things like that having spent most of my working life in the east end of London.

  4. With the speed we are being overrun, English will become a minority language in 20 years.

    Only English words needed will be gimme, gimme and Where’s the white women at..

    Enjoy your futures you young fucktards.

    • If it gets that bad i will leave. I dont see it hsppening in 20 years as English is tge international language of trade.

      Londoners may be speaking English with a few Mandarin terms in 20 years.

  5. One that gets me lately is ‘Grilled’.
    Politician ‘grilled’ at enquiry.
    Football manager ‘grilled’ at press conference.
    I know it’s been a kind of slang term for years, but you’d at least expect higher end media outlets would use proper English.
    No hope nowadays innit.

    • There is a whole new field to be cunted on the subject of tabloid headlines, and their popular adoption as a substitute for thought.

      OTOH Nona Entity rocks skimpy bikini as she grills on beach, (photo)
      is wholly acceptable.

  6. The biggest cunts responsible for the feckin up of English are your Yanks.
    I hate the French with a passion but I take my hat off to them in their attempts to protect their language, shame we British don’t try and stand up to defend our own cultural heritage instead of letting it be engulfed by every fucking “wonderful and superior ” alien way of life that steps off the boat.

    • If it wasnt for the septics, we would all be speaking german which wouldnt be a bad thing. Just learn how to berate people in foreign languages, the thick cunts wouldnt understand.

      • “…If it wasnt for the septics, we would all be speaking german…”

        Wrong; Hitler had neither desire or design to invade or conquer Britain. Roosevelt on the other hand wanted nothing more.. the fucking cunt!

        …from the personal 1943 diary of his cabinet mnister for agriculture … quote…
        “My (Roosevelt’s) fervent desire is to see the destruction of the British Empire beginning with India!”

      • I wish I could speak Gerrman, just to frighten people while shouting and making lots of open palmed gestures.
        I’d like to visit the place as well.

        My grandfather and great uncle spoke German to each othrr over the phone. Big fans of the regime of the 1930s. Not too keen on anybody who wasnt of Germanic stock, leading to my nan, one aunty and 3 female cousins having blonde hair und ze blue eyes!

  7. Young Cunter brought over a few of his friends from England about 10 year’s ago.

    They had no conversation at all.

    Mrs Cunter cooked a lovely meal for them.
    Between taking mouthfuls they would all pick up their mobiles to read or send inane messages.

    The only conversation was between me and the wife.

    Our dog was hanging around for leftovers.

    One of these morons was confused when the dog didn’t sit when asked.

    I told him that the dog only understands Spanish.

    His reply was, “So how does he make friends with English dogs?”.

    These were not children.
    They were in their 20’s.

  8. You can rely on the redtops for the reliable and consistent mangling of the English language. It is incredible to think people read this shite cover to cover.

    I couldn’t agree more with the Orwell quote in the nomination header.

    I know it is early in the day, but the LBGTV8 mob would nowadays never allow a song named as the one in this link.

    Enjoy this little earworm!

    • I went to school with a girl named Gay (not Gaye!) whose sexuality was unambiguous. Also a girl named Sylvia who had the most stunning, blazing blonde hair. Both very rare names now and both still give me the horn just thinking of them.

      Morning everyone.

  9. Not just the language, it’s how it is spoken. Living in lovely Leicester, I sometimes have to do a double take to discover that the youth are actually talking English. Innit bro.

  10. The TikTok crowd have invented their own language by more or less disembowelling the English language and topping it off with a bit of textspeak in order to make it the exclusive domain for the Gen Zeds and Gen Alphas.

    Mascara, for example. In the old days it was a form of eye-liner used by wimminz; but today it’s more a pejorative term to describe toxic males sexually abusing wimminz even when they’re actually in a relationship!

    Nazi – always associated with WW2 Germany under Hitler.But now of course it’s anyone with an opinion even approaching Centralist Even moderate Left Wingers are being tagged with this, such is the irony of those that bandy it around.

    Any words they don’t like is dumped under the all encompassing “micro aggressions” and “hurty words” banner, for which you could end up being arrested!

  11. Language evolves,
    Non more than the English language.

    You go back 900 yrs we were talking old Norse more or less, then a spastic version of French,

    Within living memory language has changed where words have dropped out of fashion and been replaced by new alternatives.

    If you long to be happy and gay in a morning,
    Wear a condom.

  12. ‘A bachelor gay’ those were the days when young men got together and sang songs, slapped each others bottoms…..ooops!

    Bastardisation of England, not just the language, strangely described a enrichment.

    Pet hates –
    Why do well educated people use phrases like ‘from the get go’ and the even more ridiculous ‘my bad’

    • Oh Christ SoI, you picked out two of the very worst there. I shall never forget listening to a woman in court using the expression “from the get go” repeatedly. She was a Scottish social worker who looked as if she had slept in a bush the previous night and didn’t possess a hair brush. She was about the same height as Krankie and had the same grating accent.

  13. I refuse to converse with any white person who uses expressions such as “fam, ya get me, blood, the enz etc”. It’s to be expected from the other mob, indeed, we are used to them making buffoons of themselves, but when I hear that pidgin English coming out of the mouths of our own, I feel an uncontrollable (and out of character) rage welling up inside of me.

    Don’t these rodents realise how they sound? Even black people must cringe at them.

    Absolute helmets that need eradication from decent society.


    • Our younger daughter Horace is incredibly good at mimicking that patois and could easily pass herself off as black on the phone or radio. Glad to say though that she only ever does it to take the piss.

    • I can barely understand these fuckwits. Let them remain in the gutter for the rest of their lives. Even some foreigners speak better English. Well, when they’re not claiming benefits or commiting crime.

  14. At last, a worthy nomination. Americans are principally responsible for the degradation of English; their insistence on verbifying nouns, for example.
    I’ve probably made grammatical errors in this and previous comments.

  15. I really hate that words in common usage have been hijacked. In the early 70s Gaye was a girl’s name celebrated in song by singer-songwriter Clifford T. Ward (RIP) and ‘gay’ meant feeling joyful. It replaced ‘queer’ which itself used to signify sickness or strangeness. Now ‘queer’ is back adopted by the LGBT+-×÷ lot. ‘Sick’ now means good “bruv that’s well sick”. I can hear Lenny Henry saying it in his stupid “funny” voice.

    Even English graduates misuse ‘your’ as the contraction of ‘you are’ instead of ‘you’re’ as well as saying ‘bored of’ rather than ‘bored with’. Any attempt to correct such anomalies is treated with contempt. Older people would have been flayed at school for making such errors. Aitches are dropped frequently on University Challenge. Bamber Gascoigne would be horrified. As for misplaced apostrophes…. “fresh cucumber’s”.

    Of course, English has always been an evolving language otherwise we’d still be speaking like Shakespere. But I can’t help feeling it is now in a downward spiral with slang being accepted as mainstream and Radio 4 employing mumblers.

    • Many people I think Lord Helpus, never read anything of a standard even as high as the Sun. I once had a woman in her twenties compose and print off a letter for me and was astonished to find that she didn’t know that the personal pronoun “I” is always capitalised. When I pointed out the error she looked at it for a moment then said; “No,that’s correct. It’s not at the beginning of the sentence.” This leads into your other point about faulty contractions. The offenders knowing no better simply write the word as they say it and thus you’re becomes your and our becomes are. I have seen the phrase; “With all are love” written in a greetings card. Interestingly this mistake is far less common amongst people raised and educated outside the home counties since in provincial dialects it is not customary to flatten one’s vowels as it is with the Metropolitan “elite” many of whom think the way they talk is posh or RP. But that’s one for another nomination!

  16. I saw a wonderful headline at the weekend, pertaining to a child custody case between a “celeb” and his wife, don’t know who because I didn’t give a shit.

    Anyway, headline was

    “… Wins Ugly Child Custody Case!”

    Why he wanted custody of the ugly child is unknown.

  17. It’s the arrogance of the English when they are not understood that annoys me.

    Educated foreigners are taught how to speak correct English, not the fucking shit that you talk.

    During the summer we were sat on the terrace of a busy bar.
    Unfortunately the only free table was next to a group of young English guys.

    At the end of the evening one of the idiots asked for, “Half a dozen bottles of Bud to go”.

    The waiter clearly didn’t understand, so the order was repeated several times.

    Then several times more, increasingly louder.

    Then came the hand gestures.

    Half a dozen (idiot draws an imaginary 6 in the air).
    Bottles of Bud (idiot mimes drinking from a bottle).
    To go (idiot points outside).

    Eventually the waiter asks Mrs Cunter what the fuck do they want.
    She tells him.

    No thanks were given by the English.
    Why should there be?
    They had no idea what was being said so didn’t know that they were being helped.

    • Reminds me AC of the time my mother was simply astonished to learn that Charles de Gaulle could not speak English.

    • Tut tut. “During the summer we were sat on the terrace of a busy bar.”
      No sir. With the greatest of respect, you were “sitting”.

      • With almost obsequious respect, that’s a perfectly good usage in Scotland. I have a vague idea Spanish makes the same distinction between continuous and permanent activities – sorry, don’t know the correct terms. Was sat implies stasis. Was sitting implies continuity of action.

      • ‘Estábamos sentados afuera del bar’….We were sat outside of the bar.

        ‘Estábamos sentados afuera del bar’….. We were sitting outside of the bar.

        Exactly the same…… Both correct.

        There are numerous other ways of describing the same activity.

      • Thanks, Artful. As I said it was a vague idea – what I probably had in mind was “estado” vs “estando”, but I’m wrong.

    • I had a gang of silly cunts in Lanzarotte moaning like fuck because they were served goat cheese instead of cow’s cheese. I told the waiter chinga las putas. Apologised for the ignorance of my fellow Brits. The waiter went off chuckling though.
      I also had to explain to the dozy tarts that cows do not eat volcanic rock.

  18. Point at the young cunt that speaks and shout ” Ruskie…Ruskie…” That shuts the fuckers up

  19. Yesterday, in the high street, I saw two dirty filthy smack head cunts. You know the sort, seen in every town; no arses, no teeth and covered in scabs. Must have been in their twenties. One said to the other “It’s shit here, innit?’

    Experts say that James Joyce had a vocabulary of around 30,000 words, which is a fuck of a lot in my book. I have been told that mine is comparatively large. However, I find that I am increasingly retiring words from my vocabulary and replacing them with cunt, fuck,and bastard. They are generally sufficient for out modern world. For example: lazy immie cunt;l lazy immie bastard; lazy immie fuck. Or, lazy leftie cunt, lazy leftie bastard; lazy leftie fuck.

    Excellent bastard nom!

    Good morning, everyone.

  20. With the huge push for diversity and inclusion it won’t be too long before BBC Breakfast News, the 9 o’clock news and News at 10 are all hosted either by:-

    Migrants straight off the dinghy
    the Alphabets
    People identifying as sheep.

    And they’ll all use their own exclusive lexicon that will be so far removed from English that only about 14 people will be watching.

  21. The Americans have ruined our language. Immediately they open their mouths, the sound is inaudible.

    • You immediately reminded me of the modern day title “Black Cunt Coming to Dinner” film when Spencer Tracy gives Sidney an “ultimatum.” The Ds replacing the Ts is hilarious.

      • My belief is why the “septics” lazily replace the T with a D is because of the huge majority of Irish that emigrated there.

  22. Struth cobbers, you to and froms get mad as a cut snake about their lingo. One’s local patois is there to spot and exclude outsiders, though I’ll speak my best private school English when addressing plod or the magistrate.

  23. Half of ‘da yoof’ speak MEL or LME (London Multirthnic English). ehich to me sounds like a wasting disease.

    ‘dat’s sum peng munch, blud’.
    and ‘dame’s got a swell pair o gams

    Then they all start dancing the Watusi to some sixties Surf rock.

    This is a worthy nom. Control language and you control thought.

    Woke was used by chippy BLM types back in the mid 2010s to describe people (mainly themselves) who were educating themselves on all the racism and the suffering of the people of colour, because 21st century Britain has a terrible racism problem, innit.
    BLM was a Marxist organisation until yhey decided to expunge that bit from their website, as well as one against the traditional family, as good commies hate all institutions apart from the State. As was shown during the pandemic, in the eyes of the left -whose liberal masks fell off completely – the state is sn all-knowing, all powerful diety. The glorious state turns science from method to a dogma and intersectional identity politics is the basis for the new morality.

    The trouble for woke is it’s now a derogatory term for describing the idiots who believe this tripe and sign up to other trendy delusions especially trans-fascism and gender-confused trannies being real women and men.
    The Wokies are zealots who try to control language, and have been doing so through PC for decades because they pretended it was all about manners. Now the whole project has been revealed and the large majority are aware of the project to control language.

    It’s not just right-wing reactionaries who read the Daily Mail; it’s growing numbers of zoomers as well. It’s former advocates of this brain-dead PC bullshit like Rowling and Linehan and other feminists.

    The metropolitain liberal left is eating itself.
    I remember addressing this attempt to control thought by a liberal elite in the mid noughties and people thought i was a mad bigot.

    It still surprises me how many people go along with it, until you know what they do for a living. they’re usually state employers and have to peddle this shite. Some are true believers, some just want to hang on to a cushy job, 4 foreign holidays a year and a pension.

    Either way they’re fucking scuhmcunts.

  24. This is a nom that has found its time, and the comments pre-empt most of my thoughts on the subject. Not quite all, though.

    I say the degradation of spoken English is a deadly threat to our identity, as well as to our understanding of our written heritage. We have lost precision, wit and elegance, and these are not luxuries for the upper classes. They are basic functions of language, whether that of the King James Bible or the craic in a Highland pub of the last century. Of Pope, Dylan Thomas, Joyce, Flann O’Brien, and yes, MIles, Chesterton too. There is no-one of their capacity writing in English today.

    As in everything else about the wreckage that is Britain, a backlash is sorely needed. But we – or at least our native speakers – are a tolerant people, and that is our fatal error.

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