is a cunt, who has said that the UK cannot ignore calls for reparations over the slave trade. Full story in the link, so won’t say too much.
However, I think we’re all waiting for him to order West Africa to start the compensation process by paying huge sums to whichever set of grifters are claiming, since there wouldn’t have even been a slave trade without their connivance.
With respect your honour, go do one.
Nominated by mystic maven with a seconding by Geordie Twatt below.
I second the nomination of Patrick Robinson.
This cunt with dollar signs in his eyes seems to have studied mathematics at the Diane Abbott Academy. He tells the Groaniad (naturally) he wants £18.8 trillion (yes TRILLION) in total from us, £8 trillion of it to go to Jamaica.
The current population of Jamaica is 2.8 million, so I make that the best part of £3 million per person. Which would keep them permanently zoned out on ganja for the rest of eternity.
Incidentally, Judge Robinson is, er, Jamaican.
And a cunt, obviously.
I just found a pound coin in my pocket, dr zaìus is welcome to come and pick it up..
Fucking grifters..
Do they actually believe a few dozen honkys enslaved millions of Africans without help from Africans..
Patrick Robinson is that his slave name?
What’s your umbongo name pat?
Do the children of criminals have to pay for their parent’s crimes? Lunacy.
If they did, the entire black population of the civilised world would be back in slavery paying their debts off to the white man for eternity.
How these buggers manage to keep a straight face whilst making such absurd statements is beyond me.
Because deep down, they know it will happen. All pre-ordained to put the white-man in his place – like unfettered immigration.
If this happens I’m off to live in Hungary basically
Good Morning
We gave the people of colour some of the most beautiful islands in the world in the Caribbean, surely that is more than enough compensation?
Most white people lived in near slave like conditions themselves until the 20th century, how come their descendants are being asked to foot the bill for some imaginary compensation?
And anyway, IF compensation was due (it ain’t of course), shouldn’t it be paid to the descendants of the relatives taken from West Africa who are still living in their mud huts in Bongo Land? Not to the descendants now living in the relatively affluent Jamaica, who would not be enjoying such relative affluence if their ancestors had not been given a taxi ride?
This bloke must have th brains of a two-day old woodlouse. But he has somehow become a judge? Fuck off.
Of course money solves everything doesn’t it?
If your average Brit could look far back enough through their family tree, they’d find their ancient ancestors were most likely no more than slaves to land owners of the time.
He can fuck off! Although I’m sure we could send some old tyres to make swings out of.
Not a single person today is responsible for the actions of their ancestors. This turd is just another whining nëgro trying to make some spurious, historical compo.
I love this figure of £18 trillion
About 6 times the GDP of the UK
Not sure where this stupid old cunt thinks we are going to get it , even if we agreed with paying it in the first place
‘£3 million per person’
Wow. If it’s given to blacks here they will be known as The Windfall Generation!
Wow I bet there’s a few in Jamaica thinking ‘fuck me this could come ttue’!
Dancing down the streets of Trenchtown-‘we’re in the money, we’re in the money!’
Pay for their parents’ crimes?
The African slave trade was a legal business.
No crime committed.
I’m fucking sick of hearing these black people whinging about the slave trade.
We can have sympathy for what our parents had to endure in their lives.
Less so for the plights of our grand parents.
For our great grand parents we start not really caring at all.
That is the way that all people are wired.
We couldn’t cope with life if we had emotions for generations so far in the past.
The emotions and anger that black people pretend to have about long gone generations are entirely manufactured.
They think that they should feel outrage, so they do.
When you manufacture an emotion you can make it as strong as you want.
But it remains manufactured.
This guy should be told to go and fuck himself.
How can this tyre swing user give an objective view?
He’s one of the cunts after free money…..
Reparations? That’s the buzzword of the day. I seem to remember that, according to the Treaty of Versailles, Fritz was supposed to bung us reparations which wouldn’t have been paid off until 1985.
Unfortunately some Austrian cunt with a little tache came along and told us to stick it up our arses. That ended well didn’t it?
Learn from history? You have to know your history in the first place and Kunte Kinte obviously doesn’t have a fucking clue.
Even Alex haley said that he embellished (lied) about some of the things he wrote in his book ‘roots’ with cunty kinki,the cunt.
I agree with him. If asked, we should not ignore a call for reparations. It would be most remiss of us. At the appropriate level, we should tell him to fuck right off and advise him that if self-pitying, thick and work shy cunts want to better themselves they should stop shagging and smoking ‘ganja’ all of the time, get an education and an alarm clock and do some fucking work for a change.
Patrick Robinson my Septic ass! Irish given name and Scottish family name and he has the gall to demand reparations for growing up in the civilized world.
He’s lucky he grew up in a Crown Colony instead of the Dark Continent where he would have been living in a mud hut, drinking out of a mud hole and nobody would have ever heard of Umbongo Bingo Bongo.
Repatriate his black ass back to the Dark Continent and see how long it is before he begs to come back to civilization
Race relations get worse by the week. I wonder why?
B’cauz white foke be raysist Mahfukkers…yu know what I’m sayin’?
By Mr Robinsons calculations, Germany must be looking at a potential bill of somewhere in the region of £800 Squillion for starting two world wars and crimes against humanity.
Oh I forgot. White lives don’t matter.
I can’t blame the stupid cunt for trying,we are seen as a soft touch these days..
There’s a whole industry based on being The Oppressed,which is also known as Fed Up with being Blek and Useless.
I just hope he tries this shit with the notorious slave traders,the Saudis…him and his entourage will end up in bin bags down a well.
He’s lucky his tribal ancestors sold his other tribal ancestors to the English and they worked on a plantation in the New World rather than being taken by the Arabs, dragged to the dessert and made into a Eunuch so he could guard the White Women in the Harem.
I wonder if the dumb cunt realizes that if that had happened he wouldn’t be here today and the world would be a better place?
To be fair , the Saudis are the only ones with enough spare cash to fund his £18tn lotto bonanza
Sadly for him, they insist on spending it on Ronaldo and Jordan Henderson
The only answer is to reenslave them and we all get £3million.
I’m buying a bigger whip with my money
I want reparations from the Argies for starting the Falklands War and that druggie arsehole, Maradona, cheating us out of the World Cup. Fat fucking greasy dago cunt.
They made enough money when the jam company ran a bus pass service.
A certain woman sat for hours on a bus for whites only and never paid a penny.
It must be a horrible thing.
You are dragged from your home and your peaceful life to be forced onto a boat.
You are made to do a dangerous job which will probably result in your death.
You are sent to far away places from which you will almost certainly never return.
My heart really goes out to………..
The tens of thousands of people that were press ganged, most notoriously during the Napoleonic Wars.
I bet that if I could trace my family tree back far enough I could find a very distant ancestor who was press ganged.
Could I please have my £3 million paid in Euros?
Smeg off you silly ?.Back to your mud hut dear.
Dear Judge Robinson, please go fuck yourself heartily with a rounders bar wrapped with barbed wire.
Yours a friend of common sense.
Ps dickhead.
Bat not bar fucking touch pad predictive write it for you bollocks
I apologise profusely
Everyone can claim they’ve been hard done by.
But this cunt has not been hard done by.
He has an important job which is probably extremely well paid.
His very distant ancestors may well have been hard done by.
At least some of them.
He will also have very distant ancestors who profited from the slave trade.
Best not to mention them.
We should be getting repatriation monies from the Vikings and then by the Italian cunts who made EVERY Briton a slave.
We could make it like a house purchase. He is in a chain, and we are waiting for reparations from the Scandinavians and they are waiting on ….etc
Imagine the rush back to Jamaica if they get given all this dosh, London would be cleansed in 2 days and the airlines would be inundated, may be worth doing.
This cunt looksas if he has just stepped out of the beloved Dizney classic ‘Song of the South’.
“…My,oh my, what a wonderful day,
Plenty of cash is coming my way,
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, Zip-a-dee-ay!”
Good morning, everyone.
The Old saying goes
To Make a Blackie a millionaire he’d have to start with 2
It would be wasted on £ 100 Trainers, gold chains, Gold Tooth, Guns, BMW, kfc etc
It would be gone in no time
Then he’d be there again wanting more
More proof, if any were needed, that Enoch was bang on the money.
Instead of putting these black cunts in their place.
We’ll cough up.
But we’ll ‘ only ‘ pay sixteen trillion.
And call it a victory.
Britannia humiliated ?
If Hitler was running for office, I’d fucking vote for him.
Just Fuck Off.
Morning, Jack. I just had a vision of the eco protester cunts trying to argue with the SS! Fucking bloodbath; brilliant.
Morning, Twenty.
What a lovely thought ?
About emissions specifically. Not sure they gave a fuck about that
Gibs muh dat free shit whitey!!
The greeuvance industry at it again. The UN/WHO apparatus does hire some fucking goons, just like the IMF and EU.
Time to defund the fucking lot.
I think the ancestors of the blacks have been compensated more than enough, givrn the living stands they enjoy in North America and Europe.
They owe us.
It’s the oldest trick in the book. Ask for outrageous sums and you get close to what you deserve. Fuck all !!!