Reynolds is the son of Great Train Robbery ringleader, Bruce Reynolds. And, on the sixtieth anniversary of the crime, Reynolds the younger has been bigging up his old man and painting him as some sort of suave ring-a-ding cocktail hour James Bond type. Amongst other things, he compared his father to James Bond. Reynolds said his dad drove an Aston Martin and went scuba diving, leading him to think he was a spy. He also said his dad “dressed extremely smartly” in designer clothes and “he kind of modelled himself on the character Cary Grant played in To Catch a Thief”.
Then he said his parents looked like a young couple, very much in love, living the good life. He added that at times his parents would fly from Mexico to Las Vegas just to eat a steak or watch Frank Sinatra perform. And he also thinks his old man’s story could one day be adapted into a television drama.
“It’s a fascinating story. You’ve got the robbery itself, the capture and the escapes,” he said.
Bollocks, of course. The so-called Great Train Robbers were scum. The family of Jack Mills will tell anyone that. Robin Hood meets James Bond, my arse. One of those cunts gave Mills a vicious beating which he never recovered from. A harmless, honest, decent working man. Permanently damaged because of bastards like that. The cunts should have worked for their money like Mills and everybody else does. So spare me the gorblimey folk hero Jack the Lad in Rio crap.
Nominated by Norman.
Compared his dad to James Bond did he?
Reynolds was the kind of cunt that 007 would have scraped off his shoe after booting him repeatedly in the face.
Working class martyrs? Fuck off you twat.
Morning all.
Even Daniel Craig makes a better James Bond than this cunt.
“…Reynolds said his dad drove an Aston Martin and went scuba diving, leading him to think he was a spy…”
Interesting corrobarative aside – used to run a dive centre and being swamped with students had to hire in another instructor. Guy pitches up, fresh from a season in Greece, does a coupla pool sessions as a try out, excellent instructor, yer hired mate. A few weeks in he tells me that while in Greece he spent two weeks taking ‘Mad’ Frankie Fraser on shallow dives, just bimbling about in the Med and after EVERY dive Fraser insisted that my man strip and inspect his 2nd stage (the bit that goes in yer gob). Totally paranoid that it might have been ‘got at’!
Has this bloke got a book coming out, or a new single?
Scumbag. And this was before nearly every film has the jolly old villains kicking the shit out of innocent workers and members of the public. So he can’t even blame Hollywood for de-sensitising his dear old man.
I’d quite like to know where Reynolds is buried so I could get the dog to curl one out on his grave.
Highgate Cemetery.
Criminals are invariably made into Robin Hoods, especially the violent fuckers for some reason.
About 25 years ago coming up to retirement I dabbled a little in ripping dvds and processing screeners onto disc. A guy I knew in Kent would take quite a few and the discs in those days were inferior than those today.
Anyhow one day he phoned me and says a few discs were sticking to which i told him to wait a couple of weeks and I’d sort it out.
Better be quick he says, they’re for Frankie Fraser.
I posted them the same day.
For legal reasons that story is made up.
“…they’re for Frankie Fraser….”
…see my above…
Bond is now black ?
Anne Boleyn too.
Snow White.
Plus many others that Idris Elba chooses to race change.
and female, and a lesbian and her son, ia a architect, and her father was part of the Windrush generation, and his great grandfather was a slave, and her boss is a racist gammon, and she makes makes the best goat curry, so there.
I wouldn’t wipe my arse with goat curry.
I couldn’t wipe my arse with any curry.
The article from the cunts at BBCistan reads like one of those Viz piss takes before it became shit..
“I worked as a spy and snagged loads of models but now live above a chippy in Doncaster”..
Glorifying thieves is a right cunts trick,so perfect for this twat and the celebrity obsessed dross of the bbc.
Shagged you cunt
UT snagging was the elf & safety version.
“…reads like one of those Viz piss takes …”
Aldridge Prior – The Hopeless Liar
This is a interesting article,re the above.
Ronnie Biggs escaped from, guess where.
I always preferred the piranha brothers..
Doug and dinsdale.
People were in and out of each other’s houses with each other’s property all day. They were a cheery lot.
Always had time to nail your head to the floor.
Or screw you pelvis to a cake stand if they were feeling benevolent.
Fucking spiv.
Bigging up crime like it’s a cool thing to do.
Don’t see that type of behaviour or attitude in Brixton – you just get jipped up with a knife for looking like a cunt.
Piss off.
The glorification of fkwits, same story all around these types, rinsed and repeated.
The one thing about scum, armed thieves, drug dealers and murders is they are not that clever, they are just brutal thuggery and unforgiving cunts.
The small few that manage to rise to the top carry the same chip.
Comeuppance arrives for the most of em.
I recall Phil Collins playing Buster Edwards as a bit of a cheekie chappie loveable rogue type back in the 80s.
Bet he looked arfter his dear ol’ mam and all that…
Before robbing her for a night out on the piss ???
Some say it was Buster Edwards who gave Jack Mills that nasty beating.
That Buster film was shit. Collins as an over romanticised lovable gorblimey guv’nor rogue who loved his Mrs. And making out the train robbers never broke any heads.
And when Edwards gives himself up to Phil’s dirge like cover of ‘A Groovy Kind Of Love’ it’s time for the sick bucket.
I also especially despise the drug dealers who infect and destroy their own so called, salt of the earth communities. Crack cocaine is a sickness on people with fk all but these cunts come from the same place. Camaraderie my bollocks but they luv they’re mams an nannies so that makes it all ok and little johnnie needs a scrambler to terrorise around in.
When I become Supreme Dictator, drug running scum will be nailed to trees as an example to others.
Worked for the Romans, crucifixion that is.
Afternoon Ron, everyone.
“…nail ’em up I say… NAIL some sense into ’em!… wonderful race the Romans…”
I’d legalise a lot of it.
The war on drugs was lost decades ago.
The only successful safe robbers, bank robbers, drug lords, gangsters etc are the ones who don’t spend a lifetime in the clink. Typical UK, glorifies more people who got things fucking wrong. I am interested in the Mafia, Krays, Great Train Robbers etc but I never condone what they did. The real hard men are the ones getting up at 6am every morning to go to a factory for 50 years (if there’s any factories left in the UK).
Yes, you can be interested in them without glorifying them, or writing them off completely.
It always fascinates me the amount of birds that are obsessed with violent criminals . The ones who are in constant contact with them behind bars.
That head case that goes by the name “ Charles Bronsen” has this slag waiting for him when he gets out and said the first thing she will do is shag him in the nearest hotel even though she’s never met him ?
Women want relationships with prisoners because they don’t have to drop their knickers. It’s as simple as that.
Roberta Kray. Married known sausage jockey Reggie while he was in the nick. Wonder why?
Of course, she writes crappy lurid novels, with Roberta in small letters and Kray is massive fucking letters on the covers.
Reynolds WAS like James Bond.
A brylcreamed haired clotheshorse poseur cunt.
The flash cunt never did a honest days work in his life.
These villians pretend to have a code of conduct.
It’s all Bollocks.
Fuckin headtheballs an theiving cunts.
Good nom Norman.?
That’s Commander Bond of the Royal Navy you’re talking about.
Let’s not forget the robbers and thieves who are legal – LURPAK!!!!
…..and my local authority, useless self aggrandising and self serving twats that they are, elected councillors and council employees alike. Wankers, especially planning. Nowhere round here’s safe from unwanted development. I’ll wager that they know more about backhanders than Roger Federer.
Wood chipper treatment feet first.Twat.
As for son ‘Nick’ well he’s no James Bond either with his long Permed hair and goatee,
1987 is that way Bon Jovi ?
Probably a lovechild of Bruce Springclean. Loves a bit of double denim.
Plays air guitar while watching Buster the director’s cut.
And another thing!
James Bond works for the government and can’t keep his dick in his STD riddled undercrackers.
In reality he’d be Chris Pincher.
Bit of a stretch.
Does it say ‘Turd Polisher’ on his c.v., I wonder.
In the late 90s every deadleg and gypsy fingered cunt in London was bringing out a book.
Clean getaway!!-
The inside story of Ronnie krays cleaning lady
Tell all story of the woman who knew him least!
They were all at it
Bare Knuckle fighters
Armed robbers
Football hooligans
Anyone who should of been hung had a publishing deal.
Mad Frankie Frazier
Lenny mcLean
And every one of them had a tough childhood
Was abused
Was really a gentle giant
Was good to their mum
Hated bullies
Was a victim zzzzzzzzzz
Everyone of them was a fuckin nutter.
And a bullshitter
Making excuses for why they were cunts.
You missed ‘loveable rogue’. I read about them every week in the local excuse for a paper.
Too true, Miserable.
In the 90s, book stores were filled with all this ‘True Crime’ shit.
With ludicrous titles like….
The Axeman
The Guv’nor
The Firm
Frankie Bubbles
Dan The Dagger Man
Hard Bastards
Bad Slags
I Was Ronnie’s Bum Boy
Cars ‘N’ Shooters
Of course, this was very much in vogue with the 90s bellends, like Loaded Magazine and cunts like Guy Richie. I recall The Fast Show did a really good piss take of it. ‘E must ‘ave put the ‘ole of King’s Cross up is ootargh!’
And that little slag ‘Babs’ Windsor was well into this shit. Lapped up the lifestyle and notoriety with Ronnie Knight, and several ‘Scum in the Sun’ tabloid exclusives were done by Babs when she was Knight’s moll in Spain.
Windsor also cashed in on the Krays as well, Claiming she was screwed by Reggie.
Lads mags were shit. Even the pin ups were weirdly airbrushed and had amber filters to make them look extra tanned. Had a mate who worked for one retouching the photos in photoshop. He said a lot of the birds were nice enough but not what you’d csll stunning if you saw them without the CG artwork.
Yeah up the arse while she was wearing a false moustache and a bowler hat.
Buster Edwards ran a flower stall for years.
Luvvie actor Dexter Fletcher stole some flowers from the stall,
And Buster reported him to the police.
This was in 91.
Isn’t that grassing?
Dexter Fletcher is a twat.
It wasn’t Dexter’s fault MNC
He was Press-ganged into it by Julia Sawahla
James Bond didn’t get his car or suits from being a Low rent thieving piece of scum responsible for a man’s death who was just doing his job.
Tell that to the SPECTRE technicians in that volcano.
It was silly, but I loved You Only Live Twice. John Barry’s Space March made it.
Pwopah muggy cunt – him and his old man.
Kate Kray was on ‘Ard Bastards hosted by Danny Dyer
They got a whole hour of Danny idolising her for being married to a fat psychopathic poof
Nice one
“Leave it ahhhhhhtttttttt!!!!!! You want ammonia in the boat? I’ll suck you in and blow you ahhtt the other side. And wipe that soppy grin off your chops you caaaant”. – Laurence Olivier, Rise of The Footsoldier, Skegness. Coming to theatres soon.
My brother hates Briitsh gangster worship as much as Mis’. He will not watch gangster films. Those he has seen he doesn’t really like, even the light-hearted Guy Ritchie ones.
I think they’re interesting characters but the media love glamourising that lifestyle.
No doubt there is some glamour but I get the impression those days are fleeting and most of that existence is based on misery, pain and dread for yourself and especially loved ones.
Then again, psychopaths exist.
Whatever happened to that fat bald cunt Dave Courtney?