Middle Age Hair Growth

I’m teetering towards my mid 50s and having some decidedly odd side effects.

My eyebrows are starting to make me look like a Gallagher brother,
My nostrils have filled with hair,
But most worrisome the tops of my ears have sprouted furry points
Like a lynx.

What’s the evolutionary advantage of a middle age removal man having furry Vulcan ears?!!

Now I’m not one of those male grooming puffs.
As many of you know I sport a beard that would guarantee me a walk on part in the Hobbit.
But that’s by choice
I have control over that.
So what else is in-store for me?
A tail?
Will I moult in summer?
Am I more prone to ticks an fleas?
How did Lon Chaney deal with this?
Luckily vanity isn’t one of my failings.

Nominated by : Miserable northern cunt

60 thoughts on “Middle Age Hair Growth

  1. Random extra body hair is Mother Nature’s way of compensating us for the curse that is known as balding.

    Also, I used to have really hairy legs. These days, my calves are hairless, and shins have a few token hairs hanging on for grim death.

    My eyebrows, however! Dear Lord.
    Anyone remember the Thunderbirds?
    Those huge eyebrows, yep, that’s me.

  2. seeing that header pic reminded me of an old joke ”
    “mummy mummy why do all the kids at school call me werewolf?”
    “oh shut up and comb your face”
    It’s a cracker?

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