As with all progressive right-on woke window dressing, it makes a nice soundbite for the east coast liberals, Hollyweird elites and the MSM but its the millions of ordinary citizens who pay the price.
This has proved the case with New York City Mayor Eric Adams who just a few years ago said he wanted NYC to be even more of a ‘sanctuary’ for illegal immigrants.
Build it and they shall come!
And so they have. 10,000 diverse and enriched Venezuelans, Mexicans, West Africans, Haitians and many, many more are flooding into NYC every month. Of course there is nowhere to put them all so hotels, community centres and even police stations are being commandeered. Mmm…sounds strangely familiar. Protests have erupted with citizens demanding that the mayor put Americans first in a city already plagued with high crime, lack of affordable housing, high rents and a homeless epidemic.
Adams is blaming Sleepy Joe and his administration for a lack of action on the southern border but didn’t seem that bothered when small border towns in Texas and Arizona were regularly swamped by thousands of migrants every week. But who cares about some dusty desert shithole a couple of thousand miles away full of rednecks who voted Trump?
“Never in my life have I had a problem that I didn’t see an ending to. I don’t see and ending to this. This issue will destroy New York City” said Adams. It’s called a wall you dumb hand-wringing cunt. A big fucking wall.
Sad to see another one of the worlds great cities turning into a liberal hellscape.
They call it the Big Apple but maybe the tourism chiefs should think about remarketing it as the Big Turd.
Nominated by : Liberal Liquidator
Jiveass motherfucker.
Yo Eric,
You go a special school or sumptin?
NYC is doomed.
Pastrami on rye you fuckin douchebag.
Build the wall around the city – like in Escape From New York
Where’s Snake Plissken when you need him?
I think Snake can rest easy on this one. I’m sure Bob Hauk has decided that Eric can stay behind the wall in the world he has made.
Do the same in londstabistan.
Like all apples even big apples, if not handled properly it will become bruised and rotten to the core , and judging by the nom pic a maggot has already set up home.
And notorious New York shitehawk Allen Klein was the fat maggot that got into the Beatles Apple.
I know this will have been said before, however, I’ll say it again:- why don’t all these fucking enrichers stay back home and make home a worthwhile place?
It’s always been easier to destroy than create..
Just ask the almighty..
Because they are too thick and incapable.
They fuck up their own country then fuck up the place they invade.
Useless third world rubbish with nothing to contribute but misery ,crime,entitlement and a third world mentality.
Why do black blokes never smile in photos?
Always do ‘sullen’?
Acting hard Eric?
You’ve filled your shithole city with 3rd world criminals you fuckin moron.
No point blaming Joe the Corpse now.
Your the mayor you fuckin shoeshine sumbitch.
They got dem chains wypepo put dere, dammit.
And totally predictable
Oprah Whiffey
Megraine Markle
Michael Obama
Patrisse Coloured
Come on ladies, you’ve all got plenty of spare bedrooms. How about showing some solidarity with your fellow minorities and offering some free accommodation?
More chance of Uncle Joe walking ten paces without falling over.
If New York native Scarlett Johansson offered me a spot in her bedroom, I might be tempted…?
I’d hide in her laundry basket.
Noo Yoik is a crime riddled drug infested poofs playground shithole anyway.
Also home of the most arrogant cunts in the world, apart from Paris.
If any more shit gets crammed into ‘Da Big Apple’ it might explode….?
Noo yawk?!
All the animals come out at night.
Whores, skunk pussies,buggers, queen’s, fairies,dopers, junkies,sick, venal.
– T.Bickle
Head of NY tourist board.
You talkin to me?
There’ll be plenty more shit. All that browness and diversity means a lot more. You’ll feel it and smell it like an open sewer.. It’ll be like East London or Birmingham where you can see the effects of Diversity shitting in the street on a daily basis. Enoch Powell was slightly wrong; he should’ve said, “rivers of effluent.”
Studio 54 was an AIDS factory.
John Lennon always went on about how great Noo Yoik was, and how ace it was to live there and how nobody bothered him on the street.
Well, that ended well, didn’t it??
Blighty wasn’t good enough for him or Empress Hirohito.
Fuck ’em.
Tittenhurst Park for that place.Strewth.
John Lennon wanted peace.
And he fucking got all the peace he needed, didn’t he?
Bernard Manning at the Embassy Club, December 1980.
‘John Lennon wanted peace… Now he’s fucking got it.’
Fucking Ono wanted him well away from his relatives, his friends and – most of all – his ex-bandmates. The bitch also used numerology, tarot and all other sorts of crap to control him.
Enough is known about her already. But I expect a huge can of worms is waiting to be opened when she dies. And Albert Goldman will get some vindication.
I visited NYC in 2009 and it was a great place. I proposed to Mrs M on top of the Empire State Building.
Fast forward 14 years and the place has become a zoo for wild simian. Fuck.going back there again.
Nice touch maskinback ?
Hey Paul!
You should of proposed in a gorilla suit!
Like King Kong.
If she’s a romantic she’d of loved that.
I’m hirsute enough, MNC – no need for a suit!
Did you climb up the outside to avoid paying?
My brother went there in 2011.
The place was as clean as a whistle, although he was still told by a local mate to carry himself with a bit of attitude and not look like a tourist (wearing backpacks, looking at maps).
No doubt Adams will blame the usual suspect for New York’s crimes and tribulations.
I look forward to General Cunster’s considers views as a our New York Correspondent.
Braverman referenced NYC in her speech (also Malmo)
Turn anything into a toilet and it becomes a shithole!
If you fill a place with shit it will stink.
Hang the filthy cunt.
I am usually quite good at working things out.
Reading between the lines……
But I can’t work out why the majority of politicians are intent on importing millions of semi literate people from every shit hole country in the world.
It should have been obvious that these people are never going to work or to contribute to the economies.
Quite the contrary in fact.
I can’t see that almost all politicians and world leaders have gone completely mad at the same time.
What the fuck is going on?
Aren’t Hispanics supposed to be the most hard working?
Your thinking of Arsenics.
I’ve said it before. Supported illegal immigration is a tool for the elites to own a police force to pick on law abiding citizens.
Minimum wage monkeys that will do the cunts bidding under threat of deportation. I watched a video the other day of a ‘ ulez blade runner ‘ blocking a ulez van and a monkey and a middle eastern employee bollocking the bloke.
I’ll find it and post it here.
Thanks Cuntflu.
But what is the point of bullying law abiding citizens when those are the people that would vote for you?
The immigrants that do work for a minimum wage are not contributing to the tax system and they are not under threat of deportation.
And why have the politicians of almost every western country decided on this action?
It still makes no sense to me.
Hi Artful
I’ll just put my tin foil hat on here and explain my theory (conspiracy) if you want.
After the obvious bullshit (which I truly hope people realise now) in 2020 and the subsequent roll out of a particularly dangerous ‘ safe and effective, (ok)’ cure, there is no denying that excess deaths of the older generation ( and alot of collateral damage of people from the age of 8 upwards ?).
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION ramped up during this time which most people with the I.Q. higher than a wasp should have noticed ?
My view on it is……
1. Erase the older generation to save millions on o.a.p pension payments. And personal pensions which expire on death which saves the big companies millions.
Now this has a further impact, by erasing old people you get rid of traditional ideas and the value of the family.
2. Import ILLEGAL, YES ILLEGAL numbers from third world shitholes to create fear in the smallest communities to confuse and frustrate the voters that will possibly change their vote to the good old labour Utter fucking cunts.
This is something you should keep your eye on globally.
3. All the money saved from the death of pensioners will create money to spend processing the illegals to be fast tracked as basic slaves to push the indigenous people into a position of racist (bullshit) nationalist (bullshit) ideals to protect their own.
4. Lgbtabcd, minor attracted people? BLM, jso, extinction, antifa, Ukraine flags, climate bollocks. Banging fucking pans for the NHS.
Every group above is a government sponsored bunch of rich cunts straight out the book of
Pol Pot.
5. Water down the population so we go basically back to slavery, which ironically the blacks keep brow beating fucking white stupid liberals with..
I welcome the downfall of society.
Good times make weak Men.
Rant over.
Thank you
“Erase the older generation”
Your highest voter demographic.
It’s deliberate. Obviously .
And it’s about money and power. They (MPs and their backers) will be part of the ‘elite’ class (able to drive a car, own several homes etc), while the rest will be wage slaves on rationed power to ‘save the planet’. Import loads of third world cunts to breed like rabbits and housing demand increases, making these cunts even richer. The NHS/Social Security/education systems collapse under too much demand with too little in contributions. Creating even cheaper labour and crap ‘private’ healthcare (guess who’ll be owning that?)
I am Nostradamus and no, you can’t claim your fiver because I’ve given it to Greta, to save her future.
And this latest speech from Suella?
It’s almost as if there’s a election soon.
I watched this recently, from an academic in America who explains the reasons for mass illegal migration and who benefits pretty well.
Worth a watch.
Between 1500 and 1930, more than 60 million Europeans immigrated to America.
A very bad example was set by all.
And turned a wasteland into a modern society that went to the moon.
I am proud of the achievements of our people.
Thanks for the video link Polite Cunt but you must have read more into it than I could.
A quasi intellectual Yank taking fucking ages to try to explain something that could have been said in a few sentences.
Cheap labour?
The immigrants being encouraged to go to the UK have little intention of working, especially for low wages.
More money to be had in benefits.
Does the UK really need an additional few hundred fruit pickers every day?
Political parties wanting to secure new voters?
The mainstream political parties in the UK are all for unchecked immigration and does anyone think that the immigrants will remember what party was in power the day that they first took residence in their 4 star hotel?
Financial institutions benefiting from foreign exchange rates when these illegal immigrants send money back to their home countries?
That’s a bit of a stretch.
These immigrants are not interested in sending money to support their families.
They want to bring their families to the UK to scrounge like they do, which they can do legally once they become residents.
I know that the video was made in 2001 and relates to another country, but it really doesn’t answer any questions.
*made in 2021
Hi Arftful, i get what you mean about migrants having no intention of working and just coming for the scrounge, i thought that myself.
Cheap labour was eastern europe, now we have imported layabouts who bring nothing to the country.
Maybe our ‘betters’ just hate us and think this is the best way to wind us up.
Hate them back and don’t vote for them.
“…I can’t see that almost all politicians and world leaders have gone completely mad at the same time. … What the fuck is going on?…”
Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of Christian European ethnic societies
…we call that “a clue”. And there’s plenty more where that came from.
Spectre? Does she have blades in the soles of her shoes?
Never wanted to go.
Awful place full of dreadful people.
Probably get hit by a falling monkey at the Empire state.
I’d like to see where John Lennon got shot,
Cheer me up that .
Set some caps off ?
And go to Ground Zero.
” Lot more light now isn’t there?!”
But it’s not for me.
I like Old York.
Much nicer.
I went for a long weekend in the late 80’s. Upset one cunt in a bar when I told him I was going out because I was up for a fag then later, in the same bar, I asked where the toilet was and when the barman said “the restroom?”, I said “no, I want a shit”. His face was worth the flight cost.
Hehehe ??
Still nicer than London though.
I hope million of immos end up in Beverley Hills and Hollywood areas.
Afterall, this is the kind of shite the woke Hollywood libtards keep banging about; so having a few thousand “Beaners” literally on their doorstep should make for interesting reading.
Loads of them are leaving California in droves Techno.
The irony is that many of the places they are moving to are the ‘Red states’.
I wonder if any of the media have asked these people exactly why they’re moving out so soon after Biden opened the borders more or less with their blessing via the ballot box.
They blame taxation – California has very high taxes.
There’s also the homeless problem. Approximately 170,000 homeless people as of 2022. So probably higher now.
They’ve also spent somewhere around $17 billion trying to fix things. Yet it keeps getting worse?
Throwing money at the problem doesn’t seem to be working does it?
Of course they say the homeless have problems with the elf. What they don’t mention is that the elf is most likely down to substance abuse problems.
There’s also the increasing violence.
According to the aforementioned Victor D Hansen, the meth heads and hobos from tentopolis are now seen around the Hollywood/Beverly Hills region, looking to break in to properties.
I love the use in the report of the term ‘travelling guests’. Lol!
Speaking of shithouse American cities…
Fackin’ ‘ell.
Oi guv’… fancy a bit of tranq?
Rudolph Guiliani introduced zero tolerance in NYC in his time as Mayor. Cracked down on the so called lesser crimes so that the scumbags couldn’t take the piss, Result = A decrease in crime. Now he lets in undocumented illegal aliens, some of whom will have criminal records. An increase in crime. It’s not Rocket Science Eric you bellend.
Been to New York several times and always enjoyed my trips. That said, I was doing the touristy stuff like seeing the tall green tart holding an ice cream cone, Ellis Island, Empire State Building. That sort of thing.
Last time I was there was about 10 years ago to see Killing Joke two nights running at the Irving Plaza. One of the nights the air was rank with some horrid substance. Made your eyes water and made Mrs. Yank feel quite unwell.
There are a few places I’ve been to in America which I will never visit again. New York is one of them.
I want to go to Nashville or New Orleans.
You ever been there IY?
I have not been to either, Harold. I’ve driven through Louisiana on my way to Texas and can’t remember where I stopped. It wasn’t New Orleans though.
I don’t even know where Nashville is. I have no plans to check it out. I’m having far too much fun in the tropical paradise known as Minnesota. Plus ‘free’ shopping in downtown Minneapolis every Saturday night. It’s awesome.
I also fancied going to the Rocky Mountains or the Adirondacks but worry I’d get attacked by a Mountain Lion or, egads, stumble upon TtCE trying to make the beast with two backs with some $20 truck stop good-time gal while he’s tripping on shrooms.
The old Noo Yokk was cool though. Back then the Immos were Kojak, Bugsy Malone, de fookin’ Oirish, Huggy Bear, or some Polska cunt like Popeye. The crimes were stealing from a shop or robbing a bank. Now you can be stabbed to death on a busy bus like in Croydon today. Cagney & Lacey or Starskey & Hutch would shit themselves with the latest bits of Diversity.
Maggie @
Was Popeye polish?!
I never knew that.
I just assumed he was because he was a sailor who said, “ski” at the end of everything.
Plus he couldn’t speak properly and sold drugs.
The Captain is correct.
In an upcoming Disney live-action film he swaps his spinach for a can of Tyskie and gives Olive Oyl a blackeye.
Speaking of Popeye,
Now London is full of drugged up psycho blacks stabbing everyone in sight, what the city and the Met need is their own version of Robocop.
Give the contract to Serco.
May I present the future of the law enforcement..
That’s the reason the UN is in this swamp, all alike, all fuck fucking cunts on the make.
It’ll be winter soon. Winters in Noo Yoik are cold as a witch’s tit, so hopefully thousands of these sponging wetback scum will freeze to death.
Maybe the remaining caramel-coloured cunts could keep warm by burning their friends’ corpses; a beaner bonfire, if you will.
Behind every regressive city you’ll probably find a progressive government.
But dont forget, the progressives are on ‘the right side of history’, even when most of the population is cold and starving.
For me New York will always be:-
The French Connection
Seven Ups
Taking of Pelham 1,2,3
Taxi Driver
Death Wish
and many other gritty, 1970s film thrillers set in the Big Apple, with all its crime, corruption, violence and torture.
…but enough about the New York police!
Not forgetting “Out in Manhattan”, TC.
A wholesome family movie and no mistake.
Never heard of it, Thomas, but it does star some bloke called Alan Cumming – sounds like the perfect role!
We cunted tartan sausage jockey Cumming earlier this year Techno:
I don’t mind him as an actor but he is a full-on professional gay.
Not as full-blown musical theatre type as John Barrowman but still an actor-vist.
The gays had it worst. AIDS is the worst. All that.
Rosemary’s Baby,
The Equalizer (the original TV series. Not the reimagined woke sambeau shite).
The Warriors.
Maybe not, unless the beast was gay and just wanted to hang out in ‘the village’.
That’s probably why it took the Statue of Liberty’s head off.
‘I’m the queen of this town, cunt!’
Goes around wearing the SoL’s crown like a tiara, smashes up some tanks.
Ru Paul on Broadway; ‘Slay, queen!’
He’s got that fear they all have, when’s the cooking pot arriving.
For a bit of context, El Paso in Texas (pop around 680,000) is currently dealing with about 2,000 illegals a day.
Two thirds also voted Democrat in the last election.
Fuck em.
I can see the United States going through some kind of partition process in the future.
A sprinkling of white majority states declaring themselves independent from the others.
Leaving the Democrats and their voters to their inevitable fate.
Oh, and not allowing one single Democrat voter or sympathiser into the newly formed breakaway states.
The white descendants of immigrants – they don’t like it up ’em.
Evening MJB.
Nice one.
Evening HJ.
I thought those Texans would have shot the beaner rabble on sight.
Seems like everything goes wishy washy in this modern age.
What a load of shit.
Serves them right for filling our supermarket ‘world cuisine’ aisles with refried beans, salsa and papery tortilla wraps.
Always fancied going to Philadelphia because of the Rocky Films. Thought I could run up those steps and shout “Ey! Yo Adrienne!” Now it looks like something out of the Resident Evil Films or 28 days later.
It probably sounds incredibly naïve but back when I was abaaaaht 13/14 I had this rather silly idea that America Girls were like Liv Tyler and Alicia Silverstone in those Aerosmith videos.
Then I got a bit older and realised that was just some stupid teenage daydream.
Evening Harold.
Resident Evil?
Shuffling, moaning, cannibalistic, dead-eyed, dangerous, thick as pigshit.
Yep, z̶o̶m̶b̶i̶e̶s̶ blacks are one group that’ll certainly destroy a shopping mall.
Good evening Thomas. I trust all is well with you.
Liv Tyler washing the car in One Night at McCools.
Biden’s dog has been up to its old tricks again.
An I don’t mean Kamala Harris.
There’s been rumours that leading upto the next presidential election that the top ranks in the Republican party are engineering a secret weapon.
Talk of a SuperTrump.
Talking of shit holes , I see another child killed by stabbing in Croydon.
I am running a seeepstake on the ethnicity of the attacker.
I’m gutted though , I drew my ticket and got Chinese . No fucking chance of winning
If your kid goes to a £20,000-a-year school and still gets stabbed by Zombie knife less than a mile away, London is in a pretty fucking bad state.
Yep I noticed she was a private school girl .
You’d hope that this would keep you away from the riff raff to an extent but clearly not