Arla Foods and Lurpak butter

A well deserved cunting for Arla Foods and Lurpak butter.

Why, you may ask could butter qualify for a 12-bore double-barrelled cunting.
These cunts have just reduced the sizes of their packs of Lurpak by 20% but, in their words when I phoned them “to keep the price point affordable in these difficult times”
What a load of horseshit, this is 20% shrinkflation. The crafty cunts have used a slightly differently shaped and similar height container with the same sized lid to disguise the loss of 100g. The original pack had 500g prominently displayed, the “new improved we care about you, price point” container only has the weight on the base. The block butter has also been “increased in size from 250g up to 200g, right out of fucking 1984.
The original 500g price in Morrison’s was £3.75. The “New” 400g pack was on “special offer” for £2.75 reduced from £3.75. Bait and switch, so that in a couple of weeks the “special price” reverts to the old price. So much for those crocodile tears, caring a fuck about “the cost of living crisis”

I bought 4packs without noticing the change, until I got home and started a pack. Noticed the weight reduction and took the lot back for a refund. After a bit of fuss, Morrison’s refunded my money. Went to Lidl, bought their own brand offering, 500g at £2.19. Fuck Lurpak, bollocks to Arla and sod Morrisons for this conspiracy to defraud the public.

Had to go to Morrisons again, noticed some 500g packs left, got them at the reduced price. I am a tightfisted cunts and don’t like being fucked around, so a small victory for once. It’s Lidl for most stuff now.

If you’ve watched the very expensive Lurpak advert, “Just cook”, I think it’s better stated as “Just Crooks”. CUNTS.

Other “brands indulging in “shrinkflation” Cathedral City 350g going to 300g and Anchor 500g to 400g and 250g to 200g. Plus loads of things even “own brands” being hiked, Morrison’s, that’s YOU, canned soups 49p 2 yes ago, now 85p. Fuck em,

Rant over.


Nominated by Sheikh Anvakh.

53 thoughts on “Arla Foods and Lurpak butter

  1. Lurpak can butter my arse.

    Not only is it pound for pound more expensive than gold it’s wank.

    You can get decent butter in most supermarkets that not only are cheaper but taste better.

    I like a salted butter.
    Magnificent whether melting into a jacket spud or on fresh bread for a stew.

    Buy British ??

    • The only thing more expensive than Lurpak is President butter. Until the Frogs start behaving more reasonably over Brexit I am boycotting anything French. Fuck ’em.

  2. Fucking shame – I love Lurpak, especially when it’s soft and warm and I can use it as lubrication for when I am watching naughty films.

  3. We use empty tins of Roses and Quality Street to play Tiddlywinks with the grandkids at Christmas. Awkward to get out if they roll under the furniture. Btw, I wouldn’t buy Lurpak because it’s not British but, that said, many of the parent companies of recognisably British brands are now foreign owned. I won’t buy Irish either until they stop being a tax haven and start to pay for their own defence. Slippery cunts these days, Paddies.

    • As regards defence spending Isabel, it’s not just the paddies. The Americans have complained for years that the European states generally don’t pay their fair share of NATO, a view with which I sympathise. I believe we are set to increase our defence budget. There will be no complaints from me. Defence must be first priority and if necessary cut other parts of the public sector. Personally I have no qualms about my taxes being spent thus.

      • This government are defending themselves, the elite and the invaders against the native population, nothing else. More dinghy paddlers have arrived since 2018 than the sum total of our armed forces. What’s the point of increasing defence spending whilst, at the same time, bringing the invaders to our shore from France at our expense?

      • Fair point Moggie, though I don’t think it equates with being ruled from Moscow. Not yet anyway.

      • Agreed, Arfur, but even continental European defence spending looks extravagant compared to Paddy’s. It’s currently an annual 0.2% of Irish GNP at €1.1 billions (Euros, not pounds) and is set to rise to €1.5B by 2028. It’s less than half of what the Premiership clubs spent on players this summer. Fuckin’ scandalous and done while hiding behind the UK (mainly) while pretending to be all nice and neutral. Fuck the two faced bastards, not the ordinary Mick but definitely most of their untrustworthy politicians.

  4. The Sheikh mention the old’bait and switch’ selling technique. The desperate cunts at Amazon have started charging subscribers for the last few episodes of previously free to customer series. Mrs Twenty and I watched the first 10 episodes of a series only to return to it the next day and find the Amazon cunts had decided they wanted to charge us £2.49 for each of the last three! Fuck right off. Not only did we not pay, we will not be renewing our subscription. The hairless cunt Bezos must be feeling the pinch now covids is over.

      • You’re on form today Moggie!

        If it’s natural it’s good e.g. droughts, tornadoes, earthquakes, tape worms, polio, etc…

        If it’s man-made it’s bad e.g. clean water, safe food, warm dry housing, electricity, etc…

  5. Off topic but I’m a cunt and can link it to this nom.

    This two minky spies that have been caught allegedly spying for the land of Special Flied Lice should be buttered up and left out someone to be eaten alive by flies. None of this Rish having ‘stern’ words with the Mindly premier at G20, I’d go full hog and dark on these spying cunts.

    Badencock is also a cunt for saying that we should not be describing China as a foe, fuck that, yes we should. She needs to be buttered up too, ready for Kweer to take her good from behind.

    • First time I have looked on here for weeks and what a thought!. Those hairy sweaty bollocks bashing the poor womanś back door in like a wrecking ball. Besides he is probably doing the same thing to Blair and Mandy.

      • Blair and Many, I can picture this now – stood there in the white Y-fronts, just wearing knee high socks, waiting for their turn.

    • More tory cosying up to the chinks, just as they do with the Saudis.
      The regime isn’t repressive if it has money, eh?
      Too bad Russia is bankrupt.

  6. When the Irish Kavanagh group bought a local Budgens they destroyed the appeal of the store. The deli counter was ripped out and replaced by a wall of bread and cake, and a lot of the meat was ‘supervalu’ shit.

    Absolute cack.

  7. Them Irish potato cakes, farls?
    Them drenched in butter ❤️

    The love affair between butter and potatoes is as classic as Romeo and Juliet.

    Buttery mash?

    Wonder what vegans use?

    Veganism is more a punishment than lifestyle.

    Fuck em

  8. Foreign crap and shrinkflation. Yep, it’s a cunt alright.

    The same thing’s happening with Prime Ministers and Mayors of Lonstabistan.
    Pair of shortarsed coolies.

  9. It’s a nice trick . Car manufacturers could do the same – offer you the same car for the same price but with a smaller engine.

    • Couldn’t go for a smaller engine So Long, but I would be delighted to do without all the toys and trinkets they fit nowadays. Seriously makes me reluctant to buy a more modern car. Without all that tat the cars would be cheaper and it would save me the time I have to spend switching it all off. And what sort of dull cunt wants an electric parking brake? How the fuck can you do a handbrake turn?

      • I thought that was you I saw at the weekend, that crown bowling club didn’t look happy with your handiwork

      • Not me Baz, I’ve never done a bowling green. Someone round here though is putting some perfectly circular black donuts on the tarmac in some quite narrow roads. Smart arse.

    • They’re already doing it.
      Cars that used to have V8 engines now have six cylinders.
      A lot of what we’re previously 6 cylinder motors now have shrieking 4 pot engines..
      And I can’t get my head around these 3-cylinder jobs. Mind you, I drove a 3cyl BMW courtesy car recently and it made a hell of a fun noise when pushed hard.

      • Know what you mean Cuntator. All driven by the demand for reduced fuel consumption. V8 down to a straight six isn’t too onerous, lose a bit of torque but a straight six will spool up like a turbine. Our elder has a three cylinder Focus, whizzes along on 125 bhp and she buys half the petrol I buy for my V6 though I suspect it wouldn’t be as economical if I was driving the car. Trade off is a narrow power band,you really need all six gears. Must say though I enjoy driving the Mondeo more, It’s so flexible and responsive from 1200rpm to the red line at

  10. I believe the water tap water bottling company Evian (that`s naïve, backwards) are going to bring out dehydrated water. You just need to add water.

  11. When I see a pack of ‘Lurpak’ I start to dance- throwing my knife in the air (Mrs P looking on) and then catching it I twirl around and slice a nob of it tossing it into the frying pan.

    I don’t know why I do it because I’m only making beans on toast.

  12. This is a trick which all food manufacturers try if they get the chance, keep prices stable but reduce the weight. They do it because they think people are stupid and won’t notice. I used to buy wholegrain Krisprolls made by a Swedish company called Pagen. A pack of these would just about fit into my biscuit jar. Then I noticed that a pack of them would fit easily with plenty of room for more. I stopped buying them and I think other people did too because they disappeared from the shelves altogether. Of course food manufacturers know they can get away with doubling their prices because we’ve no choice in the matter, we have to eat. But I’m sure sales of supermarket’s own brands have rocketed over the last year or two.

  13. They make me laugh “Prices are coming down”, they might be but everything’s still more expensive than a year ago you simple robbing cunts.

  14. I’m having a right old laugh on Ali Beebie today.

    Nearly everything I have posted has been removed – total cunts.

    They know I am right and I am being ‘canceled’ – snowflake fucktards.

  15. Warburtons are at it with their small loaves of toastie, thick cut my arse you can see through it and it’s now size of a playing card. I feel a thick cut for buying it.

    • ‘I thought I saw your name on a loaf of bread’…

      Always works on millennials and zoomers..

  16. M&S 550g Mature Cheddar is only £4.00 locally.
    It’s also made by Cathedral City, and astonishingly, is 25p cheaper than that of Tesco even using the Club Card.
    Basic foodstuff in M&S is a lot cheaper and better in quality than most people think.
    In fact M&S have been reducing their prices much to the shame of other profiteering, cunty supermarkets.

  17. Mrs Norman has favoured Morrisons in recent years. But even she is getting sick of them. £3.50 for a can of Sanex (i.e: the cheapo one) fly spray. A single packet of McVitie’s digestives for £1.50. £2.50 for 1.75l of Coca Cola. A bloody disgrace.

    • Time to invest in a brace of venus fly scoffers ?.Highly entertaining and they seem to work with some keen soil husbandry.My last one had a splendid kill count chez kitchen,3 in one day (had it on monitor camera)

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