The ‘Whatever’ Podcast

A fat titted with side-boob cunting for the awful Whatever pod cast.

Apparently it is about relationships between the sexes. To me it looks and sounds like bickering between Jesus freaks, pick-up artists and trad wives on one side, and onlyflange girls and instagurners on the other.

The media pushers of victimhood say this sort of shite is ‘problematic’ and makes women look dumb. I’m afraid these creatures are probably already beyond dumb. This podcsst makes them look dumber, but also very shallow, materialistic and deluded as well as insecure.

However, on the other side you get some quite vile blokes, fat hypocrites whose reasoning extends to ‘it’s okay for me because I’m a man’. The worst of the Red Pill fraternity, such as nutbar/rational thinker Rollo Tommassi, the closeted Tate worshippers with their homo star signs such as Sigma, beta, alpha.
Some are so egregious they wear baseball caps back-to-front, on camera. If one of these cunts walked into an English pub, he’d get battered, having left his glock at his flat pack house in Cleveland, Cincinatti or other Ohio toilet.

Overall this podcast sits in the nexus of the internet’s gutter culture, along with Onlyfans and Tik Tok narcissists.

The linked article from Unherd likens this grotesque circus to Jerry Springer. I say it is the gormless zoomer version of that other freak show, Big Brother.

It has a large following , given it is only a podcast and youtube channel, I can only guess at how vapid the minds that tune in for insights and drama must be. They might make viewers of Strictly look like von Neumann or Turing.

If i had my way, i’d relocate the studio to the Woomera test range in Aus’ and drop a fucking neutron bomb on the lot of them.

Nominated by : Cuntamus Prime

46 thoughts on “The ‘Whatever’ Podcast

  1. Here lies the problem, it will attract the bovine who think it will make them become the next big thing..

    I clicked on the link and there was this fat monstrosity who is a influencer..
    On heart disease and early death I imagine.

    People are now just deluded..

    And anyone else spot Gary Coleman sneaking in the header pic..

    • That behemoth is something one can’t unsee. I can only imagine it saying “I’ll give you 35000 for the Wookie, Ho, Ho, Ho”.

  2. The one on the left is trying too hard, the one on the right has tats so she can fuck off. The blue haired bitch is obviously a lezzer so no joy there. Yeah….I would go for the ginger….right up my street.
    Other than that I have no idea what you are going on about. Sorry, can’t help.

      • I don’t really know what this is or what it’s about.

        Ignorance is bliss

      • Any bird with pink, blue or green hair is a fucking nutter. If I were a young man these days I’d be very grateful for the obvious warning sign.


  3. The corpulant trannie in the link (dressed in pink) is trying to influence others to eat more pies and cakes.

    What a fucking mutant.

  4. I’d be willing to wager there will not be many High Quality Men to be found around these twats. A big ‘Fuck off’ to the lot of them.

    Good morning, everyone.

    PS will not be posting for a few days as off to fight witches in the East!

      • I don’t think it’s real?

        The spook baby and girl with blue hair are dolls.

        The six stood around with bad posture are real

        Not sure why they’re doing that,
        But then I don’t understand anything about this nom.

      • Two things are for sure though, MNC…all of those birds have been shagged by blıcks and the world would be a better place without them.
        By which I mean those wimmin and blıcks in general.

    • Thanks for those Mis, my first good laugh of the day. OT for a moment, the driving test in Argentina which appears to consist of driving a circuit of the yard, I have heard that this is similar to the test in many countries and not just in the third world. I have been told that the drivers of heavy lorries from Eastern Europe have a similar level of training and testing. Would any more knowledgeable cunter care to comment?

  5. I am an old fashioned cunt, what the fuck is a pod cast? Do they put killer whales in plaster?
    One things for sure the specimen on the left needs a full length mirror…

  6. If anyone is interested in listening to a decent podcast, fire up “Holly Randall Unfiltered” on Spotify. Honest, intelligent and laid back talk with some of the best pornstars (male and female) and people working in the industry in general, and no OnlyFans wannabes ?

  7. That fat fuck in the link photo is a mental trannie geezer called Al Wheezy, or something like that.
    Nasty cunts are always putting him on YouTube and taking the piss out of him.
    They laugh at the fat bastard mercilessly, they should be ashamed of themselves.
    I’m definitely having him in the next deadpool.

  8. Why don’t they all get down on all fours and sniff each other’s bits?
    Evolution in reverse

  9. why aren’t the feminazis complaining about this? they should be saying this is demeaning to women and its a form of toxic masculinity blah blah blah.

    . Or are they going to say yes this is fine because it shows empowerment of young wimminz.

  10. These insecure, young zoomer women often seem to have inflated egos because their girlie friends are always telling them that they are 10/10 and gorgeous because they thing that the noble lie will be returned in kind – kind of soft love as opposed to tough love.

    This is evident by the fact that there was a viral clip months back from this very podcast of a guy with a panel of Tiktok bimbos who were asked how they rate themselves out of ten and they almost all self-rated 10 out of 10. They were quite offended when the guy on the opposite side of the table rated them (the highest rating was 7 I believe).

    After having rated the picture chosen for this nomination, I would rate them as 5s and 6s with the second girl from the left maybe scraping a 7. The jailbait-looking sex doll is an 8.5.

  11. i think its just the epidemic of the young fucknuckles that we are afflicted with nowadays, we have several kinds but they are all cunts.
    TikTok men, these are fake jewellery rattle knuckle dragging cunts who film themselves driving above the speed limit, put it on youtube and then wonder why they get arrested and then shouting wheres you proof as he is bundle into the back of a police van[ honestly to stupid to live].
    Tiktok wimminz, these are just attention seeking cunts, they thrive on getting likes and treat it like cash and some sort of divine right of passage,,,,just fuckwits.
    TikTok in betweeners Dylan Mulvaney, Sam Smith and countless useless cunts like them, they just proove how far the world has slipped down the S bend and are the beggining of the end for humanity.
    Of course the you have the Tiktok adrenaline junkies, doing handstands on cliff edges and hanging off tall buildings with one hand.
    The saving grace with these bell ends is natural selection bins them usually in short order.
    Then you have influencer cunts, they are just free loading cunts hiding from the real world and a job.
    The forming pattern your starting to see is most if not all are cunts of the highest order, luckily for these useless fucks there is no anti- cunt sniper, so for now the world is populated with cunts, as the older people die off, these useless cunts are going to be running the world, god help us, the world is truly fucked…..

  12. I wouldn’t normally use the phrase but it seems appropriate for this shower……”Whatever”.

  13. Yet more unwanted shit that has come out of yank land, nothing of any good comes from the Americans anymore. They’re either woke influencers pushing some BLM or LGBT nonsense, or they’re fanatical Christian nutters. Either way they’re all arrogant loudmouth obnoxious twats. England should have a travel ban on every sodding yank.

  14. Whatever sums up Podcast.

    The BBC have a Podcast…. Whatever

    This lot are just a pointless waste of space, air, food and water.

    The blue hair in the header escaped from the village of the dammed

  15. Sorry for my ignorance, in the absence of ever listening to a podcast i cant say i have thankfully not heard of these cunts. I saying that though on a big nite i have done alot worse – even than the sex doll. But i did have a chance to know what they sounded like- my defence

    • Most podcasts are tripe.

      Usually a couple of friends who think what they have to say can no longer be contained in a normal conversation and so they record and upload their inane blather of no real insight and call it a podcast.

      Ive listened to a few recommended by mates and they tend to be full of in -jokes and chit-chat about their quotidian lives and other mediocrities ive never or will never meet, or just topics i have no interest in, such as the Marvel Cartoon Universe.
      They never get beyond a certain clique of listeners who already know them because the talk is too inward, and self-referential, the meandering around subjects is too vague and none of it researched, none of their observations is are funny or original in what they’re saying.
      However, tell the mutual friend this and they say ‘well.. youmske a better one!’
      to which I reply ‘whyy would I?’

      Those that have a theme and invite guests who’ve done something extraordinary tend to do better in audience numbers..It is less about the ego of the host. the host get structures the conversation and offers an alternative viewpoint.

      That is why Joe Rogan has done so well, and has so many imitators.

  16. I too don’t have the foggiest idea what this is. It appears to be for complete idiots who don’t know how to put one foot in front of the other ?

  17. I don’t like using the “W” term that presumably comes from hamshankland wankers.

  18. To all those High Court judges who have never heard of this fucking abomination, you’re not missing anything.

    As I younger cunter, I tend to encounter this shit through various online rabbit holes or talking with the millennials I know.

    As ive said to them i would never appear on the Saturday night BBC quiz ‘The Hit List’.

    Firstly because the hosts are itritating cunts
    and secondly my knowledge of pop music ends with the late noughties.

  19. they should turn this into a version of Battle Royale. all of them hunting each other and killing each other in the most horrendous way.
    Last person standing wins a cupcake

  20. Have to admit I’ve seen some of this type of nonsense on YouTube, the woman are ghastly, personality wise. Get yer knockers out and I’ll happily watch.
    One of the twats mentioned, rollo tommassi, isn’t original, he is a fictional character from the movie LA Confidential.
    Cracking film starring guy Pearce and Russell Crowe.
    What a fucking geek I am.

  21. Never heard of this podcast and now that I have I’ll try to pretend it doesn’t exist.
    I’ve never been on TikTok or SnapChat. Don’t see the point.
    Call it selective ignorance if you like.

    I do enjoy listening to podcasts like Missing 411 with David Paulides.

    Rogan is ok depending on the guest he has on. At lease he has guests that have actually done things or do things: David Goggins, Jordan Peterson, Joey Diaz, GSP, rather than some early twenties onlyflange model.

    Pickup artists? Is that still a thing? I remember seeing some things back in 2008/09 about that. Or did they all turn into Red Pill or in some cases Black Pill incels?

    Must say CP you’re a bit like a wikipedia of obscure internet wormholes. I thought I found some niche things on the internet but I’m a white belt compared to you.

    That reminds me..?

  22. Yes to fucking the 3 oriental girls the chav slags can fack off,

  23. Once in a blue moon they do have interesting guests on like Micheal Knowles and women who are not bat shit insane who try and give genuine advices to the “influencers” on how to course correct and get a man before its too late. Most of the time though it just feeds into the blackpill mentality the likes of whatever and Andrew Tate feed off of, cause young men are so desperate for role models cause any good ones are instantly cancelled yet women can have awful 1’s like jada cuntette smith. The women know what they are signing up for, the men in the chat act like they’re ragging on them but probably subscribe to these whore’s OF’s. Manhood in general needs a good look at right now, its in a terrible state but people like this profit off that state.

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