Prince William [8]

So Prince Baldybollocks has made the news by serving up vegan burgers from a van in Deptford or “central London” as the media choose to call it. As a born and bred Londoner I can assure you that Deptford is not “central London”. It’s Millwall country, a fucking shithole, although rapidly being gentrified with the young middle class wokies buying up cheap property and imposing their values on the area. Hence the need for vegan burgers with “ingredients from all over the world.” It makes sense I suppose and it also makes sense that Baldybollocks wants a piece of the action the two faced cunt.

But I want the wanker to explain away all the defenceless magnificent animals and birds him and his posh mates have slaughtered for fun over the years. Yes, you know……a four day “weekend” in some mansion in the country where you shoot defenceless animals and fuck each other’s wives. It’s been going on for centuries you fucking posh cunt. Do you think we don’t know shitforbrains?

Fuck you and your Deptford wokie vegan bullshit you bald headed arsehole!

MSN Link. (Link kindly provided by Night Admin – NA)

Nominated by : Freddie the Frog

99 thoughts on “Prince William [8]

  1. “Oi. Slaphead.
    This burger I bought hasn’t got any meat in it.”

    Willy ” well no, they’re vegan burgers.
    It says so on the sign.”

    ” well I thought it said Vegas burgers.
    I want my money back!”

    Willy ” but ones eaten most of it”

    ” look you fuckin plum I want my money back!
    You’ve ripped me off.
    I’ll report you Kojak.”

    Willy ” oh cripes,
    Ones dreadfully sorry.
    My mummy died.”

    • Whilst serving up a landmine sized burger. Fucking inbred entitled cunt. Independence now.

  2. Are vegan burgers made from vegans? If so, I support this enterprise but don’t expect me to buy one.!

  3. The ingredients in the burger were grown in a greenhouse in India?

    Sounds environmental friendly
    Unless it’s the Indian Borough of Harrow?

    Still with baldy balls no chance of finding a hair in your food.

    • If a vegetable has been talked at by KCIII, that surely counts as tortured or GM produce. Imagine being a tomato plant in a greenhouse, and feeling your leaves shrivel up as the grovelling little bastard gives you a pep talk

  4. At least his brother can ask him for advice when Sparkletits has finished robbing his pockets and he opens a hot dog stand on Hollywood Boulevard.

  5. OT: Mason Greenwood: TV presenter Rachel Riley says she’ll stop supporting Man Utd if forward stays,

    Better keep him then, hadn’t we? Fucking stupid bitch.

    • Still supporting them when Prof Rio Ferdinand was spit roasting some slapper in a Ayia Napa hotel room with Frank Lampard though?

      • The brain dead bimbo has only been a ‘fan’ since the Premier League was won in 1993. She wouldn’t know about anything from our history. Big Ron would sort her out ‘Shut up and make the tea, love.’

        And talking of Rio Ferdicunt, Riley got no end of freebies off him and Giggsy for services rendered probably (allegedly blah de blah).

      • It says a lot about the media and our society in general that Rachel Riley’s opinions about anything are reported, let alone considered newsworthy.

        The downward spiral continues.

    • Mason Greenwood – all charges dropped. Was probably some vindictive bitch. I feel sorry fir him, and any male who finds themselves in that position. Some slag utd wimmin “fans” where also mouthing off about it. Fuck off you slags – United will fill that stadium each and every week regardless of what you say or do.

  6. Maybe he should have been serving real burgers to Millwall fans outside of the New Den, they would have told him where he can shove his Earthshit burger.

  7. I’d like to fuck his missus up the arse. Is that treasonous, her being the future King’s wife? I don’t think so. One of her great grandfathers was a Durham miner, as was one of mine. So really we’re ideally suited.
    Come on Kate, knickers off.

  8. I bet the thick interbreed had to undergo some intense training to construct the burger in the first place.
    “Now place the burger carefully on the lower half of the bun your highness”
    “I’m terribly sorry your highness. You’ve just placed the burger on the kitchen scourer. Shall we try again?” (For the eighth time)
    “No your highness, that isn’t salsa verde, it’s washing up liquid”
    Cue equerry doing it for him like he goes every fucking thing else,

    • “Oh Kate it was awful. They didn’t even have a butler to spoon on the vegan mayo.”

  9. Environmentally friendly? How did the ingredients grown in India get there? Maybe they were wrapped in seaweed and floated here.

  10. The damage a Kings cock can do. You’ve got this twat and his rusty bollocking brother slinging up a yank. Now we have to suffer.

  11. Cooked on a Mukuru Clean Stove, designed to replace an open fire burning dung, south London is well know for cooking on dung fires init.

    Fuck off you virtue signalling cunt.

    • What the fuck do africunts know about clean fuel?
      The useless cunts can’t get clean water without honkys money..

      Back to your buffalo piss.
      Which I hear is readily available in London supermarkets.

  12. And let’s not forget a few weeks ago HRH Baldybollocks was flogging the Big Issue on the streets of Londonstabistan. It’s only a matter of time before he’s gluing himself to the fucking road or lobbing orange paint over his cunt of a dear Papa.

  13. Cunt.

    Not to worry,too many white faces there,King Kunt Khan will soon fix that with a Whites Only super tax..

    After all,he needs more money to bankrupt the transport system again and house all the foreign rats he hopes to use to take over the country,borough by borough.

    Full pork pie Oven,the fucking lot of the cunts.

    • Better to be a slaphead than to be a ginger, copper-topped, bloodnut duracell prick like his half-brother eh, MP?

      • Indeed Thomas.

        There was a Philip the Fair in France. He did it for the Knights Templar.
        Fair in terms of good looks. Not in terms f justice. I fact he should have been called Phillip the Unfair.

      • Didn’t his Missis have his body preserved, and kept it in a glass coffin, which she took everywhere with her?

        I seem to recollect she was actually the Regent and he was only King by virtue of being married to her.

        Of course, she was a complete and utter nutter, which is what happens with years of cousins marrying cousins.

      • It was Isabella of Navarre, so he was a King of France ( until they very sensibly kicked the Monarchy into touch), and King of Navarre through marriage.

        The glass coffin bit could just be urban legend, but she did have a few screws loose.

      • Dunno that Much Jp. Idnt hear of a glass coffin.

        I am interested in the Templars.

        ‘At daybreak on Friday, 13 October 1307, hundreds of Templars in France were simultaneously arrested by agents of Philip the Fair,’

        That’s actually where we get Friday the 13th being an unlucky day.

      • Now Thomas,your advice please on matters romantic..

        Would it be High Treason to piss in the Princess Of Wales mouth then dry bum her?

        Given high inflation etc such particulars are of national importance.

      • Now, that’s a romsntic scenario indeed, UT! Our taxes pay for the royal parasites and we ought to get something in return. Although I’d much prefer to get filthy with Zara Phillips…she looks she has strong legs, is flexible and could withstand a severe pounding, whereas you or I would snap Kate or Meghan in half.

  14. The royals need a injection of new blood.
    They’ve withered.

    The king clearly has something wrong with his spuds.
    Both sons not a full shilling and bald at 12.

    Anyone who has worked with livestock will tell you.
    You can’t interbreed without issues.
    For a healthy herd they bring in a bull.
    Or buy bulls sperm nowadays.

    So as a once in a lifetime offer I’m willing to sell the ailing Mountbatten clan my healthy baby batter at £ 20,000 per bucket.

    Or I’ll Tom that skinny Katy for £10,000.

    Don’t normally do mates rates but they’re clearly struggling.

    A family photo looks like a charity pic for Mencap.

  15. Is it unfair of me to think that Hugh Laurie’s portrayal of the prince regent in Black Adder 3 isn’t a million miles away from what Wills is really like?

  16. Statement just in from his highness.

    “Due to recent accusations of hypocrisy on social media directed against me, the head gamekeeper at Balmoral has just assured me that all grouse on the royal estate are vegan friendly”
    What you gotta say to that you anti royalist bastards!

      • I’d assume so JP.
        They probably breed organic hand reared pigs for halal bacon as well.

    • Yeah? So what? It’s all for naught if you use lead bird shot.

      I won’t be impressed until a Call of Duty type virtual reality, environmentally friendly, non-lethal method is implemented.

      Actually, I might be impressed if they switch from quail to bug-hunting.

  17. Now that Her Maj is dead i’m done with the useless krauts.

    A string of complete wrong’uns from Lord Mountbhatti, Prince of BP Andy and now Harry the Spare.

    Get rid.

    • I’m with that. Her Maj did her job, kept her mouth shut, opened things, waved at people and shook hands with some of the world’s biggest despots. ( including Satan Blair once a week for ten fucking years!) I’m already sick of this lot apologising for slavery, crying about illegal immos , hugging trees and pretending they care about animals when they slaughter them every weekend. Fuck them and the cruelly treated horse they rode in on.

      • Plus in bed alongside the WEF.Lord help us all.Send the Krauts to ze oven.Shit biscuits.

      • she was a greedy tax dodging paedophile enabler who wanted to take heating money off oaps to warm buck house

    • What’s a future king doing knocking out vegan burgers?

      it’s bloody embarrassing.

    • Well General I must say..Fuck the Bald Cunt and the imported ethically sourced Nepalese vegan horse substitute he rode in on.

      • If Liz can ride a horse named Burmese why can’t Wills ride one name Nepalese?

      • Never watched that show…although Catherine Bach was quintessential Babeage.

        The theme song was stupid but Waylon Jennings was awesome.

        Charles da Turd or Ji Jing Joe? Fuck it! I’ll take Door #3.

      • Evening GC…I’m visiting your beautiful country in a couple of weeks. Just deciding whether I should pack my ‘Trump wants his daughter’s pussy’ t-shirt or my ‘Biden likes the taste of Hunter’s asshole’ t-shirt…what do yoi reckon? I’m visiting Colorado, by the way.

      • I’m very excited about my trip, MNC. See the majestic mountains, wonder at the canopy of bright stars in the ink-black sky…and get a nosh off a crack whore in a dirty truckers’ diner rest room…it’s going to be awesome!

      • Sounds good Cuntengine ?

        If I was forced to go,
        I’d like to see them giant redwood trees,
        Big Sur, the Rocky mountains ,
        They have good scenery.
        Give em that.

        And get a red injun drunk.
        Their bodies can’t process alcohol,
        That’s why they go spastic when given firewater?

        Have fun
        And let me smell your fingers when you return

      • Do the country proud Thomas, not like that piss weak stuttering plummy bellend Hugh Grant.

        I expect to read about your disgraceful exploits in the Daily Star complete with appropriate mug shot.

      • Hello Thomas,

        Allow me to extend a premature welcome to the Land of the Libs and the Home of the Woke.

        As to your wardrobe choice, Colorado is full of Wokies so at first glance the Trump shirt might be well received. But upon deeper reflection you should be advised that many MAGA types carry guns so that might not be the wisest or indeed, even a prudent choice.

        On the other hand, public sentiment against Joe Biden is on the rise so that might make it seem his shirt would be the better choice. However, Biden controls the Justice Department and the FBI and it would be a shame if you were arrested and imprisoned as a foreign terrorist.

        Perhaps the best option would be a Rishi shirt. Nobody here knows who the fuck he is and if they do they don’t give a rat’s ass.

        Colorado is a Ricky Mountain state and will be beautiful this time of year so enjoy your time there. By the way…if it matters to you…weed is legal there. If you’re so inclined twist one up and blaze away!

        If you find yourself anywhere near anywhere near the Southeast United States by all means feel free to look me up. It would be my pleasure to buy you a ginger ale or two.

        Then you could report back to the IsaC Faithful as to whether I am or am not as big a cunt as some of them think I am.

        I’m sure we could trust CA to broker confidential contact data in good faith.

        Either way, have a great and safe voyage and enjoy your stay in our once fair land.


        Cuntster, Brevet Maj. General, (retired and indeed…deceased)

      • A splendid write-up, thanks.
        I will be amusing some people, no doubt, be calling both Trump and Biden ‘flithy, corrupt pædos’ in my extremely posh-sounding plummy cut-glass accent whilst wearing my finest floral velvet suit.
        In merry old England, the tradition is to spit in a prostitute’s face right after discharging your weapon…I trust I can continue with my antics during my stay?

      • Don’t forget a handkerchief drenched in essence of violets to dab your forehead!

        And say ” mmm..they’re bigger in England”

        About everything ?

      • TtCE,

        Regarding your question about discharge and spitting…I’m not really sure how to respond. The correct answer depends on if you spray or sputter.

  18. What is his next london endeavour, becoming a crime statistic when he says maaaate to the wrong person.

    Stick to waving on the buck House balcony.

  19. And I have no doubt the no hair to the throne will be wetting himself if the England wimmins team win that daft fucking thing.

    He will join the rest of the woke cunts, saying that it is England’s second World Cup Final win and how it’s England’s second World Cup trophy.

    No, no and fucking no. England won the World Cup once and once only, in 1966. This Womens World Cup is shit and it means nothing. Most real longstanding football followers do not give a toss about it or them. So they can all sod off.

  20. I imagine the Suntan Kid already has the Damehoods all written out and just needing his signature. The open top bus is sitting there just waiting to be fired up.

    Electric of course.

  21. You know they are going to win. You can’t rely on the Spanish, the lazy siesta loving bastards. Manyana. The BBC are going to love it. Linekunt’s smugness will be off the scale.

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