Meanwhile government do fuck all for homeless Brits. C.A.
Another day, another story of rewarding our dinghy invaders.
Hot on the heels of a 98 year-old D-Day veteran evicted from his home and being bunged up in a hostel, or us mug taxpayers funding lawyers to teach the dinghy scum what lies to tell the authorities to gain asylum, we have the Home Office booking all 98 units in a newly converted apartment block to house, yes, you guessed it, said illegals. I suppose putting them up in the damp, mouldy conditions that the locals have to endure for years would compromise their human rights. D-Day veterans, on the other hand, have no human rights.
I despair of this country, I really do.
Nominated by Geordie Twatt.
Don’t worry, Geordie.
Give it a week and they’ll look and smell like slums.
Well it might just accidentally catch light..
Stranger things have happened.
We the British people – are in an abusive relationship with our so called government.
They abuse us, patronise us, control us, generally treat us like dog shit and yet make out that a lot of it is all our own doing or somehow our own fault for sins past and present. It’s absurd.
It’s been going on for quite some time now and shows no sign of relenting.
They are nothing but a pack of evil, corrupted, self centred, spineless bastards.
I wish I could think of something funny to say about it all but when it comes to this – I can’t.
Well said sir.
Morning HJ…for a quick pick-me-up, imagine a tethered, cowering Lenny Henry getting beaten up by Peter Dinklage, sporting nothing but a top hat with a natty purple feather riding pround in the brim, a big smile and an outsized mishapen đwarf erection.
Has that mental image perhaps raised a brief smile?
Cheers Thomas
That’s lightened my mood ?
Ffs Thomas, that’s put me right off my tin of Felix.
“…Has that mental image perhaps raised a brief smile?…”
Well yes it did… once I’d wiped the vomit off my chin.
100% what you’ve just said Herman
??? traitors
I am still puzzled to what the end game is with this government.
Is it to keep making taxpayers angry till a million plus irate people march on London, and kick fuck out everyone in the Westminster government area.
Answers on a postcard please.
I’m with you on that one.
There’s the short term opportunity to virtue signal and ‘lead the world’. But then what?
I’m still wondering what the end game is. Given the current criteria of anyone can come in after they’ve thrown away their documents, then there’s nothing to stop the entire world population coming if they want.
Is there room if we make 40 storey blocks everywhere?
“…I am still puzzled to what the end game is with this government….”
At this point national governments are at best ‘third tier’ players who have little to do with anything other than being granted permission to apply ineffectual minor variations of taxation rates, planning policy, judicial matters and generally fucking about with domestic trivialities. Fer fuck’s sake they can’t even generate and enforce an effective policy that might protect the NATION’S border!!! a fundamental function of ‘government’!!!
Following the evidence and applying Occam’s Razor the only plausible scenario is the desire to physically denude and then remove white western civilisation permanently and irretrievably from the global political equation.
If IsAC’s the bottle, here’s the message.
Had a couple more million joined us on the anti Iraq war protests a few years ago it might well have made more of a difference ?
Imagine ten million or so turning up to Londistan instead of a poxy million of us ? It needs to be revisted about now as the gloves are clearly off ?
When they start (legally) bringing over their extended families these apartments will be too small for them.
They will be moved to bigger and more luxurious houses.
These apartments will need to be renovated because they will be trashed within a few months.
I have no idea why councils want to accommodate these criminals.
The majority of them are barely literate, they will never work and they will never pay taxes of any sort.
It’s bizarre AC
If it’s for purely economical reasons then it’s a fucking shit idea destined for abject failure.
If it’s because of a shortfall in birthrates or whatever then once again – it’s a fucking shit idea destined for abject failure.
If it’s our future brown skinned replacement population – then that’s just a conspiracy theory isn’t it.
‘Kalergi-Plan’ essentially.
Illiterate, work-shy tax dodgers?
Bloody welsh get everywhere…
I thought they were all aspiring doctors or architects.
One was an aspiring rapper because the world needs more of those.
Saw some twat government minister being interviewed by Julia Hartley-Brewer claiming that progress on illegals is being made.
Progress would be stopping them completely.
Hope the Tories get an almighty kicking next year. Labour will be immeasurabely worse so fuck them both.
Two cheeks of the same rancid flabby arse☹️
Worse perhaps but not immeasurably. The tories social and cultural policies have been to the left of Blair. They’ve been dpending like Blair as well.
One Nation Toryism is socialism in a top hat.
“…Progress would be stopping them completely….”
Disagree strongly. You could shut the borders completely tomorrow and that would still not halt the demographic shift that is currently underway.
Real ‘progress’ from the perspective of the indigenous white British MUST incorporate removal/repatriation whatever it takes.
I can never get my head round the mentality of the lefty and the courts.
They say these people are fleeing persecution in their own countries, but fail to accept the obvious fact that they’d escaped it the moment they set foot in mainland Europe.
The transit camps to sort them out should be at the first point of arrival, not Sangatte or the beaches of Kent.
It’s not just the French who are fucking us over. It’s the whole of Europe.
Aided and abetted by our government, who are so weak and infiltrated by lefties that they can’t or won’t act.
Judging by the complaints to various human rights lawyers about various accommodation we have put them in such as our own soldiers barracks and of late that floating hotel in the west country, you would be forgiven for thinking that that all must have fled persecution from 5 star. Hotels with butler service and beds made out of virgins thighs.
If i had fled genuine persecution and feared for my life, rest assured i would feel a lot safer and more comfortable sleeping naked in a shop dorrway amongst that weekends piss, spunk and puke.
There’s nothing here that’s not a recipe for absolute disaster.
Everyone knows it including the despicable Orwellian vermin that pretend to govern us.
It will continue apace until every town and village is overrun with the lowest rubbish of Africa,the Middle East and every other third world hellhole.
The financial cost of this strategy alone will totally financially ruin the country.
I used to think the eventual bloodbath of a new English Civil War would be fought against the stinking filth that is the paki but now I’m not so might come sooner than I thought possible,when all the hotels are permanently full,all available rental accommodation is full and the Liebor Party aren’t able to concrete over the entire “Green Belt” fast enough to give these rats free four bedroom homes..what then?
They start after our homes..and it all goes fucking mental sharpish.
The disgusting cunts.
As somebody on GB News put it last night, our immigration policy is being determined by people smuggling gangs.
What a fucking joke.
Morning all.
Poor, little Iqbal. He fled Afghanistan and travelled all the way across Europe to reach Treasure Island, turning up his nose at every country before paying kind Kurdish organiser for a pace on a dinghy with 65 other bearded teenagers. He just wants a modest hotel, nothing fancy, before moving into his luxury pad. He’s so traumatised because of asylum trafficking syndrome or something that he. can’t work so he spends his days being a cash-in-hand barber and chatting to his siblings, Mohhamed, Nazo, Mohhameed, Hanifa, Mohammit, Makila, Mohaamedd, Aisha, Maryam, Massooda, and Mahammed. They’re arriving next week.
In ten to fifteen years I can guarantee that what’s left of the white population will be taking the knee or be paying reparations to these illegal immigrant cunts.
I can almost hear it now –
“Ooh the awful discrimination that these poor people faced from the racist Tories and white people when they were only coming here to help our NHS” etc etc blah blah fucking blah.
Windrush 2.0
The Windrush lot were encouraged to come here by our govrnment…
oh, wait..
Why are we putting up with this shite ? We won 2 World Wars when attempts were only mentioned to invade us. Pull your fingers out you soppy cunts, before the average British person says enough is enough.
I digress. When tomorrow’s wimmins elevenses food making contest begins, I’ll still be in bed after my usual late night. I’m partial to whatever both sets of ladies are going to conjure up.
‘We won’ jack.Commie Russia did that.The bastards.With a little help from Uncle Sam, who’s best General,(Patton) famously said..”We fought the wrong enemy”… ‘They’ murdered him for that one.
The British Government, a Conservative Government, stands up for everyone other than the British. Fuck it, and the lies it rode in on.
It’s completed out of control but sadly there isn’t anyone in our government with bid enough balls to just put an end to all of this shit.
It’s a national emergency so why the fuck aren’t the government using emergency powers to sort it out, it may be unpopular with the lefty wankers but if Rishi and his gang actually started turning the boats and shipping out all these cunts they would piss the next election with an even bigger majority.
I wouldn’t feel so bad about being taxed at the highest rate since ‘for ever’
And the French are taking the piss, allowing the fucking trafficking gangs to work around Calais with no fucking arrests (except when one of the boats sinks)
If a Tory government can’t even sort the BBCunts out, there’s no chance of them doing anything about illegal migration. The views of the mass of the population count for fuck all, and the government will make sure that these parasites will get a far better deal than many native Brits ever will.
This is now a national emergency.
When Labour gets in, the flow of ‘refugees’ will become a tidal wave.
That’s the answer, turf out all the cunts In broadcasting house and fill it with stinking migrants, then fill with it gas ?
Labour are going to ‘go after the people smuggling gangs’ and ‘sort out the backlog’ and not forgetting the better deal with the French, in other words, they have no fucking idea but there will be more ‘safe and legal routes’
Any ‘Royal-Prerogatives’ must be lost in the post too ?
“…Any ‘Royal-Prerogatives’ must be lost…”
…along with that jug eared bastard’s head. King Chaz would do well to remeber that we’ve got a bit of form when it comes to traitorous monarchs.
There must be plenty of museums that have genuine 17th century blocking blocks in their displays, I say we pull one out of retirement, dust it off, a splash o’ Mr. Sheen so it sparkles for the cameras in the dawn light…
“Headsman Chops, have you sharpened that axe?”
“‘course I fucking haven’t”
“Good man, now do your duty and the nation’s bidding.”
bollocks! …chopping blocks…
Maybe when the Muslim has the whip hand these perversions will end…
And the response from “the authorities” is always some sort of defensive,evasive double speak.
Bloody sickening. If one of those twats called me a bigot they would be lacking a set of teeth PDQ. Cunts.
I was reading that a boat load of migrants sank somewhere. And the last line of the report was ‘they were from Senegal’
I thought they were all from Syria, Lybia.
So they’re coming from all over Africa.
We are guilty for not making it plain that you will not gain entry. Encouring them to ‘take a chance’.
The only way to stop it now is for the government to take ’emergency powers’ and employ the Armed forces to turn them back.
we must defy ‘international rules’.
Create ‘Fortress Britain’.
Or we won’t have a Britain anymore.
Absolutely. Every fucker else does.
or Ireland-
Look on the bright side, MP.
The more immigration from barbaric countries,
The more homophonic attacks and murders in Britain!
The majority of Mediterranean migrant boats are now coming from Tunisia, something like 100,000 of the cunts have arrived in Italy this year, next stop Dover.
Depending on which subject we complain about with sarcasm. This one needs serious attention and soon.
Not to worry everyone, at the end of August Officer Crabtree will back from his holidays.
One half of The Chuckle Brothers
They come here illegally paying criminals thousands for the ride.
They’re riddled with disease,
TB, polio, rickets, camel goitres,Paw Paw, Zimbabwe swine flu and Ugandan perm.
Nobody suggests quarentining them?!!
The don’t want to go on the Love Boat,
They don’t want tents.
They want luxury hotels like fuckin footballers.
We are a joke.
Betrayed by our politicians.
These human lice should be given a good fuckin hiding, women and kids too.
Thrown spark out backin the dinghy and towed back to France.
The politicians the same.
Any lip off the French and we should carpet bomb the coast and declare war.
Bout time we had a nice war, reset the direction.
The only thing I want washing up on the coast is dead french fishermen and corpses of Border Farce.
Just replace the border force with my mother’s GP receptionist.
No cunt will get in.
On a more serious note, there is no will to get rid of them for reasons. Money and power. It’s the only thing politicians care about.
Hint – net zero, huge hikes on utility bills and creating too much demand for housing.
The troughers make bank from this. The power comes from the woke shite in not being able to protest against this invasion soon. All in it together these cunts.
Believe me, these fucking invaders will be classed as being a ‘protected characteristic’ soon.
Give it five years and saying, “Send them back, they are a drain on our country” will get you five years. In other words, criticising more and more government policy will become illegal.
Even scarier perhaps, is that I heard the Home Office have got involved in trying to block a nationalist political party (Patriotic Alternative) from registering as a legitimate political party.
Say what you like about them, they may have a few controversial beliefs to say the least, but telling the electoral commission (allegedly and all that) to block them for any old reason is dodgy as fuck.
Germany are also doing the same, they may try to outlaw the AfD right wing party, they have a 21% share of the vote.That should piss off a good few million.
Germany trying to ban the AfD won’t work.
There was another party they tried banning in the 1930s.
I don’t think it worked out too well.
When they found legionella on that barge they tried to put them on, it did make me wonder if Braverman arranged it deliberately and was trying to use it as some kind of modern gas chamber…
Fair play to her if she was
This is all part of the Build Back Better plan, and totally endorsed by the major parties. In fact you only have to look at the manifesto of the Green Party to realise that the WEF will get their way sooner or later.
In essence the globalists want to end nationalism and national identities. Rather than having almost 200 countries around the world, with their own languages, cultures and unique identities, the globalists just want one global nation, with one, perhaps two languages, and only one culture. Everything else can be assigned to the bin (I would say “history books”, but history is being rewritten as we speak).
The globalists also want open borders without restrictions. Everyone should have the right of free movement of travel. Therefore, if 10 million Africans want to migrate to England they can do so without complaint. (But in the future they won’t be called Africans and England will no longer be called “England”)
And if you look at the Greens manifesto in particular, they want these migrants to receive benefits, pensions, access to free education, health and social security. And they expect the government and taxpayers to foot the bill without complaint.
I also read on some forum that the Greens want to introduce a tax in indigenous people to pay for the upkeep of the millions of migrants that “have the right to live here”
In other words, just like the subsidy on green energy that we all have to pay via our energy bills, the Greens want an additional tax to pay for migrant welfare and resettlement.
This is the future. Best top yourself now quite frankly (let Annaliese Dodds sit on your face for a quick painless death!)
The Green Party.
About as green as a blackboard.
tut, tut. Not allowed to say “blackboard”, you horrible racist!
“…And if you look at the Greens manifesto in particular…”
A’noon Techno; I raised that very same document along with some choice extracts a few days back.
Now if only that document had convenient rows of perforations every six inches I might find some use for it.
Flamethrower the lot ???
It seems pointless to say anything apart from;
Vote Tory get more of the same
Vote Labour get more of the same
Vote Lib Dem get more of the same
Vote SNP get more of the same.
Try Reform
I’ve heard they’re offering more of the same.
“…I’ve heard they’re offering more of the same….”
Pretty much, they are at heart just civ-nats. As I’ve said many times, we could shut the border completely tomorrow but it will not remove the threat of our imminent democide. Foreigners should have no voting right and no right to remain regardless of how long they’ve been here, they should be at the bottom of the housing and letting lists as long as a single indigenous white is without a home.
There must be a rigourous arrest/repatriation program.
No health care will be given to non white foreigners and should be given no incentive either to come here or remain, they should be disprivileged at every juncture.
This manifesto does not achieve that nor even hint at it.
We all know the problem, the apathy regarding most things political that has been encouraged in England since the 1950’s. Fuck me are we paying a price for putting up with political dogshit.
On entering the UK, all illegals must be required to surrender their genitalia at the point of entry. ( pun unintended )
The only migrant stories I want to see on the news are those which report that their boats have sunk .
Maybe a few Grenfell tower situations could be the answer for their accomodation?
Ffs – did I just hear on wireless that just the cost of processing Cuntry Shoppers – sorry – Asylum Seekers – is 4 BILLION a year – just the processing backlog……