not just a cunt but also a wanker, a public wanker
If you’re sitting on a Tube train and there’s a white puddle on the floor, it’s probable that these geezer was sitting opposite pleasuring himself, as he has been doing for the past 3 years.
He was arrested but has gone missing after failing to turn up in court.
Detective Sergeant Brittany Armstrong said: “Oladetoun is a clear danger to women and girls and we are urgently trying to locate him as soon as possible so he can be returned to court for sentencing.”
The only suitable sentence for this creature is castration. If he is a eunuch he will no longer be a wanker.
Nominated by Hard Brexit Cunt.
Shouldn’t be too surprised, monkeys do it all the time at the zoo.. fling shit as well.
Maybe khan can use him to represent London on his website.
He should be easy to track as goļliwọg spunk glows green.
Perhaps it isn’t spunk that’s dripping out of his Hog’s eye but a profuse gonococcal urethral discharge, the diseased cunt.
That name sound like something that 70s road safety cat Charlie would say.
Hey Khan, there’s your sex pest on the trains. Despite this, he’ll always show honkies doing the molesting and making sexist comments on his anti white videos, while this cunt, on release from prison, will play the role of saviour in one of these adverts, the fucking prick.
I notice sexual harrasment on the London Underground wasn’t a thing until cunts like Khan infested London with third world shit.
Pure coincidence.
“Charlie says ‘Don’t top yourself, Keith'”
Catch the evil cunt and put it’s head in a vice.
Throw him in an African cooking pot.Dirty gibbon.
This man needs to get a grip of himself.
He has been getting a grip of himself by the sound of it. That’s why the police want to talk to him.
No wonder working from home is on the increase with cunts busy flinging their spunk about on public transpirt.
‘spurt’ obs!
He has been working from home. this is the effect it has on people.
Does he realise what he’s doing ? Only making the underground white again !
Filthy bastard.
Probably getting overexcited thinking about all the looting, stabbing and raping he’ll be doing at next week’s annual Notting Hill Crime Fest.
London jungle, what else can you expect, Khan will be pleased.
Daylight come and me wank on traaaain.
Picking on him cos he is black, innit?
How old is this cunt exactly? He seems like the Purple Aki of Generation Z. Zoomers don’t fuck anymore, so I guess they don’t do proper rape now either; they just wank in the general direction of a woman and hope that something sticks.
It even seems that the Nigerian, immigrant zoomers can only rape a woman just so long as they don’t touch her… bunch of fucking fannies. If you’re going to commit to a life of crime, then fucking commit! Don’t be half-arsed about it!
(To be fair though, it does seem to be a cultural affectation in certain countries of the world to be a dirty bastard.)
In army basic training, we had some Ghanaian, Muslim lad in our room who smelt like a tramp (on account of only washing with water) and he used to wank himself off in bed, turn over to his right and launch his load all over the carpet between his bed and the lad next to him.
Suffice to say, we dragged the fucker to the shower, rendered him naked and hosed him down while some of the African lads in the block scrubbed the dirty fucker down (because it’s okay when the blacks do it).
Did he get any whiter?
He got less mingin.
Apologies if this joke has been made before but, thinking about niğ-noğs has got me thinking anout Sasha Johnson and wondering if her head looks like a malterser-coloured Death Star?
Its fortunately she sits in a wheelchair, then everyone standing round, can use her head for an ashtray.
Or a jizz bowl.
Oh really, Thomas.
Sometimes you really do go beyond the pale!
Or, in your case, beyond the rim.
If only the dent was bigger, they could have used her in a church to baptise babies and whilst there, ask forgiveness for being a vindictive cunt.
Is this some kind of reverse ” tits oot fer the lads?”
Cocks oot fer the lasses!
Dirty twat! Did he have small mirrors glued to the toes of his trainers, so he could up skirt?
Missed a trick there, thick as shit typical London er!
We did get treated to the sight of half a dozen ‘girls’ singing Get Your Cocks Out For The Girls whilst waiting for a train at Huddersfield last week.
How lovely!
Nice to know that private schools are still producing Quality Women, eh?
And if it’s female and making inappropriate comments, is it
Maaaatess? Or
Or fucking drink less, keep your bleeding gob shut and your hands to yourselves.
Chavs and Chavs, I make no distinction.
Bad behaviour needs radical cures.
Soak them, with a fire hose.
I’ve been harassed at work before JP.
A female member of staff said something inappropriate to me. Her husband worked for the same company and was relatively high up.
Nobody would have taken it seriously.
Also had a pi55ed up tart in a club twist my nipples once. Imagine if it had been the other way around.
I cannot believe that you felt you couldn’t report it, just because her husband has a more executive position, and presumably you didn’t want to lose your job.
Start looking, immediately, for another job.
You’ll get one.
When you have a firm offer, don’t give notice, but do email her husband.
I have left without giving notice because I thought your predatory tart of a wife might scupper my chances.
She’s welcome to suck my cock now, if her neck can stretch that far.
I wish you and your whore, oops wife, all the best.
Yours, Harold.
It was a previous job JP and some years ago now.
Back when I was still in my 20s. I was only doing it to save some money before I buggered off to the other side of the world.
You all OK, and happy now?
Brilliant letter by the way JP ??
Just horse play off a bird he hasn’t been mauled by a shark!
Stop marding the lad JP.
Harold @
Stop complaining you jammy little bleeder.
You sound like Stormy Daniels.
Oi, I’m not the one admitting to public wanking!
So lets review the rap sheet for a moment shall we Mis:
?Stealing ladies undercrackers from a washing line
?Public flashing
?Public Masturbation
You’re a monster!
@JP yes I’m alright. I’ve got a bowl of chocolate ice cream as well and I’m watching Nobody which is definitely not woke.
She wasn’t attractive btw. Not like Jennifer Aniston in Horrible Bosses. She was more like Pam Ferris in Rosemary and Thyme
You poor lad.
Pam Ferris?!!;
You missed your chance there my lad!
I’d of been up Pam Ferrets like a shot when I was a young lad,
And bummed her on the conference room table
Was Amanda the Shepherdess amongst them?
Diversity at work again.
innit maaaate!
They can’t catch the cunt, once he’s whitewashed the tube, he pulls the foreskin over the noggin and disappears down the side of his prick.
I have a theory why he disappeared, the last person he did it to, was flabbottus and she returned in kind.
He was so horrified he went home and killed himself.
We can but hope.
What did London Underground do? Put up one of those little yellow plastic signs on the floor? Slip hazard.
We’ve all done it haven’t we?
They’re desperate to find him.
Try Brixton mctucky fried chicken?
“we’ve all done it”
What, had a wank on a train, with women watching?
What kind of depraved, Wild Mountain Man look-a-like, are you?
Would you care to rephrase your comment, Mis?
To be fair I didn’t know they were watching.
They all went on to greater things as the Lionesses.
You “didn’t know they were watching”
And yet I put it to you ( no sniggering in the Jury Box, please), that you have repeatedly implied and insinuated that your ( ahem) male member is of such magnificence that it can practically be seen from Outer Space, and that not one of these Ladies noticed?
Reply moded
Ah, I said $sniggering.
I have obtained an on-train action shot from the Police National Database.
I really, really should know better.
At least, this one made me laugh rather then go Hugheeee!
Is it a monkey wanking?
Is isn’t it?
That chimp has a well skinny knob.
Kind of embarrassing, he should keep his pants on.
At least he can wank it with his feet.
Never showed that side in the PG tips adverts.
You strum it I’ll play it..
Thomas, he didn’t know he had a skinny knob, until some cunt on here read your post out.
Here’s his reply.
It’s big enough to fill a pram.
Oook off!
For fuck’s sake lol
Hooray – I finally got you to click on one of my pic links, CB!
Aye won’t doing that again lol.
I wasn’t fully paying attention, clicked it and went nnnoooo but it was too late.
Maybe you’d be happy clicking on links authenticated and approved by Jeezum Priest?
Now, now!
I’ll not have you using me as a buffer or battering ram.
Leave me out of whatever this is.
Well, CB, at least it didn’t make you vomit into your lap.
Do not open a TtcE link, unless he puts a vomit likely warning on it.
PG Tips adverts? Naaah…
Do it for Yorkshire.!!
It’s £12.50 to bring your dirty car/van to London now..
How much is it for damn dirty apes to spray monkey pox about?
Send your answers to.
Little pàķì goblin.
City Hall
I think it’s double that, BZ.
You got the ULEZ and the congestion charge. I was going to drive to London next weekend to take my son to the Imperial War Museum…I used to enjoy driving in London, but not now, fuck that. We’re getting the coach.
Even if it was cheap, I wouldn’t give a penny to a fucking pakı. Unless he was going to stab another pakı at my behest.
Oh I know only to well thomas, I sometimes have the misfortune of working in the cesspit..
Don’t forget the 50% surcharge on parking for diesel vehicles.
Got a parking ticket last week, it was cheaper than 4 hours parking..??
That’s utterly crazy mad, but let’s not let the world know, eh!
Otherwise, every cunt will do it and Khunt will be on it like a weasel on a rabbit.
Beware! Not safe to leave the car there because you’ve already got the ticket. The bastards often follow up with a clamp and sometimes within minutes. Seen it done.
Bravo Thomas, MAAATE.
Another mentalist roaming the streets and underground. Oh for the days of stocks and righteous flogging of such scum and the chance of deportation
A 7.62mm bullet to the back of the head would suffice.
You’d have to be a bloody good shot to hit anything.
Blowtorch to the goolies.
You “didn’t know they were watching”
And yet I put it to you, MNC, ( no giggling in the Jury Box, please), that you have repeatedly implied and insinuated that your ( ahem) male member is of such magnificence that it can practically be seen from Outer Space, and that not one of these Ladies noticed?
Moderated post, demoderated.
Lord, sometimes I loose my patience.
In that mug shot he looks a bit like that cunt ‘Seal’ of the nineties pop group with that equally strange mongo ‘adamski’. This fella unlike Seal is without the facial scars where the acid he used for white bleaching ala Michal Jackson went wrong.
As for his strange behaviours, as we’ve said before, import the third world….
Hi LDC, Seal got those scars from mashing his face into Heidi Klum’s clam, which is more acidic than a Xenomorph’s blood.
I saw Adamski being interviewed recently. What a fucking mess. Blue hair and drugged up to the eyeballs.
But on horrid drugs, not the organic perfection I cultivate.
I think he is a pirate now thomas,and I know we’re he buried the treasure..
I like this pic of the multi-coloured twat, BZ…it looks like snot is streaming out of his nose!
Been hitting the sherbet dib dab to hard.
Hahahah. I quite liked Klimt, didn’t she do some mother daughter pics in their undies recently?
As for old seal he’s got a shiny head face like Mugabe of Zimbabwea used to have. Like teak polished with baboons jissmm.
Do be careful around the ‘shrooms; I read that Australian Beef Wellington can be a bit iffy…
OT, so apologies but Did anyone have that fat tongued estate agent cunt Phill Spencer’s parents in the dead pool?
Both died after the car they were in toppled off a bridge.
Any idea of the location, location, location.?
I think someone has Phil ( presumably assassinated,) when he goes.
But not his parents. What an awful way to die, poor old sods.
Spencer’s demise will be terminal face-sitting from Kirstie Allslop.
He looks a right wanker.
He’s ‘enriched’ us alright.
What do you expect with a name ,Iike Coalhole, or whatever.
What’s going on with his Barnet?
It looks like a carpet sample rescued from a hoover bag.
Maybe his aim ain’t that good..
Friendly fire..if you know what I mean.
Was that where they caught him?
I thought it would have been at Cockfosters
I’ll get my coat.
Same outfit as supplies Fabricunt with his syrups. Franklin Mat Coy., a partly-owned subsidiary of Franklin Munters. The other owners are Andrex Paper Recycling.
The London tube: A well known place for all sorts of Carry On, but winking in public takes the biscuit. In an alleyway I can understand like that bloke in Buggernation Street. In this day and age of CCTV and when speaking out of turn can get you in hot water, a lewd and lib offender can get away scot free. How is this possible?
Has anyone seen the film The Magnificent Seven Deadly Sins where Harry H. Corbett goes on the pull in London? A dolly bird beside him then he moves his newspaper and says “All right darling” and she has moved and he’s asking Bill Pertwee instead?
And Mr Harman from Are You Being Served thinks it’s not the first time Miss Brahms has lost her knickers in tube.
Yes I agree with the OP HBC
He should be deballed for hygiene purposes first and foremost but mainly for procreation reasons
Who needs another, of the many squirts that this horrid cunt could produce.