Over Reliance on Electricity

It seems backwards to start effectively cutting down on energy-dense fuels if you want to increase the amount of electricity being used by making everything ‘smart’, (the Internet uses more power than the whole of the UK) promote use of electrical vehicles, and now a cashless society, where transactions are carried out digitally. Cash needs no rlectrical power to change hands. You’ve also got more power requirements for the telecoms industry. More masts and towers and higher signal strength means greater power consumption.

All this at a time when our genius government doesnt want to invest in energy security, no nuclear or shale gas, and simply ‘hopes’ wind and solar will cover our needs.

The question is what happens if a society that needs electricity to do anything loses power?
It coukd be anything; a Chinese or Russian cyber attack, or large nuclear warhead detonated over Britain, creating an EMP. How about a Coronal Mass Ejection, or just a violent storm?
How would a volcanic eruption in Iceland affect solar power generation?
There’s also the spectre of a supervolcano in Southern Italy. Volcanic ash is known for having a detrimental effect on power lines.

The witless saps in the cities may coo over electric cars and the latest smartphones, but they will be fucked when they can’t pay for a latte or household bills because of a power cut.

can’t run the scooter.
can’t charge their phone or tablet.
can’t use contactless payment.

The greenies have to use diesel generators for their pathetic outdoor jamboreees. They’re living a lie, just as these freak celevvrities and idiot politicians.

Mechanically and chemically-derived power were being used long before electricity, and they will continue to be used. Why is our pathetic government so keen on destroying our economy with such a backwards approach to energy?

Fucking clowns.


Nominated by Cuntamus Prime.

111 thoughts on “Over Reliance on Electricity

  1. I have noticed our great and wise leaders are starting to row back on all the ridiculous promises that were made.

    I went to a middling sized music festival last August and the card machines weren’t working. The panic on the faces of idiots without cash was priceless..

    But! but! what do I do?

    Go hungry and thirsty..

    Cash will always be king..

    • Some people almost want to lean over a barrel for the government. These numpties who rely on government to give them housing, pay them to sit at home, pay for their healthcare, pay for their transport are sitting ducks.
      As soon as things go South they’ll be drafted as cannon fodder or put to work on farms or factories. In a national crisis, their rights won’t exist outside a courtroom, if at all.

  2. It’s easy to cut off the serfs if there is only one energy source. Remember, EVERYTHING the leaders, elites, & lawmakers do is about power and control. Logically none of what is happening in energy makes sense but through the lens of how it diminishes freedom and national sovereignty it all makes perfect sense. Why else would the US stop using its vast fossil resources and turn to unicorn orgasms as an energy source?

  3. The lights are on but there’s nobody at home. Just kidding. This winter its best to leave the lights on full, but use quills and ink instead of all the electricity for computers.

  4. And just imagine when increasingly millions more gullible spastics try to charge their four wheeled refrigerators and crash the whole grid and us petrol-powered dinosaurs breeze along empty roads in our pollution machines, all smug.
    Until we have to stick more petrol in and the filling station pumps don’t have any electrical power…d’oh!

    • “…and the filling station pumps don’t have any electrical power…d’oh!…”

      All a pump needs is rotary input from a prime mover, could be a leccy motor but could just as easily be a caged piccaninny, think hamster wheel Tom.

  5. What about the poor people in Saudi and the UAE. How are they going to live without all that oil revenue?
    That hasn’t been taken into consideration.

      • Tourism, trips to Mecca, isn’t it a requirement for all Muslims to make the pilgrimage, could throw in tickets to the public executions to make it worthwhile

      • The problem is sand needs cement, and cement production is now evil because of the C02 pumped out.

        i guess we’ll have to use lime and knock it up by hand.

    • All those poor arabs will have to let their 1989 Mercedes Benz’ sit their getting dusty and downgrade to a camel instead……… until their government cull all the camels to reduce camel-fart emissions.

  6. My only ride in an electric car. I didn’t know he’d started it up it was so quiet. Then ‘look no hands’ the car driving itself.
    Very impressed.

      • An appropriate description Mis since if you drive one you’d better be good at dodging not bumping. In a minor shunt they are wont to burst into flames. It then takes all the resources the Fire Service can muster to extinguish the fucking things in less than two days. The same guys will supress a petrol powered car fire in a very few minutes.

    • “Hey look! the car’s driving itself”, “hey look! the car’s immolating itself”, “hey look! the cars crashing itself”.

      If the choice were between an 80 year old woman or a self-driving car, I would choose Phylis any day of the week.

  7. The government are a bunch of clowns. But the JSO / XR crowd are worse. No wind or sunshine – what do they think will power the grid? Fairy dust? Totally deluded bunch of cunts. Fire up the oven and make a few extra kW.

    • We need to invest in nuclear power and fucking pronto. We led the world in nuclear reactor research in the fifties.
      It was just a decsde ago Gideon and Dave wanted the Chinese building ours.

      Fucking joke.

      • Nuclear is the way to go. It’s the only possible MO if we are supposedly making all vehicles reliant on traction CURRENT, as opposed to oil products.
        How long before they start restringing the Grid, so it has a basic chance of coping with massively increased demands.?
        Proof, if any were needed, that our glorious leaders are so inept that they have to rely on sub-Christmas cracker jokes as political dogma. Lying fecking gobshites.

      • “…How long before they start restringing the Grid, so it has a basic chance of coping with massively increased demands.?…”

        Indeed so Belinda, is there even enough copper available on the metals market to pull new 4core 35/50mm’sq feeders to every British street with 50+ houses on it never mind affording it? I can also foresee a huge rise in domestic garage fires as the ropey spurred sockets and extension leads spend 9hrs a night at full load…unattended!

  8. Cash is the preferred currency of rogues.

    Tax dodging, borderline gyppos.
    Who dislike government interference and others prying into their shady business.

    • Like that Jack the Cunter chap on here.

      No wonder he’s always swanning about the British countryside with Ethel in a expensive camper van he bought cash in hand off Nicola Sturgeon.


      • She wants it back Miserable. Some SNP gopher stashed the missing 600K in there. If Ethel finds it she will want Jack to take her to Center Parcs.

  9. EVs are the way forward CP. Nowhere to charge them, sudden death by immolation, fires on ships, planes and motorways. Natural selection is at work. With Net Zero we are really cooking on err…gas. Net Zero is full err…steam ahead – except when an election is coming and the wankers are looking to be more in tune with the voters, obvs. That dodgy fucker Sunak is busy signing licences for North Sea oil and gas. He is soft peddling the virtue signalling because CCHQ says we are all well pissed off with his woke cuntery.

    The only energy crisis is the crisis being created by bureaucratic bellends in Whitehall. Anyway “our plant is boiling” according to the UN so we can all relax. Fuel bills will be a thing of the past. Punkahwallahs will soon be in demand. All that mass immigration will not look so silly soon. Blair will be seen as a prophet.

    Fuck off.

    • “Our plant is boiling”?? Is this the one that only blossoms for one day a year, and celebrates its moment of pleasure by releasing the smell of rotting fish and hopeless farts?

  10. The stop oil and gas mob are a pain in the arse, wind 9 times cheaper somehow conveniently forgetting that the only way to maintain the grid when the wind doesn’t blow are gas turbines.
    It’s all great paying for the gas fuelled power stations to sit around ready to step in, but that isn’t factored in by the eco mob, wind and solar bla, bla, bla.

    Petrol and Diesel, fuck leccy cars
    Gas for home heating, fuck the heat pumps

    • I’m for nuclear power. Radiation is misunderstood by the public, who are getting less scientifically literate by the minute.

      • Yes, nuclear is the answer, but with all the old kit about to expire we would need to double or triple the current planned new plants.

      • Ain’t that the truth Cuntamus? The way anything slightly technical is dumbed down by the MSM for the perceived target audience. Also it’s very often clear that the hacks reporting such matters know fuck all. When our kids were at school I would sometimes flick through their text books and two things struck me about the physics volumes. One was that stuff I studied early in the ‘O’ level course was not included until the ‘A’ level syllabus. The other was a large amount of stuff in there was what I would call green propaganda rather than pure physics.

      • And do you remember Cuntamus when the medics dropped the ‘N’ prefix from NMRI scan because they were afraid it would frighten the patients? You have to laugh really!

    • Fucking brilliant. Those were the days, SS. Steam rollers, coalmen, fish & chips in real newspaper, full employment, proper pubs, pink pages for the footie results on Saturday evening, Five Boys chocolate bars, packets of five Park Drive, farthings…

  11. They can shove those heat pumps up their dirtbox.

    Bit of detective work you’ll probably find the manufacturer of them is probably some fuckin mate of Boris Johnson
    Or Jeremy Hunts boyfriend.

    Load of bollocks

    And I won’t be having one any more than I’ll be having a leccy van.
    I’m sticking with diesel.

    They piss in your mouth and tell you it’s champagne,
    The cheeky bastard’s.

    • Heat pumps are a staggeringly stupid idea Mis. Installation costs are huge and to make them work anywhere near any reasonable benchmark you need to rip out all your radiators and pipework and install much bigger ones due to the low temperature they run at compared to your gas boiler. This is the same old bollocks we’ve been subject to for twenty years now in the shape of Fatty Prescott’s condensing boilers. In that case it has simply meant that the claimed savings on your gas bill over the old boilers are completely unattainable as anyone who has such a boiler can tell you. Savings are made only while the system is warming up from cold and the extra cost of the boiler, shorter life span and more maintenance required due to low reliability means any savings are wiped out many times over. In the case of heat pumps when they cannot cope in the winter the difference will be made up by electrical heating. Since electricity is more than three times the price of the gas you are burning at the moment again savings are in the land of the unicorns and flying porkers.

      • Too right Arfur.
        Even heat pump manufacturers have admitted they don’t work well in “certain conditions”.

        Certain conditions like the UK weather.

        I know a sales pitch when I see one.

  12. When the North Sea is completely covered in wind turbines and the British countryside is coved in solar panels, the grid will be glowing, 30 million electric cars all plugged in and fast charging, the trip switch tittering on the edge then some little old lady will plug her kettle in a blow the lot, selfish fucking bitch.

    There will be Scotty, I teld ye the fuses wouldna hold.

    • When it comes to the demsnd on electricity during hslf time of FA cup final or a big event, we knock on France’s door and ask si vous plait for some French leccy.

      The source is nuclear, but we wont invest in our own.

      We are regressing in nearly every way.

  13. There was a programme on BBC the other night telling us how fucking great heat pumps are. At least I assume that’s what they said as they are the propaganda outlet for every bought and paid for WEF globalist bastard in this country. Fuck heat pumps and fuck the BBC.

    • They were actually rather restrained and one guy having a new system was clear about how much it would cost, so was the installer. One thing I was waiting for was how the fuck they’d install these fucking useless things in tower blocks, or just blocks of flats in general. They passed over that.

  14. Yes, we’ve became hopelessly reliant on electricity and computers, there’s no doubting that.
    But that only makes our leaders pursuit of a net zero fantasy all the more ridiculous.
    Being reliant on leccy is one thing, sourcing the means of generating it from unscrupulous countries is beyond fucking idiotic.
    Particularly when we are sitting on a rich source of fuel in the first place, which a minority rule we cannot touch.
    That’s what I call insanity.

    • Electricity does have its uses – I wouldn’t want acetylene gas lighting at Hubbard Hall, nor the stink of ethel mercaptan that is put in natural gas. I’d sooner be all electric. But as for cars, JC what a disaster. Spontaneous combustion, a fecking nightmare for fire brigade to deal with, so bloody heavy that multi-storey crap parks are likely to collapse…
      All the result of brainwashing, which has become so commonplace, that the morons happily brainwash themselves.
      What a load of old SHIT.

  15. Some daft bitch from Greenpeace with split ends an no makeup on sat on Rishi Sunaks roof just said that people need to think what side they’re on.
    Because the planets dying.

    I’ve thought about it.
    I’m not on your side.
    I couldn’t possibly side with such a plain looking boring fucker as you luv.

    And rather than just sitting on Rishis roof,
    Pull some tiles off.
    Kick him chimney in.
    Use some initiative.

    Rather than sat there like a gargoyle.

    • Weren’t there any solar panels up there?
      Oh no, Wishy Washy doesn’t have to worry about his leccy bill the rich motherfucker. And where is he now? Basking in the sun in one of his other mansions in California. Fuck him, the cunt.

      • It’s probably a listed building, no solar panels allowed ?

        At least he isn’t living in something that resembles the Taj Mahal

    • The one on the ground holding the banner looks like she would worth a bash, smoother her in baby oil ?

      • Greenpeace should of set fire to Rishis house.
        That’d drive the climate message home.

        Love to see his face when he got back from his ‘holibobs’ to the smouldering shell of his 10bedroom rats nest.

    • We cannot kill life on this planet, not even in full thermonuclear war.
      Only the sun, nearby supernova/gamma ray burst or a >50 mile-wide asteroid can do that.

      These gurgling, swivel-eyed freaks are completely ignorant of science and history.

    • Took plod 2 hours to show up.
      And only then because demonstrators had been shouting from the rooftops.
      Pigs probably too busy investigating alleged ‘racist language’ in a fucking leaflet.
      Any terrorist worth his salt could have nipped in quietly and planted a bomb.
      No one would have been the wiser.
      Until Wishy Washy got back from Disneyland.
      Unbelievable lapse in security.
      Fuck them.

      • “…Any terrorist worth his salt could have nipped in quietly and planted a bomb…”

        …or dropped a 3lb shite in their freezer… kinda the same thing.

    • I-d say shit down his chimney, but he’d probably put it in the curry.
      “Are you having a good day at No. 10, Mr. Bannerjee?”

  16. Small modern nuclear plants and modern biosphere farms surrounding them for food production with the ample amount of hot water used for cooling the rods.
    Its all there in blue prints, safe as fk and super efficient but no everyone has to listen to the green Shite being propagated as alternatives to fossil fuels, wind and solar will just do more damage, as is already evident.

  17. As an old sapper I once worked with said, ” there’s a great future for the horse and cart”

    That was back in the early 70’s…?

    • Yup, I can imagine Penny doing a very slow Lady Godiva down my road, nice rising trot in the saddle…

      • And, I might add, if it pisses down like yesterday, I’d gladly opt for the “Less (nudity) is more” approch…
        She could wear a proper old riding mac.

  18. Have to agree with a lot of that. In particular, electric cars are a cunt idea. They require greater generating capacity than can be supplied through renewable sources – oil or gas will have to come into the equation somehow. They are excessively heavy , so extremely inefficient as compared with a hydrocarbon-fuelled vehicle, in addition to enhancing the deplorable state of our roads. They require exotic and expensive materials to work – none of which are produced in this country, and which cost three fortunes -one in energy, one in money and one in environmental destruction – to extract. So they’re monumental cunts.

    That said, the unstoppable trend for conventional cars to become big, heavy, ugly lumps with a never-ending requirement for bells and whistles, normally containing one person (you can check this out on any busy street. Two at schooltime, maybe) doesn’t exactly help the environment either. Why does EVERYONE have to have his/her private chariot and why does it so often have to be a twatpanzer? Deep questions, cunters. And possibly answered by the virtual abandonment of cheap and efficient public transport by our masters.

    AS I unequivocally agree that global temperatures ARE rising, despite the overwhelming weight of GB News’ opinion, I have to agree that reducing hydrocarbon use is probably a good idea, so apologies to cunters who don’t, but you are fucking deluded. (obligatory smiley)

    In passing, hydrocarbon supplies are just as liable to restriction as electricity supplies. I see Russia and Saudi have just agreed to cut production in order to force the price of oil up, and what about Nordstream? If the Norwegians stop liking us, we’re fucked. They have the refineries – we don’t.

    Nuclear power has to be the main option – successive governments of the UK have succeeded in screwing up every initiative to achieve this, but Rolls Royce have some useful ideas about local nuke stations which may be getting a little traction now. Even so, there will be a long delay before nukes arrive (including replacements for our antique stock, past its sell-by) – so what else?

    1. Cut waste. Home and business insulation.
    2. Stop wanting 25 degrees ambient in every part of the home. Settle for 20, soft cunts. 16 in the bedroom – you’ll sleep better.
    3. Carefully examine your transport. Did you buy a twatpanzer to impress the neighbours and take up two parking spaces, or do you simply want to get from a to b?
    4. Etcetera, etcetera. I’m even boring myself.

    • Komodo, you are way too sensible but I would go further, 10 C in the bedroom as long as I can have Salma Hayek under my duvet (don’t tell Ron, he will get jealous)

      • Jesus Komodo!
        Those are temperatures my missus can only dream of!!
        Can tell your a lizard.

        We have the back door open ALL year round.
        No arguments.
        Me and the dog don’t like heat.

        Shes got blankets and a hot water bottle I bought her.
        Fuckin use them if your nesh.

    • I agree. While the climate is changing i would ask for more science in our media and less hysteria. This talk of climate catastrophes is disputed by numerous figures with backgrounds in physics and climate-related disciplines.
      I also endorse nuclear power. the problem is the media has lost the sppetite for reason and education and prefers to scare people over nuclear power. Recent converts like George Monbiot don’t get asked to contribute.
      As Jacob Bronowski said, God added the neutron to our toolkit.

    • Evening MNC, I completely agree, in fact. The only reason I close a window in summer is when some cunt is blethering loudly outside it.

      But to judge by a neighbours’ boiler being on all day in the height of summer (the sound is the giveaway) many are not used to coolth. Those who grew up with one room heated by a coal fire if we were lucky, and frost on the insides of the windows in the morning have a completely different take on the matter.

      I think the current minimum requirement for places of sedentary work is 16 C (60.8 F in old money), and that hasn’t changed much since the 60s. Not that that ideal was often reached…

  19. Good nom.

    Leccy cars take about 2-3 years on average to start becoming ‘more green’ than petrol cars, due to how they are manufactured.

    People who show off their 50k leccy cars buy a new car every year or two anyway. Waste of fucking time then.

    But hey, Rory and Tabatha get to feel good about ‘saving the planet’ for us, the fucking sanctimonious, posh twats.

    And that advert. “I’m glad you didn’t buy one of those electric cars’ says the dad. Smug bitch daughter drives him about then reveals it is an electric car.

    Is her dad a fucking spastic? I can easily spot a leccy car. Makes no sound, so a danger to animals and pedestrians, particularly the hard of hearing.

    Another big giveaway is that they are driven by fucking vegan, lefty wankers. In real life, this dad would’ve disowned his smug cunt of a daughter years ago.

    Fuck off.

  20. I read an article in the Daily Supress that indicated there is not only insufficient EV charging stations, but the infrastructure of the National Grid cannot support supply to the current charging stations, never mind the x thousands more that would be needed, should the UK go totally EV.

    On a side note, our local Lidl installed two EV charging stations in its car park last year. They are both currently out of order, with no plans to repair them. Why? Simple, thieves kept stealing the cables.

      • That’s the thinking, Two.

        A few weeks ago, about 10 of them rolled up and set up camp in the Lidl carpark.

        Needless to say, no one shopped there until they were turfed out. In fact, I don’t think the shop even opened.

        That’s when the cable theft started

      • @Jeezum Priest

        This is what bothers me about the bleeding heart types who think pikeys should have protected status as a minority. The fact that gypos like fighting and thieving isn’t a secret: the cunts are famous for those 2 activities.

    • I saw a YouTube video the other day with the CEO, or whatever, of a chain of motorway service stations. They’re being forced to install the EV chargers but there’s no provision to actually power them. Fucking ridiculous.

      • Yes indeed, my point exactly.

        They can instal them, but without the necessary infrastructure to deliver power to them, they are as much use as tits on a bull.

        No wonder our glorious Government is back pedalling.

        We’ll remember this, come voting day, you twatting cunts.

  21. Great nom, fully agree with it. I’m trying to find a new job now and all the analytical jobs go on about data science and digitisation of everything. It’s all invisible except it costs a packet in electricity to exist. Just like fucking crypto currencies generated off banks of personal computers running 24/7… Jobs that deal with nothing in physical form. Balls to it.

    • Well cars can run on cow shit so maybe horse piss could work too, gotta be worth a try.

      There must have been a decent pile on the M6 yesterday, imagine the matrix boards saying caution, cow shit…

      • Looking for a new job?

        Some twat in the house of commons has just said the over 50s should garnish their income by delivering on a bicycle for Dileveroo.

        There you go Silver haired cunt.

        On yer bike!?

      • I saw a Just Eat delivery driver bombing up the road, insulated backpack, crash helmet, on a Segway!

        Laugh, I nearly bought a round!

      • Agreed. Their weight is also a problem for rubber/tyre consumption (HBelinda MUST have her gimp suit for the evening stroll).
        It seems that Sod’s Law is a scientific reality, vis-a-vis the correlation between battery power/weight, and car weight. It’s a very narrow line between designing a car that can be shifted by a given battery that can be fitted within the available space

  22. On the way to Devon stopped at Gloucester services for a brew, noticed a nice queue of leccy cars all lined up like Blackpool donkeys for three, yes three charging stations.
    Had a brew, put £20 of unleaded in the tank carried on my way. The same dopey buggers are still waiting for a charger….?⚡?

    • It makes me laugh, everytime I see such a situation.

      Not so smug now, are you, Crispin?

      Oh, and Jocasta is yelling at you to “get orn with it, bribe the ones in front if you have to, Cressida needs a feed and she’s just filled her nappy. I told you we should have left her with the Nanny.

    • CQB mate, years ago I lost count of how many times I witnessed that scene when I was on the road. Early days I thought it was hilarious but it got to be boring. Mind you, I think I would have been a fucking sight more bored if I had been sitting in one of those tarted-up milk floats!

  23. Re start the coal fired power stations and place them in central London. Smog like the 40 s and 50 s.
    Let the new owners of London Stan cough and splutter a bit.
    Shouldn’t affect their dusky colours all that much either?

  24. In the event of a power cut, I’ll immediately put on my running shoes and go for a jog up and down the high street, pointing and laughing at all the simpleton zoomers holding their phones in the air trying desperately to get signal so they can post their oh-so-important duckface selfies to Instagram.

  25. Can’t wait for the Ivans to cut a few deep sea cables,plunging all of Europe and/or America into absolute feral chaos.

    Energy security?

    Much better not to bother thinking about it,just get another sherry from the subsidised bar then fill another expenses form in.

    Cunts..for coal oven.

  26. I’d be happier if it was just the economy the government were trying to destroy but, by extension, they clearly want to kill millions of native inhabitants. It must be to free up housing for the illegals. And I do mean free.

    • “… they clearly want to kill millions of native inhabitants. It must be to free up housing for the illegals….”

      Just go where the evidence leads – Panning back and viewing the totality of the inimical and actively suicidal policies the past 40years of governments have enacted upon us, the application of Ockam’s Razor leaves no other plausible conclusion.

  27. Considering the poor state of the roads ( and footpaths) in Sheffield at the moment, despite £m being allocated to repairs, I wonder how long it will be before a twat mobile will disappear into a sinkhole?

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