Hollywood Movies

That new Barbie film is a cunt. Who the shit writes a script like this? That yawning bore cunt, Noah Borebutt cowrote, Barbie which is a, “WTF?” surely? Might as well have had Woody Allen cowrite it. Bag of shite. Also, Margot Robbie is actually a bit of a psycho, that’s why she was drawn to that psycho project, I am Toyah.

Oh God, Hollywood, start making proper movies again. Makes you long for the days of mad cunts like Don Simpson or dare I say it… Harvey Weinstein! Not these distasteful clown-shoes who are piloting the Tinseltown juggernauts these days.

And I’ll say, I’ll fucking say it… Nolan is a pretentious, boring, high-minded, smug knob who needs to make a fucking ENTERTAINING FILM. Back to basics, cunt, make a movie like, Memento before you turn into a high-tech version of George Steven. You’re not Kubrick, you’re disappearing up your own arse like a semi-lubricated rubber horsecock up an OnlyFans bimbo.


Link is the trailers for Barbenheimer, which is very clever…
… no it isn’t, it illustrates how punchable Hollywood is.


Nominated by Pull My Finger.

101 thoughts on “Hollywood Movies

  1. She is a psycho so for that reason she is sentenced to 5 years chained in my cellar At end of the sentence she will no longer be able to use any orifice.

  2. Nolan is a pretentious cunt, although I didn’t mind Dunkirk.

    I remember every cunt raving about Inception. They stil do. I thought It was a load of pretentious bollocks. Wasn’t that bird who became a tit lopper ‘man’ in it?

    Memento is one of those films where people try to look clever and all by saying they understand it. No fucker had a clue what was going on until they googled for explanations, which still made little sense. What a load of up its own arse bollocks that was.

    I hear the ‘harmless fun’ of Barbie is actually a dig at men. It’s to make little girls be feminists (gobby man haters) I hear. I haven’t seen it, but I bet it can be summed up in 8 words. Men are stupid and rapey you go girl.

    I wonder if Ken tries to rape Barbie and Barbie is saved by a black refugee doll character?

    • You can’t get black refugee dolls, when you open the box, the doll is missing and already working cash in hand.

      • the fucking perfect reply lol.either that or hes moved hotel

    • Ken’ll have a job Cunty.

      I hear that he hasn’t got any equipment, and neither has Barbie.

    • If you couldn’t follow Memento or Inception don’t blame the writer and director.

      • Sorry CP, I will say what I bloody well like about the films.

        No, I’m not stupid either. You must be one of those who completely understood both films first time then, without being told what it ‘was about’?

        Yeah ok.

        My opinion – those films were pretentious bollocks

        By the way, someone called you a dog fucker on here lol. Don’t know if you saw that, it made me chuckle.

        Not me, I agree with a lot of your posts by the way.

      • And I do like some of Nolan’s films.

        The Joker, Dunkirk and Interstellar were all very good. Maybe I was a bit hasty calling him out, but he does make the odd pretentious load of old bollocks (in my opinion).

      • I’m sorry but I never called you stupid.

        I did understand Memento and Inception even if they were confusing in structure. They make sense. if you don’t believe me, fair enough.

        What doesn’t make sense is ‘Lost’ and the reboot of ‘Battlestar Galactica’, and I really enjoyed the latter during the first 3 seasons. The mystical stuff really ruined it for me.
        I found that pretentious, given that it started out pretty grounded for a TV science fiction programme.

        As for the SEN-level slur from whoever, it’s water off a ducks arse. It says more about them than me.

        I’ve not seen it myself but if it was posted I can guess who it is.

        Serious issues.

      • Correction: I have seen it and it was who I thought it was.

        a ‘Pearl clutcher’ is worth a ‘dog fucker?’


        Serious beef, that one.

    • I watched Memento when it came out back in the year 2000 and remember thinking it was really good but forgot why, so I re-watched it the other day and…… it was slow, boring and meandering but in reverse gear.

      Narrative structure usually goes in one direction and builds towards a pay-off with the character growing throughout the story and learning more about the situation, all while the viewer learns what the character learns with the occasional bit of meta exposition that’s shown to the viewer but not the protagonist.

      In Memento, due to the scenes being shown in reverse, the protagonist’s scope of knowledge and development shrinks all while the viewers’ scope of knowledge expands to the ultimate pay-off being the “technically” first scene of the story.

      It was a unique and clever take on narrative structure but one that only really worked in that movie due to the character being unable to form short-term memory. Outside of it’s uniqueness, it was pretty ground-breaking in the year 2000 but nowadays just comes across as pretentious and self-indulgent on the part of Christopher Nolan.

      Still better than a lot of the shite that passes for movies nowadays though.

    • Funny, I hated Dunkirk. It felt really dull. 1917 is an example of such a film done right.

      • @OpinionatedCunt

        Completely agree. I couldn’t get half way through Dundirk before I turned it off, whereas I watched 1917 in one sitting without pausing or going for a piss. Far superior war film in my view.

      • I have to agree on this one OC.

        Saw ‘Dunkirk’ on the big screen and it just left me cold; couldn’t relate to it at all.

        On the other hand, ‘1917’ had a surreal, nightmarish quality to it which I found utterly compelling. A fucking completely insane conflict.

      • Dunkirk was a pile of unrealistic shite. 1917 was a good film, but in my opinion All quiet on the western front has to be one of the best world war films ever made. Makes saving private ryan look like a family christmas film.

  3. Wow. ? out. Love the header picture Admin.

    What’s the cunting about again??

  4. Morning chaps…between Disney’s box office failures and every streaming company losing money hand over Barrymore’s fist, it’s increasingly obvious that Hollywood should be heading for a car over the cliff, Thelma and Louise style.
    Except they won’t because they’re bankrolled by super rich sinister companies who wish to promote wimminz, degeneracy and tran§bumderism at every turn and are happy for the movie to lose hundreds of millions of dollars (Indiana Jones 5, for example). I mentioned this last week and some kind ISAC fellow (forgot who, sorry) put me on a path to discovery.
    Fucking Blackrock are on the Disney board, for fuck’s sake:
    Movies can still be profitable without fucking off their audience. I took my younger son to see the Mario film and there was no preachy shit, just good fun.

    • The BlackRock/WEF stuff is all a big conspiracy theory and a ‘nothing burger’ say many.

      Perhaps, but it just can’t be a coincidence to see most white majority countries going down the same path. Unfettered immigration, a far left, globalist media which promotes degeneracy, the break up of the family unit, atomisation, making basic human needs like a home, family and dignity very difficult to achieve. The promotion of ‘the other’ (blacks in particular for some reason) in the media. Laws to restrict the opportunities available to white people but not other races. Climate hysteria. The demonisation of boys and men (usually white of course).

      And most importantly, all politicians singing from the same hymn sheet. They have the odd row for appearances, but it makes little difference who wins the election.

      It can’t be a coincidence to see this everywhere (with a few exceptions like Le Pen in France and Orban in Hungary), surely?

      And yes, it does seem as though the ‘go woke go broke’ slogan doesn’t really happen. Gillette and Budweiser lost billions after woke campaigns but will not go bust. Hollywood and media outlets like The Guardian too.

      It’s almost as if politicians from around the world meet up with some sinister financiers who then decide policy for them to follow, with the promise of funding and sweeteners?

      Maybe I’ve got my tin foil hat on, but all I’m saying is I don’t think all this crap is a coincidence. How can it be? There must be something to it, and it’s usually about money and power.

      If someone has a better explanation, I’m all ears.

      • Damn right, CB.
        If all this ‘Great Reset’ stuff coming in 2030 is really going to happen, I’ll make the best of it, as I’ve already a fair amount of personal experience with murder and cannibalism.

      • “It’s almost as if politicians from around the world meet up with some sinister financiers who then decide policy for them to follow, with the promise of funding and sweeteners?”

        It’s probably what they all get up to at Davos.

      • My next prediction is that in the future, politicians throughout current white majority countries will ‘get a grip’ on immigration.

        Funnily enough, each of these countries will only ‘manage’ to do this once they’re too overcrowded and can barely support the now majority serf class.

        It’ll be too late and by design.

        And in my opinion ,they’re coming for Japan and South Korea next once the west is totally fucked (we’re almost there.) Will be interesting to see how they react to this shite.

      • Fine comment CB.

        Have a gander at the situation in South Africa if you want to see what could be in store for whitey.

        Some crazed political baboon was on a stage recently singing to around 90’000 other baboons.
        Songs such as “kill the white farmers” or “kill the Boer” and has gone on recorded as saying that “he’s not calling for the widespread slaughter of whites just yet” etc etc.

        I forget the potentially genocidal cunts name now but he’s apparently the leader of the second or third largest opposition party down there. Unbelievable.

        Despite white farmers and their families being robbed, tortured murdered by blacks in South Africa, the media silence surrounding all of this is generally deafening, as per usual, with the likes of the good old BBC calling this fella a political maverick or some kind of a “firebrand”

        Just imagine for one fucking second if the shoe was on the other foot.


      • Also, a lot of power stations have stopped working due to corruption and people are signing up for solar panels. I swear, the current situation in South Africa is like something out of The Simpsons.

      • Herman
        “…Some crazed political baboon was on a stage recently singing to around 90’000 other baboons.
        Songs such as “kill the white farmers” or “kill the Boer” and has gone on recorded as saying that “he’s not calling for the widespread slaughter of whites just yet” etc etc….

        Might be that paragon of piss and reconciliation Nelson Mendacious


        …wait a minute Chops, who’s the stumpy little ‘white’ goblin on his left??
        …why it’s Joe Slovo (born Yossel Mashel Slovo) a Marxist/Leninist communist jew, policy advisor to Mandela and chief of staff of chief of staff of Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation)

        …them every time…

  5. Hollywood can’t be all bad..

    They managed to write a script so that Margot gets her tits out in Wolf of Wall St.

    Of course,ninety percent of modern films are made by total cunts for total cunts,it’s either cartoon characters or even more likely a patronising woke lecture…that you pay twenty quid to endure.

    Fuck that.

    • A good case in point is the latest and last Indiana Jones film..so bad it’s probably good but who on earth would pay to see it?

      I very much looked forward to borrowing it off the Google machine.

      The Cunts.

      • Morning UT.
        Normally, I’d be happy for a famous actress to get her tits out.
        But not Phoebe Waller-Bridge. She’s not pretty. She’d have hairy nips.
        In Indy 5, I was wanting her stupid feminist face to melt like that Nazı at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.

      • Arnold Toht of the Gestapo.

        I used to work with a fella who had an uncanny resemblance to him.

        A right tired lazy cunt he was an all and funnily enough, whenever he was shaken out of his comfort zone or was upset over something – he’d pull a face like the ark of the covenant had just been opened up on him.

        Morning Thomas.

      • I’m wondering if the Ark of the Covenant was actually pure wokeness, and the Nazis subconsciously killed themselves through brain power, because there was no way they could compete.

    • Scorsese is now the exception rather than the rule and has said as much;

      ‘Why not just let superhero films and other franchise films be? The reason is simple. In many places around this country and around the world, franchise films are now your primary choice if you want to see something on the big screen. It’s a perilous time in film exhibition, and there are fewer independent theaters than ever. The equation has flipped and streaming has become the primary delivery system… The situation, sadly, is that we now have two separate fields: There’s worldwide audiovisual entertainment, and there’s cinema. They still overlap from time to time, but that’s becoming increasingly rare. And I fear that the financial dominance of one is being used to marginalize and even belittle the existence of the other.’

      Full article


      Francis Ford Coppola has gone further and called the trend for countless superhero films ‘despicable’.

  6. Action Man is in the pipeline for the next Hollyweird Woke Makeover. He’s considered to epitomise belligerent out-moded ‘masculine toxicity’, what with his grenades and army fatigues an all.

    Over the story arc of the film he realises the error of his ways and goes full Unicorn, emerging triumphantly as a drag queen eco-loon called Valerie.

    Things don’t go too well for Valerie during a tarmac / superglue / cheap Anne Summers outfit – related incident when sees him done for indecent exposure in the middle of Piccadilly Circus. The scene is recreated in the local library the following week for the edu-tainment of parents and toddlers.

    Valerie is now available as a doll, kids can dress him up in different rainbow wigs while admiring the spectacle of his hairy bollocks and massive wanger. It helps them explore their sexuality. And lament at the state of the planet. The End.

    • Action Man was famous for not having any genitals so your scenario strikes me as unlikely.

      Beware the wrath of the man bereft.

      • Ah, that was then Stanley. We’re in the Brave New World now. Although big pharma went on to sponsor Valerie to have his bits removed so he could appear in an ad for Costa Coffee …

    • Action Simp will be belittled by an Angry black woman with a fucking bone in her nose and a comb in her fucking afro. She will get more screen time than Action Simp. They will make figures of the ABW, which will be found languishing in already struggling toy shops. Dr X will still be white.

    • I’m not sure with this nom.
      I think the Nolan’s are great.

      I like the bald one best.

      • Wonder if her hubby shoots his load on her slaphead then times how long it takes to slide down on to her shoulder?

  7. Hollyweird ran out of ideas decades ago.

    All they churn out now is remakes of piss poorly thought through sequels and prequals.

    And if Margot Robbie ever needs a replacement bicycle saddle, my face is always available.

    • Margot Robbie on my face and Rachael Riley on my winkle. With a live feed video camera feeding to a telly mounted on the ceiling so I could see them messily and aggresively kissing.
      Not that I’ve thought about it. A lot.

    • Margot Robbie was brilliant as Sharon Tate in Once Upon a time in Hollywood.
      As was fellow wokie Leonard deCaprio.

      You have to be woke nowadays to work in films ,
      The politburo insist on it.

      You won’t get anyone with Right wing views catching a break now.

      No upcoming John Wayne, Charlton Heston,
      No Sonny Landham.

      Who’s the last one you ask?
      Sonny is the red Indian bloke in Predator.
      The one who cuts his chest and stops to fight the alien with a knife.

      He was a genuine difficult cunt,
      Been in prison,
      Been in porn films,
      Quick tempered and hard as nails.
      He ran for the Republican party for senator but on the question of Afghanistan called them

      “camel dung shovelers”
      And said they should be bombed into the sand.

      I liked him.
      RIP Sonny?

      • If he had become president at least playing hail to the chief would of been accurate..

      • He had mindersvon the set of Predator, to keep the other actors safe.

        Not sure Jesse Ventura wouldve worried too much though. He was ex Special Forces in real life.

      • Camel Sung Shovelers? Doesn’t that imply they are working and doing something useful?

  8. Good nom.

    Modern films are wokey wankey shite. Old films get the wokey wankey make-over or are just never shown anymore. Nerflix is poo. ‘Now streaming’ they say. Yeah, streaming poo.

    I have my own extensive library of films that I can dip into. No woke shite. Just good old fashioned entertainment with proper film stars not transie cunts and wall to wall homos and lezzas. No doubt there were plenty of homos and lezzas in Hollywood in the days when they made entertaining films, but they didn’t get their fucking jobs based on fucking quotas.

    Whatever happened to Sunday afternoon films? ‘Sink the Bismark’, ‘Little Foxes’, ‘Key Largo’, ‘Odette’, ‘Roman Holiday’, ‘Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines’ ‘The Belles of St Trinians’ ‘My Fair Lady.’ All swept away because they were too whitey I suppose. Although, come to think of it, there was a taste of things to come with Alastair Sim’s headmistress!

    I am surprised that Pasolini’s masterpiece, Salo isn’t shown more. It was right on message. Eat our shit, peasants. Ahead of its time.

    Fuck off.

    Good morning, everyone.

  9. C’mon Barbie let’s go party, get that pink dress off and let’s see what’s underneath ?

    I see God has finally come out against Pride, he pissed all over them at Brighton yesterday ?

      • ‘that ye may be the children of your Father who is in Heaven. For He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.’

      • It made me chuckle, just a shame there wasn’t the full wrath of God, bolts of lightning crashing down and a voice from the sky ‘take that you dirty bastards’

      • “He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.”

        Here endeth the first lesson.

        Here beginneth the sermon:

        The rain it raineth every day
        Upon the just and unjust fella
        But more upon the just because
        The unjust has the just’s umbrella.

  10. Hollywood is fucked by the look of it as far as producing entertaining films without the agenda is concerned. Oh, Grant and Gable, Colman and Colbert, Powell and Loy, Fred and Ginger et al, how I miss you all.

    It’s not only boring, it seems positively sinister, as the attempts to ignore, then badmouth, the tiny indie film ‘Sound of Freedom’ showed. Mmmm… let’s get on the neck of a film which blows the lid off the despicable trafficking of children. Why would they want to do that, I wonder??

    How great to report that ‘SoF’, on a budget of only $14.5m, has now raked in nearly $160m at the US box office pretty much based on ‘word of mouth’ alone. I like to think that it’s the US public giving a poke in the eye with a sharp stick to Hollywokeweird.

    It’s a place owned and run by cunts, mostly producing stuff for cunts. When’s the next bastardised ‘Star Wars’ due out, I wonder, or the next much-anticipated Phoebe W-B effort? I reckon that Jennifer Lopez’s arse would be great as the new James Bond. What do you reckon?

    Morning all.

    • I don’t think there will be a new Star Wars film in cinemas for many years. Personally I think the appeal of the property is dead, and is probably for the best.

      it’s not the 1980s.

  11. Watched Crimson Tide last night, miss stars like Gene Hackman, he tried to launch nuclear weapons from his sub but Denzil Washington spoiled his fun. Hackman’s fucking ace.

    • What I like about Hackman is he could play the bad guy or the good guy with equal panache. Great actor.

      • He retired didn’t he? Still knocking about i hope.
        Have to scan my vast film connection tonight, see if i can find another of his films, maybe unforgiven.

        ‘Misfire, kill the son of a bitch’

      • He retired pretty much after The Royal Tennebaums, citing that Hollywood had stopped making films for adults.

        I don’t think he was sold on Wes Anderson’s affectedly quirky vision.

        Neither am I.

        Hipster shite.

      • I like him in Prime cut playing Mary Ann, Lee Marvin fighting a fucking combine harvester classic.

      • Hackman is/was great. If you haven’t seen it, check out ‘Eureka.’ Come to think of it, it is worth seeing again even if you have!

      • Feel the same way for myself PC, but as they say, it’s better than the alternative.

      • I think Terry Stamp as Zod was my favourite out of the Reeve/Donner/Lester performances.

        Played it brilliantly. Quite earnest to sell it, but a bit of ham where required.
        Someone like Steven Berkhoff would’ve ruined it.

        Hackman knew Stamp was the main villain and allowed him the limelight.

        The first two superman films were two of the very first films i can remember seeing. To rewatch them now makes you realise how bad they were, even at the time.

        As for three and four, pretty much unwatchable.

  12. when to see it last weekend with my 12, near 13 year old daughter. I naively assumed it would be an innocent child film with some hidden adult humour for the parents. How wrong was i? It is nothing but propodanda brainwashing for kids. The whloe storyline is simply about how bad barbie has been to the womens movement….yet in barbieland they dont realise that coz in barbie land a barbie can be anything she wants to be…doctor, airline pilot, builder, president……then barbie leaves barbie land for present day world…and a woman is nothing more than a houswife and skivvy with men doing all the important jobs. 30 years ago the world may have been like that is western civilixation….but not now…yes the man hating agenda shows a boardroom of directors all being male, all doctors are male you get the idea….like fuck is it like that. Hell we even have laws to prevent it. But not in the barbie movie. All men are horrible and all women have never been given a chance. Even my daughter said after the film ‘what was that all about’ its like a government info film…deserved cunting

    • You’re dead right Chuff. The majority of entrants to medical school now are women. Our daughters born in ’87 and ’90, one is a doctor, the other is a law graduate. Sounds like she doesn’t need it but emphasise to your daughter that the film is bollocks. Best of luck to you both.

      • Typical Femstapo propaganda that would put Leni Riefenstahl. to shame. Using a little girl’s toy to spread woke bullshit and wimmins fascism. Another innocent thing and piece of children’s escapism stolen to spread woke hate and grind men into the dirt. Foul, corrupt cunts.

        And that Margo Thingy is a hypocritical cunt. Puts her name to this Feminazi shite, yet she’s flashed her arse as Harley Quinn to blow her own chuff up the ladder.

  13. I agree with the cunting of Hollywood in general, but if it werent for Nolan, there’d be little to recommend it.. Aside from Nolan we have limited options; Nicolas Winding Refn, Ben Wheatley and Denis Villeneuve, and the chap who directed Cloverfield Lane, which was ruined by the studio stuffing it cock handedly into JJ Abrams poorly concieved Cloverfield anthology.

    Call him pretentious and high-minded.. Yes he aims high but sometimes misses (Tenet), it’s still better than another Superhero cartoon. He’s one of the few directors keeping practical effects going.
    I enjoyed The Prestige , Interstellar and Dunkirk. I thought Inception and the Dark Knight were decent, if a little overhyped. Batman Begins and Memento were pretty solid. I look forward to seeing Oppenheimer as I ‘m interested in that project andvpart of history.
    He’s not Kubrick and never tried to be.
    He knows better than that. The people who make the comparison (like the person who wrote this cunting) make such comparisons because Nolan and Kubrick are the only cerebral directors they can think of.

    I don’t know where the smug comes from other. Ive never seen Nolan act or say anything smug in any interviews. If the OP can point me to one it might change my mind.

    I find it very odd that he should arouse such anger when the damage to Hollywood’s cultural status is being done by JJ Abrams and useless producers and studio executives chasing ESG funding.

    I can guess one director you’re thinking of for entertainment, the director Bay and Abrams try to copy, Tony Scott. A superb action director who suffered a tragic death.

    After I saw Prometheus I made a joke about the wrong brother had topped himsrlf.

    Harsh but it was a truly awful prequel to onebof the greatest science fiction horrors of all time.
    Covenant was even worse.

    Ridley was hampered by the writingbof Damon Lindelof, one of the Bad Reboot gang who wrote Lost.

    No wonder it was shit.

    • Another positive about Nolan. Watch his interview with Prof. Brian Cox on Oppenheimer.
      He says that films shouldn’t try to be too didactic and drub audiences with a message.
      I took that as a nice little dig at wokoids.

    • Lindehof gets the blame for Prometheus but a lot of its crapness is down to him and previous writer John Spaihts having to try and knock out a script around Ridley Scott’s constantly changing Chariots of the Gods brainfarts which he’d emit on a daily basis. Watch the documentary Furious Gods for an idea of what he was like. Scott makes good looking films, but he’s got fuck all idea of what makes a decent story.

      Of Nolan’s films I liked Memento and The Prestige. Inception left me cold – nothing clever about it, although the fight in the hotel corridor was well done. Not seen the Batman ones – fuck all interest in superheroes.

      • Yes I think Scott did jabber about aliens in the publicity. Something about the pope acknowledging aliens.

        Thanks for the recommendation on the documentary. I’d be interested in seeing it if helps explain the biggest cinematic disappointment since The Phantom Menace.

  14. On a related note, a number of people I know are going back to Blu-Ray because streaming services are cutting up old non-PC films to suit the ‘modern audiences’.

    Netflix have even done this with Friends, the most beige and saccharine of sitcoms.

    • I have a pretty big collection Cuntamus, don’t watch the dvd’s much due to quality, but have quite a few Blu-rays and a growing 4k collection. Must get to Cex and have a good look around.
      As good as downloads are these days, you can’t beat physical media. I don’t stream anythining.

    • I’ve sold a lot of DVDs just because I don’t really watch many films now. I kept a few favourites but loads of them were just stuff i’d seen a fw times and never watch again.

      I’ve got a mate who has to buy all versions of certain films. I don’t understand that mentality.

      • I must admit i used to be a little like that.
        But now i wait for 4k versions of certain films so as not to get repeats of my blu-rays.

  15. Think about it this way;

    For decades film execs have been getting their tiny, shriveled kosher cocks sucked by budding starlets who would do anything (yes, ANYTHING) to land their big break in the movie industry.

    Hardly a well kept secret.

    But now that the likes of Harvey Weinstein have been outed by the very women who sucked his cock for stardom, the whole of mankind must repent.

    All white males must now be portrayed as bumbling idiots, playing the stooge to some Doris or other, who sucks cock really well.

    Actresses are just whores under a different banner.

    That is the long and short of it.

    • That’s the truth Odin. Up market whores have claimed the title “actresses” literally for centuries.

      • This is true Arfur.

        In the old days, going back to Shakespeare’s time a gentleman could go back stage after the show and offer the actresses a shiny penny to see their tits.
        This was and still should be common practice.

        Nowadays, you know who the best zero morals cocksuckers are in Hollywood, because they get all the best poorly shoehorned in leading roles.


        Jennifer Lawrence
        Scarlett Johansson
        Kate Winslet
        Reese Witherspoon
        Charlize Theron

        All of these can suck a golf ball through a garden hose with unflagging gusto…if the price is right.

      • Too right Odin.
        And most of that list were on Uncle Harvey’s ‘books’.
        When Johansscunt did her public execution of James Franco, she more or less admitted that she did things to get roles. As she tore into Franco during that Time’s Up bollocks, she said she ‘didn’t have the tools to say no’ when she was younger. In other words, she dropped em or got on down for starring roles. No ‘allegedly’ and all that crap, she said that. As Germaine Greer said at the time of the Weinstein scandal, ‘They are all crying about it now. But nobody put a gun to their heads and made them do it.’

      • And let’s not forget Moby’s story about a young Natalie Portman acting like a total slag and throwing herself at him. This, of course, led to outrage from the Hollywood Femstapo and a tantrum from Portmouth, even if it was true.

      • Oh yeah. and most of the names on that list were also the ones who had ‘hacked’ pictures of themselves with their tits and arses out plastered all over the internet, and all more or less at the same time. Needless to say, they were all ‘shocked’ and ‘violated’. Yeah right, you slags. Pull the other one, it’s got fucking great big bells on.

      • Scarlett Johansson is the only one on the list who makes my dick twitch.
        Winslet 20 years ago, although Rachel Weisz is a much prettier version of her anyway. Same with Theron.
        Lawrence looks a bit Downs and Witherspoon looks like a pixie with a man’s chin.

  16. In the early to mid 2000s, certain Hollyweird actresses were in one film after another in rapid succession. These were done by Miramax and they had special ‘deals’ with Uncle Harvey. They were more ubiquitous than Phil Collins was in the 80s and Taylor Swift is now. Of course, these same serial knicker droppers were in front of the media crowing about Me To. Well, not Me Too exactly. Their own Time’s Up ego wank and diversionary tactic as the Weinstein scandal raged. Double standard slappers most of ’em.

    And now we have this Aussie tart. She is now everywhere all the time. From crappy superhero films to inaccurate historical dramas (the most laughable Elizabeth I ever), and now Barbie fucking dolls. Can’t get rid of her. I wouldn’t mind, but she’s not even much cop as an actress.

    That said, I wouldn’t mind seeing this one…


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