A well deserved cunting for EU fellators Will Hutton, who has called for fellow EuroCunts to “boycott Wetherspoon’s” until Tim Martin personally apologises for supporting Brexit.
Arrogant shite-hound Will Hutton and his fellow cock-suckers-for-Brussels can go fuck themselves with a dried barrel cactus. I will happily go to Wetherspoon’s knowing that I won’t have to listen to the constant whinings of these unconscionable bores who just cannot get their heads around the concept that they not only LOST THE FUCKING VOTE, but that democracy doesn’t always deliver the result they think should be.
You can be certain that had the vote been in favour of remaining, by ONE fucking vote as opposed to the “undemocratic” 1.37 million vote to leave, fuckwit Hutton and his fellow EU-rectum-dwellers would’ve been crowing ecstatically how “democracy won the day” and that the referendum was legally binding.
Will Hutton and his fellow Euro-fellators only understand democracy and free-speech when it goes their way. Cunts and traitors of the highest order.
Anyway, back to Wetherspoon’s, if you look to the link, their shares are UP 44%, no doubt because the rest of us can have a reasonably price pint and a meal in peace without our ears being assailed by the Bores For Brussels bitching about how they need a visa for their holiday home in France, Italy or wherever.
A galactic sized thank you to Tim Martin for so annoying these utter cunts and giving us a EuroCunt free zone to drink in peace.
Proof too that when Cunts like Hutton and others spew their shit, it often has the opposite result.
Anyway here is the link and I’m sure no-one will disagree that Will Hutton is a grade one, brussels-aresehole-crawling, Islingtonista, leftist, CUNT.
Gentlemen, Ladies and the Cockless-pairs of Trans, the case for the prosecution rests.
Allahu-Fucking-Akhfucking-BAH. What a cunt……
Nominated by Sheikh Anvakh.
Why’s he got his eyes shut for the header pic?
Probably lazy in both eyes?
A affectation, acting french.
I wouldn’t apologise for BREXIT,
Keeping boring little cunts out of Wetherspoons is a bonus!
Fuck off Willy Dutton you wannabe Belgian,
See you in wetherspoons????
Like most EU sycophants, the best part of him ran down his Mother’s arse crack.
Weatherspoons is popular with the masses for its cheap(er) pints and reasonably priced scran.
It would be a godsend if the likes of Will Hutton would stick to their wanky gastropubs and continue to pay £8.50 for two thirds of a pint of cloudy IPA and £6 for an artisan sausage roll.
The thick cunt.
It took the wanker 7 years to boycott spoons which he hardly ever uses.
What a twat.
The Spoons magazine in each of their pubs always allowed a debate on things like Brexit with writers invited from both camps.
The media and the left have had it in for him since. They claimed he told his staff to fuck off and get a shop job when the government imposed their stupid lockdown and shut the pubs. This was bs, but has stayed in the closed minds of the spoon haters.
The only thing Tim Martin needs to apologise for is that he didn’t cause this odious wankpot to stroke out!
Cheers, Tim.
The shine from his head !! Fuck me could be causing all those wild fires ?
He’s lying.
The reason he stopped going in was because every time he did someone called him a cunt.
Pathetic soppy twat.
I’m glad that doesn’t bother me otherwise I’d not go back to work again or the bottle shop, takeaway, supermarket, doctor’s, outside. Go to Bunnings and buy yourself a can of harden the fuck up cunt.
Fuck me, is this boring old fuckwit still around? I thought the cunt had topped himself after his mate, the Pigshagger, resigned.
As if this wanker has ever been in a Wetherspoons, don’t make me fucking laugh. Do you think he’d park his Saville Row trousers on a chair in Spoons? He’d have to have the place industrially cleaned and emptied of all those dreadful working class types. And I can’t see him tucking into scampi and chips with a side order of onion rings.
Another posh wanker who has never recovered from June 23rd 2016. They got their way anyway but the fact that we didn’t do as we were told frightened the shit out of them.
Remoaners……..bunch of fucking cunts.
That looks like a lanyard ribbon round his neck. Would somebody please garrotte him with it.
Posh, Brexit-deranged wanker.
Yes and the background looks very sunny and Andalusian to me. He’s probably on some Remoaner conference, with “the finest wines available to humanity.” No doubt after him and his Etonian mates had spent a week slagging off the proles he filed his bitter copy with the fucking Guardian.
“We are not drunk…..we are multi millionaires!”
“We want the finest wines available to humanity, we want them here and we want them now!”
…..Richard E. Grant a.k.a. Withnail
Should be forced to play the spoons outside one of these establishments, in a filthy old raincoat and bows to everyone who throws a copper in the old man’s hat.
Not only does this reek of general Weatherspoons snobbery, the cunt clearly doesn’t understand the demographic he’s aiming at.
Your average Spoons punter, I’d guess, couldn’t give two shites about Brexit and the rest probably voted in favour of it anyway.
He’d have more success asking park keys not to shag underage girls.
Funny went for a drink in Whetherspoons the day of the Referendum. A couple sat there.
‘What do you think about the referendum?’ ‘what referendum?’
If he’s to lazy to open his eyes for a photograph I’m not prepared to listen to his opinion.
He’s not even a real baldy.
Too lazy to grow hair.
Typical french cunt.
Not only does this prick never darken Wetherspoon’s door, but I can’t imagine he ever ventures outside of the M25 either. Populated by uneducated savages and primitive barbarians, the Badlands must hold a particular terror for William and his ilk. Best stay in your Ulezistan comfort zone, old boy.
Stay safe.
Nice to see Penfold back after all these years, “oh crumbs”, what a cunt!
Wetherspoons is great!?
Value for money.
Good beers
Good pub grub
Just lacking a juke box
Which frankly makes in perfect, as far as I’m concerned.
My idea of the perfect boozer.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLQpFte7alA&pp=ygUTd2l0aG5haWwgY3JvdyBzY2VuZQ%3D%3D
There a glaring flaw in his plan.
I’d imagine the vast majority of people that frequent shit holes like Wetherspoons pubs will either 1. Be Brexit voters 2. Be too pissed by 11am to care
Oh and who the fuck is Will Hutton
It’s only leftist , Champagne socialists that shorten their names to Will or Wills
What a fucking cunt
I’d be a Billy.
Exactly so, CotL, Mis. Abbreviation for Anthony is Tony, not Ant ffs! Likewise abbreviation for Katherine is Kate or Katie not fucking Kat.
I was in the Wetherspoons bar in Victoria station once and this posh cunt ordered a bottle of champagne and four glasses.
They plonked it on the bar and, in a loud braying voice, he insisted on an ice bucket. So they found this fucking ice bucket, stuck a load of ice in it and plonked the bottle in it. Then the fucking wanker inspected the glasses and complained that they weren’t chilled. Fuck me, this was Wetherspoons not the Cafe fucking Royal you prick. At this point I had to leave to get my train but if I had been working there I would have smashed the bottle across his face and stuffed his non chilled glasses up his fat arse. Fucking toffee nosed wanker.
I’d like to see him actually go into a ‘Spoons and start ranting about this……some public-spirited soul would hopefully shine their shoes on his face then flush his head down the bog.
The moaning little wankstain..
If only this cunt’s dad had pulled out just before.
I doubt whether Wetherspoon bother about the weather situation on their establishments whether they do well or not.
I wonder if little Will is a chum of that weirdo shit enthusiast Mark Oaten? Probably is, looks like a fucking Lib Dem. Net Zero, No to Brexit, Alternative Vote Referendum, ban plastic bags..Why are all their policies doomed to failure? Because they are fucking shit, that’s why. Fuck off.
Good morning, everyone.
Just by looking at these cunts you know their politics, 99.99% of the time you would be spot on.
On the ‘political’ note. I applauded the RSPB for calling ministers liars and almost gave up eating poultry in their memory.
I’ve changed my mind now, after the cowards u-turned and will get myself tooled up for some game shooting, Duck a l’orange anyone?
Royal Society for the Protection of Bullshitters.
Funded by the government to the tune of £78 million since 2018. I would be having a good look at that.
We should all respect Will, he is journalist and as such knows everything about fucking everything.
He should know (being a smartarse) the only reason Brexit is a cock up is because all the remoaning cunts did everything to fuck it up and our useless government let them get away with it.
Is the fucker still spouting his turgid,incomprehensible economics shite, chez Observer i’m wondering?.Outside of law,economics has to be the most appropriate berth for his brand of ultra smart arsery pontificatings it’s possible to imagine.Detestable creature.
So many pithy quotes abound on this most opaque bag of bollocks ‘science’ for very good reasons.
Never heard of him. Looked him up, typical leftwing Stalinist cunt.
Regular in The Guardian and The Observer.
Says all you need to know about the boring twat.
The cunt looks like a bald mole (as in the animal that lives underground). Best place for him, that.
Fucking crawly EU bumlick that he is
More like Penfold from Dangermouse:
Hmm. Penfold, a hamster. Do you remember Peter Bruinvels CM, aka the talking hamster? Used to be very sound on homosexuality as I recall.
I enjoy meeting Remoaners and EU bumlickers. There’s still a small band of fanatics who want to re-join the Reich. They’re the most one-eyed cunts in society.
I am currentlty sick of hearing about Lauryn bloody Hill and this bollocks about her album from 25 years ago being ‘visionary’ and ‘changing the world’. Of, course, it’s the BBC and Grauniad spouting this shit. The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill helped bring hip hop to the mainstream being one example. Funny, I thought the Sugarhill and Def Jam labels and acts did that years before. Time for a proper cunting for this. Be back soon.?
I was only chatting to a friend of mine the other day and in the company of Stella and Katy (beer and cider respectively).
Lauryn Hill made some cunty comment years ago about how only middle class white folk were into their music and not exclusively the KFC crew.
Little did the slag realise that our darkie friends don’t have as much disposable income as us honkeys, white resulted in her losing a massive fan base and therefore ££££’s income.
He’s a thick cunt. By his own admission he doesn’t go in Wetherspoons anyway, nor does anyone he knows, so how is boycotting somewhere that you & your snivelling mates don’t go, going to have any effect? Fucking prick!
Another elitist cunt who can’t stand losing, I’d say fuck off to Europe, but I doubt the cunts would put up with an up-his-own-arse, lefty, know-all cocksucker gobbing off anyway. Wanker.
Always found it unedifying to see a grown up acting like a big baby, probably wears a nappy at home and gets spanked by the nanny.
Might i humbly suggest you bugger orf to your Brussels EU utopia you gormless knob, and don’t forget the flemish for rent boy.
I know the name. Wonder if he’s matez with Fox-smasher Jolene Maugham?
The guy’s almost (m’Lud) criminally incompetent. Wikipedia has his erratic career path, which looks like the Standard Model for arse lickers everywhere – no talent or ability requiired. And this, dealing with his chairmanship and perversion of the former Industrial Society, is complicated but interesting:
“As a result of Hutton’s poor business strategy and leadership, and chairman/banker Peter Ellwood’s inadequate control and leadership of the board, much of the proceeds of the training division sale was unprofitably utilised and in 2010 the Work Foundation ceased to be financially viable.[24] The society spent more in salaries than it received in income, and eventually a winding-up petition due to insolvency was filed in the High Court, citing a pension deficit. On 21 October 2010 the Work Foundation was acquired by Lancaster University for an undisclosed sum. At the time of the purchase the pension fund which had about 600 members, including a number of the 43 current employees, had a funding deficit of £27m. ”
Maxwell style, if not on the Maxwell scale, then.
This cunt used to witter on weekly in the Guardian about his vision of running the UK economy.
But as can be seen from his catastrophic time running the Industrial Society/Work Foundation, he couldn’t organise a piss-up in a brewery, just like many of the elite chatterati, who are regularly handed roles way beyond their invisible talents.
Finally, if he loves the EU so much why doesn’t he fuck off to Romania or Bulgaria? Thought not, cunt.