With the constant shit show of small boat arrivals every day. Which looks like it will never be stopped.
The daily fail sent in a undercover reporter to said lawyers.
The reporter was advised to make up a back story for his application, with tales of
Torture and beatings and slavery.
Even offering a doctors report and anti depressants.
You probably won’t be surprised who these lawyers are when you see the pictures in the articles.
The fees for this service ranged from 4 to 10 grand, now the article doesn’t say if the money was legal aid or private money.
These asylum seekers must be minted with a expensive boat ride across the channel and then private lawyers..
Then when the story broke, cue the outrage!! from the bar council and Stephen Kinnock, who took aim at itchy ballsack for speaking out against the lawyers..
Hopefully the corrupt cunts have all been sacking and with any luck be charged and imprisoned.
But I won’t hold my breath.
Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.
Arrested, charged with treason and beaten to near death the same day, then sewn inside a hollowed-out pig to die of dehydration.
Deport them and the lawyers.
Anyone who’s come to this country in the last 30yrs?
Get rid.
Not bothered how.
Get rid.
Skint rich fat thin black white,
Get rid.
Afternoon MNC…I would ask for an amnesty for hard-working Poles; I have a number of Polish chums. But any darkıe? Damned right, fuck off at gunpoint. Go on, swim, ya cunt!
Afternoon Thomas.
Ok, your polish friends can stay.
They have to pay my taxes.
And a BUPA direct debit.
No way I’m using the NHS.
Especially as working Poles have a very agreeable opinion on darkıes. Let’s just say….they’re not fans.
And their wimmin are pretty fit too Thomas and I don’t know of any who bar for the same side although if I did I would happily watch and maybe even partake if asked!
Keep the latins as well. I prefer Mediterranean women to Anglo-Saxon.
That’s awful Thomas, to waste a good pig like that, I suppose they could serve it as Halal Mutton on the Bibby Stockholm!
I don’t know if these lawyers are British Citizens, but if they are, might I suggest we remove their citizenship and rights and deport them to any country daft enough to take them.
Failing a suitable (any) destination, perhaps a deep-sea dive or a visit to outer space in a reconditioned Sputnik?
Other solutions will be read with interest.
Afternoon JP, I’d contend that any pakı born on this sceptred isle wouldn’t think of themselves as Englishmen.
Finally, sonething they and us can agree on!
Good afternoon, Thomas.
I have to agree, to a great extent. Ethnic families who settled here and became naturalised British, still seem to cling to their traditional practices and expect the generations born here to cling to those traditions.
You don’t see me out on a Sunday, practising with my longbow on the village green, and yet it’s an English tradition ( and probably still a legal requirement).
Sometimes, you have to let the old ways go, although let’s not be too hasty about longbow practice.
Maybe we should form a Longbow club JP – based in Kent and uses the small heavily laden boats for target practice?
I find this kind of amusing because my best mate still lives in Kent and practices the longbow.
He also really hates gimmegrants.
Bodkin point! Loose!
It’s a win/win, as far as I can see.
We’d be fulfilling our legal requirements, and ono of our deepest desires.
I see no drawback, except from the bow.
One, not ono.
I blame the wine.
And the sky turned black with the arrows of the mighty Englishmen?
A hail of arrows would be the first oppression they’ve had
Put their heads on spikes on the beaches of Kent.
Deport the cunts families en masse to Uganda.
Or..just briefly talk about how awful it is then do absolutely nothing about it.
Try and imagine the scene at the airport.
No, no Usef, you and your family are booked on a flight to Rwanda, not Uganda. These airport staff, always getting it wrong!
No, your tickets ARE correct, they’ve just made a spelling mistake, dumb women, eh!
Here we go, no the police officers are here for your safety, there’s been threats.
The handcuffs are an extra safety precaution.
You’ll be greeted at the other end with music, and necklaces, like when you arrive in Huawei!
Safe journey!
Isn’t that the English way UT? After all we are civilised – well apart from large swathes of Lincolnshire…….
What’s the old joke?
The difference between a lawyer and a catfish?
One’s a slimy, mud sucking bottom-feeder.
The others a fish.
To call a lawyer a catfish is rather hard on good honest mudsucking benthic copropagites
It’s not just the lawyers. The corrupt and overtly political ‘so -called’ Supreme Court is a festering pit of placemen. Our judicial system is now no better than the shitshow in the US which gobbles tax dollars vexatiously pursuing The Donald. There is no hope, barring a miracle on November 5 2024.
Further info on how totally corrupt our system is. The ordinary Joe has no chance of getting justice…
Christ, Twenty.
That’s truly both frightening and terrifying.
A fucking disgrace, JP. Above and beyond the law it seems – with the help of our cash.
Tip these cunts into a tank of piranhas, Blofeld-style.
That’ll do!
We might get another worthless parasite here soon;
No, bring the ginger sponger back. Let him live among the immos he loves so much and give him a job commensurate with his intelligence…….cleaning up in McDonalds.
Freddie my last employer had a contract looking after McDonalds IT systems. I can assure you that most of their employees had a higher IQ than the ginger tosser and they certainly had a better grip on reality.
Jolly good. Deep joy.
I’m sure the King will have a role for him. Feeding and mucking out rare breed pigs comes to mind. With a grace and favour one up, one down farmhand cottage, complete with outside, self-composting, toilet he has to empty on a regular basis.
Well worth shooting your gob off, for, wasn’t it?
He and Andrew can share a bachelor pad…
In Port Stanley.
Pair of useless cunts.
I am surprised that these dodgy lawyers have not been exposed before. Like most of the contributors to this site experience has given me knowledge in which racial groups to avoid doing business with. I defy anyone to prove me wrong because there are people who are incapable of being honest, it is a foreign concept to them.
How much of cunt do you have to be to have a parasitic arse maggot like Stephen Kinnock defending you?
Stephen Kinnock is a jug eared, weedy, bald, gobby, Welsh lefty cunt like his father, the troughing, senior Welsh cunt Neil Kinnock.
What have the Kinnocks ever done for the UK, aside from giving the Tories an easy ride through the 80s? An utter fucking joke. I’d love to see the three Kinnock’s heads (Neil, Glenys and Stephen) on pikes outside the tower of London.
We all know about the form filling lawyer ‘specialists’. But there are also doctors who are just as bad. For a good few quid they will fill in forms for these ‘no speaky engerlish’ shitehawks.who suck the system dry.
A mate of mine was in a job centre a bit ago. He saw a peaceful type. All meek and ‘no talky british’ getting his ‘travel’ refunds from bus tickets, claiming he ‘struggled’. Same cunt was then seen outside talking perfect English on his iphone and laughing as he got into his Mercedes. True story, bastards to a man….
Sadly a common occurrence, been going on for years. The disability benefits are also a guaranteed income stream for many peacefuls with the assistance of a swarm of peaceful doctors and the wokist civil service in the World. Problem is so few people outside the benefits loop know about these fiddles except when a white English person is caught then it’s national news, name address shoe size the fucking works.
As for bent solicitors well, par for the fucking course, Suckdick can’t, sure he acted as an immigration solicitor before his elevation to mega cunthood.
What’s that strange word you used?
Doctor? What’s one of them, some kind of carrion eating bird? A rare kind of leech?
Almost every African cunt has an NHS walking stick, and I have no doubt they get ‘disability’ money. Yet they still hang around the town centre every day trying to haggle or steal shop goods. Parasitic pieces of shit.
When I was doing a job in Bury in 2018 during that Beast from the East cold snap, it looked like Zulu meets Scott of the Antarctic.
Fucking solicitors are a breed of cunt that is hard to beat, these shit sucking vultures will do anything for money, no matter how right and and wrong, legal or not, if these fuckers can screw a few quid, thats exactly what they will do.
Cunts of the highest order with Christmas lights on, they will jump on absolutely any bandwagon if they benefit, dieselgate, ppi, dinghy divers, Shammishitter Begone you name it, i have seen them in courts makeing deals together so they can screw both their opposing clients, these are the fuckers supposed to be defending the clients…….treble cunts
In the Black Country dialect (“Yam-yam”) the word liar is pronounced lawyer. You may hear a person say to someone he believes to be peddling untruths; “Y’am a lawyer!” He doesn’t mean he is addressing someone who practises law.
I remember my much loved late brother in law, speaking about a colleague who was a ” yam yam”.
He was going on a date, straight from work, with a rather lovely young lady.
He asked BIL, ” do I look OK?”
He replied, “maybe change the batteries in your tie”
I know it’s infuriating,- the llegals taken on then taken off the Bibby Stockholm- the fact it is going to take weeks to for it to be safe – and the fact that many of the migrants said before boarding they had a fear of water–and one has said recently it ‘reminds him of hiding’ from ISIS and he became ‘stressed’.
Well I have the answer for the migrants and indeed for us. ‘The anti-stress patch’ as worn by Meghan Marklke See it ‘provides resonance and frequencies for calm’.
It just the thing to bring all our streets levels down at the moment.
Funny how these dinghy vermin claim to ‘ No speaky engerleesh. Nononono!’ Yet they make their ‘fears’ and ‘wants’ known.
Mind you, these scum will have interpreters on tap. They probably even get their filthy smelly arses wiped and all.
As for ‘stress’? Fuck that and fuck them. Stress was attending the funeral of a friend’s young daughter who was killed at the Manchester Arena. Fuck them all to Hell.
Spot on as ever.
MP those same country shopping cunts that got into a dingy with 60 other cunts in the dark to cross a busy choppy Channel – didn’t have much fear then did they!
None.Ship them back to France.Water rats.
Of course not.
Practiced liars before they even board the boats.
The only fear of water they have is the one that involves soap.
I would ask which is more stressful; on the barge or under the barge?
All theses ‘P*ki* lawyer are corrupt, the place I worked at back in 2007/8 there were three cunts with fake home office documents courtesy of an effnick lawyer in Luton.
All cunts, sack the lot, refuse any legal representation for illegal entry, they enter illegally so what fucking right have they got to representation, it’s just fuck off and don’t come back.
If you rock up at an international airport and immigration say No! You are back on the next plane out, no fucking lawyers involved.
I see Poland are going to have a referendum on accepting a ‘quota’ of scumbags, the PM has put out a video with the question do you want Middle Eastern and African migrants and images of cunts blowing up a car and a sooty licking a fucking big knife.
I think Poland will say No!
I’ve always liked the Poles,fought very bravely in World War 2.
Then more I hear about how they run their country the more I like it.
No “Islamic extremism” over there to keep an eye on.
Used to work with a Polish bird. Very smart girl and sexy as fuck with it. I don’t mind Poles or Hungarians. But Romanians and Albanians are filth. Putrid undiluted filth.
They look at cities in France and Belgium and not forgetting Malmo and think why the fuck would we want all this bollocks in our country.
The next GE I am voting Viktor Orban, not on the ballot.. he is now ?
Vermin for oven.
Looks likely to not happen.
Call me Mr Cynical but none of these shyster lawyers will be prosecuted or suffer any disciplinary measures. They’ll keep their heads down until it blows over and they can get their snouts back in the trough. They are all in it together.
As for the Polish referendum……if the EU allow it to happen it will be fixed, no problem.
Ones already been sacked, and the satellite office he ran closed.
If the others know what’s good for them, they’ll get rid, too.
Dynamite the lot.Shit weasels.
Fuck me! Just seen two geezers holding hands. They looked very unpooflike ( is that a word? ) Watch your back!
Two ginger beers stabbed in Clapham. National news of course, with the BBC trumpeting “Hate crime!’. The Met probably already has a taskforce hunting for right-wing Brexit Nazis
There are at least 3 gay bars at that end of the Clapham Road, within gobbling distance of the Common. There are hundreds of bottom inspectors round there at this time of year. Much more likely to be a bitch fight but the media will go with the “far right hate” narrative obviously.
As has been said on talk TV, what the conniving cunts did is illegal and should be prosecuted….but they won’t be.
Will they…?
Most of these asylum lawyers are foreign cunts mainly from fucking India who couldn’t give a fuck what shit is let in ask tony fucking blair
All the more reason for immediate deportation to Uganda, sorry Rwanda.
Traitors, each and everyone.
I dont agree with the Rwanda flights. it will cost the taxpayer vast amounts in fuel and pilot hours. Ship them out in bulk. refit shipping containers with basic amenities, and ship thousands out at a time.
Destination Greenland.
Cost to the UK taxpayer = £169,000 per “asylum seeker”.
X 173,000 “asylum seekers”
= twenty-nine billion, two hundred thirty-seven million pounds…
A bargain, I’m sure we all agree!
Good evening.
Alternatively, send them all to Scotchland, which is crying out for unlimited immigration.
Doesn’t David Lammy have a law degree?
Maybe, but I bet he’ll downplay it.
Half of parliament are lawyers these days. Parasitic cunts.
And the other half are just ordinary thieving, sexually deviant, gravy train riding cunts.
Diane Abbott watched Judge Judy once.
An wears a wig.
Get down from there this minute!!
Trained lawfare liars.Another Blair parallel.
They are a shower of cunts them solicitors and have nothing to do with them.
That came from out of the mouth of one such practitioner, who happened to vent his own frustration for his own profession.
He had a few pints inside him but I never forgot
No place safe CQB, not these days and that goes all across the West
If one can manage to see into the distance, they would still recommend spectacles for the safety of ones vision and maybe a booster to be sure just n case.
Shower of Nanny fk wit States, all over the place.
Their children will be at Montessori schools. Ours will be drugged and abused, perhaps not physically, but mentally, for not conforming to behavioural parameters set by pink haired, androgynous teachers referred to ‘shreikers’ by only the most defiant parents or ‘hate criminals’ , porcine social workers, obese bearded non binary police and behavioural scientists.
Their parents facing court for hate speech and non-compliance of ‘community tolerance guidelines’, let go from their jobs for low ESG tracker app scores and having their wood fires bricked up to prevent excessive carbon emissions.
Protein allowance will be limited to Pulses, one egg a day and a Huel-type porridge-shake, as dictated by your NHS mandated diet plan.
Just don’t get any on your white overalls or you’ll be tased again.