Tranny Pride (4)

I have more or less given up commentating as it seems every day the whole human race becomes an even bigger heap of stinking shit, but this cannot pass without comment. Yesterday (Juy 8th) a group of obese men and women descended on Piccadilly in London to flaunt their perv*rsions:

At the moment shops are finding it hard to get customers through their doors and Saturday business, at one time (perhaps is still?) the optimum day for people visiting bricks and mortar outlets – more business ruined because a pile of exhibitionistic Eddie Izzard wannabees decide that they need their fifteen minutes of fame. Couldn’t they have just joined in on Buggers Day which was the previous Saturday?, with yet more businesses suffering because people are so anxious that we hear about their sordid aberrations in public. It is a pity they ever decriminalised buggery – they should bring that back as an offence (plenty of MPs would suddenly find themselves up for re-election) . Let’s do the same with men called Ethel and women called Bert. I just hope Westminster council have disinfectedthe streets with that stuff that kills 99%of all known germs – there are probaby a few UNKNOWN germs amongst that pile of fuckers.


Nominated by W C Boggs.

81 thoughts on “Tranny Pride (4)

    • It’s no longer even a talking point over dinner. Seems to be more the norm nowadays, or an aspiration for delusional twats.

      • Sadly as soon as you state ‘it’s the norm’ they have succeeded in the brainwashing of the normal members of the public.

  1. So what fucking “rights” don’t these cunts have? Tell me what I can do that these poor mistreated victims can’t do?
    They can’t, so shut your gay mouth and fuck off while you’re doing it.

    • That’s what I can’t work out. They already enjoy greater police protection than the rest of us for a kick off.
      Try holding a hetero BDSM march through your local town and see how far you get.
      Tolerance clearly isn’t enough, they want enforced acceptance.

  2. A pride event up north was cancelled over the weekend due to inclement weather; it would appear that Dog is none too too fond of the LGBTXYZers either.

    • They’re blokes who think they’re women (aside from the LARPing non-binary types)

      The Almighty is already pissing on their parade.

  3. Looks like the queue to audition for the Ugly Sisters in this year’s Cinderella panto.

  4. Doesn’t this nom also contravene the rules regarding encouraging violence/hatred

    • You are Owen Jones and I claim my 5 strokes of a studded paddle.
      At this point, who cares if the nom might encourage naughtiness?
      These freaks and degenerates don’t play by the rules, so fuck them.
      I hope that the whole lot of them get beaten to death by muslım fundamentalists.

      • You do realise that the rules are in place to avoid the site facing potential legal trouble?

      • I’ll bet you’re fun at parties…
        This is supposed to be a humour site…maybe you ought to contribute something light-heated and amusing once in a while, boy.

      • Thomas, this hasn’t been a humour site for a very long time. Like Dio said the other day too many of you are increasingly going overboard.

      • WE are going overboard?

        The Neo-Marxist / Progressive Left has ramped up their efforts to destroy Western Civilization and WE are going overboard?

        WE are attacked at every turn. Our very existence is cited as the raison d’etre for all the world’s ills. New phrases like hate speech and institutional racism have been melded with words like misogyny, patriarchy and homophobe (etc.) to criminalize our very existence and justify their violent war against us.

        Science is ignored. Deviancy is embraced. Purple hair, silicone tits and whole bodies covered with tattoos are now normal.

        Boys can be girls and girls can be boys and both can be gender fluid magical unicorns and WE are going overboard?

        For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Keep pushing and WE WILL push back with equal and opposite force.

    • Nope.
      From the sites rules;

      ‘threat or incitement to kill, injure, or maim anyone is open to criminal prosecution’.

      No threat has been made in this nom.

      • The bit about disinfecting the streets can certainly be interpreted that way. You’ve got to be so careful nowadays.

    • 90% of what’s said on here could be used against individuals if the authorities decided to target it.

      Sad truth is they are not bothered about impotent old men pissing in the wind as they know that moaning about it on a niche website is the most any of us are ever going to do.

      • Aye. Permit some safety valves and press on with the agenda. And I have the impression the opinions of the over-60s have now officially been written off, so that’s safe enough.

        But isn’t it pretty well a given that the safety valves will be under surveillance?
        After all, recent stats claim that while 70% of UK terrorism is Islamist, most of the rest is “far-right”. For which category most of us qualify as the Overton Window drifts still further to the left.

        OC has a point. And it doesn’t actually have to be a crime in order to trigger some woke cunt in a bank into suspending your access to your own money, does it? The cunts driving the agenda are not limited to legal means to suppress dissent.

  5. So they had “powerful speeches” at Hyde Park Corner did they? So where were the Peacefuls who are normally there beating up the Infidels? Not so brave when there are dozens of coppers and hundreds of nancies about.

  6. Tolerating women called Ethel is more than a body can stand, without fruity gentlemen joining in as well.

    The cunts.

    Get To Fuck.

  7. Men and women age differently.
    One of those things.
    It’s nature.

    Even a reasonably convincing tranny is going to look absolutely ridiculous once it hits middle age.

    No amount of expensive plastic surgery will help.

    Hopefully it won’t be long before this current batch start self harming.
    As a bonus many will commit suicide.

    • Not all of them, TAC…you’d have to agree that certain trannıes are beautiful, sexy and entirely convincing.
      Take Eddie Izzard. One look at him and a hetetosexual man’s winkle will shoot up as fast as if he’d trodden on a rake.

  8. Nice of the Dutch miss universe winner to take time out of his schedule to pose for the header pic..

    • Yeah, I assume that’s a poof version of the communist salute. Fuck off to some commie country, see what happens there Doris.

      • Doris… or Boris?
        Elsewhere, somebody sat through a performance at The Globe wearing a latex gimp suit (Kenneth Wankagh, incognito?).
        When do I get to see Penny M do this in the Commons? Or even a latex trench coat?

  9. I see that mutant from Dr Who was out there in front. No, not one of the repulsive monsters from Dr Who, um, but then again… ?

      • The BBC will kill the series permanently with this black poove as the Doc, with his circus freak sidekick. You just know that every episode will be a lecture about how great poofs and trannies are. It was bad enough with Bill the black lesbian wonder horse and then Jodie the dud. But as each new incarnation of the Doctor turns up, the cunts try to make it even more ludicrous and woke. Bottom line is, it’s the Beebscum corrupting kids by using what was once a piece of family entertainment and escapism as a propaganda vehicle to shove LGBTQ lunacy down peoples’ throats.

      • Even the mutant blob inside a Dalek isn’t as repulsive as that.
        A family programme starring a girl with a knob. Nice….?

      • ‘it’s the Beebscum corrupting kids by using what was once a piece of family entertainment and escapism as a propaganda vehicle to shove LGBTQ lunacy down peoples’ throats.’

        How dare you!

        it’s educating people on what is right.

        – an actual policeman’s opinion of Doctor Who

  10. “Heartstopper actor Yasmine Finney” was there..
    Shouldn’t that be stomach turning.

      • Where’s Ruff Tuff gone?

        Has he followed Gutstick out the door?

        Shame if so, I always liked his input and take on things.

        As for tranny issues,
        I’m bored of talking about them.

      • Bored with tranny issues, how dare you, if you aren’t for it you’re against it.

        Ruff is working on the ISAC archives, he is a bit of a geek.

      • I was wondering what had become of Ruff this morning Mis. If you’re reading us Ruff let us know you’re OK.

        As you say LC, natural selection.

    • Sorry Mis’

      Silence on Trans issues is violence. Same with racism.

      It’s either full-throated support or damnation without chance of redemption.

  11. Not to worry, once the Trocadero is converted to Mosque the deviants won’t be allowed anywhere near Piccadilly.

    Just see the news, that Anjem Choudhury has been arrested again, probably tried to get into the tranny march but even though his dress was acceptable that fucking beard was a foot to long.

    All cunts.

  12. Fuinny, how it’s ‘Okay’ to be proud to be a freak, a loony, or a sexual deviant.

    Yet it’s ‘wrong’ to be proud of being normal, straight, decent, hard working.

    Cunt wears a ‘Pride’ T-Shirt, and tounges willingly go up their arse.
    If someone wore a ‘Proud to be straight. I like women’ T-Shirt, he’d be shot.

    • Turning up on time? Bigot!
      Being competent and diligent at work? Bigot!
      Tidy house and garden? Bigot!
      Getting up early? Bigot!
      Freedom of speech? Bigot!
      Eat meat? Bigot!
      Traditional straight male? Bigot!
      Natural hair colour? Bigot!
      No tattoos? Bigot!
      Exercise and fitness? Bigot!
      Woman/mother who doesn’t want blokes using ladies toilets? Bigot!
      Value facts over anecdotes/’lived experience’? Bigot!
      Think children should be raised with a father in the home?
      Think all races should be treated equally/people judged on character and actions? Bigot!
      Think women who want to stay at home and raise children while husband works is a good arrangement? Bigot!
      Don’t like lazy work-shy dossers getting given free houses and taxpayer cash for having more kids? Bigot!
      Worried about your child being taught lies and being bullied into accepting them by teachers? Bigot!
      Criticise the NHS? Bigot!
      Think porn or books depicting sex acts shouldn’t be in school libraries? Bigot!
      2 + 2 = 4? Bigot!

  13. And the thick cunts that wear rainbow Che Guevara T-Shirts.
    Che murdered gays for fun. He’d like killing trannies even more.

    • It’s not about pride or gay rights any more Norman.

      At the recent Pride march there was footage of these freaks burning the British flag.

      They have all the rights that everyone else enjoys, and more.

      They are anti establishment.

      Of course that goes unnoticed by the police who dance in the streets with them.

  14. So here we are. Smack in the middle of the Brave New One World Order where Lewis Carroll meets George Orwell as Tranny Shame has become Tranny Pride and some of us are afraid to comment for fear of it being labeled as hate speech.

    • Fear of Hate speech?

      Or bored of Groundhog Day?

      I’m scared of nowt and have said my fill about tranny weirdos.

      I’m just not obsessed with them.
      I don’t “research” them
      Or spend hours online looking at images of them.

  15. Hope it’s okay to come back, Comrades? I have been resting in the deep for a year or so.

    With “Pride Month” supposedly out of the way, this sort of shit should have fucked off until next year. However, it continues to infest and taint everything from the high street shops to the characters in the fucking Beano (probably worth a nom of its own, so I won’t elaborate here).

    A mate of mine advised me not to go out at all during “pride” month as there was always the danger of some trans or gay bastard slipping you an unwanted length. He reckoned it could happen anywhere, at a bus stop; at the newsagent’s; in the queue at Starf***s. What a fucking nightmare. And you can’t even complain as the “Boys in Blue” have been told such reports constitute a gender hate crime. Cunts.

    The whole country has become a transbender playground. Take care out there. Wear an extra pair of underpants just in case…

  16. The cunts will get a shock when the Muzzos take over, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide…..

  17. The night of the fight – You may feel a slight sting.
    That’s pride fucking with you.
    Fuck pride!
    Pride only hurts, it never helps.

    M Wallace

  18. I struggle to explain this to my daughters when they ask why men dress like women.

  19. The problem with the protesting gay and tranny types is nothing is ever their fault.

    That Stephen Port cunt. Serial killer who met gays on a gay dating website. Then drugged them (which ended up killing them) and raped them.

    The gays were out protesting saying how homophobic society is and how they’re under threat and nobody cares.

    It was a fucking gay doing the killing FFS! They seemed to miss that vital part of it all, for some reason. And drug rape is a big issue in the gay communidee by all accounts (my brother is a gay and told me there are cunts who spike drinks.)

    Gays also got more bacterial infections and are more likely to get such things as a prolapsed anus.

    I bet they don’t tell kids about this in school when they teach the ‘joys’ of sticking your nob up a bloke’s arsehole.

    • The lad who vanished after the Stone Roses Heaton Park gig was undoubtedly killed by a poofter in one of the seedier parts of the gay village. An area where gays ‘falling’ into the canal and drowning is not uncommon. But the MSM at large kept their mouths shut about it and claimed it wasn’t anything suspicious or gay related.

      Yeah, right.

    • Yeah, how do you teach hygiene, including sexual hygiene while also teaching that it is okay to put your cock into mouths and anuses? How do you square that away?

      Teacher: “Always wash your hands after going poopoo. Poopoo is very bad, very dangerous, toxic, poisonous.”

      Little Timmy: “What about space-docking, Miss Simpkins? What about when I a Dirty Sanchez? Or a what if I have taken on the Tower of Power for hour, capped off by a Golden Shower?”

    • And in fact, Port left his first victim outside his flat propped up dead against a wall
      He called the rozzers and said he’d found him there.

      Port was a known and obvious puff and the rozzers didn’t investigate him properly at first.

      I’d argue they didn’t because they didn’t want to be accused of homophobia.

      He went on to kill more. But no cunt can ever say why the rozzers left Port alone for so long. Well they can, it was ‘homophobia and the cops not caring’.

      Nope. It was because of a ‘chem sex’ one night stand issue within the gay community, and the cops bring scared of being called homophobic bigots by investigating the local gay dating/chem sex scene.

      End of.

  20. Being ignored is what these cunts despise. If only more people would treat them with the contempt they deserve, it would fizzle out in no time.

  21. Not to worry, when londistan is a fully fledged caliphate of Islam these perverted cunts will be beheaded.
    Like they do in more enlightened Muslim countries……☠️

    • Bernard was a mate of my dad’s. We used to go to the Embassy Club regularly. A great night out, I remember when Bernard took the piss one night and started singing The Smiths ‘Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now’ cabaret club style.

    • Can’t imagine why anyone could object to these gatherings. How often do we men get the chance to cavort publicly in make-up and a dress? How many of us on ISAC would turn down the opportunity of participating, given the chance? Anybody who demonstrates hostility towards trans people must be a real bitch.

  22. what’s the betting Dr who? (yes the question mark is right because he/ she FFS, is always been called simply “the doctor”) travels back in time to witness….the Windrush generation, and how stupid whitey was, and that the vast majority of this generation, went on to be doctors, architects, engineers, you get the picture.

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