Tranny Pride (4)

I have more or less given up commentating as it seems every day the whole human race becomes an even bigger heap of stinking shit, but this cannot pass without comment. Yesterday (Juy 8th) a group of obese men and women descended on Piccadilly in London to flaunt their perv*rsions:

At the moment shops are finding it hard to get customers through their doors and Saturday business, at one time (perhaps is still?) the optimum day for people visiting bricks and mortar outlets – more business ruined because a pile of exhibitionistic Eddie Izzard wannabees decide that they need their fifteen minutes of fame. Couldn’t they have just joined in on Buggers Day which was the previous Saturday?, with yet more businesses suffering because people are so anxious that we hear about their sordid aberrations in public. It is a pity they ever decriminalised buggery – they should bring that back as an offence (plenty of MPs would suddenly find themselves up for re-election) . Let’s do the same with men called Ethel and women called Bert. I just hope Westminster council have disinfectedthe streets with that stuff that kills 99%of all known germs – there are probaby a few UNKNOWN germs amongst that pile of fuckers.


Nominated by W C Boggs.

81 thoughts on “Tranny Pride (4)

  1. I have a theory about the increase in the gayness:

    My wife used to blame her aggression on her periods.
    Then she blamed it on the peri-menopause.
    She had a hysterectomy due to cancer (thankfully caught early).
    She now blames her aggression on the medically induced menopause.
    Maybe her aggression and stupidity is because of her own mind and capabilities and not these female conditions?

    I married her in sickness and in health and we have to try hard to help each other but jeez it’s tough.

    If men like myself have to put up with this nonsense is it any wonder some of them turn “the other way”?

    I have worked with transgender people and some of them are nicer than my wife.
    I wouldn’t shag them necessarily but they’re OK.

    The problem with the gayness is the the terrible illnesses that they can carry:
    STDs, HIV/AIDS, Monkey Pox – the lot. I feel sorry for those that died of these illnesses: Rock Hudson, Freddie Mercury, Kenny Everett, Michael Sundin and Mr Claypole from Rentaghost.

    To each his or her or their own, just so long as they’re over 21 and don’t frighten the horses.

    • I sympathise Anton, because my wife has been like Moby Dick for the past 40 years plus – she completely went to seed after the birth of our son, and these days sits on her fat arse consuming junk soap operas and enormous amounts of confectionery, breaking wind during the advert breaks, which perhaps is fair comment on their quality. If I had thought back in 1964 that I would end up with this useless lardarse, I might have been more sympathetic to the young ratings I was at sea with who had the Streeting tendency, but it is the loudness of them now – the demands, the pseudo intellectual posturing, the campery, the vulgar look-at-me-duckie attitude I can’t stand. On the whole our bunch kept their proclivities private. I have to say I have always had a total detestation of buggery, it seems a disgusting practice and as you point out, it has been responsible for unspeakable illnesses. That is the reason I would make the loathsome practice illegal. I don’t think I could have ever been a homosexual, but these things happen, it is when they start making a career out of it that I dislike them even more. Most of the shadow cabinet seem to be pansies. My son is straight, but if he hadn’t of been, I would have warned him that he might have ended up like Mandelson, which I would hope would put any lad off the idea of the gayness. I suspect in entertainment and politics it is almost compulsory these days.

  2. I’m sure that this question has been asked hundreds of thousands of times,
    “What the fuck is there to be proud of when you’re a bloke who gets down on all fours like a fucking animal ,reaches around to prize his bony bum cheeks wide apart and looks over his shoulder grinning and giggling in a high pitched voice begging some unwashed homeless man to shove their diseased cock deep inside your anus and making you suck your own shit off it .?”
    Answers on a postcard please to
    -Ben Doon
    -Phil McCracken
    -Alan Secks

  3. I want to see a tranny pride festival where they all get out their stitched up fake penis and we can rate in on length and the doctors ability to stitch. Michael Barrymore and Graham Norton as special guests on the judging panel.

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