It appears that scores of viewers have abandoned EastEnders. This is because they are pig sick of being lectured every time it’s on. It has been described as ‘unbearably woke’ and ‘virtue signaling’, and examples were given. Greta the Mong mentioned several times, episodes based around veganism, gay pride (again), right wing white ‘Nazis’ planning to bomb a mosque (since fucking when?), climate change and – naturally – Brexit. With that peroxide upright cow Sharon Watts/Mitchell/God Knows comparing Brexit (a referendum result) to Covid (thousands of people dead worldwide). It’s a soap, not a fucking soap box.
But people are really sick of it. From 30 million viewers in the Den and Angie years to a piddling 1 million in 2023. Fucking hell, repeats of Dad’s Army and Steptoe & Son get more viewers than that. Them again, they were good shows.
The latest NeverEnders barrel scraping trick is to bring yet another officially pronounced dead character errr back from the dead. How bloody desperate are they? Cindy and Ian fucking Beale?! Their ludicrous and obscenely woke storylines will hopefully be the beginning of the end for this pathetic woke dogshit.
Nominated by Norman.
Glad to hear it,thankfully haven’t clapped eyes on it since the eighties.
A perfect example of why this disgusting corporation should utterly cease to exist..audience disappears but because they are accountable to nobody and their money comes from taxation they couldn’t care less if they have an audience of zero.
“Cornwall Blimey let’s have a right old knees up”…straight into Oven.
Cornwall? Huw of a phone.
One of the mysteries about this pile of cack is that nobody apparently owns a washing machine.
The show is soooo racist, there are no white people in the eastend now..
Certainly not running cafes.. the pub would of been converted to a mosque by now.
It does amaze me that seeing as the BBC like shoe horning ethnics into everything, a show that should be 99 percent ethnic is full of honkys.
Stopped watching when I grew up, which was a long time ago
I think it was when that bender lost his Filofax.
Never seen a single episode.
But then I have a life.
Haven’t watched this shit for about twenty years but the character which sums it up was Pauline Fowler (Wendy Richard). What a miserable, depressing, moany old cow she was. Did anything good ever happen to Pauline? Her life was total shit as was everything about Albert fucking Square. Still, at least it was the only piece of Peaceful free real estate in the East End.
So it’s gone woke has it? Well no great surprise there, it is the BBC after all. Bunch of wankers.
Must have been back in the eighties or nineties Freddie that a GP from his experience with patients warned that watching “East Enders” could send you into terminal fucking depression. This was long before it became fashionable to regard your mental health as damaged if you had had a bad day at work.
Lady Guzzi used to be an avid watcher of Strictly Come Dancing along with a couple of her friends;long phone calls at the end of each programme to discuss the contestants etc. Then the lgbtqxyzs were introduced and three viewers disappeared.
The BBC Licence Tax has to end. Nadir Dorries had the opportunity (80-seat majority) but, as she did with Johnson’s cock, the thick egomaniac blew it.
They’re all talk, just to get your vote.
Johnson never had any intention of axing the license fee.
Without his say so, the pig shit thick Dorries wouldn’t have be able to end it even if she wanted to.
Yes, good point, you’re right.
Apparently they did a climate change title screen that showed london flooded by the Thames..
Honestly it didn’t go far enough in my mind.. the whole festering sore should be under 6 foot of water..
That’s 10 inches higher than the goblin mayor.
Had I seen that, I would’ve pissed myself laughing.
My last post disappeared!
Cuntster’s last stand?
Cuntster’s 2nd to Last Post.
See below
If only…
2 dogs, Wellard and Willy were the finest actors that this soap ever produced.
There have been a fair few other dogs on the show over the years but none as successful.
If ever made showrunner of this dreck, i’d reintroduce Willy in the form of an anthropomorphic, Island of Dr Moreau creature played by Toby Jones.
He would become the ‘Thanos’ of Eastenders,
Dot Cotton would also return as a spider-woman who captures any fit young women the show still has and diddles them
Not forgetting Roly the poodle.
My little Willy?
That old woman was trans before it was cool.
Remember the BBC promo a few years ago?
‘Eastenders, everybody’s talking about it’
Yeah, saying how shit it is.
It’s now got audience figures comparable to songs of praise, but they’ve just spent 87 million on upgrading the set.
Just about sums up how unaccountable the BBC is.
The political lecturing comes as no surprise, even bbc weather has become political with its doomsday prophecy’s about climate change.
And to think those fuckers scream ‘government interference’ whenever a minister has the temerity to ask what the fuck is going on.
Why shouldn’t they? It’s our fucking money!
‘Eastenders, everybody’s talking about it’
The BBC broadcasting their arrogance. They really live in a fucking bubble.
Brexit just about ended their little world and they’re still taking it out on the public now.
I liked the episide in 1991 when Mark Fowler made sweet love to Dot Cotton and gave her full-blown AIDS.
“Full blown AIDS”
There’s a term you don’t really hear any more.
Freddie Mercury and Rock Hudson spring to mind.
I grew up in the East End.
Once it became clear that the creators and writers of this shit had never been further east than Oxford Street I stopped watching it.
That was after about 3 episodes.
Which was the last time that anyone ever smiled on the show, according to Mrs Cunter, who still watches it.
On her Amazon fire thing, not on my fucking television!
It used to be on twice a week if I remember correctly.
Now it’s every fucking night and sometimes twice a fucking night.
I can’t remember how they finished off other failed soaps.
Did they simply stop broadcasting rubbish like Eldorado or was there a disaster which killed off all of the characters?
Either way, it’s just self indulgent garbage that needs to end.
I’m pretty sure that Eldorado shite just sort of ended, but I think they suddenly made one of the main characters a n o n ce out of the blue near the end. The actor fell out with the producer my ex from that time said.
Imagine that? What a cunt. I’d have just walked off the set and told him to fuck off. You know how serious some prats take soaps. Alan Bradley, Nick Cotton…the actors who played them used to get shouted at, gozzed at in Sainsbury’s or have mad old grannies swinging their handbags at them, “You rotten bugger!”
Yeah that’s a really sad indictment of the intelligence of sosp fans.
I can’t begin to understand how thick or how much of a lonely shut-in somebody has to be to have such a warped sense of reality and lack of awareness.
I recall seeing an interview with the actor who played Nick Cotton and he said he became scared to go out it got that bad.
Stupid cunts.
An accurate way to do that would be a peaceful bomb in Albert Square. Job done
Knowing the BBC it will climate change that roasts the square. just film it through an orange filter with frequent cutaways to the scorching sun and ‘murderous’ violin music.
Haven’t watched it in decades. The BBC were always shit at soaps. ITV ruled with classics such as Crossroads and Coronation Street. Minnie Caldwell with a milk stout in the snug – or was that Cluedo?
Fuck the BBC,
Good morning, everyone.
I’m doomed.
My second post has disappeared. If there’s an Admin about please look in the Spam or bin files and if you would be so kind as to restore it if I would greatly appreciate it.
NOTE: The second version is better than the first
Knees up Mother Brown or more likely Get the knives out Mtebe.
What a pile of piss
Never seen a single episode, why would anyone with a single brain cell watch any soap “opera”.
Read a book…!
Hear hear.
Cockenders, Carnation Street, Enemadale, Crossdressers, Die Nasty etc etc ad nauseam. Never watched a single one. Ever.
Life’s too short.
Hospital Television. The only time most sane people would watch it is if it was in a day room at hospital, before digital switchover.
An excellent and well deserved cunting. Every soap has become such cringe unwatchable garbage that it’s getting beyond a joke now. Nothing but propaganda, woke-reinforcement, and diversity awareness lectures for the dwindling numbers still wasting electricity on this shite.
And don’t get me started on the bearded homosexual vicar in Coronation Street, or the insufferable Yorkshire wokery in Emmerdale fucking farm. Where will it all end?
An excellent and well deserved cunting. Every soap has become such cringe unwatchable garbage that it’s getting beyond a joke now. Nothing but propaganda, woke-reinforcement, and diversity awareness lectures for the dwindling numbers still wasting electricity on this shite.
And don’t get me started on the bearded homosexual vicar in Coronation Street, or the insufferable Yorkshire-style wokery in Emmerdale fucking farm. Where will it all end?
Soap operas cause depression.
Very true. And not just for the morons that watch them.
I never really knew my sister.
I left home when she was a small child and never went back.
(So much for the East Ender’s “It’s all about family”.)
When I did make contact with her several years later I used to spoil her.
Expensive restaurants for her birthday, shopping in designer stores, buying stuff for her house.
After all, she was my little sister.
I called her one night just to check up on her.
She asked me to call back as Coronation Street had just started.
I told her that she could fucking well call me back.
She didn’t.
That was 32 year’s ago almost to the day.
I have not seen or heard from her since.
Make sure your phone isn’t off the hook!
What an ungrateful twat.
We can’t choose our relatives. But we can choose to disconnect them.
My sister was a very successful management suit, in marketing, retired early, nice houses in the Cotswolds, pussywhipped husband in finance , you name it. An apparat chick, you might say.
We are estranged – my decision.
We actually have nothing in common but a bit of DNA
I have an old friend in that position. His brother is such a money-obseesed cunt that my mate has loathe him and mocks his misfortune.
What are you playing at? Your story could be the basis for a best-seller or, dare I say it, a ratings-busting soap. Don’t the Yankee-Doodles say, “If life hands you lemons, make lemonade”?
I wonder if the BB fucking c will write this story into EastEnders…
“EXCLUSIVE Lawyers charging £10,000 to make fake asylum claims: Special investigation exposes staff at immigration law firms briefing clients on how to LIE to the authorities to win the right to stay in Britain”
Tip of the iceberg
All immigration lawyers are cunt.
Suckdick Khan was an immigration lawyer (aka people smuggler enabler) the CUNT set the low bench mark to which all other crooked lawyers aspire.
I used to watch this shite when I needed to mong out after a days graft.
I’d rather watch paint dry now.
Now this should be a story line but it’s true, age 30 done fuck all recognisable now £300 a day for life.
I wonder what services to Boris she did….?
Gobble, gobble, pop goes the weasel and another love child.
She’d have only got the ‘job’ in the first place because her daddy had business interests that helped Bozza or some shite.
Now sorted for life, £300 a day plus considerable ‘expenses’ to sit on her arse and say or do fuck all.
They all look after each other, the self serving, troughing lying bastards.
All of them.
Some of these cunts get £200k for making a short speech at some strange forum nobody’s ever heard of.
They must think we’re fucking stupid.
We are fucking stupid to continually put up with this blatant perverse form of government/ royalty/ patronage/ public schools/civil service clique/uncontrolled immigration/…? The cunts down…!
and people say the HoL should be abolished.
This young woman is a shining example of value for money in the service of the British serf. taxpayer.
6, 705 episodes of this fucking garbage has been broadcast so far (source Wikipedia)
11, 006 for Coronation Street.
9,712 for Emmerdale.
It’s mind buggering to think of just how much money has been thrown at these shitty 3rd rate dramas over the decades.
And the millions of hours in the lives of the cretins who religiously watch them.
And the incredible amount of media exposure given to their shitty 3rd rate “celebrity stars”.
And the humongous amount of electricity wasted broadcasting them.
It’s fucking criminal.
What’s more mind boggling is that 80% of the cast are talentless cunts earning our licence fee off the BBC.
It’s probably all the ‘lobbying’ from that bunch that keeps this crap going. Without the programme, their careers are fucked. It doesn’t stop at cast members. The writers are shit, the directors are shit – even the camera operators are shit.
And I think your 80% is rather conservative! Anyone with the slightest of talents fucked off years ago.
Let’s add Casualty to that Gristle. 1,300 episodes and counting.
What are we doing Saturday night? I know. Let’s stay in and have fun watching a miserablist drama about people in hospital.
Fuck off BBC, and get a fucking job.
Yeah Casualty, slready as miserable as sin and as a kid, the misery was added by mother wanting everybody to be quiet while she watched it. Same with those shite singing competitions like pop idol. Me and the old man didn’t agree and mocked it.
Same with Blind date.
I do love the old bird though.
The BBC has always liked to ‘educate’ the proles through its’ drama. Back in the eighties, this and programmes like Casualty were launched, written by young socialists.
Casualty was always pro-NHS, Anti-thatcher. The writers admitted it.
Haven’t watched it since an ex always had it on and that Nick Cotton was in it. Right cunt he was lol. Very entertaining. Once he fucked off I never watched it again.
Good question coming up, even if I say so myself.
How are all these shows and film production companies surviving if no cunt watches their unbearable woke horse crap anymore? They must be losing fortunes. I’m sure even the BBC will want to know from the producer why viewing figures are plummeting. Or maybe they don’t give a toss?
I see the BBC are practically promoting that new Barbie film. I thought they weren’t allowed to advertise? Their blanket, fawning coverage of it amounts to advertising in my opinion.
Did a bit if digging and the message of the film seems to be ,”Be a lefty, save the planet. You go girl, all men are sexist ogres who’ll try to touch you up or belittle you. You don’t need no man, girlfriend!”
I was obviously about as surprised finding this out, as I was when my hangover shit stank to fuck last weekend.
Good morning.
Morning CB.
I haven’t seen nor have I intention of ever seeing “Barbie” but I did enjoy the Critical Drinkers review of said fillum.
Oh obviously I’m not going to watch a film called Barbie anyway.
It’s the kids, particularly girls, that this tripe is being aimed at.
Although I did see a version of Barbie on xhamster once. Obviously, I was appalled and turned off the site after accidently opening it – after about 5 minutes.
I wonder if Richard Gere was massively disappointed to find out that xhamster is a normal (ish) filth site and didn’t feature a single hamster being shoved up an arse?
Morning HJ…I know Critical Drinker, he’s ace. His name is Will Jordan, he’s an author. A splendid porridge muncher.
You might also like Ryan Kinel (RK Outpost) and Yellow Flash, they very much like to take the piss out of leftie scum.
I like the Drinker’s reviews and video essays on modern hollywood but can’t recomnend his fiction under his real name. Too much like Tom Clancy or Lee Child for me, and his protagonist’s name Ryan Drake is skirting a little close to Jack Ryan.
I can’t compare it with Ludlum’s Bourne series as ive only seen two of the films.
I think i’ve mentioned this before but the last time I watched EastEnders with any regularity it featured a family called the Masoods, and that was only because of an ex.
Should’ve been Mossad
EastEnders is real cockneys living a typical cockney life.
And Danny Dyer is a fine actor and as a direct descendant of Henry VIII has a valid claim to the throne of England.
Oi Oi Saveloy!!
A lot of the real cockneys moved out of the East end many years ago. Albert Square would be full of hipster cunts vaping and starting pop-up vegan/Japanese noodle bars while travelling about on e-scooters. You’d see a few more Dooshkas and Somalians and some big fat lesbians who work for Walford council, always saying ‘SSooo,’ and ‘moving forward’.
The post code E 20 was given to Walford but in real life is now the Olympic park.
I believe on Eastbenders you get peacefuls having a pint dahhhn the local with the trannies.
Dr Who is more fucking realistic.
Morning CB…they ought to make it more realiatic by having a pakı bird look at a white man then her brothers and father honour kill her by burning her face off with sulphuric or hydrochloric acid and they bury her in a comically shallow grave in Albert Square’s little garden thingy.
You’re hired!
Good stuff Thomas, sounds very realistic too.
I’m surprised that they haven’t pulled the Emmerdale one and had a jet crashing into the square before now.
How about an alien abduction plot? Or a poltergist at the pub? Would do wonders for the ratings I’d say
Danny Dyer has flashbacks of being accosted by little grey fellas with big nappers… faaakkin’ ‘orrible, moosh.
Lady Di (the bulldog) is still catatonic.
DeadEnders more like.
‘We need ta tawk…give us two teas luv…’
Morning all.
And no cunt owns a washing machine. All daaahhhn the launderette.
Get to fuck.
And if someone comes into the room just as someone else puts then phone daaaahn:
“Oo was that then?”
“None of your facking business, ya nosey caaahnt!”
Show showbiz writers in the Metro are pulling a North Korea and write the show is getting year on year increasebin ratings.
I”ve poiinted out in the comments that the BARB ratings show a steady decline.
The average for Jan-Jun 2023 is 3.5m. The 1 million was when the siap was rescheduled).
The comment was pulled. The Metro doesn’t like facts ruining their wishful thinking and BBC propaganda.
BBC comments the same. They used to let non lefty compliant comments in. Now, they don’t give a fuck.
On one thread a year or two back, I said summat like ‘I don’t think the BBC can justify giving so much airtime to a sport that attracts a few dozen spectators. I’m sorry, but I’m just not interested in women’s football. The standard is laughable.’
Not offensive. Just an opinion.
Comment removed within minutes.
Unbiased my fucking hairy arsecheeks.
And Metro are the paper that says there are no Paggi rape gangs in Britain.
Metro = pure fagg0try.
Never watched it. But stumbled across a reality dubbed version of it online with all the stuff left in that is normally taken out, such as swearing, racism and sex. Similar to badly dubbed porn, if ever you’ve stumbled across that at all ?