Rosie Jones


One of a raft of ‘comedians’ who are not funny. And there are plenty of them, entertaining virtuous morons.
Rosie Jones has cerebral palsy (I think). A dreadful disability. However, as a comedian she is fucking dire.

Because of her disability we are expected to honk and clap. And the only reason for this seems to be ‘ look at me, I’m disabled so I must be funny’ Audiences of half witted students empty their bowels at her act.
Sadly, unless you want to impress with your woke credentials, she is fucking dire. She makes Nish Kumar look mildly amusing.

Bbc news

Nominated by cuntstable cuntbubble.

84 thoughts on “Rosie Jones

  1. Mr Cunt Engine even gets a mention about half way down the article after appearing on Blue Peter in 1981.

  2. Those teeth remind of the wall built by Yosser in ‘Boys from the Blackstuff’.

  3. about as funny as a stage 4 cock cancer diagnosis.

    I pity her affliction but she’s selling out her fellow sufferers for cheap laughs. when I say laughs I mean the polite forced laughs that right on cunts do when they feel it’s the virtuose thing to do.

  4. Say what you like,
    But she beats Michael McIntyre and Nish Kumar into a cocked hat!

  5. I have great sympathy for her condition.

    But like most female comedians, she’s about as funny as a blocked septic tank.

    Still, I don’t think she’s resorted to going on about periods or her ‘vag’ yet, has she?
    We must be thankful for small mercies.

    Morning all.

  6. It is a terrible condition that she suffers with, I would wish this on no-one but honestly, I can’t understand a fucking word that she says and the little I do, isn’t funny.

    I think it’s unfair that she walks this earth thinking she is funny, it is wrong to set her up to be something she isn’t.

    It’s also unfair that she probably gets quite a lot of dollar for being talentless but hey ho, this is the world we live in.

    Reminds me of another programme on tellybox, this time with a blind comedian and some sidekick who are travelling the world at someone’s expense, jollying it up (probably getting smashed up in the evenings and having various local ladies in each town nosh until the cows come home).

    I’d like to know how I can get into something where I am paid, enjoy my life and contribute fuck all – perhaps being a MP could be a way forward for me?

  7. Very sad. I feel for what she has had to battle and I applaud her efforts to get where she has got. It is inarguable she has done well in her career. But no she doesn’t make me laugh with her humour.

    Sorry, nothing against her at all, she just doesn’t bring the giggles out in me.

    Not sure I can agree with the cunting here – she hasn’t behaved like a cunt as far as I am aware.

  8. Watchng this unfunny shitbiscuit gives me a headache. It’s like being stuck in slow-moving traffic. The punchline takes a minute to arrive and when it does, it’s as funny as an unflushed toiket. Putting her on a programme to produce humour is like choosing Eddie Izzard to play Centre Forward for England.

    F…f ….f…. f… f….f… f…. f…… f… Fucking give it up, love.

  9. I can’t understand a word she says and those gnashers make my knob shrivel inwards. At least she’s not a tranny, so I reckon some of you would.

    • I think it’s been mentioned here before, that the thought of her drooling down her ample cleavage gets some of our more esteemed members going.

  10. What fucking woke next? Jo Brand as a pole dancer? Elton John in a remake of Casanova? Alan Carr (I’d pay to punch his fairy lights out) next captain of The British Lions? I’m sick of this forced to be virtuous at gunpoint shit.

    • He was a riot.

      Didn’t give a fuck. He’s been dead for years and he still winds snowflakes up something rotten.


      • Aye.

        Remember Channel 4 showing a program about ‘offensive humour’ 10 or so years back? Maybe a bit more, I cant remember.

        They played Bernard clips to a bunch of woke lefties.

        They all fucking cracked up involuntarily. Every fucking one of them. Then covered their mouths and shook their heads in ‘disgust’ (but were still trying hard not to laugh.)

        The show’s ‘psychologists’ then did a load of mental gymnastics saying some people laugh because it’s their way of dealing with awful things they hear or see.


        They laughed because it was fucking funny. End of, you cunts.

  11. It’s very sad really, I have never seen her doing her ‘stand up’ but seen her on QT and it’s painful, mind you she is slightly better than Barry Gardiner, ffs, get on with it man spit it out.

  12. Never heard of her and I have never watched any of the new comedy cunts…I would rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty spoon than suffer their on tread bilge.

    Comedy ended the day Benny Hill croaked among carrier bags filled with fivers.

  13. Well apparently she smashed the glass ceiling for the disabled..

    Never bring your trampoline inside the house, it always ends badly.

  14. I imagine she’ll be just as much fun in bed. I’m giving her the thumbs up.

      • I admit not to being a gynaecologist, but I’ll have a good look at it for her.

      • Just read your post and saw “bonus” where in fact you said bogus. Definitely some sort of freudian link there.

  15. I agree that “retard” is an unacceptable word. That’s a word used by snotty American brats and doesn’t sit right with me.
    What’s wrong with “spaz”, “flid” or “mong”? Good old British words. ??

    • I had to retard my ignition on my classic car the other day….maybe I should suggest we call it something else. “I backwards my ignition” hasnt got quite the same ring to it somehow

      • If you get to read this, how about ‘chrono-mechanically challenge’ your ignition. I’m part of a guitar group consisting of proper blokes – no women allowed – all of whom are fairly well educated and hold to traditional values. We put this sort of shit to the sword for a few hours each Monday. Quite a larf (we have a ‘geezer’ from Sussex in our number. There’s even an engineer and petrol head amongst us. He has a pair of 2.8l Capris and a Corsair. The point of telling you this is to say, “All is not lost: do not despair”.

  16. Fellow cunters may have already mentioned this, but aside from the fact she simply isnt funny…as her jokes are shit…even if she was gifyed with a sheet of the worlds funniest gags, if she told then they wouldn’t be funny. Taking a fucking age to tell a joke and then we have to wait while she spits the punchline out loses immediate anticipation and shes then lost it.

    Joke telling should be fluid….yes, some jokes corbett on the two ronnies, but the joke is still funny because there is a build up to the pumchline which unlike the main body of the joke is delivered punchy and swiftly.

    Unlike what this unfunny woke thing can effectively do.

  17. Well now my comment has gone into moderation we now know some more words that are verboten……….





    It’s getting like fucking N*rth K*re*

  18. Typical woman comedian. Hour of lecturing you would expect from a Ted-X talk, not a fucking stand up show. From the same vein as Hannah Gadsby. Painfully unfunny and just a victimhood cope sesh. Modern comedy is just shit, I’ll just stick to Jethro if I want a laugh. This retard can get to fuck. Her nashers would tear up any ham sandwich or make a member into a salad in seconds, for humanities sake i hope it doesn’t breed.

  19. The BBC think they’re pushing boundaries etc, but it’s just the modern day equivalent of a Victorian freak show.
    ‘Hey, look at the wheelchair bound spacca on countryfile. She can wheel herself around the dales’.
    ‘Hey, look at the mongy comedian. Oh the hilarity. It’s ground breaking’.
    It’s actually fucking patronising shit, designed to make the wokie able bodied feel good.
    It’s not miss Jones who’s the cunt really, it’s all the usual fucking suspects.

    • She may not be much of a comedian
      But she makes a excellent martinl.

    • Yeah, patronising is the word that springs to mind straight away. You only have to watch five minutes of the Paralympics to understand that.

      • I can’t watch even that much. The poor fuckers taking part deserve far better.
        Same with the invictus games.

  20. She was on with steve wright in the afternoon wannabe scott mills the other day, a shower of bastards, turned that crap right off. Gave up on R2 when old wrighty and brucey left. Boom.

    • I had half-given up on it a few years ago. Ken Bruce and popmaster were the only things I listened to before it became Radio Karen.

  21. It seems being funny is no longer required to be a comedian, in fact if you say anything funny you usually end up in trouble, on top of that they organisers seem to want to turn stand up into some sort of freak show, who only seem to get laughs out of sympathy.
    So in my experience if its a woman, guy in wheel chair, crutches, deaf and of course the above nom,,,,,,,not usually fucking funny, people are paying money to see this sort of thing, if i want to see a freak show i can just look at my stanly neighbours inbred kids .
    Honestly its more entertaining watching the cars rust, my Jack Russel is funnier than most of these cunts…..

  22. Fucks’ sake, I really want to get involved in this sexy nom, but am sat with bloody clients all day!

    • “… I really want to get involved in this sexy nom…”

      Oh god no… please god no…

    • Good old Joey. Now there was another groundbreaking BBC star! A generation of schoolchildren will never forget his name.

    • Sadly I missed the boat on Deacon-mania by a few years, but the Spastics Society was still called that.

    • I often come across his name on here and I’ve even just looked him up but I just
      don’t remember him at all.

  23. There’s a few of these about. If I found Cerebral Palsy I’d go to the day unit my mum worked at and get my fix.I don’t, but I also dont find the discomfort and awkwardness around it funny, like most of Gervsis’ comedy.

    If you find spastics funny, laugh at them
    If you find rape funny, laugh at it.
    If you find cancer funny, laugh at that as well.

    Better than crying..

  24. I think the cunts are the ones patronising her and making out they think she’s funny. She isn’t.

    To be fair, women comedians aren’t funny as a whole. Most modern male ones aren’t any good too, as risque jokes will end your career. Comedy is pretty much dead now. Cheers libtards!

    Which is why I might cunt Eddie Murphy. Fucking hilarious back in the 80s when no fucks were given. Now he’s said sorry for his past act.

    Easy to say now you’ve got your millions in the fucking bank, eh?

    Pull the ladder up shithouse cunt.

    • I’ll disagree with you therr, CB…she’s hilarious, just not in the way she was intending, the drooling sexpot.
      Imagine the state of her presumably untouched fanny. Like a lopsided osprey’s nest.

    • Off topic but sort of interesting-

      In Beverly hills cop,
      Remember Eddie murphys boss?
      Black chief of police?

      Well he was played by a real cheif of police and politician from Detroit called Gil Hill.

      A more crooked and greedy fuck it’d be hard to find.
      Involved in the drug trade, murder, police corruption,
      He was the face of diversity like the black mayor of Detroit at the time
      (Another piece of shit)
      Media darlings who mixed with hitmen.

      If you want a good true crime documentary check out

      “White boy Rick”

      On Netflix

      • Will check that out.

        I watched that ‘The Sixth Commandment’ with the Mrs the other night. True crime drama about a few moiders.

        Surprising good for the BBC.

        A few awkward gaynessy bits, but not too many.

        Timothy Spall is in it, decent actor tbf.

      • There’s a interview with a real hitman on it.
        Killed over 30 people for drug gangs.
        Even he says that Gil Hill was a bad cunt.

      • Where the fuck is Foley…I din’t just walk in from the cotton fields etc

        BHC is stop a class movie and one of my faves.

      • That’s the fella.
        Right dodgy cunt in real life.

        He’d make a boomerang blush he was that bent.

    • Excellent kicking off of hat, just stop oil protesters deserve this and as we all know are ubacunts, the best one though is the little short wanker who rips off his jacket as if to get involved, but is actually exiting stage left,so i think that makes him equally a cunt as the orange cunts….

    • A fine example to all citizens. The fat dopey plod can’t be fucked anymore, so get stuck in.

      Balaclavas and scaffold spanners all round.

  25. An ugly one and no mistake. Look like Rory Gallagher after a dose of the Joker’s Laughing Gas. ?

    And does anyone remember that nauseating little cunt who was on Britain’s Got Talent/Cunts? Around 2013, this horrible little twat claimed to be a disabled comedian. And all he did was squeal in a camp voice ‘Oooh! They’ll stop me benefits!’

    Absolute crap and he used his ‘disablity’ to gain sympathy and make thick cunts go ‘Awww! Bless!’ Anyway, his name was/is Jack Carroll and he has resurfaced in a sitcom about diasbled lads on a bus for – wait for it – the BB Fucking C.

    There is another Rosie Jones, of course. This one.❤

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