Prince William (6)


I don’t know if any fucker has had a go at this yet, but:-

”Prince William: Young royals ‘will definitely be exposed’ to homelessness”

Fuck me. Then there’s:-

“They [will] grow up knowing that actually, do you know what, some of us are very fortunate, some of us need a little bit of a helping hand, some of us need to do a bit more where we can to help others improve their lives.”

Help other improve their lives. Well here’s a suggestion you halfwitted chinless baldy cunt —

Open up the few dozen fully staffed and heated palaces you and your inbred bunch of parasites occupy. (Occasionally)

He also talks about the ‘school run’ as if he was dropping the fuckers off on his way to some hard graft instead of it being a fully staffed security fucking circus organised by the nannies.

I dont know which of the half witted half brothers is the biggest cunt.

Bbc news

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

127 thoughts on “Prince William (6)

  1. The biggest problem with being a Royal is not having someone to tell you NO when you need it.

  2. Well after he’s taken them to a homeless shelter he can take them to some fancy hotel full of illegal immos. Then they can compare how we treat our own poor with the criminal trash from all around the world. It should be quite an eye opener, especially for the Baldybollocks cunt himself.

  3. He knows how to show his kids a good time doesn’t he?

    “It was awful daddy. They even had to squeeze their own toothpaste!”.

  4. Prince William should have a go on Meghan. Or make Kate have a go on Meghan.
    “Working” royal?! Fuck off, he’s an inbred, chinless twat.
    And his wife has popped out 3 more posh spongers who’ll never know the value of money or do a day of proper work in their entire worthless lives.
    His only saving grace is that he’s less of a bellend than his brother.
    I despise the royal family (and anyone crawling toady who kisses their ass).
    Fuck them, I hope they all die from eating poisoned pheasant or quail or something equally posh.

    • Borderline poisonous is the only way to eat pheasant, according to my grandad who lived until 92.

    • I didn’t mind Her Maj, she represented something……which we have now lost forever. As for Chimpboy, Baldybollocks and Gingerbollocks……they can all fuck off with their virtue signalling, wokie bullshit. The lefties despise them too so they’re in big fucking trouble. I doubt if that little brat George will ever see the throne. They’ll all end up buried in some forest somewhere like the fucking Romanovs.

  5. I have trouble distinguishing the cunt from the congenitally thick, excessively privileged, mass of freeloading parasites who feel I ought to respect them on account of their descent from as unconscionable an array of villains and thieves as could be promoted beyond their ability in mediaeval Europe.

    Someone needs to do a formal cost-benefit analysis on these cunts, both collectively and individually. Also, journalists writing about them in any other than neutral terms should be shot.

    Come the revolution.

    • When the Revolution comes they will all have a date with Madame Guillotine.

      And there’ll be no Rainbow Pimpernel to save them.

      • When the Revolution comes there will be about five minutes of genuine near-democracy before the usual greedy suspects grab the levers of power. and become despots of one sort or another.

        Unfortunately that’s human nature. Realistically speaking, I could tolerate the royal cunts better if they’d just downsize to half a dozen or so and turn a few palaces over to housing associations. Mind you, anything would be better than Trump.

      • Well my reptilian colleague…you are right about revolutions and democracy but wrong about President Trump.

        Exhibit A: Joseph Robinette Biden

        The Defense rests.

        As for the revolution:

      • Fuck it! We all know the song.

        “Won’tGet Fooled Again” – The Who

      • I should have known we would head, like a demented c00ndog after an aniseed sweet, straight onto what a cunt Biden is and how the sun shines out of Trump’s arse.

        We still await some tastefully muted enthusiasm for the murderous bastard Putin.

        My fault, I shouldn’t encourage you.

      • Hey Komodo,

        I like Trump and you don’t. No worries, (as the kids say) it’s all good.

        As for Biden, the reality of him nibbling at little girls, falling up stairs on Air Force One, tripping over imaginary sandbags, swearing at staff members, covering for his son and staff in a drug infested White House (cocaine and marijuana have both been found), opening the borders, locking down the country during Covid, ruining the economy, sending cluster bombs to Ukraine, mobilizing US troops in Europe, and presiding over a treasonous Crime Family selling influence abroad (among other things…the list is too long to recite here), if you think he’s better than Trump…that’s your opinion.

        As far as that murdering bastard Putin is concerned…sorry to disappoint you but I’m unable to express any enthusiasm for him, tastefully or otherwise.

      • “I like Trump and you don’t. No worries, (as the kids say) it’s all good.”

        No more “Trump Derangement Syndrome”?


        One small step for mankind, one giant leap for a Trump idolater. ?

  6. Well in 50 years the indigenous population of this country will all be made homeless to make room for all the third world vermin that keeps rocking up..

    Plenty for your cunt kids to care for you woke bald prick.

  7. Cunt he may be. But he’s got three things going for him.

    One. He isn’t Harry.

    Two. He isn’t married to a creature like Megain Mantis.

    Three. He gets to shag Kate.

  8. ‘Some of us need to do a bit more to help out where we can’ he says. And some of us have to go out and earn it before we can give it away – if there’s anything left – unlike that shower of privileged parasites. He recently spoke about ‘during my reign’. What makes the baldy, stick insect shagging cunt think that we’ll be mugs enough to keep paying for and putting up with the spongeing twats for that much longer?

  9. What does this chinless, bald at ten , overpriveleged, know about the homeless?

    I worked with them and most are cunts.
    They’re homeless because they’re feckless, mental druggie twats.

    Harsh but true.

    His undercover Big issue activity was a joke too.

    ” Would one care for a Big issue?”

    That’s prince Willie!

    • You “worked” with the homeless, MNC? Sounds intruiging…are you willing to elaborate?
      Did you manage to get a saucy nosh off a 39 year old tramp woman, who looked seventy, had barely a tooth in her mouth and who was wearing a pair of stained yellow y-fronts as a hat?

      • Are you describing Anneliese Dodds Thomas?

        Now she should be homeless and jobless.

      • Hehehe, ?
        Naw, I used to liaise with the council to get them rehoused.

        They’d fuck it up and end up back on the streets.

        They should be used as dog food at Battersea dogs home.

      • Did you remember to comb your beard, lest you be mistaken for one of them and a nice old lady offer you a couple of quid “for a cup of tea” that you then spent on a can of Tennents Super Strength?

      • Those poor dogs have had a hard enough life without being fed tainted meat..

      • Someone told them the house with the Country Cream gates was a drop-in centre.

        Miserable only found out when he saw some Euro pikey walking down the street wearing his gravy stained Led Zeppelin t-shirt.

  10. Every homeless person has a story and 97% of the time it is because of poor choices.
    Liberals like William always think throwing our money at the problem will somehow make it better.
    Here in the US we have some state governors and city mayors making their cities havens for the homeless to have freedom to shit and shoot up drugs in the open.
    Neither is a solution at all.
    William should tell his kids to appreciate the what they have and see these parasites for what they are.

    • We’ve all mat poor choices at some point MC, just we got away with them where others didn’t.

      It’s true that addiction and mental issues can lead to homelessness, but it is also true that homelessness lead to addiction and mental health issues.

      We are going to see an explosion of homelessness in the next decade.

      • We’re already seeing it now Termujin

        LA, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, etc.
        America is now a 3rd world country that still thinks it’s a 1st world country.

        Sorry General Custard.
        Just calling it like I see it as you lot on the other side of the pond say.

        Truth is we aren’t far behind you. Look at parts of London, and Manchester. Even smaller cities like Sheffield.

        Going to be like Hobo with a Shotgun soon enough.

      • I know I’ve got my bacofoil trilby firmly on my head, but I think it will possibly end up like The Purge mixed with ancient Rome too.

        The top tier will be the extremely wealthy, who are completely blind to the shit that goes on in the real world. They’ll be up in their million $ apartments admiring the view of central park and won’t even realise or care that people are living in squalor. They’ll be perpetually bored and end up having orgies like the Romans did.

        Then there will be the people that work jobs and will never be able to afford their own home. Living in those capsule things like in Japan
        The plebians. Poor hapless bastards that have to deal with shit.

        Then there will be the people living in shanty towns like they are now. They’ll be like the Morlocks out H.G Wells The Time Machine. Mostly feral and won’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves.

        (The Morlocks would be a good name for a band. They could be like Lordi)

        So much for the future being flying cars and silver jumpsuits. No doubt Klaus will be like Ming the Merciless the Professor Farnsworth looking weirdo.

      • Fuck me.
        Any single cunt who fucks children or stabs people or blows up innocent people has mental issues.
        When I rape 15 18- 20 year old paki women using a hammer I’m a right wing racist.
        (Very hairy and take it like it’s normal)
        Crazy times.

      • Harry,

        We’re your sins not so great, God would not have sent such a terrible vengeance as me against you.

  11. People might say if you get rid of the royals you’ll get President Blair.

    1) Not necessarily. He’s looking a bit ropey.

    2) even if Blair were elected by a country that hates him, at least he wouldve been elected.
    You would be given the chance to vote against him.

    It’s the same mentality that believes you have to vote Tory or Labour, just becsuse you dont want the other getting in; narrow and defeatist.

    • Nah, it’ll be worse.
      We could get President Gary Lineker, Suckdiq Khan, David Lammy or Phoebe Waller Cunt.

    • Just get rid of them and replace them with nothing.

      Sweet FA.

      What does a head of State do? Has banquets with other Heads of State. That’s it.

      Fck ’em off. Right off.

  12. We could have a President like the Irish do with practically fuck all power. He’s been Pres for 12 years and nobody, outside Paddyland, has ever heard of the cunt. Uncle Joe didn’t know who he was but then he didn’t know who the Suntan Kid and Chimpboy were to be fair.
    Michael D Higgins in case you were wondering. No relation to the Hurricane as far as I know.

  13. Clearly in a minority here.
    1 I believe in our constitutional monarchy, yes they could live of much less handouts
    2 I wish Willy boy was king ? instead of his brain ? dead dad. And the devilishly good looking Kate queen instead of horse face.

    • Same as that.

      Keep the Monarchy but review their assets. The entire sea bed? Not a fucking chance, the poeple are having that back to rent out to the wind farm cunts and reduce their energy bills. Buckingham Palace, Sandringham, Balmoral and Windsor castle ?……nope, you can keep two and the people are having the rest. The entire Duchy of Cornwall? Nope……. you can keep 1000 acres, the people are having the rest back……. Tax free status…… on your fucking bike jack, full tax to be paid on everything right now and going forwards.

      They would still live like frikkin errrr……. kings.

    • Despite my earlier remarks in this nom I don’t entirely disagree with you about the constitutional monarchy. With our historic institutions under attack from the Brave New One Worlders and the Carpet Kissing Calip-haters our traditions need to be protected.

      Liz was Great. Chucky is a human tampon. As for the Prince of Hair it remains to be seen.

      As for Aitch…Dianna should have swallowed.

      • EDIT: I think there’s only one “N” in Diana. Although there were multiple “D’s” in her.

      • And Éamon de Valera was a cunt. Refusing to cooperate with Winston during World War II. And although de Valera claimed that Eire was ‘neutral’, he and they were more than welcoming to those Kraut cunts and their U-Boats. Bastards.

      • Sorry to disappoint you but that was just some bollocks made up by Churchill when he claimed Britain showed restraint during the war not to invade Oireland.

        And you call Collins a cunt!

        If you can be bothered to educate yourself on the intelligence shared between Ireland and Great Britain during WW2, the tens of thousands of Irish citizens who joined the British Army, allowing US military bombers to refuel in Shannon, imprisoning crashed Luftwaffe pilots etc. etc. then go look ‘Irish neutrality’ up on wiki and you’ll see that they broke it when it suited them to help the Allies.

        I’ll concede that the IRA did have some dealings with the Krauts but they don’t represent the Irish state, though that distinction is lost on most of you cunts.

        Good Evening.

      • Isn’t he some dwarf long white haired cunt who you only see freeloading at Mick rugby union internationals

  14. He can say what he likes…..I just want to fuck Kate in the shitter, then let her piss on me.

    I think that’s a pretty reasonable request.

    • That Kate is quite fit,
      Bit to Karen Carpenter though?
      Like a mistreated whippet.
      Needs a few meat pies down her.

      And what does she see in him?!!


      Can’t be his looks?
      He looks like a football that’s rolled across a barbershop floor.

      • Yes, a few pies would improve thing no end. Gone a bit too waiflike since the sprogs popped out.

        Naturally pretty girl though

        I’m off for a J arthur.

      • Yep your right there Norman,
        Great little arse on her.
        Kate should take note ,
        Have some dindins more often
        Get some curves?

  15. Isnt there a chippy near Buckingham palace?

    Oh dear.
    Sounds dreadful.

    • Can one have cod and chips thrice please?

      Jeeves , pay the man there’s a good fellow.

      • Ps. Ethnics Don’t eat fish and chips, they just invent it.

        Well that’s what professor Lineker of the BBC told me, and who am I to challenge someone of he’s mighty intellect.

      • And Professor Linekunt invented crisps and he’s black. Another milestone of progress originating from Africa.

  16. Maybe William should take his brats to the home of a British pensioner struggling to heat their home or have a decent meal.

    But he won’t of course.

    These aren’t trendy issues like climate change or racism that he can bleat on about to fool a gullible public into believing he and the rest of the cunts are still relevant.

  17. Off topic but do our government still give our money to India to help their space exploration.

    • Yes they fucking do. They also give 48 million a year to China. This is to teach their serfs how to grow rice. I’m not making this up, look it up. In total 12 to 15 billion a year gets pissed away in foreign countries, many of whom are richer than us. But they get fuck all out of King Jugears. He’s no fucking mug.

      • One small step for man
        One giant leap for mankind
        Thank you,come again

        Apu Armstrong

      • I heard they are opening up a corner shop in the Sea of Tranquility. For those of you educated to Rio Ferdinand standards it’s not actually a real sea.

        So no dinghies required.

      • I remember that song by The Police
        ‘Cornershop on the Moon’.
        Six little grey men file through the door, heading straight for the sherbert saucers

        ‘Nonono, vun at a time.. you are paying for him?… Then put it back!’

    • Freddie,

      The moon, I believe.

      As mankind has never been there, I don’t know how we know

      *ducks head for incoming*

      • Have we fuck been there. Kennedy could not find his own arsehike,,let alone the fckn moon

        Google Van Allen belts

      • Yawn. The Apollo craft werent in the van Allen belts long enough for it to jeopardise the missions.

        Kennedy didnt run the Apollo program, NASA did.

        Google ‘Moon landing conspiracy debunked’.

      • Moon equator temp in the day +120C -130C nighttime that fucking tinfoil on the eagle must have been brilliant, not to mention the space suits.

      • Landings occured at Lunar dawn so the temperature difference was within a 30° range.

        All the answers are available, should you wish to find them.

        The moon landing hoax theory is as scientifically valid as Young Earth creationism.

  18. Know none of you have TVs,
    But in case any newbies on here,
    Check out that’s TV tonight at 9pm
    Ain’t Arf hot mum
    Alf Garnett

    Proper telly.

    • Thanks for the heads-up MNC.
      Not bothered with it Ain’t Half Hot,
      But will definitely watch Till Death…
      Is it the early B&W series uncensored?

      • No the colour one from 70s,
        Just bleeped out a swear word when I watched it the other night MjB.

        Seems to be untouched?
        Obviously a warning about outdated views at beginning.

        To hear Alf berating his son in law cheered me up ?

        ” Bleeding immigrant is what you are!
        Bleeding thick Mick.
        They shouldn’t let you lot down here,
        You bleedin Scouse git!”

      • Probably edited out all his racism though.

        Bleedin’ ‘Big bogs.’
        ‘See yer c 000n…’

        I’ve seen a few episodes before on YouTube completely unedited. Not sure if they’re still up, but I did watch Love They Neighbour on there recently, seemed unedited. No fucking way you’d get away with that now.

        And if you know how to torrent, you can usually find original series on there in all their unedited glory.

        What better than have a quiet night in with the family watching racist telly?

  19. When I think of the Royals I immediately think of the Prince Regent in Blackadder III. Thick as pig shit, totally out of touch with reality, idle, rich, parasitic smug arseholes. I bet there’s a combined total of 5000 rooms in all their Palaces and Castles which the majority will never be used, Do they fancy taking in Mo his wife and 8 kids into one of the Palaces fresh from Somalia and the dinghy? Will they fuck, its ordinary employed white working class will have them dumped in our towns, hotels and semi detached houses, whilst veteran soldiers sleep rough. Piss boiling fucking country,

  20. He was better flying his helicopter in Anglesey rescuing daft cunts who walked up mountains in January in flip flops.

    All this shit about homelessness and some sort of campaign is total fucking rubbish,he’s got nowt to do so some cunt has told him this will be a “worthy cause” that he can “really sink his teeth into”..

    I’ll believe it when all his land is donated to some charity that builds a load of high rise flats on it to house the mostly useless cunts and offers to pay their council tax for a decade.

    Virtue signalling arse piss..fannying about as the country he’s supposed to be the backbone of is run into the ground and the population looks on as foreign hordes turn large parts of the country into a shithole.

    And his wife has no tits so fuck off.

    • Evening UT.
      There’s a very simple solution to England’s homeless.
      Bump them all off with poisoned party drugs or booze that’s been tainted with methanol.
      Then starve the immigrants until they’re hungry enough to eat the corpses of the homeless.
      But the we’ve still loads of well-fed ımmos. Shit, I haven’t thought this through sufficiently.

      • And they’ll have developed a taste for human flesh.
        Yes, needs a bit more work this master plan, Thomas.

      • Hmmm…how about convincing the now cannibal immigrants that they need to gobble up their longer-established fellow darkıes?
        Freddie the Frog’d be the only honky in Lahndan.

      • Quite a good start Thomas.

        However I’ve gone all nostalgic after my Rome trip and would simply bring back the gladiatorial games..

        Feed the wretched cunts to bears and lions,the foreign trash can be forced to slaughter one another by the thousand and I’d expect quite a few would need running over by a chariot as well.

        Imagine how popular it would be to see the dregs of the prisoners being chased round the arena by a pack of starving boars?

        Convicted terrorists (and of course their sympathisers who MI5 know damned well are here in their thousands ) would face off against an army of quavering BBCijihad employees in a mock up og a pork pie factory..

        Anyway,fuck the lot of them..that would be worth a telly tax.

        Good evening.

      • Holy shit, that would be extraordinary! Watching that wholesale slaughter would cause me to wank my balls flat.

  21. Indeed Unkle. I have no idea what the horn brigade on here see in Baldybollocks’ old woman. But then I could never see what anybody saw in Diana, the big nosed old trollop.
    On the other hand I always wanted to shag Fergie, the saucy little tart.
    Not so keen now, given the passage of time and the fact she’s had a tit cut off.
    I’ll leave her to Randy Andy……I suspect his need is greater than mine.

  22. I don’t really get the fascination with Kate.

    Right skinny cunt. Her head looks too big too, like the weight of it might make it fall off at some point.

    Megan Mantis isn’t bad looking though. A right cunt, granted, but I’d rather slip her one.

    I’d probably do them both actually, treat Kate carefully like, I bet she’s dead sensitive and demure. Megan would probably come in the bedroom dressed in dominatrix gear and knock shit out of and goz in your face, before getting you to demolish every hole with brutal force…I’m sorry where am I going with this?

    • Sophie Rice-Pudding is the best. She looks filthy bet she bangs like lock gates in a tsunami.

      • I’m thinking she must have some…private arrangements for those… urges within ?

  23. BBC link?
    Fuck that for a game of soldiers.
    I love this site but sometimes the irony is lost with the link to a communist propaganda agenda driving bunch of absolute bullshit.
    Surely the point of this place is to avoid the transparent media lies?
    I understand we are all a bit grumpy as we get older, but fuck me, why contemplate something you know is absolute bollocks?

    Drink, smoke, live your life..
    Don’t pay attention to any of it.

    The world is full of kings and queens who blind your eyes and steal your dreams.

  24. Wonder how long a homeless person would survive in Poundbury before being got rid of by Duchy staff?

    • There’s a great vid on YouTube. Some cunt on CNN reporting on our friend Dylan , consistently uses the wrong pronouns, saying “him” and “his” and normal shit like that. He says it about eight or nine times the soppy normal idiot.
      The next day CNN have to apologise on air. Do they get the journalist who said the disgusting words to apologise? No……because he’s fucking black! Another victim class!
      So they get some white blonde tart, who presumably is not a lezza, to do it for him. What a fucking farce!!!

  25. I wish that this intellectualy challenged woke slaphead would stop trying to “get down” with the kids, and the poor and fuck off and do some salmon fishing.

  26. I’m going to be charitable and assume that he’s trying his hand and some weird chimera of “British understatement” and “trying to empathise with the working class” but still managed to come across like a cunt.

  27. Wilhelm needs to do the honourable thing and shave his bonce, sharpen up.
    He looks like a cunt with his comb-over, and he’s younger than me.

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