I have just emailed my MP (whom I suspect of being on the woker side of the Tories) as follows:
Please urge Mr Sunak to invoke the Parliament Act on the third reading of the Illegal Migration Bill in the Lords. The unrestrained influx of economic migrants with no possible claim on our charity, and the absence of any effective mechanism for returning them whence they came, have easily exceeded our capacity for accommodating them, and have already resulted in unacceptable pressure on our already strained public services: at a time when the country is broke, and its legal population exceeds the capacity of its infrastructure. If our international commitments make it necessary for us to accept immigrants who disguise their origins and who are not in any sense refugees, to the benefit of organised criminal organisations, then our international commitments are an ass. We are on the verge of civil unrest here. Yours etc.”
Cunters may care to use this as a template.
Nominated by Komodo.
Not going to happen.
The influx is purposeful and by design to achieve an outcome. The same is happening here in the colonies.
Those representing the parasite class need as many parasites as possible to retain power.
yep. and that purpose is to drive down the income of natives (us) and make us all state dependent within the next few decades.
if the elites wanted illegal immigration to stop it would stop within weeks. same as the JSO cunts. its all by design
Template? A tombstone for the death of this once great country would be more appropriate.
The Tories have had a massive majority and always use the shit excuse of ‘laws’ and ‘acts’ that get in the way.
Well here’s an idea. Use your fucking majority to change these fucking laws or change our allegiance to them.
It’s almost as if they’re looking for an excuse to ruin this country, while they trough and feather their nests for when parliamentary life is over?
They don’t do such things because they want this country turned to shit if it suits their bank balances.
It’s all about money – always was – always will be.
Massive unlimited £millions in contracts for all their mates in ‘the city’, followed by £huge back handers via Cayman islands accounts or squirreled away in Escrow.
Never met a poor politician – never will.
All aboard the £££££ gravytrain £££££
The p*nces in the House of Stiffs are no different to the bastards in the House of Cunts……fucking traitors the lot of them. They hate this country and they fucking hate the ordinary British people. Know your enemy……never forgive and never forget.
I’m happy to say that the Lords’ amendments were overturned, and the threat of the Parliament Act may well have been instrumental in ending the parliamentary ping-pong on this issue.
For the record, my MP’s agent replied to my request in sympathetic terms. I suspect this was a mass mailing and that it is ok to quote it briefly:
(MP) “has watched in horror and despair at the growing crisis of human trafficking across the channel, which is clearly overwhelming our asylum and immigration system. (MP) absolutely understands the concerns which you (and many others) have at the seeming inability of HM Border Force to protect our borders and ensure our asylum and immigration system is properly controlled….
….Rest assured, (MP) also feeds back his constituents’ views on migration issues to the relevant ministers and officials – he is always keen to ensure views from our community are heard at the highest level.
…(MP) thanks you for taking the time to email him. Please do not hesitate to contact him again on this, or any other, matter.
In order for any MP to get a message across to his seniors, he must be able to demonstrate public concern. A letter to your MP puts your concern on record. However fucked the system is, this is essential input.
Well Komodo – however, the quid pro quo for getting the Bill through appears to be to allow more visas, and lower requirements, for brickies, plasterers, chippies, etc.. It’s a giant Ponzi scheme – importing immigrants to build houses for immigrants. And I assume there are many an MP on the board of several housebuilders, equipment suppliers and material suppliers. So, well done you cunts in govt – you have just put another nail in the coffin of this once homogenous, white British nation.
Passed or not, nothing will change.
I want some of these towns and citys where thousands of these illegal unwanted cunts (they are NOT and NEVER were ‘Refugees’ ) have been dumped without consultation –
rounded up, put on buses and dumped in some of these picturesque villages where MP’s have their 6 bedroom detached barn conversions.
If they are no problem, you left wing woke fuckers can welcome them with open arms.
Pick the drug needles and broken beer bottles up of your bowls and crouqet lawns.
or put a campsite in Hyde park for Mustafa….
I’m impressed with the answer you received there Komodo, but I’m more impressed that you received an answer at all. I’ve aleady posted on here that in recent weeks I’ve written to our local councillor and our MP. I haven’t even received an acknowledgement let alone a constructive answer.
I reckon your MP has got the term wrong (as does many of the cnuts who report and give commentary on it). Does he actually know what ‘human trafficking’ is? By definition what is happening is ‘people smuggling’ – fucking hell, it is being done with their consent! People don’t pay to be trafficked! I doubt there is any forced labour or sexual exploitation involved.
Hmmm. Fair point. As I said in the nom, Mr MP is a bit on the woke side – at least in public: he has to be. He has to give his public opinions a humanitarian gloss or else get the likes of Welby on his neck. For all he knows I could be an agent provocateur working for the Grauniad, and he has to be careful in what he says. And it is pretty certain that a lot of the Channel trade is down to criminal outfits importing workers – trafficking doesn’t mean the migrants have to be under duress. The Act recognises this: come in illegally and you don’t get residence. Although I admit the proof of the pudding will be in the eating.
…any other, matter.”
Didn’t close quotes. Last par is mine.
Good job Komodo, but I fear such eloquence would be wasted on my NP. She is a dolt.
Numbskull of Parliament?
Nontz of Parliament?
nobhead of Parliament
Suella Braverman is in Rwanda again. She’s always going over there.
She never takes anybody with her though.
And she always comes back.
Probably with a big bag of duty free.
Back in the 90’s “bringing back a bag of duty-free” meant something different to what it does now.
Back then it meant “bringing back a bag of fags which are tax-free” but now it means “bringing back a bunch of “gay men” from an African or Middle Eastern country who, upon arrival, will be job/duty free”.
“the Rwanda plan is moving ahead…” …..
‘clink’ of duty free gin bottles and half price Christian Dior perfume…
Probably runs a shop over there Miles.
Selling Dalmatian fur coats.
Suella DeVille
She should fucking stop there the cunt useless twat.
Nicely worded Komodo.
Unfortunately, your eloquence is misplaced on the current batch of morons in the house of commons.
They care only about their own bank accounts, and nothing about the electorate.
Vote Reform. Forget the self serving cunts in the main parties. Only when their own jobs are under threat will anything like a decent government get in.
Look at the recent by-election in Uxbridge. The electorate told labour, thanks to the Paki scumbag Suckdick Khunt, to get fucked, and now the main parties have to change their policies.
Keep the ball rolling.
Re. Reform:
1. I am obliged at present to deal with what we’ve got.
2. Whatever we’ve got I expect only limited results.
3. Politicians by and large enter the game to obtain power. That is their driving motive. As they mature in the job, they become addicted to the perks. Do you imagine Tice is any different?
I am extremely sceptical of populist knights in shining armour. Blair and Farage equally. But thanks for the advice.
I don’t Imagine Tice will be any different, but in order to make the hog-trough arseholes sit up and take note, you have to put their own purse in jeopardy.
I am somewhat reluctant to agree with you Komodo. There seem to be a lot of “politically-independent outsider, loose cannons” who claim to be interested in change by upsetting the apple cart.
Sadly though, not a single one of them ever comes in with the express intention of proposing a 2-term limit on elections to the legislative branch (UK or US) in order to prevent greedy, grasping career politicians and chronyism.
I don’t trust any of them.
That includes Richard Tice.
He has a oily quality to him.
If not in politics then used cars would suit him.
They’ll tell you any old shite to sit in the big seat.
A mate of mine in Wales spoke to Tice on some matters. Don’t think he was particularly interested and I suspect that even if he did win a few seats, he would be rapidly assimilated into being a cunt like the rest of them.
He’s just a bit to Richard Madeley for my liking…
Talks the talk while dipping your wallet.
Agree completely TiTS. The two problems with our politics are safe seats and no limit on time in office. These two factors fit together perfectly of course. Trouble is the sun will rise in the west before we see PR or a two term limit.
Like we were in India? So the argument goes.
But the English conquered India. They were the Ruling Class there.
I bet there were many indians that never say a white British Perdon.
They werentbswamped I mean.
I suppose a bit the same with the House of Lords. Still part of the ruling class here. I bet they rarely see an Aisan where they live.
No, but they make sure the motherfuckers are put into the House of Lords to fuck us all over in the name of diversity.
Why do you think nothing that makes sense gets into the statute books when a load of obstructive foreigners stand in the way?
They know what Joe Public thinks.
And don’t care .
The bunch of rich old skellingtons in the Lord’s are beyond useless.
A bunch of deviants nodding in their seats and dreaming of rentboys past.
These cunts in Westminster drag their heels and say they are bound by red tape,
But that dissapears if it’s effects them directly.
All scum.
Very nicely done Komodo.
Personally I think the situation the country faces regarding migration should be seen as a national emergency and treated as such.
It’s obviously gone beyond the reach of parliament and the various offices of state,they simply are unable to do anything to prevent a disaster unfolding.
When foreigners are costing the country hundreds of millions of pounds and creating havoc for infrastructure then it’s an emergency that requires an immediate response..
We need to throw off the shackles of treaties,processes and legal framework,they are being used against us.
Declare a State of Emergency,mobilise all the armed forces,arm the Police as much as possible,create militia if necessary..then see to the job of rounding up the “asylum seekers”,all of them and deport them en masse to France.
Give the French an ultimatum..stop sending foreigners and back it up with naval force,sink all unauthorised craft in the Channel and use special forces to root out the gangs aiding the crossings and kill them all.
Oh and make it an act of high treason to aid any foreign national who arrives on our shores without good reason,it they have a job here and have completed all paperwork and paid for a visa.
A round of hangings,as many as necessary to restore order to the country,of vermin such as Care for Calais,asylum solicitors and hand wringing media personalities should set matters aright.
Rule Brittania..and fuck them all.
At last, policies that make sense.
vote Unkle.
History has proved, with ‘dolf and Joe, that an Uncle is a country’ s best friend!
Vote Unkle
Stop picking them up mid channel would be a start, when they start sinking and having to be rescued by the French it might send a message.
Use them as target practice ?
I agree with you 100%, Unkle. A National Emergency is perhaps the only way out. That would be based on our parlous financial situation, the rise of genuine poverty and homelessness and the fact that we are in a de facto war with Russia. Reasserting our nationality would follow naturally.
Can’t see the Starmer cunt going along with that, though.
Happy to kick these ideas around…
We should completely wash our hands of that little war in Ukraine.
Russia threatens us no more if they annex Poland,Estonia and Slovakia than they did in the 80s..
Indeed the current military situation on the great plains of Ukraine shows plainly that the Russian threat via conventional forces is at its weakest in at least fifty years.
The balance of power is unaffected,there can be no invasion of Europe by Russia,it’s utterly beyond do their capability..
The modern world and it’s conflicts are refereed by intercontinental thermonuclear weapons and the states that wield them.
@ Unkle:
Phew. For a minute there I agreed with you.
Disagree re Russia, though. Sure, it’s not going to invade Europe all at once. It will bite off little chunks (like Transnistria) as it re-encircles the Black Sea, and heads for Poland and the rest of Finland via the Baltics. Ukraine was to have been a little bite, too. A three day bite, then on to finish Moldova. Or to extend Chechnya.
Softlee, softlee, catchee monkey?…well, no, in fact. Brutalee, brutalee, in the teeth of what the people want. All the old Balkans are in its sights too- with the added advantage that they are fragmented and divided. Serbia’s on board already.
Incidentally, watch history repeating itself on the Polish border now the cunt Prigozhin has been set free to do false-flag and deniable shit with his merry thugs in Belarus.
That Prigozhin “mutiny”, it will soon be apparent, was a splendidly choreographed farce, author V Putin.
It’s everything to do with us, I’m afraid. We can’t back away from it.
Agree with most of what you say except the bit about Putin. I think he was fucking furious with Prigozhin, the latter biting off more than he could chew.
We’ve learnt that the Russian military might existed only in our imagination but I think Putin too was built up in our heads. I think he is more of a spastic dwarf than a strategic mastermind. And he is seldom subtle.
@MBE –
The cunt Putin may be a spastic dwarf, but he’s appropriated most of Russia’s assets to his own and his cronies’ use. And while he is a serial and transparent liar, I don’t think it’s a stretch to assume from his rhetoric that he is a rabid Rus imperialist, who will only feel comfortable when the old Soviet/Iron Curtain borders are re-established. If then.
This spastic dwarf has bogged NATO down in a proxy war on its own borders for eighteen months. If you don’t believe what’s coming out of Ukraine, take a look at what happened to Grozny and Damascus.
I’ll hold my fire on Prigozhin, but the simple fact that he was able to get half way to Moscow with negligible if any opposition suggests to me that Putin was not only in on the joke but had scripted it. He’s a devious ex-KGB spastic dwarf, and such a move would be second nature, to take Western attention off Ukraine proper, and hopefully give the Poles and Germans more immediate problems. Also, he has always resented having Kaliningrad as a separate enclave. Anything Wagner does in that area will be disclaimed by Moscow, of course. Lastly, let me refer you to this:
care 4 calais are pure venom. they are only doing what they do do to piss off the brexiteers. I was a remainer but I respected the vote and rolled with it,afterall, it was a democratic process and I respect my kinfolk even if their views differ from my own.
one thing I do struggle with though, and I’m really not trying to rile anybody here; but how was brexit ever going to reduce illegal immigration? I say this as I am on the frontier, we had the Kosovans and Albanians in droves in coastal towns in Kent in the mid/ late 90s. my wife was sexually assaulted as a young lass in Dover by a group of cunts that I would happily turn to molecules if they tried it now (was only grabbing but why should she have had to experience that?)..now it’s happening again. hoardes of folk with different values are flooding places that are barely used to seeing some cunt breeze in from the next County. it will be mayhem but the influx is so great that the natives will lose. its a numbers game. the man wants this.
it was only ever going to go this way
WEFminster is the new game in town,coupled with high-level freemasonry which provides the real cohesion factor keeping the machine ticking.Good luck storming that bastion of real power.
Not talking local lodges where ‘Boycie’ types gain social/business advantages.more the 32nd and all conquering 33rd levels of the ‘craft’ which is a whole different kettle of fish and the movers and shakers are fully on board,highly probably the ‘Reform’ implant will be a trouser roller not likely to do anything genuinely constructive other than adding an extra buffer zone layer for his Crown-City of London komptrollers.
It would have been a complete and utter waste of time to contact my MP. I was reading the comments in the daily mail about the asylum seeker numbers. He was skimming bloody close to the wind with his comments. Let’s wait and see come election time and the cunt wants my vote. A fuck off will be my reply.
The twat was putting his status in his replies. Bellend.
The illegal cunt act will make zero difference, unless the cunts are from a safe country like Albania they won’t be returned to their home countries so the only option is Rwanda or any other country who can rip us off for taking scum knowing full well they won’t stay.
Ok they won’t be allowed to claim asylum but the fall back is humanitarian protection, so makes no difference, they will be here except the odd few who will have nice holiday in Rwanda.
The various former military bases will have to become long term detention camps, well good luck with that.
Unless the boats are turned back or the contents returned to Calais, or in alternate reality where the Frogs actually round the cunts up in and around Calais and fuck them off it will never stop.
A more ecologically friendly alternative to flying them to Rwanda would be shipping them to Greenland with wind-powered craft (sails or turbines).
pay the danes off. Anyone yumsn rights twats who get uppity shoukd be reassured that a warmer climate will soon make Greenland akin to a mild British winter.
It think the thought of being immediately sent to Greenland may just do it, accommodation in an Igloo and diet of seal meat.
Polar Bears are short of food…
Shipping containers fitted out for accommodation, like the ones twats in Brighton will soon be paying through their noses for, but more basic.
Easily transportable by ship, train or truck.
We really need another Wat Tyler or Guy Fawkes, and make sure they are successful next time.
Immigration is undermining the infrastructure of the country.
Lack of doctors
Lack of housing
Lack of dentistry
They drain us dry without contribution.
Now, I’m not Far Right.
Or Left.
I’m mainstream.
I don’t oppose gay marriage.
Im for enslaving other races and forcing them to work for us
I believe in a fair days pay for a fair days work
I believe in sterilising Africans
Mixed bag see?
But there’s important agricultural work needs doing.
Pot holes that need filling
Plenty of work for idle hands.
Now, your race grifters,
Hope not hate, BLM,etc
Never stop whining about slavery.
But have they given it a fair chance?
Maybe if they viewed the manacles as jewelry?
They like that
Get the white hand-wringing soy-lickers grafting first.
No more cushy non-jobs.
Welsh slate quarry, live on a camp site.
All grifters and gobshites, all the unemployed journalists from Buzzfeed, Vice etcetera. The lazy millennials laid off by Google and Twitter.
Here’s some steel toecap wellies, a shovel and a wheelbarrow.
Imagine the grief being uploaded and streamed via Facebook live and Tik Tok. Tears, snot and dribble.
These appalling cunts cry over having to work as baristas in warm, city centre coffee shops.
I would love to this strata of wet cunt operating as banksmen for machine drivers on a muddy site in November.
I wonder if the BBC will now blame the rained off Ashes test on climate change?
Because of course, it never fucking rains in Manchester.
I am officially in a mood. Fucking convicts. And fucking fuck Manchester and all, the rainy spoilsport cunt. 48 hours non stop rain. Taking the fucking piss. Nuke the place.
Fucking typo in email address admin soz.
Ot anyway soz again etc. Here it is.
And fuck all our politicians. Only care about moolah and milking it while MPs and for when they’re no longer MPs.
OT but…I wonder if the BBC will now blame the rained off Ashes test on climate change?
Because of course, it never fucking rains in Manchester.
I am officially in a mood. Fucking convicts. And fucking fuck Manchester and all, the rainy spoilsport cunt. 48 hours non stop rain. Taking the fucking piss. Nuke the place.
These are just the chaps we need to fill all the job vacancies..
There’s lots of help..
Plus if you can hang on for a while there’s this option.
“Long residence (accessible) – GOV.UK” https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/long-residence/long-residence-accessible
Testing testing testicles.
They are piss poor weak.We need Madame Guillotine to return and sort these shit weasels out.Send the breeding water rats back to Africa.
Not using the parliament act proves beyond doubt that this shower are the same as the others. What is the point of voting when you get basically the same shit whoever gets in. Pathetic.
They are.You will own nothing and be happy.Not.Blow the WEF to kingdom come.
half the western worlds governments (I’d guess, Canada has 40%, fact) are ex WEF world leaders students. these wafty cunts were got at so young they had barely pulled down their Che Guevara posters and fucked of out of their red brick cuntstitutions back to mater and pater in the cunting cotswolds
Personally my hopes lay with the ordinary, normal people of America. They’ve got fucking guns, a shitload of them, and we haven’t. We need them to show us the way.
I believe the 2nd Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms to protect the citizen against an oppressive government. Well we’ve all got an oppressive government now so come on Yankee Doodle Dandy. Lock and load and show us the way!
That’s why we were dearmed after WW1, KARL MARX always said GB was ripe for revolution…?
Bottom line is.
The rich need cheap labour, worst thing they ever did wa educate the great unwashed.
Time for a reset back to serfdom…..?
but this is exactly where they are driving us. the constant dumming down of news and media, the dissing of Christianity (I’m not a god squander, but I respect the values our national faith, seems like a decent code to live by), the constant rewriting of history…… they are trying to de-educate us
The idiot lantern is the best tool ever to reverse the education of the masses.
Just give some thought to the absolute brainless shite they put out.
ffs God squadder
‘The New Feudalism’ by Joel Kotkin.
Ironically sold on Amazon.
TV is now almost entirely aimed at the double-digit IQ viewer.
Ad breaks every ten minutes, moronic commentary and breakdowns of events, some journo’s take rather than reporting the facts, the delusional reference to fact-checking when the fact checkers have dubious pedigrees and shown biases in their social media accounts, the gaslighting and barefaced lying (ITV and the photoshopped photo of pollution before and during the pandemic).
The clumsy hijacking of all programming to promote identity politics and cllimate fear, and the sheer incompetence of modern dramatic writing, lack of logic and ignorance of legacy, lore or character.
How people continue to watch this pure fagg0try is quite perplexing to me. To reference the stand-up comic Steve Hughes, they must like dogshit in their sandwiches.
Where there’s life, there’s hope.
Where there’s hope, there’s Alfie.
I admire this young gentleman’s attitude.
A grafter with an unquenchable spirit.
I believe he has a van now. I hope he makes a million.
“Do you want a flower mate?”
“Do you want your gutters cleaning?”
Grafter indeed.
Evening Jack.
That’s how Miserable got started and built his removals empire.
He was the original Hovis bike lad.
Evening LL. ?
He reminds me of someone from a long way back, who ended up doing very well for himself.
I hope Alfie is similarly successful.
How about a massive ‘Whicker Man’ on the southern coast….
“up this ladder to your new accommodation” …… ‘striking match’….
put all the mp’s and civil servants in there too
Stick it right in the middle of Brighton.
Our Chief Chippatii is not up to the job!
Blue Miliband.