As much as I loathe the BB fucking C, this is a link to a news story currently doing the rounds.
The purpose of this cunting isn’t just for France but for the deep cultural malaise, spinelessness and sickness that pervades throughout France and most of the West.
Some young ethnic cunt gets shot by a cop (I’m going to go with my immediate hunch and presume that he was a cultural enricher destined for a life of crime) and the riots start.
Cue the inevitable George Floyd mk II fallout.
Looting, rioting, accusations of racist policing blah blah etc etc and the overly emotional sympathetic reporting from the treacherous cunts at the Guardian, Channel Four and the Beeb et al.
My question is – where the fuck were the riots and protests, or anything at all for that fucking matter, when a “refugee” stabs babies in prams???
Babies in fucking prams being stabbed for fucks fucking sake. Crickets
No, instead of a riot or a protest or even a bit of anger, we get silence, a bit of an old prayer, and a few candles lit.
Must be that media memory hole again.
Somebody should maybe advise the rioting feral Algerians and assorted African scum over in France to maybe “Don’t look back in anger” over this incident.
Nominated by Herman Jelmet.
More on our Garlic eating cousins from King Cunt below.
For so many reasons, the French are cunts. The icing on the cake this month is the cunts now protesting on loss of a minority (Ahem, Majority) 17 year old – no doubt aspiring at some type of fuckwittery, by police. As well as Macon himself condemning not the dead cunt but the police that shot him.
In a. county that since 2020 has had 14 terrorist attacks, most screaming allah akhbar, without knowing any of the reasons Abdul was euthanised – Frenchies think its right to riot, burn cars and protest. These police should be awarded for averting the 15th attack on its people, not condemned by them.
The only car i would burn here is the one with the cunts body in it.
One more spot in the dinghy now!
Very scary shit happening right now over there, shame many news outlets don’t report on it that much. I wonder why ? enrichment?
It’s receiving live reporting on the Beeb…
Yeah the copper has been arrested and will face manslaughter charges but the Granny Shagger has already condemned the cunt. Derek Chauvin anyone? Anyone want to take a bet on the outcome?
The cunts have been following police home and setting fire to their houses.
Of course what will happen is lots of liberal angst and more grovelling to the scum.
Indeed. It’ll be another ‘Speckled Jim’ trial.
what a shame it isnt a speckled jim trial for the mindless bastards(A) that caused the fucking problem ,well a 9,m aspirin worked,and (B) should be many more for the protesting mob who caused untold carnage.
Yet the unedited footage shows the cop over the nearside wing as the car accelerates forward. I say THAT is a justified shooting.!
If the little khune had explosives, that cop would be given a medal and got the chance of a blow job off Emmanuel!
Fucking outrageous, these cunts have no thought for anyone but themselves. All this riots and looting is taking attention away from pride month.
Let’s get ‘Sarah Crew’ over there asap.
I’ll give it about 10 seconds before the first burning tyre comes through the windscreen of her rainbow flag emblazoned squad car.
I give it 10 years before peacefuls can simply walk in through your font door and take whatever they want. The only reason the fuzz will turn up is to give them an escort as they walk off with everything you’re worked for.
That’s the day I stick an axe is some cunt’s head.
Same ?
I think they’re inculcating this into the collective subconscious of everyone considering the liberal attention paid to that young harvest recently who specialises, invading folks houses for presumably shits and giggles ?.Twat even bags tv time with fellow uber cunt Morgan ffs.They always tell in advance their agendas however ambiguous.
The Algerians and Moroccans are like the French version of our Pakis. A colonial hangover of smelly lazy inbred cunts.
The French are as daft as us..up to their necks with shifty North African cunts,no end of trouble from highlighted by the feral cunt who got himself shot.
Why perfectly civilised countries have decided to commit suicide by de facto open borders is a fucking mystery to me.
Muddled headed pen pushers or Soros conspiracy,it really doesn’t matter when increasing swathes of your country are turned into replicas of Benghazi or Cape Town.
It’ll come down to a stark choice faster than those arse kissing Guardian readers realise..
A caliphate or a new Hitler.
You are sadly right. It is inevitable that Europe is lost unless Europeans take it back.
Sixdig, it’s too late to take it back. There are too many Muslamic cunts in Europe and thousands arriving by the day, many intent on reaching Treasure Island. All the stereotypes of Europeans will fade: Swedish blondes, lovely French totty, pig-tailed Lena from Germany. It will be Swedish darkies, nasty-faced French Pakïstankis, and burqua’d Ayesha from Germany.
It’s not too late but the longer it’s left the more drastic the solution. Our biggest roadblock is our globalist political class and their refusal to allow any change of path.
Maybe the French will elect a nationalist next time?
There’s no chance of a new Hitler, the lefties will make sure of that. Then again, I look forward to hearing them squealing as they’re dragged out of their homes and thrown off multi storey car parks or simply dowsed in petrol and set alight in the street. They really have no fucking clue.
Look what’s happening now… If anyone voices their opinions on what’s happening you could have your bank account closed as Nigel Fararge has.
Who the fuck thought it would ever come to this ?
Aye. About time it was made illegal to close down bank accounts just because they don’t like some cunt’s political opinions.
Fucking outrageous.
Probably right Moggie about another Hitler but look where appeasement gets you.
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
MARTIN NIEMÖLLER – German Pastor on the appeasement by the ruling classes and academics in Germany in the 1930’s.
As myself (many times probably) and many other cunters have pondered several times over the years… Which clever cunt or cunts decided that it would be a tremendous idea to fill their respective countries with low IQ 3rd world vermin?
It wasn’t their fucking countries or societies with which to make such disastrous reckless decisions.
The forefathers of Western civilization spilled much blood and worked damn fucking hard to reach a certain point all for a bunch of corrupt globalist bastards, treacherous liberal slime balls and an equally treacherous media to just give it all away. Or completely destroy it – which is closer to the truth.
Enoch Powell was fucking right by the way.
During my student days in the 70s my then girlfriend was reading French. Her course required her and her fellow students to spend 2 months studying at a French University. All well and good, until they got there to find they were sharing lectures and accommodation with loads of Algerian ‘students’, naturally all male.
What followed was 2 months of sheer hell for the English girls as they were constantly harrassed and under threat of rape by the filthy Algerian scum. They couldn’t go anywhere without a male student with them for protection. Their rooms had to be kept locked at all times. That didn’t stop the dirty animals attempting to smash down their doors to force entry in the night. The girlfriend was still having nightmares about the experience years later.
The Police Chief who has just called these cunts ‘vermin’ is absolutely right. And France has loads more of this subhuman detritus than it had in the 70s. I for one love France (a minority opinion on IsAC!) and I honestly fear for where this is going to end.
Well the first move is to get a few lorry loads of dinghies to Calais and get the cunts over here. Refugees welcome!
Morning Geordie.
A sobering comment and one which begs the question – the relevant authorities, as far back as the 1970s, will have been aware that these people (and I use the term loosely) are incompatible with a western civilized society.
Yet they let them flood in, breed like rats, build mosques and create a parallel society.
Who would be so wilfully blind or ignorant?
Is it all just about economics or is it way more sinister than that?
It makes zero sense to me.
It’s a mystery to me too Herman. Perhaps nearly 80 years of peace in Western Europe has simply made its leaders complacent.
Just as we offered sanctuary to the persecuted Huguenots of France in previous centuries, could we see a new influx of French refugees escaping the Muslim invasion? Or am I just being tin hatted? I honestly don’t know, but Western Europe has no God-given right to the peace, stability and prosperity it has enjoyed since 1945.
If it happened in one country you’d be able to say it was accidental……
Seems Enoch was right…
Hopefully it will end with Le Pen – Like Italy has a new ‘ Fuck the Refugees PM ‘
I think it has got so bad I’d vote for fucking Kimmy Saville if could stop the boats !
Excellent and well timed Cunting.
I’m in Poland at the moment. There is not one single third world scumbag to be seen.
Two reasons why. Their is a very meagre benefit system which foreigners are not entitled to and the Poles are defying the EU in excepting this vermin and are prepared to leave the Federal dictatorship over it.
The Poles have seen first hand what is happening in Blighty France and because it’s obsessively Catholic could you imagine the blood bath that would happen if Mosques went up.
No rainbow flags or a multi Culti hell hole here.
Eastern Europe is probably the last bastion of common sense in Europe. I hope to christ that they resist this cultural suicide .
At least, when the shit hits the fan, it will be the wokie wankers who get theirs first. They are soft as shit and they’ve got all the stuff worth nicking. So at least we’ll have the satisfaction of seeing them turned over before they come for us.
Customer: Hello, we’d like like some burritos.
Waiter: Sir, zis ees a French restaurant.
Customer: Oh, some pizzas then.
Waiter: Non.
Customer: Roast dinner? Sandwich?
(Waiter shakes his head)
Ohh, we give up.
Waiter: NOW, you speak my language!
I saw one report, the police officer who shot the cunt (doesn’t even have a proper name, 17 year old delivery boy in a Merc) said it was accidental and the video seems to back up his version. ‘They stopped the car and he had his gun through the window pointing low but when the cunt decided to drive off it pushed him back making the gun lift and the bullet hit the cunts chest’
One of the passengers was arrested and later released the other passenger did a runner (obviously nothing to hide)
None of that matters, the vermin like any excuse to smash and burn, over a thousand arrested but as one guy said on a news channel, the vermin don’t care, the prisons are full so they will get off with a slap on the wrist.
I think I heard the Polish PM say that this is why they don’t want mass immigration of cunts and Viktor Orban is saying similar, it won’t make any difference to our weak cunts because diversity is our strength.
The lesson here, you reap what you sow.
Prisons are full.
Yes full of peacefuls and other assorted over represented cunts from all over the dark continent.
What a bargain for the west. Housing and feeding foreign criminal scum at the taxpayer’s expense.
Maybe if this happens in more countries then maybe some of our “leaders” might question Klunt Schwab’s decisions in making nearly every boarder open. Any country who drank the WEF cool-aid has this coming, up to the citizens of the country to grow a fucking pair and decide enough is enough and let their politician’s know that they are meant to represent their constituents. People have been saying for years that the religion of peace and people from the countries that follow it would never adapt to western life, how many more innocent people need to suffer from cunts like this for it to finally sink in for the npcs? No sympathy for the twat who died from the police, if you resist arrest you leave yourself open to shit like this.
Absolutely ??
And let’s not forget that Little Napoleon’s response to the crisis was to fuck off to an Elton John concert.
Meanwhile all over France ethnics and opportunists indulge in some 100% discount shopping…
Liberal and enlightened democracies are slowly committing suicide by allowing these unwashed, feckless , devious and swarthy utter, utter cunts to live amongst the descendants of those who toiled, fought and died to create them. These days common sense = rabid racism. I’d like to get up tomorrow morning to read that the French army had fired on the fuckers.
My small market town on the edge of London (pop. 11,000) has a motel full of the cunts. They do fuck all all day, and wander off the the station for a day out in London. New trainers, iphones etc.. i’m either going to have a heart attack or just see the red mist one day and bury my log maul into one of the cunts heads. Nobody says anything. If anyone complains, the usual “far right “ shit is bandied about. “So what?”, I say. I must be far-right and I don’t fucking care. I would honestly have no problems with these vermin being kept in a camp until they could be “disposed “ . Waste of a life.
Couldn’t agree more. There’s a similar set up round here. I see droves of the greasy, narrow eyed fuckers wandering around Cheshire. A fucking Martian would look less out of place than these cunts. It’s like a nightmare trip to the cinema to watch ‘Lawrence of fuckin’ Frodsham’! I am fucking sat here seething over these scrounging, running away to leave the women and children behind UNWANTED AND UNWELCOME fuckers.
The West is fucked because of these cunts being allowed to flood in.
Did anybody in power ever ask the people what they thought of the idea?
Did they fuck!
The people are happy, must be, because all we see on the news are placards with the words ‘Refugees Welcome’
The next GE should be about migration and nothing else but sadly there are too many other issues getting in the way
The future of the white race lies in Eastern Europe.
Everywhere else is fucked.
We are giving it all away. ?
Where is a good old fashioned vicious right wing political party when you need one…?
Come back Sir Nigel
Some cunt on the politics show said ” the British don’t do that sort of thing”
We fucking well will be if this shit carries on…?
The riots 12 years ago that started in London.It will happen soon enough
I can see this lads getting more votes..?
“Marine Le Pen – Wikipedia”
“lass” fucking auto shite…!!
She has a typical french conk on her.
The cunts are now armed..
“France riots: Looters break into gun shop as 1,300 arrested on fourth night of violence | World News | Sky News”
We ought to have left Adolf to France.Why bother? Ungrateful French wankers ☹️
First post here after lurking, but have none of you moaning cunts going on about France ever read Submission by Michel Houellebecq?
That French cunt predicted this 8 years ago, but the lefty cunting media called it “satire”…wankers.
Anyway, over and out, what do the Frogs expect when they import thousands of shiftless lazy cunts from North Africa and beyond.
I read it a few years ago. ?
Eerily prophetic you might say.
What if the Police didn’t shoot him and he purposely went on and mowed down and killed 10 people? The press would then be, ‘Incompetent Police’. I’m sick to my back teeth with the scumbags being looked after and even praised by certain idiots. Case in point being that turtle headed wanker Mbappe. Another font of all knowledge like uber prick Lineker.
The Frenchies have been a thorn in our side for fucking centuries. If we weren’t fighting the bastards we were saving them from the fucking sausage eating Krauts. Now they’re importing millions of sewer rats and dumping them on our beaches. Admittedly we can’t really blame them for that as we’re paying them to do it. Fucking hell, what a fucking mess.
Chemical warfare.! Now there is the solution. Dissolving gonads of non whites with laced coffee,. Chemical spray of ghetto’s ensuring eradication of the sub species. And that is just Luton! ( You have to start somewhere )
Its insane out there, confused authorities with pathetic leadership.
Many say, thats the consequence from previous conquests by various countries to foreign lands.
Why is it though, that the elite rich families that have financed and benefited from it, are spared from the influx of enrichment regarding waste of time immigrants and ordinary people must bare the cross, for the sins of the elite and untouchable. I and many others didn’t apply for the Jesus job.
It is high time to run the bastards of satan from they’re private exclusive sanctuary.
Saw a picture of the geezer, lovely looking kid.
Then a video of him in a massive group making gang kill signs.
Driving uninsured, under age, and driving off when a cop is pointing a gun at him.
Clearly a martyr in waiting. His ‘greaving ’ mum was straight out leading the protests.