This is a follow up cunting to the recent Nom about the female Chief Constable of Avon and Somerset Police who says they are institutionally racist and needed to do more to tackle racism.
As part of that program ‘to go much further’ Sarah Crew will be trialling the MOJ ‘Chance to Change’ initiative.
So in a nutshell over the years the cops have introduced a range of sanctions aimed at keeping young offender out of the Court system, referred to as ‘disposals’.
What follows is a direct quote from Avon and Somerset stated policy
“Plans are in development to introduce the Chance to Change programme, which has been piloted by West Yorkshire and the Metropolitan Police and has led to a reduction in offending for 18-24 year-olds. The scheme allows people to avoid a criminal justice outcome for low level or first-time offences. These types of out of court disposals often require an admission of guilt to take part, which research has shown can be a barrier to young men of Black heritage, therefore leading to harsher and disproportionate criminal justice outcomes. The aim of this scheme is to keep more young men of Black heritage out of the criminal justice system, reduce re-offending and improve relationships between the police, criminal justice system partners and Black heritage communities”.
No you didn’t read that incorrectly.
“These types of out of court disposals often require an admission of guilt to take part, which research has shown can be a barrier to young men of Black heritage,”
Well fuckadoodledo, I’ll be damned. Who’d of thunk it.
So if you are of Black Heritage unlike all other offending groups you’re now absolved of your responsibility of admitting your crime.
But it’s reassuring to know that ‘it’s been piloted by West Yorkshire and the Metropolitan Police and has led to a reduction in offending for 18-24 year-olds’
Over to you cunters.
Nominated by CuntyMcCuntface.
Fuck me! They let Jimmy Savile get away with it all those years but I didn’t know he was “of black heritage.” Makes you wonder what Linekunt has been up to ……other than the tax dodging, obviously.
It mostly sounds like a get out of jail free card, if you are the right RAL number.
All you are doing is showing weakness and we all know how that turns out.
No point them admitting guilt .
We all know they’re guilty.
I just assume it.
You are judge dreed and I claim my free lawgiver.
Make sure it’s got your hand print/dna profile coded in Barry.
Ministry of Justice? They need to look up the word “justice” and then think about changing their fucking name.
The word justice should be abolished in the U.K. and replaced by the word legalese which is far more appropriate to the utter bollocks we the public have to suffer. Salient point FF
An admission of guilt is a barrier for young, black offenders.
So as well as committing crimes and having evidence of guilt put to them, they continue to lie.
But they are to be treated exactly the same as white offenders who admit to their crimes.
Is that how equality works, because it seems a bit racist to me.
It’ll lead to the young ookers and eekers committing more serious crimes before they are finally stopped.
The policy paper refers to the Lammy Report, which provides practical advice for luring a Dindu down from the curtain rail/lamp post/shop awning.
Morning PM noticed the name Lammy in your comment and came close to decorating the dogs with my breakfast. I really hate that cunt, all his spouting about black this and black that and he marries a middle class white women. Off topic I know but to have his head on the wall in the hall bliss oh bliss
It’s not for the police to keep young offenders out of the criminal justice system.
Their job is to uphold the law and to gather evidence.
The CPS can deal with criminals from there onwards.
France appears to have the right idea re young offenders but expensive in shop windows and busses.
Yes what those bastards in France deserve is the ability to use a water cannon ,that’d not only put out the fires but if aimed carefully should flush them all down the seine where they belong
Whatever happened to the concept that everyone is equal in the eyes of The Law?
G I think that concept is “relative” like truth.
Admitting you’re guilty of something means you get away with it. But only if you’re black. Is that it?
Avon and Somerset insinuates that black youths, who commit crime, are prone to fibbing.
They are awful liars.
Fresh fruit theives.
And chicken worriers.
Your average velcro head can’t behave.
Don’t call 999.
Buy a gun.
Good morning.
Much more fun with a gun ,shoot to kill 3strikes and your dead ,all police forces should adopt that policy ,like over the pond in the good ol USA
Splendid work by the Ministry of Appeasement.
So they’ll massage their horrific crime figures in yet another way to hide the real level of crime committed by the ethnics.
I also see it was successfully trialled in West Yorkshire,which means not as many bleks got themselves arrested but the pakis will more than make up for that.
A cesspit.
To be fair they need to free up some space in the prisons. They’re going to need it for cunts like us.
We would certainly have a laugh!
Seems like we need two separate justice systems. Putting their own in order to avoid shame. It would have to be something similar. But would that develop into a war ? It was just a thought. Probably naivety on my part, due to not having the knowledge.
” it’s hard to come to a definite conclusion”
” Black’s are more likely to receive a caution”
Taking into account”unknown ” ethnicitys.
So really clear conclusions have been found.
What a pile of Fucking shite….?
I am pleased non whites are benefiting from whitey’s crass stupidity. Perhaps one day, when we are the minority, they may afford us the same privilege.
West Yorkshire police?? The cunts are enthrall of Sharia law.
In revolutions the police are usually first to the wall…..
That’s why this shite has been going on for years…
“…Most of the gang were Pakistani …”
Most!!!? … Errrr… it lists 41 names only one of which isn’t obviously parki, Sholan James, Sholan is a Saudi name so still a fucking mudslime.
Pile of crap, all it does is allow the Blicks to think the police are soft so they can get away with even more crime.
All cunts
“These types of out of court disposals often require an admission of guilt to take part, which research has shown can be a barrier to young men of Black heritage,”
Jamal: “I dindu nuffin!”
Judge: “If you admit to the crime you won’t get a sentence”
Jamal: “I diddu sumfin”
Well you know what they say.
You can’t live with ’em.
You can’t live with ’em.
They run around with these studies, trying to find any number of bizarre reasons to explain why blacks are far more likely to commit crimes.
All the time missing the elephant in the room.
They can’t fucking help it. It’s the way a lot of them are.
It’s never going to change so stop blaming honky for their savagery.
So let me get this straight, what they’re saying is:
” A policy of not prosecuting blacks leads to fewer blacks in prison.”
Wow, that’s some Mickey Mouse Underwater Basket Weaving Degree thinking, right there…
Shoplifting by thieving black bastards is no longer a crime. Being white is nearly a criminal offence and calling some shoplifting black bastard a thieving black bastard will get you a criminal record and probably jail time.
Too right moggie. Two congo cunts in my local Spar. Caught bang to rights, but a bellend woke jobsworth let them off with the mildest of ‘warnings’ and let them piss off out the door.
More social engineering for sake of appearing anti-racist.
Another fine move by our politicised plod.
So, who defines low key?
How many times are criminals given a “don’t offend again” warning, before they run out of chances?
What happens then, are previous “warnings” allowed to be mentioned, prior to sentencing?
Finally, if some cunt snatched my iPhone and knocked me to the floor, breaking bones, what input would I have??
“…an admission of guilt to take part, which research has shown can be a barrier to young men of Black heritage…”
And this is why they’re called din’doos, because of their uncorrectable pathological belief that… “Ah dindoo nuffink” Proper house training of these groidal types involve nothing more sophisticated than a banana and 3ft of stout rubber hose.