A cunting for rent-a-dunce Ava-Santina Evans.
Graduate of Sussex University for the Hard-of-Thinking, Ava has made a ‘foil’ of herself by playing the TalkTV equivalent of GBN’s Benjy Butterworth, the guest ‘knobber’ on the left side of every issue who clashes with the unctuous host, be it Piers Morgan or Dan Wooton.
Evans is another media blonde whose journalistic pedigree is a little light; A producer on LBC radio and now ‘author’ for the execrable JOE politics, Ava blunders her way through panel discussions with the intellectual weight and charm of a regurgitated dog biscuit.
As Douglas Murray recently pointed out to her during a mass debate, she hasn’t built a career. Murray, who I think cheapens himself appearing on this dross, was pointing out her vacuity as if to say ‘you don’t deserve my time’. I agree. The problem is that this guff is more suited to Evans and her ilk than anyone with anything of substance to say.
Evans and the Butter-slut are both grifting lightweights. Paid to be gobshites and strawmen for Wooton and Morgan to hit with burns, both of who are two-faced fucktards in their own right, so perhaps this cunting is not just for the egregious Evans, but also the format of televised discussion she represents: the clickbaiting and soundbite culture to grab you for just a couple of seconds.
I plead guilty to having been suckered once more, if only by Douglas Murray’s delightful barbs, but I would ask him if it isn’t just shooting fish in a barrel, or butting heads with a boorish, pissed-up pensioner at the cmmunity fête?
Are you slumming it again, Doug’ my old son?
It reminded me of David Starkey sharing a panel with Laurie Penny, when she derailed the discussion by suddenly saying Starkey made her feel unsafe because he got riled up and called her a ‘jumped up public schoolgirl.
These dippy twats being pitched against men of letters and learning is not sport
Next up; Prof. Niall Ferguson (the historian not the covid cunt) versus, err, Fearne Cotton? Holly Willoughby? That daft bint from the Young Turks?
Nominated by Cuntamus Prime.
Never heard of her.
Fit isn’t she ?!!!?
Ever seen that mad one Tessa Dunlop?
They sometimes have her on GB news.
Guaranteed to have a meltdown and kick off.
Right headtheball.
Tessa dunlop, very tiresome..
I see what you did there!
Some might even say, suffers from a over inflated ego.
Tessa Dunlop is a nutcase who attacked a panel member on Moggs show by covering up his mouth. The other panel member was a barrister and former MP – his name escapes me – he shouted “how dare you assault me”. For a moment it looked as if the police would have to be called.
Dunlop needs deflating, the tiresome shrill cow.
Her arguments often run flat
The first paragraph lost me. Who?
Some bird Cuntimus Primes been wanking over.
Wank over that? Not when ive got Julia HB and Jasmine Harman.
WHO? And what’s a third proposition speaker? Is like the lib dums at a party political debate..
I get all my news through the grapevine..
Your Marvin Gaye and I claim my £5.
Being a “producer on LBC” sounds impressive but it means fuck all, other than you’ve sucked quite a few knobs.
Yeah, GB news, Talk TV and their like love to get these dumb wankers on to demolish them and make them look like wankers. Piers “I know everything” Morgan loves having these young, dumb, tattooed eco-mentalists on so he can agree that he loves the Polar Bears and then proceeds to make them look like the thick, know nothing arseholes they obviously are. Recently some tree hugger called him a “cunt” live on air.
The most sensible thing he’s ever said……and probably ever will!
This fella’s always over the target.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1Qss_X0LxY&t=1s
Looked her up on Google,I could find more information about a tasty vegan meal than i could about her.
Loads of pictures of her pulling that stupid sideways pout face.
I’d splash my load on those pouting rouge lips and make her swallow every last drop after playing cock xylophone on them.
Or “cockenspiel”, as it is known in specialist circles.
Sometimes, reading comments on ISAC is just like reading a romantic Mills and Boon novella.
Yeah LC; it’s nice to know that romance isn’t dead lol!
Never heard of her, although she sounds like a right cunt.
Add to the list of “ignore” along with Amy Nickel or “Doctor” Tessa Dunlop.
Ava-Santina? Who was her Dad……Fidel fucking Castro?
Carlos Santina. Sorry that’s Santana whoops ?
I saw her the other day on some YouTube thing. Nice to look at them she opens her mouth and you want to alter her features with a brick. I genuinely don’t understand how these cunts think that their ‘degree’ is worth more than a 70’s O’level since their understanding of common sense is sadly lacking.
I would love to teach her the art of “talking while her mouth is full “ Phwooar !!!
GbNews and TalkTV have a problem when they want to present the alternative lefty view of anything sensible they’re talking about. The lefty zealots refuse to go on their shows because they’re ‘fascist, innit?’. So they end up with people like this.
Exception being that green Cunt whose name fortunately escapes me.
I’m assuming you mean Dale Vince, owner of Forest Green Rovers and multi millionaire green scammer. Yeah, he’s smarter than most of these leftie fuckers but talks the same bollocks. Morgan, for one, is shit scared of him.
The other day he said 4 million people have died from climate change and 20 million have been made homeless. I’m screaming at the radio…..bollocks! You just made that up….ask the cunt where he got those figures from ! Morgan just let it go. I already know what he would have said and so did Morgan. He would have quoted the UN, WHO, UNESCO or some such bunch of globalist bastards like that. Morgan is too scared to take on a cunt like that but give him some spotty, tattooed Rupert and he’s Johnny Big Bollocks. Cunt!
News readers forget to explain why the 4 million died. It was because of old age and normal climate change. The 20 million made homeless was due to being naughty and were sent to prison.
GB ‘News’ bears all the hallmarks of a limited hangout operation.Just allowing a little steam to escape the boiling-frog pot but sweving the bigger picture.
The presence of freakshow Rees Mogg is enough evidence for me.This rancid turds father Jacob was a major Rothschild whitewasher journo when alive.
Same deal with poundland Maharashi- Russell Brand.Disinfo asset to the core.
“…bears all the hallmarks of a limited hangout operation….”
From its first airing this was my instant conclusion. I mean i used to rant at the BBC coverage but with GBnews I’m fucking screeeeeeming at the twat lantern. That Dan Wooton cunt… fuck me… can’t abide neither sight nor sound of the fucker… married with kids apparently but still camp as a row o’ pink tents.
“…This rancid turd’s father Jacob was a major Rothschild whitewasher journo …”
“…Russell Brand.Disinfo asset to the core….”
Well that’s a certainty. He attempts no research and expends no effort but then you don’t have to when you’re merely regurgitating facts he’s just found out that were uncovered by others… usually 12 months earlier!
Farage is another plastic patriot and Judas goat who can go fuck himself with a scabby marrow!
I’ll cut Neil Oliver a good deal of slack though.
Usual sort on the telly, nice to look at but THICK..!
Just like Amy Nickell, well tasty, but 11/10 on the sanctimonious wokeometer.
The term unsafe seems to be the trendy woke saying at the moment.
Another slag that probably take it in the arse and thinks she’s dynamic.
I’d have my cock in Ava’s mouth whilst she’s pronouncing words with lots of els and tees in them, makings it a short enjoyable bulletin for me.
Talking about arse how did this dirty fiddler batty boy of an MP cunt only get 8 weeks suspension.
What tickles me on this one is Boris handled it appallingly, Chris Pincher (what a name considering what he did!) ‘can’t recall’ events – probably becuase he was smashed up.
I hope, despite the suspension he fucks off for good and causes another by-election and fucks off somewhere to tickle someone else’s balls.
At least she’s a bit easier on the eye than that simpering ninny Butterworth or that scraggy headcase Dunlop.
Morning all.
Morning Ron, yes she certainly is worth a bash.
I watched some of the tennis yesterday, a young Brit would be right up your street, Jodie Buragge, a fine strapping English lass.
All this chat of naughty hotties (dumb or not – they still get my cock) is making me hot under the collar and in my pants.
Oh aye. Very nice girl that.
Just go ogling some gusset shots of her, then slope off for a wafty crank.
Indeed Sick.
The sight of a healthy lass working up a good sweat takes some beating.
GB News has a few of these tiresome lefty lightweights who fail to realise they are not there for balance, but rather to make the woke left look stupid. Dunlop, Butternuts and the shapable Any Nickell are a few that come to mind.
But then there is the equally dumb, but right wing, Lady Victoria Hervey. But she gets a soft ride.
Victoria Hervey should be getting a rock hard ride.
i bet Hervey has had a few soft rides on fat tory boys from Eton.
She’s a lefty and i’m a righty.
But under the sheets we are as one in total agreement about fucking and sucking
She would be good for a fine tune on the pink oboe
I’d give her several. Up the arse and everything. She’d be covered in spud snot
I’m here because LAURENCE FOX WAS RIGHT.