The North Face

For those unfamiliar, this is a company that sells walking boots, rucksacks, outdoor clothing, tents and the like. The other half and I like to go on long walks and walking holidays, so have often bought items from them.

However, it seems they are now trying to attract a different sort of customer, judging by their latest advert. This features a drag queen, whose opening gambit is that they are an actual homosexual (this came as no surprise), and that they urge everyone to “come out” into the countryside.

The cunt who dreamed this up must be really hard of thinking – I’m not aware that anyone is discouraging gay people from visiting the countryside, also most people we encounter on walks dress like Benny from Crossroads, same as us. Eight inch heels simply would not work when walking across a bog in North Wales.

My guess is that they are hoping to sell a few rainbow coloured tents when the Pride season comes around again, the cynical cunts.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Mary Hinge.

75 thoughts on “The North Face

  1. Iain Livingstone’s replacement as Chief Constable of Scotland.
    First task to arrest Krankie, which he’s just done. Well done mate.

  2. Good nom. I saw this as an article only a day or so ago and could not believe my eyes. It seems that big business has not yet learned the lesson that sales will likely plummet as people of ” norm” switch brands.
    There was once a time when a “Queen” blended into society and did not court a high visible profile. Nowadays, bents advertise their perversion by dressing to outrage.

    North Face need to learn the facts before nailing their colours. Queens are not ever “normal” and certainly do not promote a healthy business,

    As a retailer…..they are surely fucked ! Good riddance.

    • A quick and easy lesson in how to ruin your reputation and company, support the confusion which is Trans, I for one would not want to be associated with that bunch of Fags.!

  3. I think we need to have a concerted kickback against these sort of cunts. I like North Face, in fact I have one of their tee shirts on at the moment, but obviously I no longer fit their required demographic. The same with Virgin Atlantic, Amhauser Busch, and Nike, just don’t buy their products.
    My accountants couldn’t find any homosexuals or trannies to put on the cover of their annual publicity magazine so they settled for three dark skinned people, so 2010s but it is Northamptonshire and we are 20 years behind other places, so I have told them I will be looking around.
    The purpose of advertising is to expand existing and create new business , how do you achieve that by only appealing to minorities?

    • And the problem is they don’t appeal to minorities. But they do alienate their ‘normal’ customer base, who look elsewhere. Well fuck ’em.

      • I’ve seen varying estimates about how much the bud light trannie has cost Anheuser-Bush but think it’s somewhere in the tens of billions.

        Which CEO in their right mind would allow this crap in light of repeated evidence that it costs market share?

      • So much for the hype of the ESG dollar the fashionable dopes go on about when they argue these companies arent going broke.
        Environment, social responsive corporate governance is the emperor’s old shit.

        These cunts are also the ones to invest in crypto bubbles as well.
        Full of it.

  4. Fucking hell what a mess.

    Commercial Kamikaze tactics.

    Hope they go bankrupt and the multicoloured degenerate drowns in a peat bog.

  5. Rare photos are to be unveiled soon of Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing NorGAY done up like Studio 54 New York tutti fruities, teabagging and barebacking each other like 3-mile-high club pioneers.

    So, we’ve been here before, for years. So get a £250 waterproof jacket that makes you look like Danny LaRue doing the 1989 hurricane madness.

  6. I only use Altberg boots and Alpha industries field jackets when out in the wild.

    The North face is favoured by BBC types and can therefore go and fuck itself…Which it will probably enjoy.

  7. The thing is, they push this rainbow shite in the fucking MILITARY so a corporate clothing, or beer or whatever brand pushing it is small potatoes. The Russians, Chinese, Muslims, etc. don’t do this even a tiny teensiest bit in their corporations, let alone their military. There’s a history of this in the west anyway. In World War 2, the troops would get done up as women for an evening entertainment jape. But the Russians, Chinese, Japanese, etc didn’t do this. Germans did, they went overboard with that shit, actually. Seems to be an Anglo-Saxon thing, drag in the military, all that weird homoerotic shit. The Africans must have shook their heads at this if they saw in during the wars.

    “Why are you dressed as a woman, my Sergeant?
    Are you a somodite?”

  8. Come out in the countryside, a bit of open air botty action dressed as a clown, what’s not to like.

    North Face bum bandits, uphill and down dale, probably more on the uphill side though.

    Don’t Gay hikers wear normal clothing like everybody else ffs.

      • Yes, don’t want anything caught in a zip ?

        Mountain rescue called out for man, cock up his mates arse and his ball sack stuck in a zip

      • You don’t want to get your pubes stuck in velcro either, it’s no doubt a bastard to get off.

  9. I have an army surplus shop in my town. There are reduced walking trousers in there, obviously used by our forces. all and I do mean all of them are torn in the same place. Save yourself the fucking money and just buy combat trousers for walking in. Far more comfortable than the fucking corporate plastic shite, sold for huage sums of money. Everything with a designer name on it is mostly shit, boots, trousers, waterproofs the fucking lot. Now it seems these companies don’t want our business, so fuck them. I’ll stick to gear I can trust, that wasn’t made in a fuck sweatshop. Try to buy British when ever you can. Boycott these cunts, they will soon get the message. it’s all over priced anyway, for city types. All the gear no idea types, let’s be 1000 quid in outdoor gear won’t help a fat cunt up a fell!

  10. I suspect this filthy abomination has done quite a lot of camping but not the kind that involves pegs and guy ropes.
    This massive Gaylord would cry his eyes out if it rained on his barnet and they are using him to sell rugged outdoor gear? I think I may have a future in the advertising business. Surely any cunt can come up with better ideas than this?
    Go Woke Go Broke.

    • Ad executives dont live in reality. It explains why they think everyone in Britain is black and mixed race.

  11. North Face stuff is shit anyway. Overrated overpriced crap. A chav’s uniform, just like that Suoerdry shite.

  12. In order to destroy Western Civilization one must also destroy Capitalism.

    The Welfare State has been in place for many years but in and of itself it’s not enough. Institutional Investment Firms like Blackrock have now invented the Wokeist Dogma of ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) to rate companies on their performance in these areas rather than return on investment.

    They have also created and championed the idiotic notion that Stakeholders rights (someone who is impacted by your company’s actions) are more important than Stockholders rights (someone who shares ownership and profits). This allows for the use of cancel culture and corporate extortion tactics of groups like BLM.

    The highly indoctrinated (as opposed to highly educated) morons who run these companies believe all this Wokeist Bullshit is the proper way to run a company. They never read John Locke or Adam Smith in whatever elitist Business school they went to so they have no notion of proper economics.

    But they know all about Institutional Racism, the dangers of global warming and so on. So even when they see Wokeists companies like Transheuser Busch and Targay implode before their very eyes…in real time…they double down and act on the stupid wokeist bullshit like inclusion and equity. North Face is just one more recent example.

    It’s all part of the master plan and the Progressive/Neo-Marxists have duped an entire generation of business leaders into thinking this is how to run a responsible business…not a profitable one…a responsible one.

    I encourage all cunters to upend this Neo-Marxist bullshit and spend your money consistent with your values. Give it to the money grubbing Bourgeoisie and not the foaming at the mouth, useful idiots.

    Profit is not a dirty word.

    • ESG has been around for years with companies like BP, Shell and has never really worked. Nobody believes the messaging.
      The difference with BP is that they stuck to the ‘sustainability’ guff without touching gender or race, and most people needed their products to do anything resembling a normal modern life.
      Same with banks, who generally steer away from woke crap.
      The companies going all in on the ‘S’ are more vulnerable to simple lifestyle choice.
      Disney is now struggling to pay off money owed to Comcast because of collapsing revenues.
      Is it a deliberate attack on capitalism, or the same levels of incompetence and obstinacy common to a moronic managerial class we saw during Covid that fucked up the economy of the west to save 30,000 lives at best?
      It looks like this buffoonery wil carry on with the disastrous policy of Net Zero.

  13. If there is a drag queen in the world who is not also homosexual, it would be as rare as an honest politician.
    The way I see it from less to more degenerate you have homosexual—> drag queen—> transgender—> peedough-file—> Sam Smith.

  14. The gays aren’t into hiking.

    No public toilets on the trails.

    Might as well have Stephen Hawking advertising rollerblades.

  15. Wouldn’t a real Drag Queen scream hysterically at the sight of a spider in the countryside?

    They hate Nature.

  16. Well I applaud The North Face. Anything that helps to identify the fruity types is okay by me.

    It can help Decent Gentlemen to take avoiding action in good time.

    There’s nothing more dangerous than an undercover gay.

    Besides, those gaudy colours will help disguise all those nasty blood stains, when they ‘ accidentally ‘ fall down a scree slope.

    Decent Gentlemen – Be on your guard !

    • Splendid advice.

      Undercover Gays in the British countryside should be pursued by a hunt then transported by cattle train to Brighton.

  17. Who wants to be murdered in the neck of the woods inside a luminous tent, for fuck sake !

  18. It’s arrogance.

    Companies like this think that they are so secure with their present client base that they can expand into the ‘pink pound’.

    Fuck them.
    I hope that they go skint.

  19. Here’s hoping dick cheney blast’s it in another rather unfortunate hunting accident..

    Well it looks like a dear..

  20. I don’t wear it.
    It’s for poseurs.

    It says ” I’m a outdoorsman,
    But also have money”

    Problem is, it’s mass produced, overpriced peacock stuff.

    You want military spec stuff.
    Plenty of places to buy it, cheaper and better made.
    Has to be.

    Best bit of kit I own is a British army poncho.
    Lightweight, waterproof , and can double as a shelter.

    Fuck labels
    Fuck poseurs
    Fuck the alphabet crew
    And fuck North Face.

  21. Everyone who isn’t Like that creature in the pic should boycott North (fuck) Face and let’s see how long it takes before the receiver’s turn up due to their support for the freak show.!

  22. I can picture a power meeting at their head office. “What can we do to be seen as inclusive?” whilst feverishly wanking onto their tablets. No doubt the BBC will also fully endorse this idea. “High Vis Camouflage” will be the next thing. I still mourn the loss of our old friend, common sense. Can’t beat an old school surplus army shop (unlike the corporate outdoor hipster shite shops that stipulate their customers must sport a ginger topknot, drink vanilla latte and wear Rupert Bear trousers). We live in the Truly Fucked Up Epoch. What a cunt of an era.

    • Don’t the Chinese have a saying ‘may you live in interesting times’

      I get the feeling they’re trying to say it to us, while stifling laughter.

      We must look like a dog on fucking rollerskates. to the big and upcoming East Asian economies.

  23. Their name is Pattie Gonia (!).
    The next one in the ad is called Gonna Rhea.

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