The Lady of Shallot sent into storage’. I knew they would come for ‘The Lady of Shallot’. A beautiful picture see. We can’t have that.
Yes my fantasy. See you were tortured on the rack, dragged to Tyburn, the place of execution. Hung then cut down, then dismembered and your innards cut out and ‘burned before your sight’. If you were still alive after all that you were usually beheaded to finish the job, but sometimes you were ‘rehanged’ to do it.
That is the punishment I would reserve for the perpetrators of the new ‘rehang’ at the Tate.
I think it was Rossetti who on seeing the work of a young Burne-Jones’ said ‘welcome to fairy land’.
And poor John Warehouse. This is the second time his work has been cancelled. ‘Hylas and the Nymphs’ was taken down from Manchester Art gallery because if it’s ‘objectification’ if women.
Poor John Waterhouse. He was late to pre Raphaelite movement. I think he took the best of the movement but also took it was influenced by other Victorian paintings.
‘Welcome to fairy land’.
What do we say now? ‘Welcome to fuck all’.
I look at the Lady of Shallot now. I have a print of it in the our bedroom. she has such a wistfully look. As though all beauty has passed away.
Nominated by Miles Plastic.
With you on this one Miles, fucking philistines C.A.
For those that need to get over the paywall:
I raise you a naked portrait of Mary Beard-
‘‘Twas her who was responsible for the demise of DSMO.
Moggie, thanks for providing the link. You’ve done this before and I was hoping you’d do it again, and you did.
Miles, why have you singled out Lady of Shallot? It hasn’t been awokened by being banned, or re-imagined, or re-described: “Tate said it was currently on loan to Falmouth Art Gallery and will return.”
The news story I read said it had been ‘sent to storage’. Like Waterhouse was a naughty boy for painting it.
But yes it does say it is on loan in the DT.
So I could be wrong again. I often am.
Yeah that great avoiding the paywall like that. I suppose you download something which I am not very good at.
If it easy Moggie I wouldn’t mind using what you use.
It’s really easy. Copy the link from the site you want to read and simply paste it into the box on the website below:
It doesn’t always work but it’s pretty good.
Sorry, that seems unclear. Go to the address bar on the page of the site you want to read, copy the address then paste it into the box on the site.
Thanks for that. It will be really helpful.
This would be a much better replacement for ugly white girl:×37-5cm-black-lifeforce-28054269558836_2000x.jpg?v=1627982618
Isn’t that Terry Fuckwitt?
Hopefully admissions will plummet and its turned into a illegal immigrants hotel, then burnt down by said cunts.
To the directors if you are so ashamed and horrified by this country’s past, leave or kill yourself either fine by me..
I’m more a Campbell’s soup can man myself.
….and I’m more an unmade bed man.
With Tracy’s soiled panties on the floor?
Her, that Damien Hurst wanker, all their ilk, the ultimate triumph of style? over substance.
Uncle Adolf had a field day with so called modern art and post modernist bullshit when he came to power, Burnt the lot, and told the ‘artists’ to pack up or off the the re-edication camp for you.
I have a rule for classifying art: If I can do it, it’s not art, it’s shite.
Indeed he did. ‘Degenerate Art’ he called it. Which most of it was.
And has been for the past 100 years.
Picasso is degenerate art.
Duchamp started all of that over 100 years ago with his urinal.
It was different then but now it’s just shit (or piss).
Warhol is trash.
Nothing can just be left alone these days Cunts
Well, are we surprised? These paintings are just another form of media controlled by the wokies and they make sure we get the fucking message.
And the message is so crushingly ‘clunky’. So tediously boringly obvious.
I knew before reading it almost word for word what it was about. Colonial ‘oppression’ and women painters being under-represented..
Everybody knows it by heart now.
In other art news Hannah Gadsby who is a cunt, is being a cunt about Picasso again.
She’s just jealous because she doesn’t have two eyes on the left side of her face like Picasso’s girlfriend.
@ Hannah Gadsby
Well, some people try to pick up girls
And get called assholes
This never happened to Pablo Picasso
He could walk down your street
And girls could not resist his stare
Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole
Not like you.
(Jonathan Richman)
You know this country is fucked, when you think a war may be an improvement!
Just give the place a coat of Dulux Once.
Couldn’t they touch it up a bit, give it blue and pink short hair? Would it be OK then?
Paint her brown and insert a tyre swing…….
A burning tyre around the neck more like.
Surprised that these commie cunts want anything to do with The Tate Gallery, considering the money to build it came from sugar and is therefore raaaaycist!
Oh but wait, they are probably on a nice fat salary. ☹️
Good nom Miles ?
Knew it was yours soon as I saw the header,
Your right ,
It’s beautiful.
As is Hylas and the nymphs.
First time I saw them was in a book that I promptly stole from the library.
That Pre-Raphaelite stuff captured my imagination as a teen.
Still really like it.
What’s to take its place some fuckin African wood hacked with a machete to resemble a face?
It’s a travesty.
Afternoon Miserable-l. Says in the telegraph-
‘Beside Joseph Van Aken’s genteel portrait of a family taking tea in 1720, the text explains: “Tea was a bitter drink, sweetened with sugar produced in British colonies in the Caribbean with the labour of enslaved African people.”
Now I know you are a sensitive arty type.
If after viewing it you upset privately email and I will offer you counseling.
At a reduced rate of course.
I have to say though you click on this link at your own risk-
Sophistication and sensitivity have always been my curse Miles.
I’m the Stockport Aubrey Beardsley.
Pre-Raphaelite art is wasted on today’s fuckin peasants?
The only artwork modern cunts like is advertising in McDonald’s.
The fuckin shagsacks.
Tea with sugar, yes I am traumatised.
I only drink coffee.
This is one of my favourites,f_jpg,q_auto/60fe9733916721001f135504.jpg
Constable’s ‘ The fighting Temeraire’, A once mighty warship, all battered and broken, being pulled to the knacker’s yard by a shitty little thing not worthy of swabbing the Temeraire’s decks.
An all too painful allegory of England. Makes me sad.
“A bloody great ship” as 007 said in Casino Royale.
I take pride that they are out for Waterhouse.
They recognise there is Beauty there.
That’s why they are going after him.
They hate ‘Beauty’.
Shows I have good taste.
I am dreading what they are going to do with the National Portrait Gallery when it re-opens. It brought British history to life. I can see all the old military pictures and war heroes being removed and being replaced with pictures of black slaves with some white overseer brandishing a bloody great whip, Nelson Mandela in clink on Robbins Island or Sacha Johnston taking up an NHS bed.
Tu Pac , Fifty Cent, Puff Daddy and Trevor Macdonald, probably.
Idi Amin with a bloody sledgehammer.
No doubt all to be replaced by official tax payer funded portraits of Harvey Price and Diane Flabbot.
Or Harvey Price shagging Diane Flabbott……
You can’t tell one from the other, unless you get close up.
They’re back with this BLM shite. I’m sick to the back teeth with the crap. They’ve forced me to come back with my Black Matter Lives up my fucking arse, each time I take an iron table. They had to put their crap on the back burner, whilst just stop oil have their turn, along with shithouse politicians who don’t know what a woman is. Just let it go. That’s all the thanks you get for stopping slavery. The cheeky cunts.
Left Shoe or Right Shoe? Which is which.
They’ve banned challots? I love challots. cunts.
This has got “Diversity administrator, £170k, pa,” written all over it.
They have to come up with some shite to justify their ridiculous job and silly-money saleries, don’t they?
I don’t have a problem with them changing the pictures around and displaying different artists. It’s the contrived hyperbole attached to the artwork that offends me, not the subject matter.
Many, many years ago, I’m in Paris with Sis and partners. I didn’t want to go on a boat trip up the Sienne, so I let Sis drag me into the Louvre, to see La Giogonda, which is the size of a postage stamp, and you can’t get near it for Japanese tourists anyway.
Anyway, on another wall is this depiction of the Last Supper, Les Noches de Canna. It’s about 25×30 feet, and absolutely stunning. I could have looked at it for hours. Must have taken years to paint.
So fuck the Tate and their “diversity” labelling. They ought to have summat folk want to look at on display.
Fucking pretencious wankers.
Sorry, couple of typos.
Los Noches de Canna
I get so angry about this kind of shite.
It’s a beautiful pre-Raphaelite piece. Removing it into a warehouse where no one can enjoy it is a criminal act. Woke savages.
Most gallaries now are just warehouses.
Warehouses downstairs. Wokehouses upstairs.
Whoever made the decision that The Lady of Shallot should be removed from public view clearly doesn’t know their onions….
I’ve never seen it before.
It’s like one still frame from a dream….
Nah, too white mate.
If you want to see real art and architecture, may I suggest Frederiksborg castle in Denmark.
Everything about it is fucking stunning.
Not a pavement ape in sight either.
That’s not it, Odin.
The diversity wanker couldn’t think up a label that essentially says ” bad whitey”, so in the cupboard it goes.
I note these leftie fucks are giving us important information such as “the artist had racist ideas.” So why don’t they stick a label on that sculpture outside Jimmy Savile House……”the artist was a n*nce who fucked his daughters and his dog.”
I’m sure the BBC would see the importance of keeping the peasants informed.
Did he really do his daughters and a dog? Didn’t know he had kids.
Bit controversial this but he’s not the only one. There is Stanley Spencer who painted himself and his wife provocatively naked. So with Lucien Freud painting his daughters in sexualised poses.
I know the daughters of Gill were not best pleased that this was revealed.
Long time since I read about it but I think there was a ‘hatchet job’ on him by an enemy.
Not that it isn’t true .
Why is it different? Because it was a kind of artistic commune that Gill started
Just think lost himself.
He created sexualised images of Christ.
Very odd. But not the only one.
And in the case of Freud he’s not really had a word said against him.
I can fix that for you Miles.
Freud was a twat. And shit at painting. And a pillow-biting degenerate.
There. Fixed.
After all these dreadfully racist works of white supremacist artists of bygone days have been sold off to pay for reparations for stuff some cunt said on twatter. .
The next exhibition to open to international acclaim..
A tour of the chiggun shacks of the inner city by way of the discarded greasy Styrofoam carton…for a limited time only as shortly to go on loan to the Smithsonian.
Guided audio tour provided by noted racist cunt and lying counterfactualist Mr Leonard Henry.
Sir Lenward, Unkle.
Let’s give the gurning cunt his props!
I hope he chokes on a chicken bone.
Too right.
And how do they know that the artist had” racist ideas “?
They painted what they saw, Polaroid cameras weren’t available in the 17th to 19th centuries.
Talk about ultimate twatery!
It keeps happening because we keep letting it. We are a failing society and there’s no one to blame but ourselves.
She got no cunting tattoos.
” And by the moon,
The Reaper weary.
Pilling sheaves in uplands airy.
Tis the fairy
The lady of Shallot.
It goes well with this as a soundtrack
Well that brought me back Miserable. I was a big Lindisfarne fan.
Yes a kind of medieval fairyland atmosphere it evokes.
You cunts dont realise your white privilege.
I benefited immensley from colonialism and slavery in my council estate in Cwmscwt as did the mill workers , the miners. agricultural workers, iron workers, dockers, shipbuilders etc throughout Britain.
It’s time we rejected this so called art and celebrated the true genius of a bunch of primitives who invented absolutely fuck all. Then and now.
It’s a shame we didn’t know how the UK would turn out 70 years later.. .The 50’s look quite good now despite the rationing and poverty..
“Life in 1950s Britain – The National Archives”
It was all good in its way. Right up to Satan Blair and his open door policy, and every government since then is still letting the cunts in.
And the relentless LGBT shite doesn’t help either. Every fucking shop – from WH Smith to Oxfam has a ‘Pride’ display in it. Tescos even sell gay rainbow garden gnomes for fuck’s sake. Gone to Hell in a handcart, I believe the saying goes.?
LGBT is falling apart from the inside.
That flag means nothing to many of the gays who actually did suffer state persecution.
Off topic: A 3 year old girl and others stabbed in a park.
A 31 year old Syrian ‘refugee’ did it….
One of those vulnerable people with no voice,eh Mr Lineker?☹
The Grudge Toting Manbaby (Henery Hawk of Hewitt) has said he wants to stop the hate towards Megain Mantis, Oh dear, the dopey cunt is still under her spell.?
Well, if the cut price slut stopped telling lies, playing the race card and being a total cunt, then she might be thought of a little bit better,,,
Only cunts waste their valuable time in art galleries anyway. Just look at the painting on your phone whilst imbibing a pint.
Woke is a movement led by resentful philistines. The Chinese and Cambodian cultural revolutions were against the bourgeois arts, and our own is against objectification of women/celebration of white men’/colonialism/racism’
Really it’s all about their own mediocrity and lack of talent, beauty, intellect and charm. These people, when alone, know how pathetic they are, how pointless their degrees and other modest, now-commonplace achievements are and how hollow their existences are, trying to replace long-held religious custom or the spiritual life of a philosopher with narcissistic self-idolisation of whatever they identify as.
In the words of Christopher Hitchens, these are people who begin tevery sentence with ‘speaking as a..’ and are complete onanists.
As one (female) art critic posted aftrr the first ‘outrage’, these feminists are so obtuse.
Brian Sewell would’ve called them ‘thick as shit, ugly, bitter cunts’ (perhaps)