I didn’t expect the headline ‘ Man abducted and sexually assaulted schoolgirl while dressed as woman.’
Reading this you’d think that this bloke just popped a dress on to go hunting child victims. Nope, this bloke identifies as a woman and for the last few years as far as the BBC has been concerned that makes him a woman. Now though as he’s committed a sex offence he reverts back to being a man.
Is this because only a man could commit the crimes? If he’d had surgery and committed the crime would he magically become a man again?
The identity politics biased reporting falls flat in the case of reality doesn’t it? A man is a man, in a dress or in a business suit a man is a man. The LBGT+ community own this offender just as much as they own any other ‘trans woman’ now fuck off!
Waiting for the LBGT+ cunts to kick off at the BBC for misgendering and dead naming this cunt.
It’s going to be a long wait I suspect.
Nominated by Sixdog Vomit.
As a butcher is it planning on doing the surgery itself..
Maybe pop it in the shop window.
Those jocks will eat anything if its deep fried.
Man rapes schoolgirl. Must’ve got dressed in the dark before committing the offence, due to the reason for wearing his wife’s dress.
Is he saying he committed a lesbian sexual assault as opposed to a heterosexual assault? And if so, would that make a difference as to the sentencing guidelines?
Just more of the usual hypocritical, tribalistic bullshit from the far left. It’s similar to the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin situation.
George Zimmerman (who is Hispanic) shot and killed a black man so was dubbed “white” purely because the other guy was black. To this very day, the far left still refer to Zimmerman as “white”.
You can guarantee that if Zimmerman had been shot and killed by a blonde-haired, blue-eyed guy called John Smith, Zimmerman would be “yet another innocent man of colour killed by a HOOWHITE man”.
He’s a clumsy cunt, too.
Looks like he tripped and fell into someones fist, several times.
Its also what you get when arguing with the pavement.
Judging by the state of his left eye someone has already meted out some summary justice. If his case had come up a few months ago he’d now be in a women’s prison thanks to Krankie and her mentals.
If he’d been in womens prison, he’d be dead.
The rainbow sandwich brigade are now working with the yanks, to see if they can come up with something similar to Captain Marvel, who shouted Shazam ! when wanting to change character. Then anyone can change themselves at will and get away with murder.
Hang them, fucking pedocunts. That would be justice
Aside from the righteous nature of this nomination, the Beeb cannot be cunted enough.
Like the perp in this story it pretends to be something it’s not. A propaganda outlet that identifies as a news organization.
It is the absolute fucking adverts they put on at all hours of the day showing two blokes snogging. I think it is meant to be promoting a programme on BBC3 called I Kissed A Boy. Both Mrs. Wanksock and I turn over immediately to Bangers and Cash.
I Kissed A Boy?
They have got the Philip Schofield saga on screen quickly.
Unwise but not illegal. Allegedly.
Please President Xi, when you take over, liquidate the BBC , the Servile Service and then councillors in that order.
Have a good weekend!
Is it only me that’s wondering why there isn’t a single mention of any parents and whether she was reported missing?
Curious, that.
When i look at his picture and read about his activities, he reminds me strongly of those SNPee voters that hang around MSN comments all day long waiting for their giro and responding to every comment about Krankenstein and her party of simpletons. He should have deployed the usual tactic when he was caught and shouted “Whataboooooott Westminstahh ayyye!?”
No worries Wee Andy, you can watch as much Braveheart(without the subtitles on) as you want where you are going.
It’s all dreadfully confusing.
Gas the cunt then off to the pub.
I completely agree Unkle.
I stopped trying to get my head around all this shite years ago.
Just euthanise the lot of em and carry on as normal.
I wonder, though, if the fact that
he identified himself as his biological sex and the name on his birth certificate in court had any affect on the way this was reported?
Would the news report have been different, if he’d persisted with his “female” persona?
I wasn’t going to comment on this with it being the bbc again. But fuck me here they go again allowing schocunt to say poofy phobia is to blame for is bad press. Cunts
Absolute proof that this sort of “gender fluidity” or whatever the sickos call it is just a cover word for predatory sexual deviants. There are only two genders, anyone who thinks otherwise should be on a register.
If he owned a butchers, have any kids gone missing in the area? I wouldn’t put it past the freak, and what have people been eating from the Sweeny Todd cunt?
I can’t see any reason not to hang this mental rapist, so do it.
Or stand aside and let me do it.
Load it into the breach of one of these.
This trans fad is a convenient disguise for diddlers and rapists. The naivete of the Left is startling, although diddling seems to a common theme amongst them, given the behaviour of the BBC with Saville and the chap who crashed into the gates of Downing Street, investigated and had images on his computer, then there’s Harriet Harman and PIE, and the far left clickholes hiring non..’MAP’s to write apologetics for their sexual appetites.
Also the AntiFa crowd with banners saying no pea dough bashing, ten year old boys in drag, twerking for the delight of quares in make-up.
Yesss.. the Left generally pick the wrong side to back.
Whenever I meet anybody nowadays l let them know straight away that I identify as a donkey and my pronouns are Hee/Haw….
That’s the last straw, J R Cuntley.
This ‘fella’ had recounted his ‘tansition’ in the New Yorker. And what a tale it is-
‘The article describes in vivid detail Mac’s experience undergoing a penis construction as part of a transgender sex reassignment surgery, with Mac noting she had a hysterectomy and breast removal in 2019. According to the article, Mac kept her vagina in addition to having a penis formed out of her grafted thigh skin.’
If you click on the photo and zoom on ‘his’ leg you can see where they have taken the graft.
Get a load of this abomination.
Disgusting fucking pe*vert. I read about this midwife who delivered a baby, held it up and said “congratulations, you’ve got a beautiful baby boy.”
The parents said no you don’t decide that, we decide. They then reported her to the hospital Gestapo. Instead of taking the poor kid into care they issued the midwife with a written warning.
Welcome to clown world, the fucking madhouse.
Got a penis?
Got a womb?
” who’s that gutlord posing”
” you should cut down on your pork sausage get a abortion ”
Anyone can stuff a courgette down their pants.
Especially one that past its sell by date, mate.
You’re not convincing me.
Didn’t see this on the fucking BB fucking c…
Where’s a out of control bus when you need one..
Filth.Send the brown rats back.No use to no one.
The Beeb are at it again today with the Schofield saga. It’s homophobia that’s caused his career to flounder.
Perhaps he’s right though.
Maybe the fact that 99.9% of the public are sick and fucking tired of gays being pushed in their face constantly.
Maybe we’re all fed up with the narrative that unnatural sexual practices should be celebrated.
Maybe the whole trans, identity bollocks and gayness movements are beginning to eat themselves.
I fucking hope so.
I can see the Bummers Broadcasting Corporation offering Schofield a job. He would fit in nicely with the likes of Linekunt. They could run the whole shitshow between them.
One hopes, FM, one hopes.
What a self pitying cunt..
If he was banging a 17 year old girl he would of been out of a job in 5 minutes flat. And would have never worked again.
But being a bummer… oh he is so brave…
I have been following the ‘saga ‘ to my shame.
‘not wise but not illegal’.
He might as well have said ‘not wise and barely legal’.
They do actually think in Tellyland that they are important. That they are our friends.
Phillip would like to say a few words. ‘Only I would like to thank everyone for their kind messages’
That was when he came back after the his brother’s conviction.
I wonder how many messages there was really? from the This Morning ‘family’
And when he came ‘out’. Eammon + Ruth roped in to introduce this ‘unsual’ statement.
How Holly was so proud of what he was doing. Nay, she had never been prouder of him squeezing his hand.
About the homophoba. It wasn’t that it was the oddness of the age difference. Say if Eamonn had lost his head and left Ruth. and a few weeks later a ‘runner’ had been introduced. A lovely girl of 19. say.
And Eamonn was pushing for her to do interviews. How ‘odd’ that would have seemed.
I can’t believe the amount of time I have wasted reading about this shit.
Ought to cunt myself.
Not to worry, Miles. The time you’ve invested will be vindicated when it inevitably emerges that Schofield liked ’em even younger that he initially admitted.
Phillip Schofield. A right dirty bastard.
The man is filth!
Dey bin eatin da poo poo, days wa dey bin eatin.
I’m going to have to watch that again. My depression is kicking in lately from all this gayness shoved in our faces.
Oven oven oven
My preferred pronouns are ‘gas’ and ‘chamber’.
Exactly ?
I’m absolutely sick to my back teeth of fucking Philip fucking Schofield!
Give it a rest, news people, I’m begging you.
He’s a nonentity, people are already saying Philip who?
And I am sick to death of seeing that Willoughby slag on the front of the papers every single day and all. We all know she knew about it. We all know she is an obnoxious bitch who is a complete cunt to her ‘public’. And we all know she would sacrifice her grandmother to the devil to save her career.
Mind you, on the bright side. at least it keeps those Sussex Markle scum off the front pages…..
He was stunning and brave when he came out. Now he’s a cunt.
How the mighty are fallen.
This fucking reptile was the lead on BBC News. This brave shirtlifter who exposed his wife to aids and allegedly groomed another fucking degenerate. Should have said he was Phyllis so the BBC could have got behind him (phnar phnar)
I have never seen the cunt until now. What the fuck does this wretch matter?
That boy sure got a purdy eye.