Sir Iain Livingstone

Sir Iain Livingstone, Chief Cuntsable of Police Scotland.

Yet another sorry excuse for a human in the land of the Jocks.

”Police Scotland is institutionally racist and discriminatory, the chief constable has admitted.”

Disgraceful. Riven with misogyny, homophobia, racism and any other phobe or ism that can be conjured up.
What a state of affairs. And who is in charge of this shitshow? Well, fuck me sideways, it’s the soon to be retired chief cuntstable Livingstone.
I presume he accepted his fucking knighthood while presiding over this state of affairs.

What a fucking wretch.

gb news

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

48 thoughts on “Sir Iain Livingstone

    • Its Jim Broadbent. No need to worry, he’ll stab them in the back before he leaves, just like he did in Only Fools and Horses.

  1. For a moment there, I thought the nom was about Ian Livingstone, creator of fighting fantasy gamebooks.
    This pig is undoubtedly no more or less utterly useless than any other pig, senior or otherwise.

    • Bloody hell Thomas.

      Fighting Fantasy books. I remember those very well.

      Blast from the past.

  2. So by his own logic he’s presided over a totally dysfunctional police force yet doesn’t accept the consequences and resigns.

    What a total cunt.

    What is it about every institution in this embattled island that has to pull itself apart over identity politics guff instead of just doing the job it’s there for?

    I’d rather have a racist force that goes out and catches criminals than a woke one that scours the Internet looking for “hateful ideology”.

    A cesspit of weak addled brained arseholes.


    • I kind of think all these Police ” failures” are by “design” Cue G4S Private Cop Force ( for a fee ) and a trouser gift to the Minister.

  3. Great leader there Ian ?

    Tell your people they’re cunts .
    That’ll motivate them.?

    Wonder if Ian has ever walked a beat?
    Broke up a pub fight?
    Or if he’s more a penpushing little desk jockey without any hands on experience?

    We’ll never hear the words

    ” Your fuckin nicked me old beauty!!!

    As handcuffed and rabbit punched.
    Happier, simpler times.

  4. I’m not sure his leadership technique is much of a winner.
    It’s a bit like Churchill calling British soldiers a bunch of softies after Dunkirk.
    I’m sure your average jock copper is full of motivation now.

  5. ‘Publicly acknowledging these institutional issues… also critical to our determination to lead wider change in society’.
    No, your job is NOT to lead wider change in society, your job is to maintain law and order and to catch criminals, you cunt. Starting with the institutionally corrupt SNP. What’s happened to the investigation into motorhomegate, eh?

    • Well said.
      For too long now, old bill has been a political tool.
      Hence the inaction over climate change, just stop oil, anti colonialism protests.
      Just do what we pay you to do.

      • Yep, for the past 20yrs they’ve been nothing but paramilitary social workers.

      • He’s not a nutjob, he’s a cynical cunt and only practising taqqiya like the good wee script reading MacMudslime puppet he is, he knows fine well he’s talking a load of shite.

        The nutjobs are the delusional white cunts who still fucking believe all the crap that he and his fellow degenerate SNP cronies come away with, but don’t believe a word of themselves.

        UT’s oven’s too quick and merciful for this cunt and the rest of that shower, they should all be staked out naked on boggy ground beside a loch at the height of midgie season.

  6. It’s just so easy init, racist, misogyny, homophobia

    Crack a joke about a shirt lifter or some fat bird and that’s it, fucked.

    Racist, well they hate the English, so bang on the money ?

  7. They are doing their job correctly in my opinion, by continuingly doing the highland fling, throwing true villains in the back of Black Marias.

  8. OT but fucking sick of split arses commentating on men’s sport.

    Trying to relax and watch a bit of cricket, but a wobbly head shrieking split arse screeching “Edged and gone!” (again just now) fucking ruins it.

    Just fucking fuck off. Maybe the rozzers can arrest these cunts ruining the cricket?

    • As a lifelong cricket fan I’ve stopped watching it for exactly that reason.
      There are other reasons such as rainbow stumps and change of name from batsman to batter but it’s the splits that grinds my gears.

  9. For some reason i can’t see msn links so googled the twat.
    Found a quote about his time leading the force, quote:
    “The police officers and police staff of Police Scotland are outstanding. Leading them as chief constable to serve the people of Scotland has been the honour of my working life.”

    Am i missing something?

    • Yeah it’s a tricky one for sure… ermmm… lemme see… ah… I see where you went wrong P.C. you made the understandable mistake of assuming that senior police chiefs aren’t lying, two faced, back-stabbing, grifting haggis flavoured sacks of shite.

    • Yes, you’re missing the fact that he’s allegedly caught up in the Sturgeon shite that’s going on (and the attempted Salmond stitch-up) hence his sudden need to fuck off from his post.

      The considered opinion is that this as his unimaginative attempt at a spot of ‘deadcatting’ (or, if you prefer a pathetic ‘Oh look! a squirrel….’)

  10. Rumour has it, that the police are interested in talking to me about a spate of swimming pool inflatables thefts recently.
    I’ve gotta lilo….

  11. If I were police chief of anywhere, there would be institutional racism and discrimination. That’s how you spot the bad guys.
    Stereotypes exist for a reason.
    I wouldn’t last very long.

  12. Strange this, he lorded over the Scottish old bill, massive salary, pension not seen in the public service since Tutankhamen nationalised chariot building, yet he bad mouths the lot of em, transphobic, misogynist, racist, xenophobic about the only thing he left out was kiddy diddlers. Either he is attempting to get his own back cos lots of workmates don’t like him so he is dropping them in it big time. I think the real reason is so he can get a feed from the money tree. Anything concerning transbumderism, gay rights ,rights for migrants etc is a guaranteed pay out from government and quangos. All he has to do is divert some of this money a la local councils and he will have a fair few million added to his policing budget.

  13. I don’t think he’s being sincere. If he was he would have apologised to the group’s individually.
    Lesbians sorry
    Gays sorry
    Bi sorry
    Transgender sorry.
    Pluses + sorry
    Transque*r sorry
    Intersex sorry
    Questioning sorry
    Two spirit sorry
    Asexual sorry

    What a sorry state of affairs.

  14. He’s just securing a bit of extra dough for his retirement. He’ll be a consultant for every wokie charity and quango going, fucking coining it by talking leftie bollocks.
    He’s a Jock…….they like a pound note, you know what I mean?

  15. This is undoubtedly a bunglecunt!
    The list of his ineptitude in long and varied but I think the one major thing is to ask how close was he to the CUNT in chief

    • Well she did say she was stepping down to spend more time with her family. Turns out she meant do time with her family.

    • If I eat any more popcorn I’m going to get bellyache. ?

      A lovely sunny day just got evening sunnier. ?

      • Salmond must be creaming his undercrackers!
        Assuming he wears any, the filthy Scotch cunt.

  16. Krankie arrested. Looks like they’re not buying her hubby taking the fall for her.

    I reckon she might enjoy it inside a wiminz nick, if you catch my drift.

    • Excellent news. Thieving fucking bitch, let’s hope the light fingered cow gets banged up.

  17. Off topic for a mo…

    This morning, me and Ethel took a stroll around an English village.

    The sun was shining and the birds were singing.

    Flowers were blooming in quaint cottage gardens.

    The church bells were calling the faithful to worship.

    We walked through the churchyard, St. Georges ( not very common, churches named after our patron saint, but I think it is the finest name for a church).

    The combination of all these splendid elements quite overwhelmed me and I had the most profound realisation of the absolute privilege it is to be English.

    I almost feel sorry for Johnny Foreigner.

    It must be absolutely frightful, being inferior.

    God bless us !

    Every one. ??????????????????????????????????????????

  18. It’s getting to the point where the police are becoming scared of arresting the very members of society who statistically commit the majority of violent crimes.

    Nothing surprises me any more in a world that makes a dangerous, woman beating, drug fuelled carrier criminal a saint, then vilifies the police officers who ended its life, thus doing society a favour (and probably saving a few innocent lives in the process).

  19. Total hypocrite probably blames England as Scotland enviably does when things go wrong.
    Should have arrested Sturgeon ages ago if only for the horrible clothes she wears She didn’t spend that 600k on fashion ☹️?

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