How about a democratic – and certainly very liberal – cunting for that vacuous looking arsehole, Davey.
Long a great admirer of “Progressive” (i.e. Labour) politics, this des[erate chancer sees his only hope of “power”is to crawl up the arsehole of Dame Kweer and stay there. He is nine months late, but like the Dame last year, he yesterday vouchsafed on a radio broadcast that women can have a penis. No doubt some of the old dogs in his party, like that dreadful Moran woman, has convinced him of the authenticity of men in drag:
One question – if you want a Labour government why not vote for it and forget this middleman?.
Nominated by W.C. Boggs.
I wonder if his wife is one of these women with a penis or not? C.A.
Don’t know if his wife has a penis, but she certainly married a prick!
Nah, he’s a cunt!
Every single member of the Lib Dems were the people that got the shit kicked out of thrm at school.
Sad thing is, were “Sir” Ed and his not so merry band of pathetic losers running the country, they couldn’t do a worse job than the unelected Ding Ding snake who weasled his way into #10 and the nest of vipers who surround him.
Not just “Sir” Ed, none of the 600 wastes of space in the House of Commons would be willing to define what a woman is.
The official definition being ‘pain in the arse money vampire, spirit squasher, life drainer’
I knew a lib dem activist at college. five-nothing, boy band hairstyle (it was female) Gollum eyes and the peg teeth of a small porpoise.
Fucking nuts as well.
Shame really, the way the Liberals have gone. Ed’s predecessor Lloyd George had no problem identifying women.
The only woman I know of who had a penis was Lorena Bobbitt, and she had to give it back.
Morning GT…I wonder if any man has since been brave enough to pop his winkle in between her teeth?!
Well I don’t know about you Thomas, but I certainly wouldn’t risk it.
He IS. a penis ????
Full stop?Stupid racist phone ?
It must of hurt my mummy terribly when I came out of her penis because I was a big baby?
Funny but I’ve never seen the wife’s penis?
But then she insists on the lights off.
Ed is testing the boundaries of biology.
My dogs a cat
And the goldfish barked and chased the postman
Full of shite?
Ed and the Kweer would make great straight men in comedy doubles, how the fuck can they keep a straight face when stating that a woman can have meat and two veg.
I am so looking forward to the GE when or if the labour and Libs come knocking, it will be ‘sorry but how can you expect me to vote for someone who thinks a woman can have a fucking knob’.
The only institution these wankers should be in is one with padded rooms and lots of drugs.
Just back from Tesco and noticed a special drink for fucking pride, Guava infused larger, all nicely packaged in a rainbow carton. Tesco desperate for the Pink Pound ?
That’s the funniest part; the pink pound isnt supporting this lgbtq nonsense for much longer, given the gays are creating their new alliance.
The Rainbow flag and LGBTQ movement is branding for Stonewall, and only represents lunatic trans and queer activists.
You would get more sense out of mr ed, than that bandwagon jumping simpleton.
One of the biggest cunts in British politics, often overlooked because nobody gives a fuck who the leader of this bunch of wankers is. Anyone remember little Timmy Farron? Jo “look at my tits’’ Swinson? Cleggy? Charles “pour me a drink” Kennedy? Sir Vince “EU vampire” Cable? Yeah, you do now and you are pissing yourself.
I’ve never come across a Lib Dem wanker in my life, which is probably just as well. I wouldn’t begin to know how to take the piss out of the cunt.
Caroline Lucas is stepping down as an MP. What a loss.
I googled her to see what she has achieved in politics. Nothing I can find.
I mean you can’t really ‘hate’ the Lib Dems. Even their name is lame.
They’re just full of talk.
Maybe that’s what makes real Politicians. That he or she or they are either loved or hated.
You simply can muster any deep emotion with them.
That Jo Swindon had poor people teeth.
Like a Napoleonic sailors.
Never seen the dentist in her life.
Like a fuckin Halloween pumpkin.
She drew attention away from her rotting mouth by cultivating a stupendous pair of udders with nipples like
It worked!!
When Sir Ed was born his father thought his wife had diarrhoea.
The best part of Ed dribbled down his mother’s thighs during childbirth.
Hahaha ???
Never trust a sweaty-faced man with a weak jaw-line and no chin.
Are you talking about Boris? Good riddance to that sack of shit…..and that Dorries bitch. Two down, 648 to go.
What a fucking clownshow!
I’d execute the lot,, past and present, No mercy, no exceptions.
I’ll show you a fckng reset you wankers.
Dynamite ??? the place to kingdom come
He is a bit ‘wibbly wobbly’ around the jaws.
I almost hanker after the days of bum bandit Jeremy Thorpe, with the Liberal Party’s election slogan:
‘Vote Liberal or we’ll shoot your dog’.
The rotters!
Shoot my dog I’d stamp his rentboy to death.
A risky move, Mis. I could imagine Jeremy retaliating by getting Cyril Smith to open his lunchbox and blast a hotpot and black pudding one in your direction.
You’d be blown all the way to Morecambe Bay.
Cyril was exposed as a kiddy tamperer wasn’t he Geordie?
But like with Daleks you’d only need a few stairs to be beyond his clutches?
Indeed. Little Timmy was forced out because he wouldn’t admit that bumming and cock sucking is perfectly normal. Fortunately Sir Ed has got things back on the right track, the fucking bent cunt.
Of course women can have a penis. Just take a look at this one-
I genuinely don’t understand why anybody would want to undergo that sort of procedure. And any ‘man’ that thinks that looks anything like a real knob is fucking deluded.
‘Partial flap loss’ lololol
Ed Davey, Ed Milliband.
Eddie, Teddy.
Think I would prefer Ted.
Like Ted Heath.
Naw,give me ed.
or Theodore Roosevelt.
These pathetic bastards would jump on any bandwagon for a couple of votes and some shards of power. Interesting to discuss “women can have a penis” in private with the twat. Methinks he is telling porkies to aid his ascent up queen Kweers back door. A “woman with a penis is a, a deviant, b, in need of advanced mental health care. Being mentally I’ll does not make a man a women but it does appear to make many male politicians cream their undergarments.
These cunts minds must be like a painting by Hieronymus Bosch.
Still,no problem filling in the expenses eh you warped little shit?
Want to play at politics without the need for the complicated stuff like policies? Join the LibDems. As an added attraction you are certain to have a go as party leader at some point.
Become part of the third party, you can engage in the fun part of politics with no chance of ever having any responsibility.
The LibDems, stand for nothing proudly.
Apart from trannyism.
Unlimited immigration and house building on the Greenbelt are mainstays of their aspirations. CUNTS!
One of politics’ great figures of fun.
A complete buffoon.
Morning all.
Drive the tractor over him instead
Wavey Davey received his knighthood for “political and public service.” The cunt has been a politico all his life…..PPE followed by “researching” for stinking politicians, resulting in being set up to be one himself……the classic route.
He’s on the board of all sorts of green companies and organisations sucking on the taxpayer’s teat to save the fucking Polar bears. An absolute cunt, fucking parasite. I have a sense of irony so, when I come to power, I will hang him from the nearest tree he pretends to love so much.
How does a party squeeze between the tories and Labour when they appear to have merged together anyway?
Only ‘right wing’ Reform seem worth a shout these days.
Ed Davey is speaking from personal experience. His missus keeps his genitals in her handbag.
To quote Lord Flash.
‘What a POOF!’
You are [probably] looking at the next deputy PM (just like that other waste of space Clegg). Strap-ons on the NHS, no problem, we’ll push taxes up a bit more from their low base. Risk of nuclear Armageddon, people unable to heat their homes/buy food due to self-imposed sanctions, Nut Zero bleeding the country white (not a very PC analogy – apologies for that ?), welfare state being pissed away on millions of gimmegrants? Nothing of note there – free strap-ons on the NHS is the “progressive “ way forward. After all, nobody needs to vote for it it’s the default position of a totally fucked country.
May your God go with you (as Dave Allen used to say) – no other fucker will so believing in a sky fairy might at least give you some hope…
We’re screwed ?