Lukas Makula

A woe is me cunting please for this pile of human garbage. He gets sent to prison for manslaughter for five years in 2018 and when he gets out he complains that the curfew and the tag he has to wear is stopping him from partying with his mates.

He has apparently broken his bail conditions 13 times and due to some cock up at the home office he won a £18500 payout because he should have been let out from a deportation detention centre on bail .
Read the story and see if your piss boils as much as mine.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Piston Broke.

39 thoughts on “Lukas Makula

  1. Poor Lucas Dracula.
    All he did was kill a old man.
    Now he’s cruelly forced to wear a ankle bracelet?!!

    Poor luv, would be better off staying in Slovakia?
    Bet there they give you a record token and your weight in biscuits for murdering the elderly!

    This country is run by Nazi killjoys.

    • his name does indeed sounds more Romanian than Slovakian (it would end in “-ov” if he was a proper one. So, I’m gonna say, gipsy. Which would explain why he doesn’t want to go back to Slovakia as I know for a fact what sort of justice the local boys dish out to the gippos.

  2. Another foreigner enriching our country. If you don’t like it, you can always fuck off back to your east european shit-hole. The thing is, these people are too thick to do something like this on their own initiative. I guess there are hundreds, if not thousands, of “charities” run by Lucinda and Jacamo, who are helping these cunts. They are part of the establishment, so it will never get changed. Like that prick Prince William and “helping” the homeless.

  3. Another sorry British tale of bureaucratic wishy washy nonsense,bungling,appeasement and outright stupidity.

    Try an old cure for this dreadful little cunts antics:

    Break him on the wheel,then chain the rat up and dump it in a river.

    • Oh and might as well find out who the cunts associates are and give them the same medicine.

      Better safe than sorry.

  4. Stop the presses!! Another foreign scumbag we not only can’t get rid of, but compensate for hurt feelings..

    The cunt should have a ball and chain on not a ankle bracelet.

  5. If you commit a crime and are proved guilty without a shadow of a doubt you will be punished, you will not appeal, you will fucking rot you cunts. No rights whatsoever.

  6. I have long thought that any compensation given to a prisoner should be subjected to an automatic claim to the victims of the offender.

  7. For my own health this information will be pushed from memory once I’ve finished with my pretend witchcraft of wishing the most evil thoughts I can muster. It’s worked in the past and I can only hope it will work again for peace of mind.

  8. Slovak cunt. I would give him a mansion with a pool as compensation.

    What I wouldn’t tell him is that it’s actually Barrymore’s house. Upon entry to the pool; unleash Michael Barrymore himself to bum him continually on loop in the pool until Lukas dies from perforation of the colon.

    Post videos and pictures all over social media of the aftermath so everyone can see just how hard Lukas was.

    This disgraceful cunt needs gassing.

  9. It might be safer for ordinary law abiding people go INTO prison for free wifi , 50″ TV sets, regular meals etc and for the barberous scum to be let out to live in the Stab City with Saddick Khant to take their chances there

    • I would consider it if I was certain was allowed. The prison administration department could be even stricter.

    • Try Ford open prison. You can pretty much do what you like and come and go as you please. the place is practically run by the inmates, according to numerous accounts. I would bet it’s safer than Butlins down the road. Less one-punch murders of dads, and less blood smeared on cell -‘chalet’ -walls.

  10. I’m going to make a fake ankle bracelet for myself. Women like bad boys.

  11. Why do they say ‘Slovakian born’ ? Is this to suggest in some way that whilst he was born there , he’s now English?

    Just call him Slovakian , that is what he is or more accurately, human excrement

  12. Well it’s hardly surprising that every piece of gyppo criminal shit in the world wants to come here. If you are unlucky, actually get caught and end up in chokey, you walk out with thousands of taxpayers money in your pocket.
    We are an international joke, a society of soft poofs and every cunt knows it.

    • He will never navigate through all the border farce boats bringing fresh vermin to the taxpayers teat..

  13. Like the rest of them, he shouldn’t be here. The cunts that killed Lee Rigby, the cunt that bombed Manchester Arena. The cunt that murdered David Arness. The cunt that killed those people in Nottingham. This Maluka turd should not even be here. Diversity equals death. Simple as that.

  14. Just on a quarter century this fucking unlimited immigration has been rolling on. All we hear is the same old crap, tough on illegals, fast deportation blah blah. Fuck me there are people living working claiming thieving raping ad infinitum that have been waiting years to get official sanction to stay.
    It is obvious that most political parties and many other cunts are perfectly happy to allow these fuckers in as they have had over twenty years to do something about the influx but have done nothing apart from making life easier for these cunts. Why not come out and say “we need all these doctors, scientist so on tell their version of the truth. I grew up with little respect for governments and politicians now because of shite like this I have none. Most are just cunts and ones in the class of Harriet Harperson are treble cunts.

    • I’m reassured by her still being completely incompetent in all of her endeavours, even after years of not hearing anything of her.

      What a completely stupid and corrupt cunt she is.

  15. Great some fucker who shouldn’t even be in the country,,,, just gas the cunt and any of his comrades

  16. Put the maggot in the Australian desert 1000kls from anywhere,he should last about 6 hours before dying a beautiful and painful death.

    • Western Australia? You’re never too far from a Discovery channel camera crew foliwing the gold and opal diggers. I think they might live there anyway, and the gold/opal hunters are simply the latest thing to film. Before that ir was the snakes and spiders they and Steve Irwin feed on.

  17. I think he’s got a point about having to wear an ankle tag. If I had the authority I’d see to it that he’d never again have to wear one by amputating both his feet before posting him, via whatever Hermes is called these days, back to the festering shit hole that the long lanky piss stain comes from with his ankle tag heated to red hot before being hammered up his Schofield-welcoming arse. Pour encourager les autres.

  18. What a soft cunt. Send him to Indonesia to party with the Komodo dragons.

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