Katie Price (18)

Oh, God, What now?

Well, she’s somehow managed to get another of her dogs killed.

There’s been a petition doing the rounds to have her banned from keeping pets, and as this is the fifth dog in her care ( that we know of) to die, I fully endorse it.

Don’t know about the rest of you but, if I’d been so careless, I certainly wouldn’t be bleating about it on social media. Seems her animal care skills are as slack as her fanny.

Claims the dog was deliberately run over ( what was it doing wandering about?) and she’s “investigating”.
Fuck me!

Daily Mirror

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

121 thoughts on “Katie Price (18)

    • Yep me too ,more lives than a cat ,can we all be sure she hasn’t hidden the dog up that enormous pussy of hers,seems like it’d be nice fit

  1. Five dogs, a horse and a chameleon all dead within five year period or so.

    Makes you think doesn’t it.

    She should be banned from keeping humans as well. And cars.

    Awful fucking worse than useless tart.

    • She’s killed more dogs than the Korean meat industry.

      Fuckin ell she’s not fit to be responsible for a animals wellbeing anymore than Michael Barrymore is fit to be a lifeguard.

      Harvey ate the horse.

      • The chameleon might still be alive?

        She dropped it on a tartan blanket and nobody saw it since.

    • Afternoon HJ…she kills the animals after she has sex with them, so they don’t go to the press.
      She used the chameleon as a dildo, then shagged a variety of dogs, then moved up to apes (Harvey) then horses to fill her caverous gash.

    • Come on lads, cut poor Harvey some slack. His father was a black professional footballer. Where do you think you would be with those genes?

  2. You would have thought the three metre electrified bear fencing installed to keep Harvey off the A24 would have been enough to keep the dogs safe.

    • …he’s going to go right off on one in the future and it will be carnage. He’s a time bomb waiting to go off

      • Yep.

        It’ll all end in a rooftop dogfight.
        Seen it all before.

        Fay wray should of got 8yrs for her part.

      • If it was in the U.S it would be like another Waco with the FBI camped out with sharp shooters, all broadcast 24/7 on Fox News.

  3. The sooner this mental basket case tops herself the better.

    …oh and I saw that Dane Bowers video he took shagging her…..and she look a shit fuck as well.

    • ooh, lovely Ron, all Vivien Leigh, so classy

      I’m afraid I would still do her. leave her gasping lol

    • Definitely one for those who fancy a bit of rough trade from by the dock gates I’d say.

      She’d have to pay me.

      A lot.

  4. Don’t think she means to be the Grim Reaper of the animal kingdom?
    Just how it works out.

    Chris Packham won’t have her name said in his earshot.

    And Michaela Strachan gets hiccups and cries if you mention Katie.

    I think seeing the corpses of those zoo animals after Katie’s visit was what put Johnny Morris in a early grave?

  5. She’s investigating?!
    Like a Essex Colombo!


    She couldn’t find her arse without a satnav.

      • She should be the new presenter on SpringWatch.

        Eggs that don’t hatch
        A thousand bird corpses littering the ground,
        Runover hedgehogs
        And squirrels that have hung themselves.

    • MNC…she doesn’t need to she just rings up all her old boyfriends for them to give her a clue!

  6. I notice her ex dog was even blacker than Gary Linekunt. Probably reminded her of Dwight Yorke.
    He had to go!

    • He is probably thinking “I could be fighting Harvey for the chew toy instead of posing for photos with this fucking moron”.

      • “…He is probably thinking “I could be fighting Harvey for the chew toy …”

        You bastard L.L. nearly fuckin’ choked on me Carlsberg there… coming out me nose and everything…!

  7. This useless spunk trumpet cant even look after herself, her kids,husbands [many] let alone a dog or anything else for that matter.
    She truly makes me sick, i think she needs a straight jacket,rubber room and a box of crayola, she is a fucking oil rig fire looking for somewhere to explode.
    Apart from the plastic surgery this old slag reminds me of my exwife in that she is just not playing with a full deck, the engine is running but there is no one behind the wheel.
    Honestly i think she should be locked up for her own safety and those around her, she is obviously oblivious to her mental behaviour or like i suspect dosnt give a fuck and will literally do anything for money.
    She shouldnt be allowed to keep any king of animal, apart from Harvey that is, how she is still going i dont know, she has been on my deadpool list forever…..

    • What the fuck is going on with her mongol kid?

      Should have drowned the at birth. And him.

  8. At the next opportunity I’m putting Katie’s remaining pets in the Dead Pool.

  9. Words can barely describe the utter contempt I have for this plastic cuprinoled spunk bucket but its not going to stop me having a go.
    A shameless attention seeking cunt of the highest order who seems to be beyond the reach of the law. This fuck ugly plastic painted carcass epitomises everything that is wrong with society. Does whatever the fuck it likes regardless of the risk caused to innocent members of the public going about their business and takes ZERO responsibility for her actions. Always pleading poverty to avoid her debts but never seems to not be on holiday or spanking cash on tasteless decadent shite. I just do not frikkin get it. Why the fuck hasn’t this professional nob hound been put away? If it was normal person the courts would have slung her in clink and put her brood in care. She has no qualms using poor old Harvey to save her neck when its on the line but he doesn’t even live with her. Utterly shameless.
    As for her pets…… for fucks sake, she is to pets what Harold Shipman was to auld gimmers. Ban her from keeping animals, she isn’t responsible enough to look after a fucking ant, let alone dogs and horses. Where are the RSPCA eh? Too busy driving farmers to suicide to be bothered with this old spunk dump I reckon.

    • Spot on… This twat needs a long spell in chokey after being found guilty of numerous crime’s against everything decent….?

    • look up ‘Anarcho-tyranny’.

      it sums up the way the country is headed quite well.

      • I concur. BLM riots proved this. just stop oil prove this. failure to tackle the little stabby stabby stab stab cunts proves this.

  10. Apart from the zeppelin pneumatic tits it’s those big white Beegees choppers that offend me most.

    Turkey teeth I believe they’re called?

    Gobble gobble

    They look like Dick Emery’s vicar characters!

    Just dreadful.

  11. Looking at the cover photo above, is the black hairy one after a post-shag fag?

    • I’m surprised the black hairy one managed to find its way out of that cavern. Give him a Bonio.

      • “…I’m surprised the black hairy one managed to find its way out of that cavern…”

        It’s the call I’ve been dreading…

        Drrrring dring … drrrring dring…
        “Hello, Chops Deep Salvage & Emergency Florists… how can we help?”

        “Am I speaking to Cunty?”

        “Yes mate but hurry up I’m on me forth pint and busting for a piss.”

        “I’m Operations and Major Incident Manager for the RSPCA… We were given your name …it’s that cock slapper Katie Price… it’s finally happened… he’s stuck round the 3rd sump, we’ve lost two Navy SEALs already and we’re out of options! …”

        “Shit shit shit … I know we planned for this but fuck it, if that cod-eyed mong has got himself lost up her clunge then that’s just one less worry in the world, I’m not risking my neck for some sub par silverback so thankyou and fuck off!…”

        “no Chops… we’ve got Harvey caged in the basement wanking himself blind over a picture of Peter Andre…. it’s the dog!”

        “Well have you phoned those “Sewer Divers” blokes, they’re the specialists here?”

        “They hung up! … Chops!… the doggie!!..he’s got floppy ears and a boinky nose ‘n everything…we can’t just leave him to dissolve in her corrosive minge juice”

        “OK OK calm down …(thinks)… for the dog… I’ll take one for the team… I will dive Katie’s Klopper!!! … but I need a sit rep… what’s it like in there at the moment?”

        “Well visibility’s good up to the initial choke and the SEALs have put an ACRO in to stabilise it so no danger of a vaginal prolapse, the 2nd sump is blocked with lost dildos, elongated vegetables and the corpes of previous aspiring cunnilinguists who thought they could handle it.”

        “Will they never learn?? The British Cave Diving Group even put up warning signs at the entrance fer fuck’s sake! ‘Enter ye this minge that hath not hope nor wish to return’.”

        “That’s where we lost the SEALs, they couldn’t get past sump 3 because of all the congealed pus and horse spunk.”

        “No problemo… get COMEX on the phone, I’ll need 10 quads of Nitrox and the full topside crew then send a helicopter to the car park of The Cat & Hacksaw in about ….. 20 mins … ooops, it’s my shout… make it 40mins.”

        to be continued…

  12. Such is the mindset of this media obsessed w.hore that it’s quite possible she kills the animals just so she can post on social media about her latest calamity.

    A monkey pox upon it.

    Then oven.

  13. I think it might have been suicide by car, have you ever seen such a look of shame on a dogs face?

    That’s not a “sorry I shat in your shoe” look.

  14. “To lose one dog, Ms Price, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose seven looks like carelessness.”
    Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Katie.

  15. I for one wish Katy all the best in her new career
    Katie price: pet detective.

    Did she borrow those choppers off Jim Carey?

  16. Aww bless. Our Katie is just a little careless.

    That said, she will struggle to lose Harvey. Not for the want of trying over the years.

    Possible opportunities for losing Harvey:

    1. take him on a Praia da Luz ‘adventure’ holiday.
    2. Introduce him to Gary Glitter’s at his ‘safe house’.
    3. Make him wear a sandwich board and walk around Croydon with a ‘I hate silveries’ sign.
    4. Part ex him in Turkey for some more teeth n tits.

    • Not that it stops her trotting him out every fucking time she wants sympathy, boo hoo, look at me, I have a handicapped child.

      So do many others, you fucking munster!

    • *Breaking news*

      Hunter Biden just please guilty to wilfully avoiding paying income tax and a firearm offence.

      Where’s the laptop son?

      • I bet Hunter Biden wishes he was on a small sub under the Atlantic right now.

        Do you reckon Dick is the eccentric billionaire? First dibs on his antique swordstick collection!

  17. Now here is the strange thing.

    The poor pooch was a trained protection dog.
    Protection dogs do exactly what it says on the tin and stay close to the one(s) they are meant to be protecting.

    Something smells off here and I’m not talking about Katie’s fish mitten.

    It either decided to end it all due to the shame of living with a rancid, ageing media whore or the evil old cum dumpster had it topped for Facebook likes and another 15 minutes in the (s)limelight.

    RIP poor hound

    • Exactly. A properly trained would NEVER just up and leave.

      Either Harvey strangled it, she’s ust making it up for attention or she ran him over in a drunken stupor.

  18. It’ll probably turn out she spread pedigree chum on her quim for the dog to chow down on but he pooch suffocated from the noxious fumes.

      • You would be waiting a long time for it to squeal.

        Even John Holmes couldn’t satisfy that cavernous fandango.

        It would be like throwing a sausage down the Black wall tunnel

      • What I lack in size I make up for with enthusiasm. Shed fucking squeal alright, especially when I shoved my foot in lol

    • Given that dogs sense of smell is 40 times stronger than humans just imagine what a dog would be subjected to in her house. You see dogs sniffing ass in public to see if their luck is in, I can see her dogs jumping off a Manhatten skyrise to get away.

    • It’s an easier mystery to solve than you think ,there’s only good hiding place in the picture and the dogs all the way up her cunt,hence the expression on the other dog who just witnessed it

  19. Simply shouldn’t be allowed to have care of children, animals, or even herself, as she’s a mentalist.

    Hopefully, some other care in the community mentalist will see her as a threat to his religion, or KFC, don’t care which, and knife her.

    Twatter will be “omg, kp is dead! Did you see what colour Kerry Katona has dyed her hair! omg!”

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