Katie Price (18)

Oh, God, What now?

Well, she’s somehow managed to get another of her dogs killed.

There’s been a petition doing the rounds to have her banned from keeping pets, and as this is the fifth dog in her care ( that we know of) to die, I fully endorse it.

Don’t know about the rest of you but, if I’d been so careless, I certainly wouldn’t be bleating about it on social media. Seems her animal care skills are as slack as her fanny.

Claims the dog was deliberately run over ( what was it doing wandering about?) and she’s “investigating”.
Fuck me!

Daily Mirror

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

121 thoughts on “Katie Price (18)

  1. I wonder what’s smelling worse, that subs one toilet or katies minge?

    Still something to tell the grandkids, oops nevermind.

    • Evening BZ…with a gun to your head, may I ask if you’d prefer to pop your tinkle into Katie Price or Jade Goody? Both monumental slags, reeking of sexual diseases and having had more pricks than a chap tripping over a porcupine whilst holding a cactus.

  2. The dog committed suicide as could not live with the whores demands anymore. I do not blame the poor doggie as i also woul;d have killed myself if i had to live with the biggest whore on the planet.

    • All her pets have offed themselves.
      What a toxic, foul-smelling slaaag she is. A horse-syringeful of ketamine straight into her jugular, then oven on max.

  3. Wow, that’s a lot of death surrounding one person.
    A cautionary tale perhaps for the brainless, tatooed up to the neck muppets she usually attracts..
    Steer well clear, or if you do feel brave and fancy throwing your sausage up her alleyway, tie a plank of wood to your back.

    • We used to say tie it to your arse, but we’re not couth, in Yorkshire.

      Oh, and chuck some gravel up, so’s to get a grip.

      • Ha Ha
        Wonder if her black hole generates gravity
        Even light can’t escape.

  4. Bet her postie makes paper airplanes out of all her mail so as not to risk approaching the house.

  5. You know she would fuck a dog for money or Tesco club points. Most likely the latter.

  6. 5 dogs a horse and a lizard, yet Harvey lives.?

    As suspected, he is some form of Kaiju. We need to send him to Russia where he will rampage through entire battalions.
    His mum’s gash can stand in for Biollante.

    • I reckon Harvey will end up doing a Mama Cas but it won’t be a ham sandwich. It will be an entire wild boar.

      When you say Kaiju do you mean as in the monsters from Pacific Rim?
      And before anyone asks no that isn’t code for having someone in California lick your balloon knot……..or is it? ?

      • Any Japanese monster film really, especially those using blokes in rubber suits and on wires.

        Harvey even gets the original Toho Godzilla theme when he climbs out of the Baltic and screams at the MiGs

  7. Harvey is a lucky lucky boy. He’s the only bloke out there who doesn’t know his Mum is the world’s biggest whore. If he found out he’d probably go spazzo.
    Oh…….wait a minute!

  8. They won’t be taking the register anymore in school soon. It’ll be just singing Old MacDonald-

    ‘Moo Moo here’, ‘Baa Baa here’.

    • Evening Miles ?

      I’ve started to identify as the moon.

      My pronouns are

      Have you considered being a dinosaur?

      Everyone is doing it!!

      • Evening, MNC. How do?

        I’ve started identifying as a multi-millionaire. When I get questioned about why I haven’t paid my tab down the pub, I shall flail wildly that I’m being discriminated against because barkeep assumed my identity.

        Might identify as an astronaut, too.

      • Evening CC?

        Walk round Buxton with a astronaut helmet on?

        Who’s that?!!!

        ” Oh that’s Major Tom.
        He’s crackers.
        Harmless though…”


      • You would make a good moon, MNC. You’re covered in craters and drive everyone mad.

        Only kidding.

      • Could do, MNC. A nice Soviet-era job sent over from one of me pals in the Eastern Bloc.

        We’ve got a local tranny now, by the way.

      • Everywhere has one now CC.
        Trannies have taken the place of the old village idiots.

        Your not on the map without some puddled bloke changing from Bernard to Bernadette an swanning about the town in a Ill fitting frock and badly applied lippy.

      • Evening Miserable

        The only people who can really identify, because they have the imagination, as animals are Poets.

        I am thinking of Ted Hughes as a good example.

        He does become a crow in his Crow poems in a sense.

        John Keats said somewhere that a poet has the imagination to become a billiard ball.

        Maybe I’ll identify as a snooker ball. Black.

      • That’s precisely the local HeShe, MNC. Badly-fitted skirt, a wig. Whenever I’ve seen him in the supermarket, he’s always been polite to the staff.

        I hear the same from pals who drink in the same pubs as him. Doesn’t even mind going by his proper name.

        Can’t argue with that sort of carry on, can you? Live and let live unless you piss me off, and all that.

      • Yep.
        Long as he stays civil and doesn’t start demanding he reads the storybooks in the infant’school,
        Crack on.

        There’s a yank woman I moved to Buxton,
        She’s proper doolally!
        Got a £50 tip off her??

        She could be a axe murderer and she’s ok by me.

        I’m very understanding of the mentally ill when they throw money my way?

      • We had a local tranny back in the 1960s.
        Long before the Left started using trannies in their culture wars.
        Completely harmless, he was.
        Wonder what became of him.

  9. This is old but seems appropriate ..

    There was an old whore from Azores
    Whose c*nt was all covered in sores.
    The dogs of the street
    Wouldn’t eat the green meat
    That hung in festoons from her drawers

    I’ll get me cunt ..

  10. How this old trout stays in the news is bizarre. Jammier than the Convicts edging a victory from the jaws of defeat.

    • J genuinely think that she’s a port-a-potty, Cap’n…but instead of having Saudi princes take a dump on her (like Lindsay Lohan and Hayden Panetierre, allegedly), she’s used as a toilet by the likes of Eamonn Holmes and Chris Eubank.

  11. I can say hand on heart that I have never had a 5 knuckle shuffle over this vacuous tart. Even back in 1998 when she was half decent. She just never appealed to me.

    I always got the impression she was what everyone thought young lads were supposed to like.

    • I agree Harold. She was known as ‘Jordan’ back then and was the archetypal footballer’s bean bag. Never found her appealing and I still don’t. nd she is now worse than ever. The last person I saw wearing that much make up was Niki Lauda

  12. The look on that poor dogs face. For the love of God, please get me out of here.
    Im waiting with baited breath for Harvey the halfwit homunculus to have a cat 5 chimpout and pez the plastic slattern. Only a matter of time.
    Paranoid porcine primate pezzes price.

  13. What an absolute waste of skin this trollop is. I’ve had dogs all my life and touch wood, no “accidental” deaths as yet. Why have my (and the majority of responsible dog owners) hounds survived? It’s called care and responsibility, something that comes with being an adult. This dullard is of course not an adult. How many failed marriages? Bankruptcies?

    Don’t forget, this is the woman who puts her disabled son on stage like a zoo animal for cash…the son who ended up being disabled in the first place because this genius took a ton of class A while pregnant.

    Quick personal account of the harridan; while having a meal in a restaurant in Kent, it turns up with the latest brain dead and tanned boyfriend and son in tow. As well as being rude towards staff and speaking loud enough for all to hear, she allowed her son to run about like a 25 stone toddler. He was constantly running up to people’s tables shouting “food food”, punching walls and throwing himself about in the manner of a two year old in a supermarket who’s been told he can’t have sweets. She didn’t once try to control him. Nor did she care one toss about spoiling everyone else’s expensive night out. How her screaming and frankly dangerous imbecile hasn’t been taken off her is beyond my understanding.

    Bullet in her head, mongo in a secure mental institution as a public safety measure. In an ideal world, he should have been drowned in a bucket at birth and she sterilised, but one can’t have it all.

    • Interesting H , reckon a couple of red bulls and a few pints of wife beater and Harvey would be a great mate to get pissed with.

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