Driving on the right (wrong)

Well, I’m not sure it’s been done or not, nor whether people give a fuck, but I am fucked off to the point of utter cuntinism. Cunstipated bints and Fultarded know-all yanks who reckon any Bri’ish are retarded for driving on the left.

Well next time you argue with the cunts, here’s a few broadsides you can hit the ignorant cunts with, first and foremost they are so disillusioned with their brilliance of driving on the wrong side of the road they forget simple Math’S’.

India, almost 1 fifth of the worlds population drive on the Left
Pakistan, Japan again huge fucking populations relatively speaking. That’s 3 countries of the 50+ that do the same.

However, do you think I wind my fucking neck in after that? Do I fuck!

Oh and out of interest smooth brained room temperature IQ’d ignoramus what side do ships drive?

‘Ships don’t have a side’ is the smug response, to which I gag and choke and blurt back, they’ve had a side 20x older than your fucking country cunt brain.

Starboard is Starboard and Port is Port. Ships drive on the fucking left like Airplanes do.

‘Airplanes have Port and Starboard to you cunt for fuck sake, are you really that retarded?’.

And so it goes on, but the best look is the look that is given when you explain the reason for driving on the wrong side is because of an oily frog who got beat twice, his cock cut off and kept in a jar at a museum. They look at you blank so i respond you know when you banged on about freedom fries etc etc. They responded ‘Yes’, well you drive on the right because of the fucking French. You then forced the Japs to drive on the right during your occupation of them; because you cant fucking drive. The japs in 1978 said get fucked and changed it back.

Your road signs are adopted by you and you alone, the British went round the world because it was so good.

To add insult to injury I explained not a single one of your fucking sports is in the top ten, yet we have to suffer them in the olympics and now breakdancing. It’s not soccer it’s fucking football as the 8150 million people in the world call it.

Fuck the cunts and their ignorance,


Nominated by getfuckedwokecunts Link by C.A. Please add a link in future save me doing it, a cunting backed up with evidence is a better cunting. C.A.

59 thoughts on “Driving on the right (wrong)

  1. You hamshankland fucked up our language, now you’re telling us to drive on the wrong side of the road, when you septic tanks don’t know what a ground floor is ? I only hope you leap out of the first.

    • You’re still using gotten, which we stopped centuries ago. Do your woke tarts wear knickers by the way ?

  2. Burmese dictator and mental General Ne Win switched from driving on the left to driving on the right hand side after consulting his astrologer who said it would bring good luck. He didn’t foresee that most cars still remain right hand drive which might explain its deadly roads.

    • It also means that bus passengers in buses which are still left handers, get off the bus into the flow of traffic instead of on the pavement side. Very dangerous.

      Stupid cunts.

  3. Apparently 76 countries drive on the left, inc. Oz, NZ, Sith Ifrika, Zimbabwe, in addition to those named above. Never realised that it was so many.

    Good morning all.

      • Much like hygiene and not shagging your close relatives and giving birth to inbred monstrosities.

      • Got a friend who’s a regular visitor to India. He reckons that it’s every man for himself on Indian roads.

  4. Add to the countries that drive on the left (correct) side of the road – Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Indonesia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Cyprus. There are many more.

    Mostly, countries that drive on the left do so because of previous British control or influence.

    The history is rather interesting. Roman chariot riders would stick to the left-hand side of the road so they could keep their right arm free to draw their weapon and defend themselves from enemy attacks. Later, when horse-drawn carriages became popular, the driver would sit to the right so his hand was free to whip the horses. So the precedent was well established when traffic congestion became a problem in 18th-century London, a law was passed to make traffic on London Bridge keep left to reduce collisions. Left-hand driving became mandatory in Britain in 1835 and was adopted throughout the British Empire.

    Countries which drive on the other side are just plain wrong. How can you whip an Eco loon, for which the majority of us need our right hands to land a devastating blow, if your left hand is otherwise occupied? Those Romans were very foresighted.

    • Well said sir.

      If the Elites and Eco Warriors succeed in banning travel by car then I hope the chariot makes a comeback.

      Twatting undesirable passersby with a whip,or indeed cricket bat,might bring a semblance of order back to our roads.

      Jolly nice.

      • Absolutely Unk; and get some of those killer blades on the side like Stephen Boyd’s rig in ‘Ben-Hur’ to take out cunting cyclists like Vine.

    • Exactly, MMCM, the whole world drive on the left (correctly) before Napoleon changed it all. It’s the natural way to pass.

    • When you come across an eco loon you stop the vehicle, get out and throttle the cunt. Both hands required.

  5. Smug prick and Sarah Jessica Parker jizz provider Matthew Broderick once killed 2 women whilst driving on the wrong side of the road in Northern Ireland in 1987.
    An unfortunate fact that he’s tried to keep hidden.

  6. Great Britain drives on the left along with India.
    However I think that it’s safer to say that in India they drive wherever a fucking gap is.

    The standard of driving from both those countries is appalling.
    I don’t know about the other 13 countries that drive on the left, perhaps they are just as bad, but the British drive around expecting for everyone to follow the rules of the road to the letter.
    They get very irritated when others don’t.

    For instance, they expect everyone to indicate.
    Fair enough.
    But they will also not realise when someone has not cancelled their indicators.
    They will pull out in front of a car approaching them purely on the basis that the car was indicating to turn.

    Driving on the right in a country that has very few left turns is much safer.
    To take a left turn in my country there will invariably be a dedicated slip road.
    If not you will need to drive to the next roundabout and approach your turning from the opposite direction.

    More time consuming but much safer.

  7. The whole reason for this was simply to stop highway robbers back in the days of horse and cart as most people are right handed making it easier to draw your sword. Stop trying to change everything that works for us you backwards biden loving fucks.

  8. I fucking hate yanks, the uncultured slop pool of European lazy cunts who fucked off there a few hundred years ago becuase they couldn’t be arsed to work hard in Europe.

    They then behaved worse than we did, and pillaged a whole continent ethnic cleansing Indians. At least we didn’t do that in the Empire, we just made them work for us – we even tried educatign them and teaching them to use a knife and fork.

    They even stold Texas off the spics beucase they knew of the wealth that was there, yet the cunts claim they have never been colonial masters.

    I thought our politics were fucked but when you look at trump and sleepy joe makes you wonder!

    • Good afternoon CM…I agree with you entirely. I was in Venice 15-odd years ago in a beautiful little plaza, having lunch with the ghastly Mrs Cunt Engine and two fat Americans hoved into view around the corner, bemoaning the fact that they couldn’t find a McDonalds and the menus were hard to understand.
      I could’ve happily gunned them down.
      That said, alot of America is stunning, geographically. Shame it has these sort of obese fucktards in it.

      • Totally agree. I’ve been to New York, which was OK – full of I’m special types, bit like Londonistan where I live.

        Florida was full of friendly fat cunts who looked like beached Whales. Vegas was full of stripper type slags who looks like they’d give you best fuck of your life but rinse your bank account.

        San Fran was uber cool – I’d like to live there but too many vegan, soy latte, frappe, meat free cunty tree huggers.

        I’d go for a state where I can legally get stoned all day. My kinda place – but too many guns, way too many..!

    • Now I understand why Plastic-Bumley was born in India… to teach table manners to the locals.

  9. The Americans can be very inward looking in some areas. Their cellphone network uses a different system from the rest of the world, thus the existence of dual standard phones. I read somewhere that 80% of Americans have never held a passport. Their command of the language is dire, adjectives used as adverbs, split infinitives, abstract nouns used as transitive verbs and their spelling is comical. Driving on the wrong side of the road, the subject of this nom, is only the half of it. When I worked on site at BP in Sunbury for a while, I was required to do a safe driving course. BP in their wisdom had simply bought in an American CBT course. One strange thing that stood out was the manoeuvre for changing lane. The instruction was in the order of; signal, mirror, manoeuvre. WTF? Mind I’m told Americans don’t change lane so less important I suppose. Just as well since they flash the brake lights on and off for indicators. Our younger had a conversation with an American woman who was in a panic because a roundabout had been installed at a nearby junction and she had never seen one before. Not sure I should have mentioned that actually since most British drivers don’t know how to use a roundabout.

    If it sounds like I hate the Americans let me state that is not the case. They can be exasparating but so can my kids. But for the Americans in WW2 there is no question that the Russians would have rolled right across Western Europe to the sea. Ukraine is the proof. Subsequently, but for Marshall aid Western Europe would now have third world status.

    • I’m beginning to think that this country might be a little better off if we’d lost WW2, arfur.
      We might not have rested on our laurels 30/40/50 years ago and subsequently not been overrun by sponging darkıes.

      • The colour of people’s skin isn’t really that relevant. It’s the lack of loyalty the young now show for the elderly and generally most black kids are little gangster wannabes as gives the genuine ones a bad name. Most crime is black on black, yet bang on about black lives matter whilst stabbing each other and shooting people in the skull. Islam is the real issue, they want to impose their fucking religion on us mosques popping up everywhere. Get to fuck.

      • Well, I’m all for equality.
        I dislike poor, thick white council scum just as much as gọllies, pakıs and tıddly-winks.

  10. And another thing, now we are, at least nominally, out of the EU, could we please put the indicator stalk back on the correct side? Moving it to the wrong side was as stupid as installing touch screens in cars.

    • If I’m not allowed to watch beastiality on my phone whilst driving, how come I’m allowed (neigh, encouraged?) to watch it on my car’s in-car entertainment screen?

      • Let me pass on a little anecdote here Tom.

        In the eighties my company employed a field engineer who cvered mainly South London. This clown had a 12V caravan type television which he put in the passenger footwell and watched TV as he was driving around. Being mostly line-of-sight to the 1MW transmitter at Crystal Palace it worked well. One night coppers driving in the opposite direction saw the blue glow on his face from the CRT display and pulled him over. He threw a blanket over the tele but when the copper lifted it up the tele was hot.They seized the tele and the fine was eye-watering.

    • YES, i was going to cunt this, it boils my piss the indicators are on the wrong side

    • Hear hear! With the stalk on the RHS and auto transmission, it frees up the right hand to hold an ice cold bottle of beer.

  11. Good nomination, but if the author is so patriotic, pethaps he/she could attempt to spell aeroplane correctly, and not the weak, Yank way.

  12. It the fucking French!! After the revolution they decided to change everything, left to right roads 10 month year……..cunts.

  13. I couldn’t give a fuck what side of the road some foreigners drive on,
    Fuck em.

    We in the UK set the format, it works perfectly well,
    Other lesser countries took note and copied us.
    Quite rightly.

    If some Billy Bob banjo strummer wants to do things differently?

    Doesn’t effect me.

  14. Ps
    We basically mean the filthy greasy french and the Americans here don’t we?

    It doesn’t matter what side of the road you drive a rusting Citroen C4 round Paris.
    If involved in a accident your looking at £20 worth of damage max.

    As for the Americans,
    If Dwight j Squarehead wants to drive his monster truck on the wrong side of the road or is being chased by Jackie Gleason in a police car,
    Crack on.
    They have enough problems without having to adapt to changing how they drive.

    Your average JimBob B Possum has to concentrate to multitask chewing gum and driving a automatic with his car full of semi automatic rifles.

    • PPS
      If this sounds like I hate Americans,.
      Well I don’t care.

      I’ve had my fun.?

  15. Most cunts I encounter drive in the middle if the road has no markings.

    Mainly twats who think their cars are 18 foot wide. It’s a fiesta not a bus..

  16. I think the Irish wanted to change to driving on the right, and thought they’d do it in stages, starting with buses first.

  17. Look, it’s really very simple. The right side is the wrong side and the left side is the right side. But tell that to a Frog or a Kraut and he won’t understand.
    Johnny Foreigner’s not very bright, is he?

  18. Singing rule Britannia,
    Britannia rules the roads…

    Aside from giving you Pommies a chance to vent your collective spleens, an utterly pointless nomination.

  19. Driving on the right in English market towns at twilight isnt a good idea.

    A gent of west asian appearance deside to drive toward me on my side of the traffic island and swerved onto the correct side about ten yards ahead.

  20. In the sixties Sweden changed from driving on the left to driving on the right. Some Brits including a few politicians suggested in all seriousness that so should the UK. Apart from the cost financially it would have resulted in utter carnage on the roads.

    Although in 1971 we did scrap the coinage and go in for this new-fangled decimal stuff. For anyone not aware all the new coins are plated steel washers now. You can pick them up with a magnet.

    • And the banknotes are now made of plastic.
      Fucking swizz!
      On the plus side they also include 0.05% animal fat, just to annoy the vegans, lol.

      • I hate the new banknotes, slippery as fuck and you can’t fold the bastards.

  21. The USA?

    What is that? As a pure blood Englishman, I have never recognised the colonies as independent nation states.

    Americashire or the United Colonies are acceptable terms in my house.

  22. Try jousting on the right hand side – doesn’t work as the majority of people are right handed, hence the need to ride on the left…..

  23. In the thirteenth century there was a knight who would ride his horse at full speed and attempt to jump over as many as six horse carts and land safely.
    Medieval Knievel….

  24. Ships drive on the right. Port to port or left hand side to lefthand side is how they pass. Stay to the right of the channel, its opposite to driving on the road in Britain.

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