A minute’s silence

Today, (June 8) I read about the Syrian ‘refugee’ who decided to stab babies and toddlers in their pushchairs on a kids’ playground in France.

Within an hour or two, French politicians, who mostly seem to have facilitated such attacks with their insane policies, held a minute’s silence.

With the exception of a few of those ‘evil right wingers’ like Le Pen, these fuckers have some gall. And yes, our lot would do the same.

It’s not your silence we want. We want your fucking rage and to sort this fucking mess out.

But no, let’s put on our sad faces and sing ‘Don’t look back in anger’, before initiating more policies which produce similar results.

We are led by weasels and cunts.

Sky news

Nominated by Cuntybollocks.

66 thoughts on “A minute’s silence

  1. At least the French media reported that he’s a Syrian asylum seeker. If it had happened here the MSM would have said ”the suspect is a man….’

    • His new home and dental plan now await
      Close to city and transport in uk.

    • But they (French Media) added he was a failed Syrian Christian asylum seeker. Would they have said the same if he was a failed Mud-Slime?

  2. The cowardly despicable cunt was shot in the legs.
    Some French footballer was a witness to it,
    He said to the police

    ” shoot him!
    He’s stabbing everyone, go on ,
    Shoot him
    Kill him!”

    The only one thinking clearly.

    Why he had to tell them, god knows?!

    • Probably the best shot a Frenchie can deliver considering the usual option of dropping the rifle

  3. Disgusting ? beyond measure both the evil cunt and the politicians that have brought about the onset of the destruction of western civilisation.

  4. ‘It’s not your silence we want. We want your fucking rage to and to sort this fucking mess out’.
    The most eloquent assessment of the situation I’ve ever read.

  5. ‘It’s not your silence we want. We want your fucking rage to and to sort this fucking mess out’.
    The most eloquent assessment of the situation I’ve ever read.

  6. It would be great it this dreadful event became a George Floyd moment but I doubt it.

  7. There’s nothing more nauseating than politicians pretending they give a flying fuck. You see it every November when they’re standing at the Cenotaph with the most expensive wreath they can find (claimed on expenses natch) with that wind swept serious look on their bastard faces. You know they can’t wait to get in the back of the limo and warm their frozen little tootsies up. Bunch of fucking traitorous cunts.

  8. They import evil and act surprised when it destroys everything.

    Turn a country into a slum,commit the most atrocious crimes yet be welcomed in ever increasing numbers across the West.

    It isn’t a replacement,it’s merely a lack of will to act..when your own Prime Minister pretends that the hordes crossing into the country simply can’t be stopped without a complicated legal pantomime then you know he’s a useless coward.

    The French should have hung this Syrian pig from the nearest tree.

    They require nothing but summary justice.


  9. The Suntan Kid says “I have been in touch with President Macron and we are standing by to give any help we can.”
    What you gonna do richboy?……bung him some compo for not taking the murdering bastard off their hands?
    You fucking curry breath cunt!

    • I’d like to see what is said ( and happens ) if a sprog of Sunak gets stiffed by an immo, while his buddy rapes and eviscerates Mrs Sunak. A minutes silence perhaps ?

    • I’m not shocked, this is what I expect from the 3rd world scum. Wait until they start murdering the left wing and the elite in this country. Listen to the protesting then, they’ll expect the ‘far right’, that is us, to protect them. I will take great pleasure in telling them to fuck off.

    • He was GIVEN asylum in Sweden! And he’s ended up in France. Does his Swedish asylum still count in France or does he have to re-claim? I haven’t a clue, but I know the West is fucked.

  10. It doesn’t matter if they’d shot this kid-stabber through the heart, there’s an endless supply of these religious lunatics entering Europe with mainly the same destination. We’ll be having useless one minute’s silence every minute.

    • Just don’t let the filthy cunts into Europe/the UK in the first place. Then there’s no need to spend money through the courts, and no dead citizens.
      All they need to do is get the RN to sink a couple of dinghies, and the flood will stop.
      Fuck what the rest of the world thinks- this is survival.

      • …and here’s the kicker…not one of those supposedly ‘great’ actors could fucking deliver that oration!!! All of them portrayed resignation, defeat and ignomy when it should have been a table thumping, spittle flying harangue. Where’s Brian Blessed when y’ need him?

  11. Should of shoot the cunt in the stomach and left him to bled out in agony.

    Once dead feed to pigs..

    • Then to put others off becoming martyrs, gather up his family, kids an all and bury them alive and fill the hole with pig spunk.

      • I’d like to see what is said ( and happens ) if a sprog of Sunak gets stiffed by an immo, while his buddy rapes and eviscerates Mrs Sunak. A minutes silence perhaps ? !

    • Gary could have invited Shearer, Wrighty and James O’Brien around to his gaff for cocktails then they could have all played a game of hide and seek with the poor vulnerable refugee with no voice.

  12. We should do an idi amin, give them 90 days to get the fuck out of the UK, if they decide to stay then its internment and then oven

  13. How many times has this happened now? As evil as it sounds, the spineless traitors who are in charge need one of these pieces of human effluent to hurt them or their loved ones in order to wake up, but of course it’ll never happen. They live far from where the problems are and have the best security money can buy.

    We are still in the majority in Europe despite what’s happened to our cities. There will be a time when we take matters into our own hands and when we do, there will be plenty of politicians that will be charged with treason. Let’s hope they get as much mercy as those poor babies did and swing from a few lampposts.

    • Y’ got me thinking Horace… I’ve got a fuck load of old bass guitar strings in the gig bag… strong… supple… re-usable… shame to waste… knew there was a reason I never binned ’em.

      • And I’ve got a bit of land surrounded by big trees, some with sturdy branches. A joint venture mayhap?

  14. Some moron on Sky News was saying that asylum seekers who commit these atrocities are the “tools of the far right”.

    Is there no depth to which Sky News will sink? This will be the attitude of most liberals today. An insane ideology trumps pragmatism again. We simply cannot continue importing people en masse without basic checks of who they are. Western governments have failed in their most basic duty – to protect the borders and their populations because they think to do so is racist. The result is innocent children, including a baby, being knifed by a lunatic.

      • And our town is on about opening an asylum seeker centre.

        Can’t wait to pop out for a pint and run the risk of getting stabbed by a Sandy type.

        Diversity is our strength, etc etc.

  15. it’s all going to be all right. People on social media have changed their profile pics to a french tricolor and posted memes about love and tolerance. Love, Paul McCartney and a lighter is all we need.
    Some have even dug small holes in the bulk bag of sand on the drive and inserted their fucking heads.

    It’ll be all alright *fumbles car keys and plane tickets to Japan*

    • Eastern Europe, Cuntamus. Even Eastern Europe in the European Union has little-to-no swarthy types.

      Example: I recall being in Lithuania in 2015 when Sturmbannführer Merkel opened the floodgates.

      A handful of dark types came in, and promptly fucked off elsewhere in the EU when the Lithuanian government housed them in the arse of Vilnius and refused to give them little more than the bare minimum.

      Winding back the clock a bit more to 2010 whilst working in St. Petersburg – the Russian one, not the Floridian one – I saw two or three all year.

      Both fucking awesome cities!

  16. Why is anyone surprised by this appalling act of Muslim terrorism. If western politians welcome this third world shite into our civilised society’s don’t be surprised when the cunts turn on you.

    They despise everything about us and only want to destroy and replace us.

    I wonder if any lineker type cunt will be taking a knee for these victims …

    I doubt it….☠️

    • When the time comes to take it back, there should be a database on whites who took the knee and/or wore a BLM T-shirt. Arrest them for treason and hang them.

    • “… by this appalling act of Muslim terrorism….”

      I believe he was a Syrian christian not muslim both of which are derivations of judaism anyway but bollocks to the fineries of it and the difference (if any) it makes. He comes from a culture that has been systematically brutalised, where life is cheap and whose status is ‘pending’; yeah it’s shit to be him, apparently he has a child of his own according to the meedja so fuck knows what courses through the minds of such people that they could plunge a blade into an infant on account of being refused a piece of paper.

  17. I think this should be seen as a warning to the good people of the aisle of Portland, in sleepy Dorset who are about to get the first of what will no doubt turn into a fleet of accommodation barges in the old naval base. 500 fighting age men who haven’t been laid in months if not years descending on a small town. Watch the sex crime statistics sky rocket, along with violent assault and murder!

    • Fumigate the ships at about 4 in the morning, the traditional old way. Rinse and repeat.
      Or feed them to polars, but I think they can be fussy eaters…

    • “…Portland, in sleepy Dorset who are about to get the first of what will no doubt turn into a fleet of accommodation barges in the old naval base….”

      Believe it, they’ll be mooring them abreast like a fucking Mulberry harbour!
      Did my initial sail training in Weymouth out of a facility above The Old Harbour dive centre and spent 8 very pleasant months in one of the backstreet cottages behind the harbour, running my greyhound up the beach, great pubs, excellent chippy, fantastic people (Weymouth lasses have a definite similarity about them, I’ll say no more..??) and the thought of 500/1000/1,500/3,000 of these rapey goat shaggers being decanted into Weymouth makes my skin crawl.

      These barges? … what if their moorings were to fail somehow?… would they by sufficiently seaworthy to survive a trip through Portland Race on an ebbing spring tide? What’s left gets swept out into the Atlantic… could ‘appen.

    • Safety is precisely why I’m massively concerned about the “refugee centre” opening in our sleepy – and rather nice – little backwater.

      I am genuinely concerned for the safety of my female friends going forward. Then there’s the fact that diversity tends to turn wherever it’s imported to into a right khazi.

      A friend called me “racist” yesterday for signing the petition against said centre. Oh well.

  18. France has it worse than us. Since the Charlie Hebdo attack in 2015 more than 250 French people had been slaughtered by these cunts – shot, stabbed, beheaded, run over by lorries. They’re being picked off a few at a time, and there are more and more potential murderers entering the country every day.
    Vive la France, baisez-vous l’Islam.

    • Indeed Geordie.

      France is fucked.

      The French will protest every week (for years) over pensions and whatever yet they’ll seemingly treat murdering terrorist foreign cunts with the lighting of a candle, a prayer and then repeatedly vote for cunts like Macron.


  19. No need to be so hard on the poor camel shagger. He’s got a touch of the mental elf. It’s very popular these days.

  20. I digress, but still on a murdering scheme. David Moyes left Everton to die, all for the love of a tuppence ha’penny cup.

    • Morning RK…what with all the thousands of darkıe “guests” languishing in English hotels, I’m very surprised that there hasn’t been an incident (of foreigners murdering honkies) recently.
      Alas, we’re probably overdue for one…

      • And when it does inevitably happen it’ll just be a man with mental health issues.

        Sales of candles and Oasis singles will see an increase though so every cloud and all that.

        Morning Thomas

      • Not to mention the usual SWP type rabble out with their ‘Refugees Welcome’ placards. We have our own enemy within to contend with as well.

        Morning you chaps.

  21. This tragedy brings into stark relief why the EU is such a bad concept. This lunatic had his visa application rejected by the French government only to have it granted by the woke Swedish government. That meant he was free to travel and settle anywhere in the EU, including the country which had rejected his application.

  22. This cunt has been reported as having refugee status in Sweden with Swedish wife and kid and now just flashing across the screen he had been refused asylum days before the attack.

    It matters not, none of these cunts from anywhere in the Middle East should be in Europe and definitely not the UK, they are all cunts, the evidence is clear, they can’t even get along with each other in the shithole countries they come from so why the fuck does anyone think they will be any different in Europe.

    Diversity is our Strength is as ludicrous as ‘a woman can have a penis’ but it seems that some of our politicians think they can so what fucking chance do we have.

    All that will happen is ….. nothing, and this sort of atrocity will just keep on repeating, France has a powerful far right along with Italy and they aren’t stopping these cunts so what chance do we have with just Tommy R.

  23. Mass migration and immigration into Europe from Africa and the Middle East has fucked us over good and proper.

    I shudder to imagine what the place is going to look like 50 to 75 years from now.

    • With any luck AI will have become ‘self aware’ and concluded that the human race is no longer required.

      Uzi 9mm

      I’ll be back, hasta la vista baby

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