Stupid bus drivers are cunts

Seriously, what kind of daft twat drives a double decker bus under a low bridge in broad daylight and rips the roof off the bus? Well. some tosspot in Glasgow has done it and injured a few people with it.

I remember seeing something like this on an episode of On The Buses, but it happening in real life is just fucking ridiculous.

Urrrgh! I ‘ate you, Butler!

Bbc news

Nominated by Norman.

47 thoughts on “Stupid bus drivers are cunts

  1. That takes a special talent!
    I recall that a dustcart driver, also in Glasgow ,killed 4 people a few years back due to a medical condition of some sort which he allegedly failed to declare when renewing his licence. One look at the ruddy faced overweight chap should have been sufficient to his superiors to get him checked over.

  2. Out of interest. what skin hue category does the driver of this particular bus fit into? It could explain alot. As may his religious denomination.

    • London bus drivers used to be great. They’re now cunts as mostly joe dakis who can’t drive. Apparently, Suckdick Khunt’s dad was one, but I’m nit sure as he never says anything about it.

      • Khunt’s dad was a bus driver m’lud?

        Fuck me, you learn something new every day!

      • Yes he was. Used to pick up all the dinghy brothers at Kent and drive them straight to their new homes in Londonistan.

    • … it. My small town only use single deckers. Ironically they don’t go under any bridges. You have to laugh.

  3. There really is one born every minute.

    ‘Glasgow Bus Driver of the Year’; no contest.

    Morning all.

  4. No doubt there will be five thousand persons claiming to have been on board in order to claim some compo..

      • Is it just me or is anyone else irritated by this use of kiddie language by the medics and the BBC, in order to be inclusive no doubt? “To poo” indeed! Following a medical procedure I was questioned by an earnest young woman at the hospital about my experience of the treatment. One question was; “Did I feel blue?” I tried to look anxious and asked her; “Why? What colour should I be?” She didn’t smile. She abandoned the inquisition to my regret, because I discovered there was a question further on about erections. I could have had some fun with that one.

      • “….These include extremely heavy and painful periods, a bloated tummy and pain during sex or when going to the toilet to poo”

        Tummy and poo. Who wrote this a seven year old FFS! ?

    • That of course was actually going on in London. The police became suspicious when they discovered that all those claiming compensation were close relatives of the driver. True story as told to me by a Met copper.

      • It could also have been a close relative of the official driver, driving the bus !

  5. Come on somebody. Alright I’ll say it. It was a bridge too far. Satisfied.

  6. Over 40 year’s ago I decided that I wanted to do something different.
    Get a different job.

    I applied to be a bus driver.

    I went along to the depot on the Seven Sisters Road where I was interviewed.
    I then had to go out with one of the managers for a short test of my driving.

    No problem.
    I already had a class one HGV licence.

    There was another candidate.
    He was a Pakistani.
    The three of us got into a car.
    The Pakistani drove first.

    It was the most dangerous journey that I had ever been on.
    The guy was all over the road.
    The manager who was testing us had to tell him when to change gear, he had to grab the steering wheel on several occasions.
    He even needed to yank the handbrake up to stop the Pakistani from hitting another car.

    Then it was my turn.

    When we got back to the depot and into the office I was amazed that the Pakistani was offered a job.

    The manager turned to me and said, “I really don’t have to tell you how you got on”.

    I said something like, “So when do I start?”.

    He said that they would not be offering me a job.
    Allegedly, on one stretch of road I had broken the speed limit.
    I was driving at nearly 35 miles per hour!

    I told him what a cunt he was.

  7. I thought all buses followed exactly the same route so how did this silly cunt manage to get the top of his bus chopped off.

    Maybe he thought he was James Bond in Live and Let die.

    • The local council has probably closed off his usual route for emergency repairs lasting 52 weeks.

  8. This does not surprise me.

    I know a number of our local bus drivers who work for one of the companies owned by Scotland’s answer to Python’s Piranha brothers.

    One of them had the misfortune to have to go work out of a Glasgow garage for a week, the inspector warned him ‘you’ll be the only native driver there, and the other cunts canna speak nor unnerstaun english let alone read it, you’ll be gettin landed wi the longer routes they cannae dae’

    He said the canteen was like – africunt table, different africunts table, various other tables populated by eastern europeans. all neatly Balkanised, and no english being spoken.

    So chances are the cunt couldn’t read the signs. Mind you, there is the other option…many of the drivers smoke skunk these days (one local driver was so bad that the other drivers started referring to any service he drove as ‘The Marrakesh Express’.).

    • Talking about Daki’s – Suella Braverman has royally fucked up (another minority in our government who thinks she’s a bit special and does what she likes).

      I’d sack her and send her to the local curry house to be the poppadum chef.

      • How about her doing 12-hours shifts making clothes for Boohoo in a Leicester sweatshop for a fiver a week?

      • I think she will get away with it.

        Daki Rishi will look after daki Suella.

  9. This happened in Crystal Palace a few years ago. I doubt if it was Suckdick’s dad……he’s probably been living in the lap of luxury for years.

  10. Unless he was trying to recreate Roger Moore driving that bus in Live and Let Die.

  11. I hope it’s not the same 60 yr old Keith who did the same thing two years ago.
    He told the court: “I thought I was driving a single decker.

  12. He’ll of been drunk.

    Bridges have height plates on them.
    My van 10ft 4in ,
    Plates let me know if I can get under or not.

    This bus wanker probably just can’t hold his drink.

  13. Everything going wrong in Jockland, must be bad ju ju.
    Spirits didn’t like the muzzo leader wearing a kilt.
    And he looked a total cunt.

  14. Are we sure it wasn’t a graduate of a Khan Senior School for Bus Driving?

  15. Get a job on the buses for 27k per year, as advertised. I don’t understand how a bus route makes 27k per year. It’s full of mongs and sweaty cunts. They must have to trade in the stolen lamps from a grannies abode and trade it in to cex to afford the fair. I’d rather ride to work with Jeremy Vine by my side.

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