want their genitals null and void as it were. They want ‘nul point’ for their ‘wedding tackle’. For it is mostly men.
They want it all removed and for their groin area to be ‘smooth’.
The ‘Nullo’ movement started in Japan. The leader in Japan served his penis and testicles at a dinner.
As you do.
So it must be a desire to be a eunuch then. Mmm…
I bet it is an aesthetic thing with them. The penis and testicles aren’t very pretty to look at no doubt.
It will be that. And a kind of Puritism the Japanese have – to be free of sexual desire.
Ken the boyfriend of Barbie comes to mind, naked. Thats what they want- a smooth plastic look all the way round.
Daily Fail
Nominated by Miles Plastic.
I buck the trend by having incredibly attractive genitals.
It’d be a crime against art
The death of beauty
To sever my winky and Jacobs.
Like a toned pumped athlete crowned in a crimson motorcycle helmet,
He stands proudly above two perfectly formed eggs of love,
Nestled in a luxurious brown pelt not unlike bearskin.
My genitals are my most fetching feature.
And I show them off shamelessly to passersby.
Besides, Japs have the genitals of a 3month old baby!
Wouldn’t take much to uproot a Japs winky.
It’d probably come dislodged with a flick from a cocktail stick.
They don’t get pubes till in they hit their 40s.
No wonder two lads i know moved there. One said Jap girls are easy if you’re a big nosed white man.
And they are cheap to buy drinks for as they cant hold their booze.
The Incels should take heart; go to Japan and stop worrying.
I’d heard that your genitals were like a baby bird’s beak sitting over two watch batteries, MNC…
Kinda like Keith Chegwin’s little button mushroom on ‘Naked Jungle’…?
Jealous slander Thomas.
Started no doubt by the Japs.
They have self esteem issues.
Why they bombed Pearl Harbour!
There’s not a man alive in the whole of Japistan that can equal me in the underpants department.
I’ll drop my strides in contest with any bucktooth, squinting little yellow Mr Miyagi,
He’d pull out his little timid toffee hammer.
I’d unravel my mighty Mjolnir,
Hammer of the gods.
And smite him mightily crushing his little yellow skull
Morning Mis.
Hadn’t seen Mjolnir in a while, was wondering where I’d left it.
Morning Allfather!
I’m taking good care of it,
Nestled snuggly my Matalan Yfronts.?
“Served with a button mushroom garnish”
Nope that was it.
Eat anything Asians, dogs , cats, one eyed worms..
Fucking hell, there’s some dirty weird bastards in Japan. No doubt, through the power of soshul meeja, it will soon arrive over here. We’ve got plenty of dirty cunts desperate for attention. Well, at least they can’t reproduce and they can’t fuck children so that’s something I suppose.
A Nation of people who eat Goldfish Freddie! Now that is very weird.
In Japan, weird bastards. In the UK, Liberal Democrats.
It’s well known that Japanese men have micro penis’s.
Unlike myself hung like a donkey . I could get it out on the streets of Tokyo and let them kneel before me and pay homage, all chanting “ we are not worthy “
Morning FF. I like to inform people that I have “an enormous one” stashed in my underwear.
When they scoff or chide me, I inform them that I was actually referring to my bumhole.
Morning Thomas,
As Japs have incredibly small willies they could probably get it removed in out patients . A two minute procedure, bit like squeezing a zit and it’s gone.
They’d panic in downtown Tokyo they seen mine!
“Rook out! Godzilla!!
Lun for your rives!!”
Queen Godzilla will not be happy with the reference!
Morning Fenton. a Bit like this?
Is this for real? Ive never heard of that. The only time I’ve seen a knob served at dinner, it was a knob of butter on my new potatoes! Mind you, I wouldn’t put it past those sick fuckers on Bush Tucker Trials to serve someones knackers up for a nibble or two.
It’s in the Daily Mail so it’s probably bollocks
No no Google it. Lots of links.
It is growing (if that’s the right word)
It’s been nominated once before.
The cult leader serving up his severed cock at a feast.
Japs are weird as fuck.?
Morning Miserable.
They look like the naturists you used to see in the Health and efficiency mags , all air brushed out. My Dad had a stash under his bed. The stronger stuff like Color Climax and New Cunts were kept under lock and key
Morning Fenton!?
Very strange eh?
I’m deeply suspicious of Japs.
They’re totally alien culturally.
And sexually odd.
I wouldn’t allow on in a place of business,
And if they asked for something,
Say a fork or scissors I’d ask them pointedly
What are you going to do with it?
Not shoving it up your arse are you?”
The entire Empire of the sun should be on the sex offenders register.
As well as the western ‘weebs’ who worship it.
‘Thats what they want- a smooth plastic look all the way round’
Like a dummy.
A manikin.
That recent court case about online amputations is linked with this ‘moverment’.
Maybe a desire for infancy.
Morning Miles, I remember reading about some of these freaks who have their nipples removed and their belly buttons too. Apparently having your belly button surgically removed is genuinely dangerous, as it goes deep into your stomach core.
Morning Mr Cunt- Engine,
It’s morbid definitely.
Who would have thought say just 50 years ago that plastic surgery would take this turn?
I, of course, dont want anything removed. Having a perfect adonis-like body.
I remembered a case in Krautland about 20 years ago so I just looked it up. Some mental case advertised on t’internet for a bloke to volunteer to be killed and eaten and, believe it or not, he got a taker! They started by cutting his dick off and they both tried to eat it. Apparently it was too tough so he tried to fry it, burnt the fucking thing and ended up feeding it to his dog. Then he killed the cunt and started eating him, all this recorded on videotape! So the Japs may be weird cunts but they’ve got a way to go to catch up with The Hun.
Hope the dog was ok.
That’s the cunt. He was twenty years ahead of his time. These days the wokies would be claiming he was discriminated against and some kind of victim. Winalot would be signing him up for adverts.
This procedure is unlikely the be anything significant, given the oriental twig and berries of a full grown man is equivalent to a Caucasian two year old’s equipment in size.
It would be like having a mole removed for the average Joe.
Don’t forget the origin of the Bonsai is oriental – Bonsai genitalia.
Morning PM, I used to work with a bloke who learned Japanese, moved there in the late 90’s, works high up in Honda and shagged loads of Jap pussy.
He was 6’7″, very muscular and shockingly ginger…must’ve looked a sight being a foot and a half taller than the nips!
Good morning Thomas.
I heard it from good authority from an uncle who was stationed in Japan in the 60s, that Jap pussy lips are horizontal as opposed to their vertical western counterparts.
I dislike Japs .
Eunuchs or not.
They’re perverts.
Schoolgirls ,
Sticking little octopus up their bumholes.
And they’re tech mad.
Probably why they are all speccy squinting little runts.
And lethal with a camera!
They’ll take a photo of anything.
A crisp packet
A grid
Passing car.
I don’t trust them.
Sly cunts.
And they have goofy teeth.
One thing in their favour Mis, grooming gangs do not seem to be one of their hobbies.
Their age of consent makes grooming gangs largely redundant.
What a odd choice of menu?!
Japs cock
Or crocodile*
Eeerrr…. Beef please.
* I’ve eaten crocodile.
It was rubbish.
My brother’s eaten alliigator goujons.
His verdict: tough, fishy chicken.
Admin @
Used the p3rv3rt word and got moderated!!
Have you been watching Jap porn this early on a Bank Horriday, MNC?
You pẹrvert!
What with all the hair and orifices you’d have thought the silly cunts would decapitate themselves.
Good luck chopping your cock off then Mr Teriyaki.
Do these freaks lie down across the pan to have a piss ?
They probably piss in a cup and drink it the fucked up cunts.
Japs are freaky little bastards.
The only time in history the stopped sticking octopuses up their arse and sniffing schoolgirls knickers was when the yanks nuked them!
Soon as they stopped glowing in the dark,
They were straight back to it!
Yep. Many of them made a pilgrimmage to the ruins of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the vain hope the radioactive might give them some mutation that gave them tentacles.
I am a terribly, terribly important, but appallingly bad actor, and I am very disappointed that ‘We have (yet again) gone from the rich diversity of the Abbey to a terribly white family of statues’.
That darkıe bitch ought to be immediately deported at the point of an English soldier’s bayonet.
Fucking ungrateful ugly malteser head.
At least hottie Mylene Klass looks horrified at the scumbag filth sitting to her.
*next* to her.
You what? Her family look terribly black. The brainless thick race baiting bitch needs boiling in Domestos.
I nominated that cunt a day or so back.
The Tongan Hawaiian and Maori royal families are Polynesian. The Malaysian and Bruneian royal families are Malay. The Eswati and Zulu royal families, black Africans and likewise for the Thais, Saudis, Japanese etc. Shut up and fuck off dozey moo.
She was in Bridgerton so probably thinks it was historicslly accurate and expected the Royals to be black.
She’s a complete fucking retard.
I hear the Japs aren’t keen on foreigners and have very little immigration so they’ve got some good ideas.
Absolutely no watering down of their traditions, society and race by deliberate and uncontrolled immigration…?
No watering down in the UK, it’s eradication and replacement.
98% Ethnic Japanese, although they face a population collapse due to low birthrates so the immigration rate will need to increase to maintain the economy and infrastructure, although the Japs are looking at solving a lot of these through robotics.
Blighty just gets in criminals and hopes they’ll knuckke down and take a low paid job.
Not working, is it.
If you ever see Japanese animation it nearly always consists of an adolescent girl whimpering and crying because she’s being dominated by grown men . Very weird
The age of consent in japan is 13.
Their legislature is currently considering raising it to 16.
Also, until 2014, it was legal to possess child pornography in Japan.
or demons with tentacles.
I feel a strong inclination to comment, but I genuinely can’t think of anything to say.
Fucking hell. Beyond weird.
Morning all.
Nippon tuck is all a rage then ?
See above comment.
I wish I’d thought of that!
Didn’t want to scroll through, but was there a null and void mentioned ?
Beyond my understanding, like a lot of the shit going on in the world today.
When does self harming stop being a problem and become something to celebrate? Teenage girl cuts her arms and she’s on the verge of being sectioned but she gets a surgeon to cut off her tits and she’s a heroine.
Due to the media I’m led to believe that mutilating children is a good thing as long as the children concerned have expressed a passing interest in changing genders.
Japanese lads having their genitalia removed currently falls somewhere between the two but I’m sure it will be the next big thing……
If they want to lose any sense of masculinity and lose contact with their genitalia why not just get married?
Last paragraph!!! Brilliant….?????
The japs haven’t long banned child pornography, but there is still a huge market, so kids are given puberty blockers to stay looking young so they can do the smut but be of legal age.
All kinds of fucked.
Quite so.
Legal age currently 13.
Soon to be raised to 16.
Child porn banned in 2014.
I recently went on holiday to Spain and saw beastality videos in a Sex Shop (didn’t buy anything I just wanted to see the massive dildos for the misses). Same weird shit in the Netherlands.
When did it become normalised to fuck animals FFS. Some really freaky politicians in power. Wouldn’t be for all the goat shaggers would it?
Bestiality was legal for centuries in the Netherlands, until 2010 when it was banned by it’s pesky EU loving lefty killjoy government. ?
Denmark followed suit five years later. ?
Fuckin’ wokery gone mad, I tell you! ?
Nutjobs.Padded cell.
Told you.
Can’t trust the bucktooth squinting dirty little freaks.
is it a desire to look doll like. It goes back to childhood I believe.
was watching a celebs go dating thing. And nearly all the celebs had ‘turkey teeth’.
So in their twenties they have dentures. Only you cannot take them out.
They gathered together at the end. All showing their brand new teeth from Turkey.
neon bright.
Another celeb said (gong into a party) -.’I’m expecting a lot of silicone’.
see that’s what this generation expects now.
surgical augmentation as common as getting your haircut.
I have tried the smooth look. But strapping my tackle chafes my knees.
I have travelled all over Japan.
They are ( I am not) obsessed with school girl BDSM,watersports,etc
Fascinating country.
Dirty fucking bastards….
I will get my coat
Good morning
There’s us trying to make it law to geld rapists and the Japanese are doing it willy-nilly.
Given the ageing population and lack of sexual activity amongst the youth, this almost makes sense for the Japanese.
Do they then pop the severed genitals in zip lock bags and sell them through vending machines like they do with soiled knickers?
Could they export them to Korea, where anything soft and googly is a menu item?
Hopefully this trend will catch on amongst our woke population, although most of those cunts will never have kids anyway.
My lady calls me Microsoft and it’s not cos I’m good with computers.
A quick scan suggests that cunters are unaware of the er immense appeal of a giant wang in Japan.
The culture isn’t at all puritan, either. The pillow book is an ancient, explicit and well-regarded pornographic artform.