Ms Plus-size Woman

I freely admit to being an ardent admirer of the female form. A beautiful woman is truly a sight to behold. Step forward the likes of Salma Hayak, Charlize Theron and Penélope Cruz, gifts bestowed by a munificent creator to a grateful universe.

It is however also true to state that there can be too much of a good thing. Step forward the unnamed individual whom I’ll refer to as Ms Plus-size, who has revealed herself to the world in all her glory, courtesy of ‘The Sun’.

Ms Plus-size tells us that she loves to show of her ‘curves’ (well that’s one way of putting it) in a tiny bikini, and that it ‘should be illegal to show how cute she looks’.
Personally I’d argue that she should have said ‘it should be illegal’, and finished the sentence there.

So what do others cunters think? Let the IsAC horn section pronounce judgment.

The Sun

Nominated by Ron Knee. Be warned cunters; do not click the link if you have just eaten C.A.

123 thoughts on “Ms Plus-size Woman

  1. One for the horn section. Has no effect on me. But, where women are told they have to have such and such dimensions or else they are not fit for male consumption, I think it’s great that she’s content with herself and not afraid to show her blubber. It shows a healthy mentality. It’s got to be better than developing anorexia.

  2. Thay she blows..
    Orca to the starboard bow.

    That would keep the lamps burning for decades.

  3. “do not click the link if you have just eaten”
    What about if you’ve just eaten…a morbidly obese woman’s stinking, overhanging, hasn’t-seen-daylight-in-a-decade pussy?
    I am Jeremy Corbyn and I claim my 5 rubles.

    • I’d ssy you’re probably a starving hyena and the eating isnt a sex act.

  4. The Sun is bringing back the ‘Page 3 Girl’ with Mrs Plus-size.

    And pages 4 and 5.

  5. Not exactly the voluptuous Rubenesque stature of a Nigella Lawson or a Penny Mordaunt. More an elephantine Lady Nugee.
    ‘Watch the video’ – I think not, I’d rather keep my lunch down.

    • Goddesses both!

      I’ve not been the same since glimpsing the bounteous norks of Penny ‘Britannia’ Mordaunt at the corry. As for Nigella, well only she could read out a receipe and make it sound like pure filth.

      What a strapping couple of babes!

      • I get an erection every time I watch Nigella bake a chocolate cake or what not. The way she licks that spoon after mixing the ingredients just gets me. Mrs Gravy says she’s a slag and I just say I know and that’s what I like about her. Food porn

      • She really does know how to tease a prick LG. Lasciviousness oozes out of her every pore, the hot bitch.

  6. They are not “curves” that’s good old fashioned fucking unsightly flab. Not only that but she’s fucking pig ugly. The Sun shouldn’t be allowed to parade mental cases for the amusement of their readers. Mind you, when they, and all the other media, parade homos pretending to be wimminz then we have to go along with that mental delusion or they call us names. Personally I don’t see the difference between those cunts and this fat sow. All fucking serious head cases. And cunts obviously.

  7. you can tell the person writing that article has lost the will to live. They say any old shit then contradict themselves with the facts.
    ‘many are impressed with a video getting 41,000 views’, but it only has 1700 likes.

    ‘Men’ swooned in the comments.
    One person said this, while another said that.

    Are you sure ‘men’ were leaving these comments, not other Jabba impersonators?None of these comments have been made up, by the hack.

    This is as much a cunting for tabloid bullshitting as it is deluded fat birds.

    • I forgot to mention, it’s. not as if she’s. even pretty. I sense a joke being plsyed on her by tabloid hacks for clicks.

      Given the readership of The Sun i expect a lot of them will flock to comment on her social media accounts to tell her just what they think.

      • Sometimes I swoon when confronted by one of these heffers, but it’s more the sight of flab as well as the sour, sweaty odour of an unchanged, warm tank of turtles.

  8. That isn’t a bikini bottom, it’s two ships hammocks strung together.

    She is body positive, you would have to be with that amount of lard but I don’t think she can claim plus size. Enormous size would be more accurate ?

  9. Deluded buffoon. She has all the looks of a dog turd and the weight of a navy battlegroup

  10. Watching the video (yes I fucking did!) she sounds like a Yank to me. That would make sense…….they have a far greater incidence of mental illness than we do. I mean, just look at their President and Vice President for fucks sake. Not to mention the cunts who voted for them.

    • I’m not sure if I’m offended, insulted or inspired by those remarks.

      • Don’t worry General I’m not saying all your lot are bat shit crazy, not a bit of it.
        After all you’ve got fucking guns and I haven’t.

      • I appreciate that Freddie. There’s bat shit crazy and there’s heads in a duffle bag crazy. But when one is armed, it’s a distinction without a difference.

  11. I am sorry but this is not Ms. Plus-Size, this is Jabba-the Hut size.


    How is she able to correctly wipe her arse of wash her flange flaps.

    How would one stick one’s willy inside something that big without needing a search party?

    How would impregnate such a bast when the jizz would barely touch her thighs…

    Which leads to my final question, how would baby be born for not being suffocated on the way out?

    Answers on a postcard please to

    1 Fat Slag
    Poky Lane

    • If you’re writing outside of the UK please send your responses to:

      XXXL Obese Parkway
      Fat Ass, Alabama USA

      or email to:


      or call:


      Please be advised that our offices are closed every day from 7AM to 9Pm for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

      • Donations of boxed or canned goods as well as perishables* are also accepted.

        *Perishables are consumed immediately so no need to worry about the use by date.

      • She’s probably the only bird in America who Trump hasn’t fucked.

      • Think he has done her already – don’t be ashamed, it’s OK.

        Sharing is caring ???????

      • Any man can do the easy ones. It takes a real one to get this level done. It is a challenge

      • If it takes a real man to shag these beasts, just call me Lady-boy Blaire White.

    • KC

      I usually say I’d shag anything after 7 pints of Guinness but I think I’d need at least 10 before I took that on…

      • The problem is you’d throw it up as soon as you got a whiff of its folds.

        The local supermarket has a couple of obese women on the tills.
        They can barely walk and they fucking reek.

      • Bums the word. Might be easier to get to compared to the front flange – you’d have to bypass the curry rings of sting though.

  12. Off topic but just saw some wine on the internet called Alois Pallagrello Nero Cunto 2018.

    The grapes must be from admin’s personal vinyard.

  13. Mrs Gravy has piled on a few pounds since the Covid thing where she sat on her arse eating chocolate most of the day. I might show her this cunting to be honest

  14. This is part of a pattern we see trying to redefine everything from what it IS NOT to what we are supposed to say that it IS.
    Fat is NOT beautiful and everyone knows it. Starting to feel like an alternate dimension where everything is the opposite of what we know is true. I don’t fit well into such a world.

  15. The Japs would harpoon that in no time.

    Tow it into international waters,it’d be on a plate in Tokyo within the day.

  16. That really is quite horrendous, the folds of fat hanging off it’s arms/leg’s/thigh’s/belly.

    The fucking moron should be ashamed of herself.

    Won’t be so happy when type 1 diabetes is raging full bore and they have to amputate one of those decaying limbs….?

    • Lolz why do they have fat in inverted commas??

      It’s not really up for debate is it

      • Poor Abigail Wilson.

        3 years studying for a BA in Eng. Lit or similiar and she’s churning out shit for the Sun.

  17. This is probably as good of an example of what Tik Tok is used for as anything. In China it is used to promote maths, science and engineering. In the West we get cunts and weirdos like Moby Dick here corrupting our youth.

  18. Back in the 90’s a lorry driving used to bring in mags to work, the favourite was “Voluptuous”, not fat but very curvy.

  19. Her head was definitely on the wrong way round, because her arsehole was pointing straight at me.

  20. Stop clutching your pearls you bunch of fannies.

    I’d rip her keks off.
    Peel her pussy lips apart like opening a cheese toastie,
    And slide in like a knife in butter.

    Once I’d sploshed my muck in her she’d be allowed to treat me at the chippy.

    She’d sigh thoughtfully sat at the bus stop having fallen deeply in love with me.

    Id count the money I took from her handbag content that the suspension on my van was safe.

    • “Treat you at the chippy” once she gets through the door, they will be taking on extra staff to cover the rush..

      She wouldn’t leave you the empty greasy wrappers mis.

    • Don’t be brave, Mis’. You’re like one of those poor farmers trapped in slurry; you’ll be overcome by the fumes before you can escape.

  21. When we werent banned from thinking thoughts, like what a fat cunt, lose some weight……we didnt appear to have this issue with the obesity crisis. In effect fat shaming or whatever bollocks you want to call it, kept a lot of potential fatties in check. Now, however we arent allowed to say hurty words, and we must consider being fat and obese is ‘normal’ and should not be criticised in any way shape or form, then the fatties feel no shame now as they think its normal and are ‘protected’ from the rest of society telling they are fat cunts. It people had more hurty words, then there would be less fatties either by shaming them into not eating as much….or topping themselves. Either way it saves the nhs a fortune.

    • Flabby and moronic? It’s as bad for the gene pool as those inbred kids hatched by speakers of Urdu.

  22. She should be thankful Ivory poaching is illegal. Otherwise someone might shoot her, pull her teeth and turn them into a necklace.

    • Good Lord above!

      I’m guessing they aren’t part of the New Zealand Rugby team.

    • The Advertisers love a big black fat woman at the moment. They seem to be everywhere, like those swarms of 400lb Nomura jellyfish choking up trawler nets and harbours off Japan, Twerking their way into the intake pipes of nuclear powerplants… sorry, the jellyfish, not obese black women.

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