James Corden (13)

Is still a cunt.

The slippery fat bastard has apparently done his last show in the USA. Which means – unfortunately for us – the cunt will be coming back here to annoy the shit out of us.

As expected, his American ‘farewell’ was puke inducing stuff. With talentless pop phag Harry Styles paying a cringewothy arselicking tribute and lucky break chav Adele squawking in one key as usual in that dreadful Carpool shite. Also as expected, Corden did his ‘sincere Cilla’ act. With a ‘I love you all’ message and -you guessed it – turning on the waterworks. Well, we know how much he ‘loves’ people like restaurant and airport staff, don’t we? I have heard tales of how he treated his Late show crew like shit and didn’t even know their names, the fat twat is as fake as Bruce Jenner’s snatch.

I for one am dreading this odious, unfunny and obnoxious fat fuck’s return to British TV. Alongside Schofield and Lineker, he is easily the biggest cunt on television.

Bbc news

Nominated by Norman

A second helping of this tub of Lard from Ron Knee

There’s good news and bad news on the James Corden front.

The good news is that while filming the last ever ‘Crosswalk…the Musical’ section for his final ‘Late Late Show’ in the US, the fat cunt ran into the road shouting ‘don’t honk at me, I’m a star!’ and was promptly run over. The bad news is that the crash was a stunt, part of the ‘show’ where Corden and friends sing songs from musicals on ‘crosswalks’ in LA, no doubt much to the annoyance of drivers.

Well our esteemed son is soon to return to his native shores, ‘to try new things’ and be nearer to family; this being code for ‘The Late Late Show’ was losing $20m a year and got the axe.

He’ll soon be back here then, bringing his fake bonhomie and utter lack of charm to a screen near you. Ricky Gervais really had Corden’s number at ‘The Golden Globes’, when he quipped ‘the world got to see James Corden as a fat pussy. He was also in the film “Cats”, which nobody saw’.

I know what you’re thinking; if only that car had run the fucker over for real. Tell you what, let’s do our own version of ‘Crosswalk…the Musical’. Altogether now, from the musical ‘Man of La Mancha’; ‘to dream the impossible dream

com tv

56 thoughts on “James Corden (13)

  1. The occasion when I slowly inserted a corkscrew down my urethra and yanked it out violently was far funnier than anything this fat pale cunt has done.

  2. Fuck me sideways, how much more shit can be loaded on. Things are shite enough as it is without that cunt appearing. So what will we have to look forward to? Hopefully hospitalised with rampant dysentery that has a side effect of wiping the mind or even better a personality transplant Adell can fuck off as well

  3. That cartoon suggests he may have Rolfish tendencies towards minors.

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