Mr Tom Hayes

This four eyed cunt is a Labour councillor in Oxford but is also the Labour candidate for a seat in Bournemouth. Mr Tommy Hayes got caught pulling out a leaflet that had already been placed in somebody’s letter box.

He also used to post on the Oxford Mail comments website as PM_ME_YOUR_DEGREES with belittling comments to voters and generally being a sanctimonious prick.
After revealing this fact NewsQuest have magically removed all comments across their sites. But that’s probably another cunting story.

Bournemouth Echo

Nominated by LTN Destroyer.

62 thoughts on “Mr Tom Hayes

  1. He looks like he enjoys putting that hand mens’ bottoms.
    Morning chaps.

    • I assume you mean “up men’s bottoms”? And I would agree with you.

  2. He’s a fine blend of Tony Robinson and Will from the Inbetweeners.

    If he stole political leaflets from my letterbox I’d be quite relaxed on the matter.
    I wouldn’t be voting for any of them anyway.

    Little knickersniffer

  3. Is that not that twat john Oliver?

    Not going so well in the USA needs to supplement his income by delivering takeaway menus.

  4. Hardly the crime of the century when you consider what these dirty politician bastards are up to all the time……and that’s just the stuff we know about. Mind you, I would hang the cunt anyway.

    • He does look like the ideal sort of chap to represent the people of Bournemouth or indeed any other constituency of this cuntry.

      • Now come on guzzi, that’s so unfair.
        Politicians are doing their best..

        To fill their bank accounts with money before they are found out to be grasping, useless cunts.

    • He definately has a look of ‘raped a little boy and threw him in the swimming pool.’

      The dishonest cunt.

  5. I once sat on a committee looking to find local councillors. It was a bloody difficult job as we had so much deluded dross apply who thought they had sufficient ability to become the local MP, which was the main reason anyone applied. That’s why you end up with twats like this cunt standing in two seats. Alternatively you can just pull a few names out of the telephone directory and put them down as candidates, as one Lib Dem constituency once did, and hope you don’t get caught.

  6. At least he’s saved the householder the bother of chucking it in the bin. So I suppose you could say he’s providing a free public service. Good man.

  7. Maybe he was checking to see if the green party’s leaflet was on recycled paper.

    Shouldn’t those hypocrites be getting their manifesto out by drums and whistles.

  8. The evidence strongly suggests the cunt is either tickling some poor sap’s ballbag or receiving a handsome cash bribe in a brown envelope.

    Justice Secretary by 2025.

  9. I like the fact he’s a thief.
    And underhand.
    You know what your getting.
    A natural politician.

    He’ll be expecting the red carpet treatment when next in Specsavers.

  10. Proof if proof were needed that white privilege doesn’t exist.
    He’s white but with those Adrian Mole looks certainly is not privileged

  11. Typical Labour poofter. I am sure Kweer would love him in his pooftie cabinet. Add the q ueer tranny Eddie Izzard in full slap and you have a complete collection of cunts, real or imagined.

  12. I don’t get Tories canvassing but do get Labour and the libdummys.

    I enjoy being rude to them.

    Know they’re only volunteering because they support a political party but I resent cunts cramming junk mail through the door or mithering me.

    They always look shocked ?
    But I’d of thought plenty of people were hostile to them?

    “What the fuck do you want?”

    ” You tapping for money?
    Get nowt here!
    I’ll set the dog on you if don’t fuck off!”

    Simple pleasures

    • It’s probably your artisan gates that draw them in.

      Like a siren song, it lures them in.

      Either that or you look like a easy mark.

      • Morning Baz👍

        The artisan gates have drawn their last breath.
        I’ve made another (country cream obviously)
        I’ve a light removal this morning then putting it up.
        (Wrought iron hinges obviously)


      • Morning mis, well I hope you gave the gates a viking send-off..

        Will these gates be lammy proof?

    • I greatly enjoy the loyal viciousness of dogs towards the uninvited that come upon one’s threshold be they botherfolk, chuggers, salesmen or political hacks.
      Good dog, you’ve earned a lamb chop for dinner.

    • I had Peter Hain knock my door once, he was quitting being my MP and out campaigning for his replacement, who is currently suspended for some shit or other.
      I had to stop myself answering the door.
      Heart me was saying ‘come on, let’s give this cunt a doorstep he won’t forget in a hurry’
      Head me said ‘you’ll end up on a watch list’
      Fucking head me, always spoiling my fun with logic!

      • I understand the temptation you felt GJ. Even compared to other MPs he was one of the most irritating twats out there. He seemed to have a visceral hatred of white people and to say he sailed close to the wind legally and financially is understatement. He was a supporter of convicted terrorist Nelson Mandela and one of those instrumental in getting him control of South Africa. Of course no-one could have predicted that this would lead to the country going straight down the toilet like every other self-governing African state.

        I knew a woman from Neath some years ago. Lovely girl. Hope you’re well Enfys.

    • I’m surprised you don’t have your flashing Mack on when you see them come to the door,how is the new gate coming,is it fuckwit proof this one mis lol.

  13. Looks like a young Eugene Levy.

    I don’t trust any cunt who knocks the door with a pair of specs like that.

    • I wonder if that’s Doris ‘Profligate’ Johnson’s back door which he is trying to enter…

  14. What gets in my fillings with these people, our elected representatives, is how completely fucking useless they prove to be if you ask for their assistance. Cunters may remember me whinging about a wreck of a car which has been abandoned opposite our house. The car is SORN but on the public highway, it last had an MOT more than a year ago, the tyres are flat and it is filled with rubbish. Several neighbours and myself have reported it to the DVLA, the police and the local council. All of them pass the buck and the vehicle doesn’t move. This morning I decided I would contact my local councillor personally and bend his ear. Turns out we have three. One is a peaceful so not wasting my time there. Second one a text book example of a soyboy, looks about fourteen, neck beard, scruffy hair cut and no tie in official photograph, member of YHA (so was I as a school boy), qualifications in bull shit, works in admin in education, never left school. Third one a woman about forty, looks normal in her photo but a striking paucity of information about her.

    I think I’ll have to set fire to the fucking car.

    • Best thing for it.
      Hopefully the cunt who owns it is sleeping off some stella inside it……..

    • Move it to a cycle lane before torching it. The council will be straight out

  15. The wanker should be delivering pizzas not bullshit leaflets. Do something useful spazface.

  16. Talking of political bullshitters, our old mate Zelensky turning up in Japan for the G7 summit.

    Since when did this scruffy cunt or the dump that is the Ukraine become part of the G7? Also, if this mouthy cunt loves his homeland so much, why hasn’t he got a rifle in his hand to fight Ivan with the rest of his fellow Ukranians? The man is cunt.

    • I think it works on the principle that our enemy’s enemy must be our friend Norman. Morning, hope you’re well.

    • I seen a clip of that G7 on the idiot lantern yesterday Norman.

      A bit of a motley crew to say the least.

      Sunak with his painted on grin and Biden stumbling down some steps whilst not knowing where he is.

      Welcome to the Twilight Zone.

      • Indeed, and although he’s not in a trench with a rifle, he’s doing his best to make sure those that are have those rifles in the first place.
        How many other countries have their fighting age men (and women) stand and fight the aggressor rather than jump on a dinghy and claim asylum. Surely they deserve better just on that count?
        A certain wannabe politician who’s not fit to lick a tramps boots let alone Zelenskys said the other day he could stop the war in Ukraine in 24 hours, which is a complete lie. He would throw them to Russia’s mercy, a concept that is alien to Russia.
        There is however one man who could stop the war in 24 hours, the kid kissing cunt in the Kremlin who started it, by withdrawing his invading forces.
        Off now before I get accused of being pro war again, because I’m anti Russian invasion.

      • It seems that being pro territorial integrity,
        The principle of sovereignty,
        International law,
        Makes you a cunt in the eyes of some posting here.

    • Bit harsh calling Ukraine a dump. From what ive seen from before the war it looks nice, vety historic.
      Horses and whear may have first been domesticated there.

      • Afternoon CP.

        Eastern Europe is a beautiful place in general.

        It just needs a bit more diversity.

      • Well, it’s a dump now.

        Also, does anyone seriously believe that Zelensky would give a shit if Russia had chosen to invade the UK instead of Ukraine or lift a finger to help us?

        And he is a cunt. While his people are getting bombed, he is on the Piers Morgan show while his wife spunks 50 grand in Paris shops.

    • Apart from pretty much all of the male sports stars . Apparently playing in the Premier League or doing a bit of boxing is more helpful

      • True enough, Cunt of the litter.

        And Rishi ‘Roland Rat’ Sunak is going to get us nuked at this rate. Not only is he pissing off Ivan, the daft cunt now seems bent on antagonising China.

        Someone should tell Roland Rat to get his head out of Zelensky’s arse and try to sort out the many problems Britain has. That is his job, after all…

      • The people of Ukraine must be rueing the day its government gave up its nuclear weapons in exchange for Russian assurances that it would refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine.
        Moral of the story:
        Hang onto your nukes for dear life – and never trust the Russians!

      • Ah, those poor Russians, always getting the blame.
        Having to send the cream of its youth (plus the rapists and murders that they recruited from prisons) to free Europe from those evil nazis invading Russia.
        Got to be true, some cunt on the Internet said it.

  17. Looks like another nasty little creep.
    Why is it the most unsuitable for office people end up trying to get elected?

  18. Can’t even be trusted to post a leaflet through a door.

    He’ll go far in politics.

    • Morning HJ…what’s your opinion on Schofield then?
      A wrong ‘un as bad as his brother, just not been caught (yet) bumming underage lads?
      That’s what I reckon. Only a matter of time.

      • I wonder how old that tv runner was that Schofield, P. was bumming. I bet he wasn’t that old. And that old queen that groomed Tom Daly.

      • Morning Thomas.

        There’s something that’s not been right from the off with Schofield.

        All that “brave” stuff without a second of condemnation for how he treat his wife and daughters etc.

        I’d say there’s much more to come with this one, especially after his brother being nicked and I couldn’t help but notice that Holly has deserted Phil like a rat on a sinking ship.

        Which is appropriate because I’d be up Holly’s legs and into her growler faster than a rat up a drainpipe. Whether she’s a back stabbing two faced bitch or not.

  19. Why is it that nobody who’s done a bit of hard graft and has the calluses to prove it stands for political jobs, it’s always office wankers and they all look like the people who as children were disliked at school. Are they doing it to get revenge on everyone by making life difficult with their fucking nitpicking rules and laughing their cocks off at their final triumph.

  20. Look at the dirty little soy boy cunt. They really grow these fuckers in vats, do they.

    Go past my local council offices at kicking out time. Dear God what specimens: pale runts with bumfluff facial hair, bald spots, glasses, vaping and clutching satchels.


  21. At least he wasn’t hanging around the school gates at 3.30

  22. I used to do volunteer leaflet distribution for UKIP back in 2014/2015 and I would never even consider doing this. If his lefty politics are so obviously correct, what’s he got to be scared of? What a cunt indeed.

  23. Local councils are close to being the biggest cunts in this country

    Is there some directive been issued countrywide about the putting of temporary traffic lights up around town or is it just where I live?

    They want to be careful I don’t go all Michael Douglas on them

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