Miranda Galbreath

I have no hesitation in identifying one Miranda Galbreath, of Erie, Pennsylvania, as a pernicious influence. Galbreath, of the GI Jane haircut, is a sex therapist and counsellor whose website identifies her as ‘queer’, and someone with particular interest in ‘supporting diverse populations inc. LGBTQ, kinky and poly’.

So then, what’s the fair Miranda done that’s getting people’s necks up? Well, she reckons that Joe Public has been rather unforgiving towards pa*dophiles, you know, those unsavoury types with a preference for sex with children.

‘Let’s talk about “Minor Attracted Persons”, who are probably the most vilified folks (folks ffs) in our culture’, prattles on Mizzzz Galbreath, ‘ “pa*dophile” being a judgmental, hurtful insult to an already marginalised population’. That’s right; the poor souls are just misunderstood.

I’ve heard MAP advocates argue this before. I’ve heard them say that we should describe these nasties in terms which they would wish to use for themselves. I think not. In my book, this is just a way to get the rest of us to be comfortable and accepting when the ‘M’ gets added to the ‘LGBTQ’ alphabet.

How about this, you fooking loon? Let’s NOT talk about ‘MAPs’, lets call a spade a spade. Let’s NOT try to minimise the problem. Let’s NOT fudge things and try to make the offender sound like the victim. Let’s NOT attempt in any degree to normalise very abnormal behaviour. What next, are we going to start referring to murderers as ‘life termination perpetrators’?

Pa*dophiles do not deserve to receive tolerance, sympathy or undertanding from the rest of us. They’re earned the stigma of the word by their heinous behaviour. So fuck off over there you barmy apologist, and when you get there, fuck off again.


Nominated by Ron Knee.

87 thoughts on “Miranda Galbreath

  1. THAT – whatever it is – is a very challenging wank for the horn section.

  2. “Vilified folks in our culture”?

    Well if that’s part of your culture you need oven.

    These cunts have no boundaries and nobody is safe if they have any influence whatsoever.

    Double oven.

  3. They say a picture tells a thousand words. Well just looking at the header I can think of a few, if looks like a cunt it probably is indeed a cunt.

    To protect kids from the likes old baldy bonce, once they are off the tit, lock them away until they are adults, give us all a break ?

  4. Can’t we re-organise the world into loony countries and isac countries?
    I’d gladly move somewhere free of these evil cretins.
    It might work for a while before it all fell apart with a new generation.
    Or we’d start a war with them to protect their children…

  5. She is a text book stereotype of what she is and what she does…….she must have a check box list of how she should look ffs.

    It’s like, no one will take me seriously unless I look like the cunt I am purporting to be.

    fucking artists,sculptors and architects are the same

  6. Queër?

    “How terribly queër”, as Hitchcock used to say. “How terribly, terribly queër.”

    When this pæëdoh business is made conventional, we will have to protect our families like vigilantes as the police will be too busy making tea for Green loons or dancing at parades. Expect to hear Michael Jackson-esque justifications from the fiddlers: “It’s just about love… you don’t understand …. it’s about love…”

    • To my mind in the left pic above, the combo of the baldy haircut and sort of almond shaped glasses make her look like one of the grey aliens off ‘The X Files’ and the like.

      Not a good look.

  7. Let me get this straight in my mind because it doesn’t take much to confuse such a simple soul as myself… This whatever it is – let’s be diplomatic and go with “person” – is only too happy to openly embrace child botherers and welcome them into their “culture”?

    Fucking hell.

    Kill them with fire.

  8. It looks a bit manly, and it’s wearing cunt glasses.

    I’m convinced us and America have secret loony bins.
    Every week they let a couple out and sit back to watch the havoc unfold.

  9. How long do you reckon it will be before someone invents a phobia word to try to make normal people seem like the guilty party for not being fully supportive of these MAP prevérts?

    • It won’t work Mr Dribbler.
      It’s a step to far.

      No doubt theyll try it.
      But soon as a few get killed , battered by a crowd.
      They’ll wind their necks in.

      • I sincerely hope you are right Mis but consider Hattie Harman’s association with PIE. It didn’t seem to harm her career much.

  10. On the subject of Paedophiles. Has anyone seen that Netflix documentary about Ian Brady ?
    FFS You would have to go a long fucking way to beat that Cunts form when it came to abusing kids

    • A total and utter cunt whose only mitigating factor was that he was bat shit insane.

      A little understanding and sympathy might have helped him tho.

      • I saw a programme about him. Used to spend loads of time a Glasgow cemetery on his own getting drunk.

        Fantasizing about death.

        It said where he buried the kids was in the shape of a swaztika.

        The boyfriend of Myra’s sister telling of their nights with them. All about Nazi Germany and Nietzsche. ‘It wasn’t very nice’.

        Evil through and through.

  11. This,that Barbie mong doll needs to go to Uncle Klause’s final solution dream house. End it.

  12. If that walked into the pub you’d know it was a nutter.
    A danger to kids.
    A weird as fuck loon.

    Pee does are rightly despised because they are a danger to our children.

    It’s the animal instinct.
    Protect your young.

    If whatever it is even glanced at my kids id dislocate it’s star sign and put the freaky twat through a wall .

  13. It’s only ‘poly’ because it has to shag anything that comes its way. Can’t afford to be fussy that one, look at the fucking state of it…

  14. Certainly wouldn’t let this freak look after my kids. Let’s just say that

  15. Personally I find this whole thing about stating your ‘pronouns’ to be odd. What I find distinctly weird is why this loony feels the need to identify her sexuality as ‘queer’ on her website.

    Do you care? Do I care? What the fuck’s it got to do with anything? Do you want a medal or something?

    No. Fuck off you twat. Just fuck off.

  16. Where the fuck is she voicing this shite and getting away with it?!!

    You spouted evil like that anywhere I know you’d be lucky to get out alive!

    People are willing to be tolerant with different races.
    They can get along with gay blokes and lesbians,
    But not this.

    People won’t accept this.
    It’s truly sick

    And anyone spouting that stuff ?
    They get everything they deserve.

    • The worst part about it Miserable is that she’s probably counselling these creeps and giving them a line about how they’re just ‘misunderstood’ by society and shouldn’t feel badly about themselves. And she’s paid to do it.

  17. Does anybody on here get the feeling that some of these ‘counsellors’ are the ones that actually need therapy?

    Afternoon all.

  18. ‘…and the lines on the MAP move from side to side…’

    Or the goalposts keep moving…

    • Some good noms today.
      The Jew hating doctor.
      This freak.

      I like it when the noms not been done before ?

      Remember couple of years back when every 3rd nom was for Jeremy Corbyn or Di Abbott?

      You’d comment on it,
      Look at the upcoming noms and there”d be another!!

      • Afternoon Miserable,

        I think @Opinionated Cunt has a Nom about the quality of Noms.

        I don’t know. Certainly there is repetition…

        I see Transatlantic relations (with G Cunster) have taken a dip.

        Liberal use of the word ‘cunt’ from both sides.

        I don’t know…whatever happened to the Special Relationship?

      • “Special relationship??!”
        World’s no. 1 plastic paddie said he hates the English.
        I have no problem with that, as I loathe plastic paddies.

  19. Oh,and can I please ask them to spare a bullett for Rebecka Vardy.

    • Send her to Ukraine – she could be the next weapon we give Zelensky.

      Can we also STOP giving them all our weapons, getting a bit boring now.

  20. Suits me, if the LBGT + motherfuckers want to take the child fiddling scu-m under their wing I take it as an admission all are deviants and society can legitimately reject all of them.

    Sexual impulses seem to take pole position when deciding what’s acceptable in society and that’s what’s lead us here.

    I know a lot of gay people want nothing to do with the fiddling sc-um so they need to shout loud and clear they won’t tolerate this.

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