Meghan Markle (17)

Meghan, by the Grace of Media and of Public Relations, and of her dreams and delusions, Queen of Hollywood, Defender of the Woke, and Lady High Luminary of Montecito, is a cunt.

The last time the Dreadfully Despicable Duchess was nominated I posted a link from the New York Post to a story that said she was almost universally disliked by everyone in Hollywood.

The general consensus being, that she, and by extension the Dimwitted Duke, are not to be trusted. The conventional wisdom is, that in their never ending quest for privacy, her and Haz will do anything, including divulging other people’s confidential information if there’s a buck in it.

The article went on to say that she has a “strange relationship” with reality which is a polite way of saying she is both a phony and a liar.

For those who wish to be reminded the story is here:

Said to be devastated by the brilliant South Park parody, and watching her popularity plummet, the depressed Duchess hit upon another plan to ease her pain and fill her pocketbook.

If she can’t be crowned Queen of the United Queendom she could still be crowned…wait for it…Queen of Hollywood!

After all, who needs those pesky English commoners and their institutionally racist realm when you can reign over a real Wokist Aristocracy…the very Hollywood elite who neither like nor trust you.

To that end another mega deal has been signed. This one is said to make Netflix look like chump change and is designed to make her…wait for it again…Queen of Hollywood.

The deal is with a company called WME and their “Uber Agent” Ari Emanuel…a veritable Super Mensch among the Phonywood elite. Megahn’s company, Arsewell will be responsible for producing the content that she thinks is so desperately and indeed craved by the Wokerati.

A Siren of Satan with a Jewish Agent, putting out self-serving nonsense for people who hate her and a public that doesn’t care.

Someone needs to hold a Silver Cross to her head, then drive a stake through her heart and bury her with a garlic necklace.

By the way, Ari Emanuel, is the little brother of former Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and former Covid 19 Advisory Board Ezekiel Emanuel. The latter is a proponent of rewarding “social usefulness” by the judicious use and the practical witholding of medical care.

It would be poetic justice if Suitcase Girl fell off the yacht and was denied life saving resuscitation because she was deemed to be utterly lacking in “Social usefulness.”

Fucking cunt!

NY Post

Nominated by General Cuntster.

Some more recent news of the Princess of Bullshit from Miserable Northern cunt Below.


Racing through the streets of the Big Apple,
Cars mounting the pavement,
Pedestrians scattering.
Red lights ignored.
For a photo?

I’ve never liked bullshitters.
I’ve met loads and can soon sniff them out.

See , they like drama.
The fuckin Milk Tray Man effect.

” I was a astronaut till I worked for the FBI…”

” I once sparred with Bruce Lee, knocked him out.”

” Sssh, I’m in the S.A.S.”

They get nasty if you call them out.

“Calling me a liar?!! ”
Well, yeah.

Dangerous cunts,
Get you in trouble.
Best steer clear of them.

Sky news

98 thoughts on “Meghan Markle (17)

    • Fuck it! I’m not at home and don’t have time to dick around with it.

    • £162,000,000 CQB? Are they fucking joking? According to the adverts on the tele the missus could have me incinerated and see change out of £1,000!

    • The Chimp cost more like £250million, also people generally liked the Queen and would rather the money the money be spent on a proper send off to our last great moarch after nearly a thousand years of monarchy in England.

      The money spent on chimp boy could’ve paid for up to three whole players for Chelsea or Man City.

    • That’s a lot of freebie plaggy biros and Blowies off Vordernorks!!

  1. Me Again Sparkle tits needs the Prince Philip car service treatment.

    • The nom pic makes her look like one of those “wholesome” Beauty Pageant contestants, which is usually found stuffed down a storm drain with its neck broken and all the appropriate DNA…

  2. It was 2 hours and it was the black slut chasing the reporters, the poor camera man couldnt get away fast enough.

  3. Chased through the streets of New York city – you having laugh?

    Have you seen the traffic in New York city?

    • The cunts made it up Dio. I suspected there would be an immediate post-coronation stunt from the pair of them. That little cunt Harry will milk and cash in on his mother’s death until the day he actually dies.

  4. Let’s face it we fucked up all those years ago. We should have left them in Africa.

  5. I hear Japanese artists have created a little cartoon character version of the pair;
    Hello Mitty.

    A pair of demented fucks living out a ‘movie’ in their own minds. I bet Harry wil crack.

    Even the taxi driver thinks they’re full of it;

    Only the gormless, drooling, botox’d social media whore-fiends who support the Markle cunt would swallow this dreck. A 2 hour car chase indeed.

    Grow up.

  6. As lunch is over and I have some time before the evenings festivities, I thought I’d take the time to address some of the remarks made in this thread:


    I did not call any current, legitimate member of the Admin Team a lowlife. I did call your friend a lowlife because he is not a current and therefore, not a legitimate member of the Admin Team.

    All the Admins identify themselves when they inject something or otherwise comment. We have Day Admin or DA. We have Night Admin or NA. We have Boss Admin or perhaps Chief Admin or CA and so on.

    Your friend took great offense to me questioning who he was and refused to identify himself. A sure sign he was not a legitimate member of the team. He did not want anyone to know who he was. Of course you knew who he was and supported and participated in his underhanded, lowlife tactics.

    He threatened me if I pursued the matter….another sure sign he was not a member of the Admin Team. Furthermore, you warned me not to antagonize him as he was…in your words…a “proper” Admin. (Which again…he was not.)

    He edited some of my posts, deleted others and even made posts in my name. He threatened to continue to do so. Another sure sign that despite your assertion, he was not a “proper” member of the Admin Team.

    He even threatened to post an embarrassing nomination in my name and even ban me if I continued posting! It doesn’t get much lower than that.

    You continued to join in and warned me again that I should respect this filthy piece of shit Fake Admin even as he continued to edit, delete, threaten and make posts in my name.

    Your refusal to denounce this despicable behavior and your participation in said despicable behavior speaks to your lack of character and your hatred of me. It’s emblematic of the hatred what I call the Torch and Pitchfork Mob has for me.

    I really don’t believe that your nom was not a snarky way to get to me. The fact that many of the rank and file Mobsters have joined in to comment using much the same language they always do confirms this.

    But since you went public with your denial and apology I’ll accept that at face value.

    But no matter how low you and the rest of the T and Pf Mob stoop you will not drive me away. No matter how many times the usual suspects gang up on me, insult me, call me names, or question my mental health I will not go away. I may take a few breaks now and again but unless the real Admin Team bans me, I will not go away.

    So to you and all the other Mobsters take your best shots. I’m here to cunt cunts and not engage with hateful trolls or lowlife Fake Admins.

    • General @

      If he was able to change your posts and edit what you wrote, don’t you think that points to him being part of Admin?

      He clearly says that he was brought in to stop the bickering.

      He is Admin,
      Yes I know who he is,
      I know lots of previous posters on this site.

      But upto you.
      I tried to help you,
      Even apologised .
      But you insist on playing the victim.

      Your your own worst enemy.

      And a bit of a knobhead.

    • General, you’re addressing people with the emotional fortitude of pre-pubescent girls and teen boys.
      The cancel culture is strong here, the dying whines of despair at the loss of influence and reach-arounds.
      The soys of Summer indeed.
      Morning all, apologies for not machine gunning turds everywhere, I have a job and a family life to attend to .

      • Yeah? So explain to me where the ‘Report Abuse’ button came from. It wasn’t, as far as I’m aware, from the ones ‘with the emotional fortitude of pre-pubescent girls and teen boys’. When a thread descends into abuse, there’s only one common denominator.

        ‘Mr Grimsdaaaaale…’

      • He has a job and a family life to attend to.
        Probably means he’s a paperboy still living with his parents.
        It’s enough to make a cat laugh!

      • Bottler, (apt) have you ever managed to post without hanging out the arse of one of the other plastic no-marks here ?

        DCI, that’s a question for admin, contact them.

        Once, this place was a riot, now its a little village idiots convention where the usual mob hold hands and blow raspberries at their conceived bogeyman rather than comment on the nom.
        You boring cunts, get on with something useful or nestle into your tartan rugs and suck a Werthers.

    • Creepy cunt, with a name that sounds like a visually disgusting skin condition.

    • From Heat to doing publicity for Migraine?

      A professional stirrer of shit, then.
      One for the oven, UT.

  7. These two cunts are kidding no one. The cracks are already there and the vicious and very public split will be coming soon. The Megain Mantis will hook some billionaire hedge fund manager and The Grudge Toting Man Baby will go crying back to pater and our kid.

    • Harry will crawl back under daddy’s throne, then six months later blame the Firm for his split, then he’ll get on the drugs and London nightlife like all the poshboy fuckups.
      In a few years he’ll make a sort of comeback on a Made In Chelsea- type tslevised cunt parade, then leave the country and end up dead of an overdose in a swimming pool in the Gulf states.

  8. Bob Hope’s daughter should be taken control of by the genuine comedian.

  9. Light night remarks on the subject of bullshit…

    You are not being truthful with the IsaC Faithful Mis.

    Your friend is NOT Admin. He was NOT brought in to stop the bickering. He is NOT a member of the current Admin Team.

    If any of that were true he’d be speaking now. He could clear the whole thing up with a single post. But he can’t as he is not part of the Admin Team and risks exposure if he posts as himself.

    So how could he do all these things if he is not a current member of the Admin Team? The discerning cunter may have already figured it out because as we say in the states…you cracked out of turn.

    You said; “I know lots of previous posters on this site.” And therein lies the key.
    The use of the word previous is where you cracked. And when used with the word poster rather than Admin it is definitive.

    If he truly was a member of the current Admin Team both you and the Team would have said so. And of course he would make it known as well. But he can’t because he isn’t. So once again…as we say in the states…you crumbed your own play.

    He ain’t Boss Admin. He ain’t Day Admin. He ain’t Night Admin. He ain’t Proper Admin. He’s FAKE Admin.

    So to conclude, you got caught in a lie trying to cover up your part in the Fake Admin’s underhanded, lowlife actions. And as we say in the States when someone is spinning the fact of their own involvement and gets tripped up by their own words…BUSTED!

    By the way…the notion of you trying to help me is laughable on its face. To circle back to the Markles…the original point of this nom…you want to create the narrative…hope nobody challenges it with the facts…and repeat it at every turn until it becomes accepted as conventional wisdom.

    That line of bullshit will be adopted, defended and repeated by your fellow Mobsters. However, the IsaC Faithful can decide for themselves who and what to believe.

  10. The paps could have laid a trap of bananas and a gimp mask and laid in wait.

  11. Hey Colombo,
    You do realise that admins are ex and current posters on the site don’t you?

    Opinionated Cunt was a admin.
    As was Dio.
    Your stupidity does you a injustice.

    If in doubt contact admin and ask them.
    They’ll verify every word I’ve stated is the truth.

    Your that wrapped up in conspiracy bollocks you can’t see the light of day.

    • it’s fun though., like those wrestling beef storylines from WWF (WWE? What’s that).
      Don’t tell me that the unnamed admin is really Miss Elizabeth.

      What in the hell?
      Oh mah lawd!

    • If you have any doubt that your piece of shit friend was a Fake Admin I suggest you contact the Admin Team for confirmation.

      Still…it is strange that the scumbag only posted for a day or so, only attacked me and then went silent. He doesn’t ever respond in this thread because he can’t respond as an Admin because he isn’t a current member of the Admin Team.

      Another typical tactic…establish the narrative blah blah blah…

      • You mean the fake narrative that you were the man that cowed Dick Fiddler?

      • You still mewling?!


        Do me a favour.
        Intervene here.

        Tell the good General that his rap on the knuckles were indeed by a bona fide admin.

      • @Admin

        I don’t often agree with Mis but by all means…PLEASE set the record straight.

  12. What a great day I’ve had.

    To think I could have wasted it by arguing with some twat on the internet who lives thousands of miles away and talks complete bollocks.

  13. This pair of irrelevant lying, self obsessed delusional fuckwits are still worthy of our interest?
    Even mentions on IaC feeds their californian entitlement and persecution complexes.

    Do the thing that upsets these pathetic lyiing money grubbers most: ignore them.

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