Lewis Capaldi (2)

is a cunt.

This talent-free tuneless fat cunt is overtaking Ed Sheercunt as the biggest cunt in popular music.

Now, Capaldi does songs that are pretty much the same as those by Sheercunt. Dull, insipid, beige, soulless by numbers love songs that are badly written. But Capaldi also has a very shit singing voice. The useless fat cunt shouts his choruses and, his voice is so bad, you can hear it straining as he does it.

He also sings/shouts in just one key and the ends of his words are always flat. The chorus on his latest dirge ‘Forget Me’ is excruciating. The cunt has a voice that would peel paint. And he also looks like an absolute twat in the video. As if those two birds in the video would go near him. His success is very disturbing. When did pop stars become ugly fat cunts who can’t sing?


Nominated by Norman.

67 thoughts on “Lewis Capaldi (2)

  1. The name Capaldi sounds familiar from somewhere but I never heard of this one. Seems I’m not missing much.

    Morning all.

  2. Lewis looks like a young Quasimodo.

    A face that should by rights be peering off the roof of a medieval cathedral.

    My missus thinks he’s great!

    But then she’s always had questionable taste ?

  3. I guess he is the very best of a stark choice in the sea of talent for the 2020s.

    Certainly not my cup of tea – his track, Forget Me, is both dreary and instantly forgettable.

    I don’t think the lad has a bad voice, certainly not the best for sure.

    Is he a cunt? Not sure there. Isn’t he related to the Capaldi who plays Malcolm Tucker?

    • Classic malcolm tucker line to lewis
      “whats giant gaystacks doing here”

  4. I find it remarkable he can find time for recording shite “music” in between pie eating contests.

  5. Music , and I mean real music, is only found in hallowed collections of the connoisseur. Modern screeching,s are the product of tuneless talentless arseholes adored by tuneless arseholes who buy the crap product of the tuneless arsehole.
    There. That is clear .

  6. No talent that I can see or hear. A cunt. Though a lucky cunt for earning so much with so little to start with.

  7. I recall Capaldi some years ago with Noel Edmonds and recording a major hit then. A Platinum hit that knocked Meatloaf into a cocked hat

  8. I bet George Michael is glad he is dead, after checking that video out..

    I’m buying some tabasco to clean my eyes out.

  9. His dad is Peter Capaldi the Dr Who .
    Severe looking, skinny ,
    Like he was constructed from knees, elbows,
    And bone,
    Like a Victorian school ma’am.

    I imagine he was overjoy to have a son that sang and looked like the monster from the Goonies?

    • Peter Capaldi is his cousin. Or so he claims. And I don’t blame him for wanting to deny parenting that Wurzels refugee.

    • Second cousins once removed apparently..

      Now please remove yourself from my sight sloth..

      • Morning Harry. Saw them in 1973 in my local. One of the best nights I’ve ever had. Pissed as a fart on rough cider singing songs about threshing machines.

  10. Never heard of him but he reminds me of David Brent doing “Freelove Freeway.”
    Fucking comical. Reading the comments under the video he has lots of ishoos apparently. No idea what they are but the modern audiences love ishoos. What bothers me is……how does Norman know about cunts like this? Does he spend a lot of time listening to Radio 1 or something? That can’t be right.

    • That bothered me too. Although I have heard OF him, I have never knowingly heard anything BY him. Not complaining mind, just an observation.

    • I hear cunts like Capaldi and Sheercunt on the hospital radio, Freddie.. Unfortunately the staff have either Heart or Smooth Radio on. Both are shite and they always play the same crap day in day out.

      • Report the cunts for broadcasting without a licence. I did it while on one of my assignments for the NHS somewhere oop norf. The cunts were playing cune toons and (c)rap all fucking day. Soon had those cunts shut down.
        The managers told the efnik staff that they aren’t paying for a licence so turn it off.
        Ah, how sweet it was to just hear the sound of patients screaming in pain as I happily hacked away at their festering ulcers with a scalpel. Good times.

  11. Remarkable that he sings about heartbreak. Maybe he’s not singing about a woman but about his broken deep fat fryer, either that or his local takeaway has gone bankrupt.

    Shouldn’t mock the afflicted; he has Tourettes.

    • I wonder if he stands in front of the mirror shouting “Cunt”, “Twat”, “ Fuck off” at himself each morning

      • That’s what I do after brushing my teeth and before having a shit. It saves any effort on my wife’s part during the day.

      • Wonder if he’ll make it to Glastonbury.?

        “Hello Glastonbury. Piss.Cunts. Fuck off. This next song is called Pointless. Tits.”

  12. He probably needs a Tenor’s Friend – a spike with a truss in it. As used by the pooferati in show business and politics.

  13. It won’t be long until he’s being sued over copyright issues like Sheercunt over the Marvin Gaye song. ‘We want to protect our fathers legacy’, say the effnik family. Marvin’s dad clearly didn’t give that much of a fuck as he shot the cunt.

    • Sheercunt is getting exposed for the plagiarist that he is. Ripping off other people’s music and passing it off as his own. That Marvin Gaye song sounds exactly the same as the shite record that tangerine bollocks put out. I hope he gets sued for millions the cunt.

      I dislike the cunt but at least people like Gallagher freely admit they have robbed other people’s work.

    • I wrote Sheeran off aa a thieving cunt when i heard A team, where he rips off Buffalo Soldier.

      Like Harry Markle, he’s a talentless, ginger sack of shit

  14. I can’t cunt Lewis Capaldi. He gets loads of pisstaking which he takes very well. Even noel gallagher got stuck into him very early in his career which was uncalled for but Lewis played along with it. The melts could learn alot from fella. His music ain’t my bag but he’s a good lad….. and for that reason…ahm oot.

  15. This lump of lard seems to have put himself through a lot of agony to get the voice just right, by not eating his greens. And what a turd strainer it is. Marvellous effort.

  16. There is Capaldi’s cafe in Liverpool! Also a song by Deaf school. Good band never quite made it

  17. It is so true that it does not matter what you look like, if you have money you will have the sweetest pussy jumping up and down on your cock – have my fellow cunters seen the birds this fat cunt has been banging these last few years.

    “Hi Lewis, your not really my type, a bit fat and probably smelly, but if you give me lots of money so I can shower myself with nice clothes and presents every day, oh and buy me a Range Rover I’ll do anything you say”

  18. Watching the video, he does seem to have a `beach-ready` body – he looks like a walrus. Perhaps he can also balance a ball on his nose?

  19. Lewis is like a young Mel Smith with auto tune.

    He’s certainly no Jeff Buckley when it comes to vocals ability.

  20. It seems like the hard work of sounding like an utter cunt, is simply down to the tone deaf public, yet again.

  21. Sheeran

    The music of the modern Glaston-bore.

    Straight in the oven.

  22. Nowt special but seems to get plenty of publicity, talks like a bit of a twat and probably has a tiny winkie, fat cunt

  23. The recent death of Gordon Lightfoot reminded us of how great singer-songwriters used to be.. Tim Buckley, Gilbert O’ Sullivan, John Martyn, Jim Croce, Lightfoot himself and many others. Now the yardstick is dog dirt like Capaldi and Sheercunt. The bar has really been lowered….

  24. What makes me crease if all the buskers/scrounging cuints in town are all Capaldi and Sheercunt clones. All scruffy fat little fucks in hoodies who squawk out their tuneless shite..You can’t escape hearing either of those two cunts because there is always some little twat singing their crap.

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