Well it didn’t take Joe O’Biden long to resume normal duties and remind us all why he is a senile old fart and should stand down at the end of his term rather than decide to run again subjecting the U.S and wider world to more insane policies, gaffes and car crash interviews.
At a recent event at the White House Biden was asked where was the last foreign country he had visited.
“The last country I’ve travelled, I’m trying to think of the last one I was in. I’ve been to, met 89 heads of state so far, so uh…. trying to think where was the last place I was; its hard to keep track…um I was….”
“Ireland!” came the helpful reply from a child in the audience jogging the Hair-Sniffer-in-Chiefs memory of a visit to the country less than two weeks before.
Given this anti-British plastic paddy never stops banging on about his ancestral heritage and his love of all things Irish, you would think he would remember visiting the fucking place. His White House handlers must have thought they were in safe territory since he has been known to channel his inner Ron Burgundy and read “End of quote. Repeat the line” from teleprompters during speeches but was outfoxed a random question about his travels.
It got worse when asked how long had he had Alzheimers?
“As long as I can remember”.
Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.
Doctor: I’ve got bad news and worse news. Which would you like first?
Patient: Hit me with the bad news first, Doc
Doctor: You’ve got Alzheimer’s.
Patient: Fuck me. What’s the worst news?
Doctor: You’ve got full blown AIDS.
Patient: Fucking hell! Well, at least I haven’t got Alzheimer’s.
He’s as good a president there as any PM we’ve had here recently.
He always follows through.
Biden thinks Johnny Cash is small change for a Durex.
Biden thought Tooting Common was an Egyptian pharaoh….
Well the western world is a much safer and more prosperous place now the evil Trumpy fucked off and this old cunt got in.
Oh wait…
I liked Trump. He could get the leftards foaming at the mouth just by turning up in town.
You know you’re doing something right if Greta Thundercunt gives you death stares.
Hey Odin,
You are quite correct. The very thought of Trump gives Liberals the vapours.
Afternoon General.
The vapours?
Those bunch act like he has given them a dose of genital herpes.
They’re fucking unhinged.
Both Trump and O’Biden are owned by their handlers.
Biden is a stone cold embarrassment across the globe.
Trump just pissed off the wet wipes.
As for Ukraine all that’s needed is to see what political families have business interests there, fuck all to do with saving civilian lives, more promoting war for profit. NATO pushed for this, O’Biden and son profit.
Had tango man committed a fraction of kiddy sniffers behaviour half of the Western world would have dissolved into hysterical froth.
NATO are promoting the war in Ukraine?
I can’t be bothered with mouth-foamers.
You don’t get out much do you Micky, been on the piss today ?
It’s common knowledge NATO have been pushing eastward expansion.
Carry on with your and your acolytes communal love-in circle jerk.
“common knowledge”, eh?
What is your source? Pravda?
You’re positively frothy tonight
Put the bucky down and read this insight.
Fuck knows why I bothered to post an actual link, a colouring book and wax crayons is more some on here’s style.
Splutter away all you like.
God bless you, you are a fucking idiot.
Sure it was a lovely story you posted and that man’s got an informed opinion I’m sure. But not as much as this man, the cunt who actually made the decision to invade.
It was all NATO’s fault though, right. All that shite about Nazis and historical unity and Soviet border mistakes and about a made-up genocide that he cites as the reasons for invading don’t somehow count.
I swear there were also complete fuckwits who tutted after the attack on the twin towers that it was all the fault of US foreign policy.
More a case of genociding the white slavs of both sides of the feuding factions so Nuland and co can return en masse.
Wikipedia, the font of all knowledge for those who cant be arsed to differentiate between fact and fiction.
A site that can be edited by all and sundry. Where’s your next ‘source’ going to come from, the statue at Lourdes or a HP bottle ? *
*That’s the condiment not the rube poteen moonshine you use as an emetic.
The twin towers weren’t an attack on American foreign policy, what was it then, structural decay ? You arse.
Go get your fucking shine box.
Kudos for posting a link (where others faio or forget), a shame that you appear not to have read or understood it, but we can’t have everything can we.
“Did NATO expansion really cause Putin’s invasion?” Asks the article. The answer appears to be ‘no’
“One could argue that the goal of such a conference sponsored by the American embassy was to promote NATO expansion, particularly to urge Ukraine to join the Western alliance. But that is not how I remember it.”
“Putin has promoted a narrative that the Western alliance took advantage of the chaos and weakness of Russia in the 1990s, and somehow pressured its former Warsaw Pact allies into joining NATO. But this was not the case at all.”
“it is clear to me that Russia has mostly itself to blame for the alienation of its former allies”
“As in the Kyiv NATO conference cited above, Western officials hardly took the initiative to strong-arm Eastern European countries into joining”.
“As an autocratic leader who has denied his people the human rights we in the West enjoy, such as a free press, an honest judiciary, and especially genuinely contested elections, he is threatened by a liberalizing Ukraine right on his border. After all, Putin’s 22-year tenure rests on banning free and fair elections, stifling dissent, and controlling domestic media, along with official propaganda that excoriates Western institutions and values.”
In future, steer clear of posting links mate – they only highlight how mince you are.
Peevish racism is about your only qualification for posting here, it certainly isn’t wit.
The more I see of him, just makes me think of south park rod Stewart..
Poop mah pants.
It’s a sorry state when the leader of the free world dribbles from the mouth, can’t read an auto cue and no doubt wears pampers for men.
With this incompetent, old crone trying to do 12-piece jigsaws and falling asleep in his bowl of celery soup, China must be planning on which wallpaper they’ll use in the Taiwan government buildings.
He came to Ireland to tell the Brits not to ‘screw around’, thanks Joe, now that’s telling us, good job he came ?
Back to the southern border …..
Yeah funny how ‘concerns about his health’ stopped him coming to the coronation a short while later.
Whoever’s really running things over there, it ain’t this plastic paddy cunt. I doubt he can find own way to ‘the restroom’.
Four more years….
Afternoon all.
He may be stupid but he’s not Irish.
Joe’s Biden his time. I think that’s how the yanks spell it. They’ve fucked up the rest of our language.
Not that it’s Biden’s decision (as he doesn’t really control jack shit), but the ending of Title 42 will mean a tide of caramel-coloured 3rd world shitbag beaners will flow into America until it resembles the central american crapholes they just came from.
So now white (and the occasional black) taxpayer are paying for trailer trash whites, ghetto nıg-nògs and now unlimited pendejoes.
At least our channel hoppers might die during the crossing, no such luck in Texas / Arizona. The Rio Grande must be a damn sight easier to cross than the channel.
Hopefully one if them murders Alexandra-Ocasio-Cortez.
Got more chance of drowning, boating in the serpentine than the channel, Thomas.
Still raises a smile everytime I see the RNLI begging for money..
Hopefully in a year or two they will only have lilos to got out on.
I’d happily pay for the RNLI if they let Levi Bellfield out on nautical day release to drown as many foreign spongers as he could in one shift.
You have more luck with levi roots poisoning them with undercooked jerk chicken.
Control jack shit? If the piss stinking vegetable cunt could control his own shit, that would at least be a start.
To think we fought two world wars to stop channel hoppers. Now its as easy as using a remote control.
I bet Hunter’s laptop is one of the things TtCE has got from the dark net and isn’t allowed to talk about.?
You wicked, wicked man.?
Joking aside, it’s unbelievable that it gets forgotten that Biden is almost certainly a pædo. What sort of man showers with his daughter?
A kiddie-fiddler, that’s who.
A dirty man, that’s who.
Throw him in the oven Unkle
I generally avoid attacking Biden. It’s quite clear he should never have run, given his cognitive frailty. The real cunts are the Democrat party, hoping he will succumb so that their chuckling loon Kamsla Harris can take up office.
Same tactic as their pals in Hollyweird:
bait the saps with the established white man, then switch the power to an obnoxious WoC.
it’s a bonkers world if this senile waste of space can be where he is. The Democrats seem hell bent on destroying their country. A bit like the Torys and Labour here.
Who actually runs the USA? Certainly not this forgetful loon.
Lockheed-Martin and friends.
Crown City of London owns DC which is a bankrupt organization.They don’t quite ‘own’ fully tooled-up America by a long chalk.Not yet.
Corporation not organization.
And to think that we, and the British media, took the piss out of Reagan.
No such fears for Joe, he’s protected by the libtards, everything he does is a cause for celebration. When the truth is, he’s a fucking creepy, dementia addled puppet.
How the fuck has America sunk so low we ask?
Because of the left, just like here, is the answer.
Just imagine if George W. Had said some of the things Biden has said. The BBCunts would be having a field day.
‘fucking creepy’.
Good choice of epithet Field Marshall.
Definitely not a great watch…
He may be Irish but he’s not thick.
I thought it was the trip of a lifetime for him. That he would always remember it. What with meeting his relatives, seeing where their boat set off for the new world.
He said he didn’t want to leave it had such an effect on him.
Where was I last week again?
It was a nice jolly for him, at least if he could remember it. The Irish seemed a bit embarrassed by him.
Just a bit, like
People still slag off Trump.
Do they genuinely think this fuckwit is a better option?
You do realise corrupted ‘Dominion’ machinery got him in ?
You do realise that story is utter nonsense?
You do realise that is irrelevant?
Falsehood trumps truth in the QAnon community.
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up”.
Barack Obama
One wonders if the president is aware that a fair few of his ancestors countrymen fought on the Mexican side during the American invasion and the Mexican general Santana was heard to remark that his great wish was to have a thousand men like the St Patrick’s battalion. Their courages actions in the service of the Mexican state mean they are still celebrated in Mexico today.
In the USA the St Patrick’s battalion are traitors as many were deserters from the American army. The desertion in most cases was triggered by discriminatory treatment by American officers and NCO, due to the fact that the majority of Irish were Catholic. The Irish also observed the similarity between the American and English actions in a foreign country so realised this was an invasion for gain.
Thing is, often found that history can bite you on the arse, unless of course the history is worked
Very nice BB.
The Biden crime family has been (allegedly) selling influence for years now. To paraphrase Joe; Just because I’m Irish doesn’t mean I’m a traitor.
A lot of insightful remarks by the IsaC faithful about senile old hair sniffer. But not much about his criminal empire.
The Biden Crime Family has been taking money from foreign governments (allegedly) to influence American policy for quite some time. Even his fucking grandchildren have been getting payoff money from foreign governments.
To paraphrase his famous “thick” remark; He may be Irish but that doesn’t mean he’s a thieving cunt.
Got to keep it in the family General.
Nice work if you can get it. Like our own rats in Westminster, I reckon this is just scrating the surface after over fifty years in politics.
Joe loves the Emerald isle so much he doesn’t remember his visit??
Ya dirty bollocks ya.
He does remember winning Eurovision for Ireland in 1980.
Trump is a sex offender, but at least he’s our sex offender.
He’s made a pretty penny from that trial, from bellends who answered his appeal for money to pay his legal fees.
I mean, he could have shown his globalist elite past (and present) was behind him by selling a golf course or two, or one of his overseas concerns, but that would require gumption and self sacrifice he is incapable of.
He could gave asked Jared and Ivanka, seeing as they made billions during their time as presidential hangers on.
Or ask Don Jr where the missing 2020 campaign funds are.
Nah, keep paying the monthly $19.95 to be in the Donnie Fiddle fan club sheeple.
If anyone knows drivel it’s you. But more likely it’s just as I suspected. A lack of testicular fortitude.
If you can post any links from reliable sources that dispute any of the points I’ve made in this post, please do.
If you are just insulting me in order to rile me into making a reportable comment, tough luck.
You’re as full of shit as the bedpans you spend your days changing.
I have to take responsibility for not using the “opposition” in my statements. But it never occurred to me that stupid fucking trolls like Dick Fiddler or dumb fucking cunts like you would argue that Zelensky didn’t ban his own supporting party coalition.
So call me names…insult me…say whatever…the bottom line is I’m still here posting…Fiddler is still out in the garden eating worms and you’re still changing bed pans.
By the way…don’t bother posting any support for the number of parties you claim…just make the claim. At various times Fiddler said there were 200 some odd number…and then 300 some odd number…and now you claim there’s 52.
You’re like the fucking Markles…make up the claim…don’t back it up and then go on the attack when someone challenges you.
Fuck you.
You’re that much of a fucking spangle, you don’t even know what I do and don’t do for a living, Captain ‘Bullshitter’ Blowhard. Or can’t you see or read through those swivelin’ eyes and spittle-flecked lips?
I bet you’ve been to Twelvearife, too.
There you go again…
I.thought patriots support the armed forces?
And the emergency services?
General, you show your betters nothing but contempt.
It’s not because your American you get stick.
Nobody gives it to Meat Curtains, your fellow countryman.
No, it’s because your a spiteful grassing little victim.
And ride a mobility scooter
Fuck me… is he still digging that ridiculous hole he’s in? ?
At this rate we’ll soon need to have a whip-round to buy him a new spade! ?
Afternoon all. ?
You fucking sheep shagging Miscreant…nobody gets their posts hacked, changed and deleted by you and your friends.
I bet nobody gets threatened by you or your friends.
No matter how much you and the T and Pf Mob hate me you cannot justify those actions. You’re a fucking lowlife cunt for supporting such despicable behavior.
Gissa kiss luv.
Nowt gets my motor running like a sobbing little tart?
?????? 136 all day!
“You fucking sheep shagging Miscreant”?
Who might you be referring to? Someone of the Welsh persuasion I’m guessing.
Could it be we’re witnessing another of your legendary meltdowns? ?
Nothing gets your motor running like a sobbing little tart?
You fucking liar! We all know a bleating sheep revs you up like Lewis Hamilton at a Diversity seminar.
By the way…do you at least stick your dick in sheep dip before you go home to the wife?
On second thought it probably doesn’t matter.
You sound hysterical?
Calm down.
Want a hug?
And speaking of liberals who get the vapours…
Grabbed any pussies recently General? Apart from those of your blood relatives, obviously.
Hi, my number one fan!
Has Medusa found those space lasers yet? ??
How many times do I have to tell you? There is no such thing as a Jewish Space Laser.
But we do have a Christian Particle Beam that will blast your Libtard ass into atoms if you don’t stop telling that lie.
Jesus H. Christ Himself! You are dumber than a Labour Leadership Conference.
Trump Gammon.
Gammon Trump.
Who said Jewish?
Talking of having the vapors, one mention of the fat pussy grabber and fuck me! They’re queueing up to defend him.
It’s a cult……
A cult of degeneracy.
You’ve used the word Jewish multiple times on these pages even if you didn’t use it in this post.
But it is pointless to try and reason with a MAGA hating cultist like you who has Trump derangement syndrome.
You wouldn’t know a fact if it walked up and bit you on your Libtard ass.
‘Why is he always picking on the Donald? waaaahhhh!’
Ain’t no snowflake like a right wing snowflake
And why are you always spreading liberal misinformation?
Ain’t no liar like a left wing liar.
‘Orange man bad! Waaaah!’
Gosh! That’ll learn him, old timer!
With all the personal abuse I get from Cuntster, wouldn’t it be delicious irony for me to red button the guy?
Do it!
Yeah, go on Gutstick – do it.
Make him squeal!
Squeal louder, boy.
Louder. Louder, louder. Louder! Louder! Louder!
Get down now boy, get them britches down. That’s it. You can do better than that, old timer!
Come on, squeal. Squeal!
Tempted as I am, I would feel sad and pathetic to report such frivolous weak drivel.
Fiddler called him out and revealed him for the charlatan that he is.
Something he will never live down.
No matter how much he blusters.
Fiddler was a cowardly troll who like any schoolyard bully ran away at the first sight of authority. I have no doubt he’s still in the garden eating worms.
As for you…all you can do is repeat his bullshit because you’re too fucking stupid to think of anything original for yourself.
You’re like the fucking Markles…you keep repeating the lie in hopes it will become accepted fact.
But as was said when they were spewing their bullshit…recollections vary.
The coward who ran away is the discredited one and neither you nor he can change that with your bullshit.
‘Fiddler was a cowardly troll who like any schoolyard bully ran away at the first sight of authority’
High sixes all around in your neck of the bayou, eh?
If I recall correctly though General Custard you couldn’t even post one link because they kept “disappearing”.
Perhaps it was simply that Fiddler grew tired of your allegations and arguing back and forth with you.
That and the fact that the fucking shyster went crying to Admin when Fiddler started giving him a (justified) hard time and called him out. Funny how the fucker can post bollocks after bollocks but when asked to post one link, just one to back up his aforementioned bollocks, they all mysteriously disappeared….
“Test post, test post”.
I would encourage you to revisit the thread. It is still available.
Fiddler insisted that I post one link and one link only from a source he deemed credible that used my exact words. That was an impossible and unreasonable standard for anyone to meet.
However, I could and did post multiple links from different sources including a series of links that showed the names of the parties banned and the date they were banned.
If you read the thread you will see that Fiddler conceded this but didn’t accept it because it wasn’t one link from a source he approved and it didn’t use my exact words.
And yes…I made no bones about having trouble. I had links that didn’t work…some through user error…my own fault…some for other reasons I couldn’t figure out.
And if I may point out that even today there are cunters who put forth nominations who cannot post links and rely on other cunters to do it for them so I am hardly alone.
I also had posts vanish…not only in that thread but in others. If you read the thread there was at least one other cunter who admitted to having the same problem.
If you read the thread you will see where I contacted the Admins and asked for their help. On at least one occasion the Admins were able to help and restored the vanishing posts.
They even commented on it and I thanked them.
On other occasions they could not help.
To be blunt the issue with Fiddler was not the facts of my allegation but rather it was me. It is well known that there was great animosity between us and he tried to exploit that with his demand for one link, and one link only, from a source he deemed credible, that used my exact words.
I know there are other cunters here who don’t like me for whatever reason. Many of them revered Fiddler and hated me so they piled on. They are what I call the Torch and Pitchfork Mob.
to this day they blame me for Fiddler’s exit.
As I said, I encourage you to go back and visit the thread and decide for yourself.
Are you bullshitting for charity? What’s the cause, ‘Veterans Today?
There you go again, Cuntstard.
Desperately trying to rewrite history.
Big Brother would be so proud of you.
At no point did Fiddler concede to your lies,
And far from being cowed by you,
He wiped the floor with you.
Suggest you revisit the Ukraine forum, starting with your post on December 22, 2022 at 10:31pm where you claimed:
“Fact: Zelensjy outlawed all political parties except his own and imprisoned his political opposition.”
And culminating almost a month later with Fiddler’s post on January 16, 2023 at 6:56am where he wrote:
“Last word to General Bullshitter….
You can squirm as much as you like…there are dozens of links proving that Zelensky did not BAN ALL political parties….and not a single one that says he did.
Accept it, you delusional Gasbag.”
In the interim, not a shred of evidence could you come up with for your ludicrous claims including:
“ALL political parties of all persuasions were banned regardless of whether they were pro-Russian or if they did in fact harbor foreign agents or sympathizers.”
The best you could manage was to admit that Zelensky had banned only 12 parties out 52, a far cry from him banning ALL political parties except his own, lol.
Wasting your time, MJB, the cunt won’t have it. He could bore a glass eye to sleep with his myopic bullshit.
For a response see my post above.
In other words, you don’t have a leg to stand on.
In other words the record speaks for itself and members don’t need ignorant fucking troll cunts like you telling them what to think.
How much have you made on your sponsored Bullshitathon?
The truth hurts, doesn’t it?
Not surprised you lost your rag.
To Trolls like yourself the truth does hurt…that’s why you have to spin it.
Hey! Since they won’t give you any gloves, maybe you can use that rag you think I lost to clean those bedpans!
And you’re so fucking unhinged you can’t even remember whom you’re insulting!!
You lack Capacity, son.
Truly pitiful.
I almost feel sorry for you.
Btw, best get your colostomy bag emptied before it blows up in your face.
@Gene Genie
I’ve made enough to buy you a pair of cloves to wear when you’re cleaning bed pans but not enough to buy you a brush.
You could fill an industrial skip with your bullshit never mind a bedpan, son…
You take on one and you take on all.
It’s like dealing with a Groid in a ghetto. Alone he’s a cowardly cunt. But when his Ghetto Rat Homies scurry to his rescue he’s brave and bold.
As for me getting confused…like Groids…all of you in the T and Pf Mob look alike. So excuse me if I can’t tell one lying, cowardly cunt from another.
Says the Dame Hilda Bracket lookalike.
You stupid cross dressing cunt! Just because you enjoy drag doesn’t mean everyone else does.
Pipe down, Divine.
@DFT Gene Genie
I defer to your expertise on bedpan capacity.
And we defer to your expertise on faecal vomiting.
If Uncle Joe is a Paddy perhaps he knows what “Kathleen’s bike” means? I wouldn’t put any money on it though.
Must be the Cork “fringe” or some other live entertainment, problem is these arseholes could be for real, the fucker with the black jacket with the hood hiding his eyes, reckon he’s embarrassed. To paraphrase the poet of Metroland JB “come friendly bombs and rain on these cunts”
Yes Joe Biden is old, so naturally he’s prone to the odd stumble and the occasional lapse of memory. But as he says, ‘Don’t compare me to the Almighty, compare me to the alternative’.
Biden senile and corrupt…but Orange man bad!
More Kremlin-concocted tripe.
Well said 6DV.
Ignore the other remarks. It’s just more Fenian concocted crap.
Quick with the insults this evening General?
Mickey served with the British army.??
I think that allows his a viewpoint?
I did indeed MNC.
I doubt GC has served in anything other than the neighborhood watch; following Hispanic children around with one hand on his six-shooter.
If he had any balls he’d be all over the papers now like George Zimmerman.
If ‘Fenian’ is a reference to my heritage then I cordially invite you to go fuck yourself, you obese, burger-munching, gullible, thick as pigshit, septic cock-sucking cunt.
In a spirit of good fun, obviously. You fat fuck.
See it’s true about that ” Irish charm” Mickey?
Just a bit of craic between me and the armchair general ?
Biden and his family have been asshole deep in Ukrainian corruption for years now. If Mickey dismisses 6DV’s valid points as Kremlin concocted craps then I can dismiss his as Fenian concocted crap.
After all the Irish do stick together because as we say in the States, they are “thick as thieves.”
And we’re all entitled to our opinions. Even a thick as pig shit, bog trotting, Fenian…all in good fun of course.
We’re racking over old coals here GC. Although it is no surprise that the Kremlin pushes out massive amounts of propaganda, for some reason it still amazes me that they are able to gaslight
so many retards, especially in yankland.
Must be something to do with the substandard levels of education across the pond? Or the higher levels of inbreeding in the red states, perhaps? I don’t know.
You lot are what the term ‘useful idiot’ was coined for, though I’m not sure you’re all that useful.
What a little charmer you are General.
You even spoil racism.
For someone so happy to beat the Right wing drum I’d of thought you’d have more respect for our Armed Forces?
Your not a member of the Phelps Family are you?
Why is it OK for you (and others) to insult my nationality and call us Yanks retards but if I call you a Fenian you get your panties in a bunch?
All manner of insults are hurled at me and my countrymen simply because we’re Yanks. Myself and others who support Trump are ridiculed as Trumptards. MAGA is used as an insult. Lies and misinformation…even when proved demonstrably false are repeated as nauseam.
And just because we point out the Biden family’s ties to Ukrainian corruption we are dismissed by you as agents of Putin. And that is not only fucking bullshit, but a fucking libelous insult.
We were all warned in the “Enough” post by Admin. But with regard to me and others who share similar opinions we are constantly insulted by those who think they know it all.
If you and others don’t have to play by the rules, neither do I.
Are you going to sue for libel General?
Nah, the cunt’ll just hit the ‘Report Abuse’ button. Again.
“Mister Grimsdale, Mister Grimsdaaaaale…”
You’re a hero. And a fucking psychic too by all accounts, insulting my nationality in advance of anything I posted to you about your inbred moronity.
If you’re trying to get away from the whole yankee stereotype thing then probably best not to mention ‘libelous’ in response to anything.
In defending Sixdog’s gibberish you fixate on the corruption but not the claim about “the corrupt Ukrainian Nazis” in power. That is the tripe I was referring to and I don’t even credit you pair of deep-thinkers for coming up with it.
Are you going to have your “proper” friend try to intimidate me again? Change my posts? Delete my comments? Threaten me?
That was low even for you.
You ok Hun?
Ah, was that what happened to all the links you tried to post when Fiddler asked you to back up your claims?
It’s all MNC’s fault you couldn’t post one. Why didn’t you say so?
It’s not hard to insult a Spud Munching moron like you. The only reason you support Biden is because your ancestors and his trotted across the same bogs.
As for your insults to those of us who don’t share your love of Ukraine…that doesn’t make us Kremlin puppets. Volo is a crook and Putin is a cunt. The two things are not mutually exclusive.
However, if you want to wrap yourself in the flag of Ukraine and masturbate to Volo’s Facebook page that’s fine. But don’t expect the rest of us to share your fetish.
As for serving in the Army…Halfwit Harry Hewitt served in the same Army and he is a cunt of metaphysical proportions so that isn’t exactly a blanket defense.
You still have to be responsible for what you say today.
Post a single word I’ve ever written in support of Biden – it’ll take you as long to find as those mystery links you made up. You’re a fat, cocksucking fantasist.
As for serving in the Army – like many other Europeans I’ve supported the Yanks in a couple of their scraps (no need to thank me, it was a pleasure) so it isn’t too much to ask you lot to support us for a change. I say ‘you’ as in your country of course, you’re too much of a pussy to have ever enlisted, you’re just the type to support the troops from the touchlines, so long as it is against some backwards tribesmen.
I’ll stand by and account for everything I say about Ukraine as will you – it’ll make you even more of a joke than you are now.
6DV posted the following:
“The Biden family corruption has mostly been channeled through Ukraine, hence Joe is very keen the corrupt Ukrainian Nazis stay in power.
Also from the same post:
“Biden is a piece of shit.”
Your response:
“More Kremlin-concocted tripe.” No exclusions for anything else in the post. No qualifiers for any other points made.
I’d say that constitutes a defense of both Joe Biden and his family.
Game…set…and match.
“Game…set…and match?”
You really think that?
Stick to baseball you blowhard moron.
OK…baseball it is:
“Oh, a fastball right down the middle of the plate caught him looking and Mickey heads back to the bench after being called out on strikes.”
You’re fucking mental but that did make me chuckle.
Night night GC.
Night night Micky:
My fucking dog’s more Irish than this Dopey old fart.
He is an Irish setter though….?
Trump/Biden two cheeks of the same pimple ridden scabby arse.
Both dodgy, both playing the populism game to their respective audiences.
The left/right paradigm is pure theatre. They’re owned by the big corporations, like Meta or Big Pharma and say what they’re told to say. Same with Hollyweird/Netflix stars.
I don’t feel comfortable attacking Biden because he’s clearly suffering from rapid cognitive decline.
I feel the same with Diane Abbot. I have a theory that she either suffered some sort of breakdown perhaps compounded with her diabetes.
Diabetics can do some weird things when their blood sugar is low.
No doubt that makes a “libtard” or a “normie”.
I think both sides are as bad as each other. They don’t actually believe whatever bullshit that they’re selling, but they’ll keep on selling as long as their followers keep on drinking the leftist or neocon Kool-aid subscribing or paying their monthly subs.
At least Biden has no illusions about Putin and his gangster state.
I’m now awaiting the usual response from the girl guides against your cOnsPiraCY THeorY.
Just for brown owl:
Just to make clear my position they’re both as bad as each other.
I used to think Elon Musk was like P.T Barnum.
Trump is like P.T Barnum too. All that about pardoning the Capitol rioters. Before he was trying to distance himself from it all and deny any involvement in a way that even Judas would have rolled his eyes and said “fuck off mate”. ?
Biden was seen as an in joke in politics up until abaaaaht 2019.
Typical careerist hack American politician. Then they all crawled up his arse.
Donald Trump Jr is the Trump family’s equivalent to Hunter Biden.
Another cokehead degenerate.
Where did all that foundation fund go?
That’s the Trump family equivalent to the laptop from hell.
American Politics is a soap opera.
why doesn’t is surprise me that you had to make that clear to him
With you all the way Harold.
I don’t know who’s right or wrong but a clique giving one poster a hard time seems wrong to me.
I thought we were better than that on here….
JR, you obviously missed all the original drama and are probably wondering what the hell is going on.
Allow me to bring you up to speed;
It isn’t a clique, it is a torch and pitchfork mob.
I’m still waiting for The Worcestershire Warrior or The Ruislip Rumbler to offer the cunt out behind the bike sheds.
Captain Blowhard certainly wouldn’t turn up.