Remember the days when your G.P – even more any consultant you saw – was a real gentleman. Nice suit, crisp white shirt, collar and tie – impeccable manners?.
In films you would have got James Mason or Sir Ralph Richardson. Those days have gone, alas, now doctors are no longer allowed to wear ties because of “health” concerns, and the kids coming out of medical school, having been force fed left wing Communist/Labour bullshit since they started their “education” (such as it is).
We are now getting a new breed like Whyte, and a very unpleasant sort of mongrel, who despite the posh spellings of his names (“y” instead of “I”) is an out and out socialist, and they even have the temerity to infect the British Medical Association,. The more you read about men like this the more you can understand militant medics and self-important stuck up nurses:
Nominated by W.C. Boggs.
Our old doctor was like Leslie Philips,
Brylcreemed hair, plummy accent, always giving out antibiotics.
Our new doctor is Dr Uylesses mbuto from Haiti,
And he’s more likely to suggest leaving out a glass of rum and half ounce of tabacco for the spirits.
If symptoms persist,
Sacrifice a chicken.
They’re all different in their approach to medical matters.
Martyn probably would treat a trapped nerve with strike action,
A case of impetigo with a reading from Das Capital.
Pmsl ?
Good Morning
I was shocked to read that the BMA was a hive of far left vermin, although why I am not too sure as they seem to have infiltrated every strata of society. Again, reading in the Telegraph, why I should have been surprised that it was the BMA who prevented any expansion of doctor training facilities in order to keep salaries up. This has resulted in importing doctors from the 3rd world to the extent that we now have a 3rd world medical service.
The NHS is important to everyone in this country whether you have increasingly expensive private medical insurance or not as when the chips are down and you have a really serious medical condition you end up in a NHS hospital not some nice BUPA or Ramsey Health Care establishment.
Having a doctor daughter I have ro agree with most of your points there Wanksock. My wife’s first pregnancy ended in miscarriage at quite an advanced stage. She was taken by ambulance to hospital and the way she was treated doesn’t bear relating. It’s the reason our kids were born at home despite the best efforts of the authorities to prevent such. The doctor who treated her in hospital was black. Make of it what you will. That was in 1985 and hopefully things have improved. I must say that the treatment I received when I had my cardiac event in 2016 was so good it was stunning, brilliant in every respect.
As for medics being left wing vermin, well most of those I have met through our daughter certainly hold views well to the left of most of us on ISAC but I would say in a fairly positive way. They genuinely are concerned for the welfare of their patients and I’ve known of experienced doctors reduced to tears when they realise there is no more they can do to help. As for prejudice towards any particular race or religion, I can only say that in our daughter’s case the idea wouldn’t enter her head.
As regards your last point everyone knows this to be true which is why the NHS has overwhelming support amongst the general public. When our daughter is working in A&E she is never surprised when someone is rushed in from a nearby private hospital where the staff have basically decided; “Shit, we can’t cope with this one. Get ’em out of here.” Sometimes the poor sods are in worse condition than they need to be.
At least if we go NHS we are spared Myriam Gargoyle’s potty mouth.
Paediatrician? More like suspect kiddie fiddler.
I thought it was Ant, or perhaps Dec. The one who wasn’t a booing, drunk driver.
What happened to the Hippocratic oath? Typical lefty cunt. Strike the cunt off.
A antisemitic labour supporter! Well I never..very unusual that..
I hope he will be changing he’s terribly racist surname to something more appropriate.
Obviously the cunts have zero interest in curing people, easier to stand on a picket line chanting like infant school kids.
A plague on their houses and hope their families die waiting to see a non existent “doctor”.
Yes it’s Monday morning…..
Bloke in our ramblers association hurt his foot,
It turned septic, gangrenous.
A his doctor told him that they’d have to amputate.
He got a second opinion from Dr Martyn Whyte who said to try mass organisation
” The walkers United
Shall never be de-feeted”
Sorry. Anyone seen my coat?
JR Cuntley has nothing to be worried about.
I have to wonder why he would make such comments via any form of social media…even an imbecile would know they would be discovered and that it would lead to a very hard landing.
He’s a bad egg it seems so fuck him.
Indeed, Unkle, unless his aim was to make himself completely unemployable.
In which case, well done, Sir!
He must be an idiot, as an idiot was of lower IQ than an imbecile in old medical terms, when doctors were white men and tapped babies heads with ball peen hammers.
AI is coming. Most newly qualified Dr.s are operators of an algorithm. They know fuck all without referring to the screen, and asking Holly for an answer.
I’ve just read the link.
Jesus the blokes clearly some flavour of mental?!!
How did someone so unstable get so far?
Also another junior doctor who hates white people.
Luckily these headtheballs are rooted out,
They don’t do their profession or fellow doctors any justice ,
Quite scary that someone who’s dealing with people’s health is a undiscovered maniac.
Dr Kayode Oki “cokey”.
“White women are scary’ mischief-makers who steal ideas from black people”.
I wonder if those ideas include how to attract flies and what is best container for hot bison piss.
He’s right about that, but mainly upper-middle class white women who go on gap years and later have their hair matted into dreadlocks and go to Kathmandu or Bali , missing most of it because of they got shitfaced, and worship the noble savages like the Masai.
They look to non-white cultures because it’s easier than reading old books by old white men. Theyve been taught to hate European culture since the late sixties.
I miss my old Doctor. Dr Moss was his name, real old school and was brilliant too. He didn’t piss about with questions and make potshot guesses as to what the problem was – he was always correct with his assessment. He retired at 55. I asked him why, he told me “I’ve had enough. Being a GP isn’t what it was and there are too many people making changes for the sake of changes”. My current Doctor is a cunt who just asks you generic questions and has never been correct once. “I’ll prescribe you this” – doesn’t work. “Oh, try this then” – doesn’t work etc. I’m the prick funding the medicine guessing game having to shell out for each prescription. I don’t go anymore and just put up with problems. Cunts…
And he gets the kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies for flogging their wares.
My doc is generally good but sometimes pushes the pills a bit readily.
last year whilst away touring my vast eastern estates i was mauled by a tiger, (okay bitten by a cat) and had to go to hospital for a course of anti rabies jabs. mrs mcfuck was more worried about me chewing the furniture than dying. anyway last jab was due when i returned home and this resulted in a back and forth with my gp asking me what do i think i should be given when i got back despite me sending all the information from the hospital in thailand. which had me asking the question, who is the fucking doctor here?
Where I live nobody bothers going to the doctors, everybody goes to the new pharmacist in our high street chemist.
He’s a young lad who is almost seven feet tall and apparently still growing.
If you ask me he’s getting too big for his Boots….
At least they weren’t short staffed.
My old doctor always reminded me of the teacher in the pink Floyd movie “the wall” grumpy old bugger would never give you a sick note unless you were on deaths door…
Dr Williamson.
This jumped up, bumfluffed smart arse, wouldn’t have parents giving him a “wye” for an “ai”. The smarmy cunt.
Double oven Unkle
As the article says, imagine if you’re a Jew going for treatment with this guy!
Anyone serving the public should not hold these views and certainly shouldn’t be publicising them.
I was at the doctor`s recently as I had a strawberry growing on my bottom.
I got some cream for it.
I went into the doctor’s surgery and said to the receptionist ‘Can I see the doctor, I think I’m turning into a moth?’
”Do you have an appointment?’ she asked.
I said ‘No, but I was just passing and I saw the lights were on.’
Makes a change from grapes!
I grow my own house red.
How is a profession that’s meant to be training medics producing political activists? If he’s smart enough to be a doctor he should also be smart enough not to spout shit on social media.
Obviously he should be struck off and sent to the frontline in Ukraine.
I got a little concerned the last time I went to Doctors. He asked me turn around and strip so he could do a thorough examination. I asked him where I should put my clothes. He said “On the chair on top of mine”.
The last time I was at the doctor’s he stuck his finger up my anus to see if my prostate was swollen. I was terribly embarrassed, but he said ‘Don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal to get an erection during this procedure.’
‘But I haven’t got an erection’ I replied.
‘No, but I have’ he said.
I had “one of those” in Vienna, he looked like a Nasty poster-boy. Odd, as I thought The Night of the Long Knives and the camps had done for them…
Strike the cunt from the register, and all who support him.