I recently saw an article about a woman jailed for multiple domestic abuse offenses. Nothing unusual about that, I thought – domestic abuse is an unfortunate situation in far too many homes, and in these days of equal rights I guess women can be just as abusive as men. Christ, my own mother had a backhand that could fell a navvy, and woe betide anyone who got on her bad side. No wonder my dad left before I was conceived. (Come again? – NA)
Anyway, I read the article – Zara Jade, 54, sentenced after attacking her partner multiple times, blah blah… Scrolled down the page to see the mugshot… and fuck me, what a stunner “she” is.
It’s getting beyond a joke now. We somehow have to pander to these deluded narcissists even though even Stevie Wonder and his guide dog would struggle to find something even remotely feminine about the fragrant Zara. The really frustrating thing is, history will record this as a female abuser even as eyesight and common sense tells you it fucking isn’t.
Zara Jade – cunt. West Yorkshire police – cunt. Political correctness – cunt.
Fuck you all to hell.
West Yorkshire Police Link. (Oh do scroll down – you’ll be glad you did – NA)
Nominated by : Le Cunt Noir
Goes straight to the top of the charts for most difficult wank.
Some on here will rise to the challenge.
Absolutely fantastic.
Get Frank Bruno out of retirement,stick a wig on him and have him (!) go twenty rounds with Zara bare knuckle..
Sky would charge fifty quid for it,the cunts.
I scrolled, kill me now. Pandering to these cunts is just plain ridiculous. Coppers are cunts. That creature is a bloke. Should be kicked firmly in the bollocks and put away until it rots.
I’ve seen real women more masculine than that on a night out in Gateshead.
Anybody got the horn?
Cunt Engine.
Fucking hell! What a raving beauty. It gets better…..his “other half” is also a fucking trannie! So you’ve got two geezers, pretending to be wimminz, in a lezza relationship!!!!! What the fuck! And then you’ve got the coppers, the courts and the media calling them she and her!!
Bring back the Witch Finder General! Burn these satanists!
Fuck me it’s killer bob from twin peaks..
“Damn fine cup of coffee”
That’s compo from last of the summer wine with a wig
Have I got this correctly. Evil husband sent to prison for life threatening abuse to wife, presumably a woman. The only difference is his arsehole won’t need breaking in.
After finding out they are blokes, let them fight it out to the death and stop wasting our time.
I’ve got a mate who says that he now identifies as an ancient Greek, U-shaped stringed instrument from the harp family.
I think he’s a lyre….
Was he harping on about his mummy.
You’ll be glad to hear that ‘she’ will be serving ‘her’ sentence in a male prison, which will be no shock to the system having previously done time for rape and sexual assault.
Yet another waste of skin, that adds no value to society, that the taxpayer ends up housing.
Hang it. Then down the pub for a liquid lunch and a ploughmans lunch.
Hey Cunty, that’s ‘ploughperson’s lunch’, you sexist beast!
Guilty as charged Ron.
I just hope that history repeats itself one day and damsel in distress, MR Eddie Izzard finds another q ueer trannie and they knock each other about….. Seconds away! – Round 2!
That’s the problem you see…..two women living together, it never works. Using each other’s make up and perfume….it’s bound to cause rows.
One or the other on the blob, stealing each other’s tampons…
Living hell.
How the fuck did we get to the stage that everyone in authority pretends this stinking faery tale of depravity is real?
The rot has well and truly set in.
Oh and send six vans of armed police to search for knitted golliwogs throughout the county.
How indeed Tel. Utter, utter fucking nonsense!
Wouldn’t be the first time that Izzard took a pounding in the ring….
Your dad left before you were conceived?
I have an image of a man standing on the front lawn after leaving the house, firing his spunk up through an open window, straight into your mother’s vagina. Sorry for mentioning your mother’s vagina, just not sure how else to say it.
That’s some party trick that is though.
“Sorry for mentioning your mother’s vagina.”
Now there’s something I didn’t expect to be saying today.
A miraculous conception perhaps?
Beeb should be heavily find for starting this nonsense from scratch, for calling the bloke a woman.
Ah, but there are 100 sexes according to the Beeb. My chosen pronouns are fuck and cunt.
Looks like Eight Ace’s missus from Viz.
Don’t know who’s the bigger wally here Le Cunt; the rozzers or the delightful Ms Jade.
Afternoon all.
I’ve seen better looking ‘birds’ on a night out in Doncaster.
No, you haven’t
Let’s keep it in the realms of reality shall we??
Only because his “beer goggles” wallet doesn’t stretch that far.
West Yorkshire police need to get their priorities right, don’t they know there are golliw@g dolls sitting on shelves somewhere..
Domestic violence, thats minor crime some poor soul has been traumatised by seeing said dolls.
West Yorkshire police need to get their priorities right, don’t they know there are golliwag dolls sitting on shelves somewhere..
Domestic violence, thats minor crime some poor soul has been traumatised by seeing said dolls.
Replica Wolligogs.
Funnily enough I always associate poofery and trannyism with places like London and Brighton not fucking Yorkshire. What’s going on? What would Seth Armstrong and Amos Brierly have made of this buffoonery? Send the weirdos down Sarf, no cunt will notice them there.
You’re right about that. Just imagine that thing clearing out it’s pigeon loft in a mini skirt, boob tube and flat cap.
They obviously do deviancy proper in Yorkshire.
Mini skirt and boob tube indeed!
Pha! Where would he keep t’ferret?
Trannies and violence go hand-in-hand. These are the sort of freaks the SNP, Lib dems and greens want to promote as being regular members of society at the expense of actual women?
Go fuck yourselves. The same goes for anyone who downplays the issue and how it fucks up Children.
Go fuck yourselves (or a tranny).
I suspect it is a simple mistake with the text put in with the wrong picture, easy to understand.
Plenty of nutters out there.
Last night a stranger phoned me and asked me to meet him in the woods at midnight, so he could take photographs of my ball sack.
Fucking weirdo.
He never showed up….
Isn’t it simply a ball boy who lost his way in Nottingham ?
It’s a bloody bloke with long hair calling himself a woman. Tip for people wanting to be women, get rid of the fucking beard. Pandering to these retards won’t end well
That’s put me right off the tin of Whiskas I was going to have for lunch.
Filthy animal.
If you’re trying to lose weight, imagine that giving you a French kiss.
I wondered what Chewbacca was doing after the end of the Star wars films
The universe is taking the piss with all this tranny bollocks. We are being made to suffer because of hubris.
I had an interview recently. The HR woman was flicking through some paperwork and said, “There appears to be a large gap in your CV, can you explain that?”
I said, “I fell asleep with my head on the space bar.”
Napalm! Cleanse with fire.
Who the fuck is he trying to kid aether Mullard is more effeminate
Some more west Yorkshire shite…!
Vile sex offenders who targeted Huddersfield kids jailed for over 500 years
And there’s more…
Leeds rapist who won £7m on National Lottery given full access to his fortune
I sense a pattern here Roy, but perhaps it’s just me…