West Yorkshire Police

I recently saw an article about a woman jailed for multiple domestic abuse offenses. Nothing unusual about that, I thought – domestic abuse is an unfortunate situation in far too many homes, and in these days of equal rights I guess women can be just as abusive as men. Christ, my own mother had a backhand that could fell a navvy, and woe betide anyone who got on her bad side. No wonder my dad left before I was conceived. (Come again? – NA)

Anyway, I read the article – Zara Jade, 54, sentenced after attacking her partner multiple times, blah blah… Scrolled down the page to see the mugshot… and fuck me, what a stunner “she” is.

It’s getting beyond a joke now. We somehow have to pander to these deluded narcissists even though even Stevie Wonder and his guide dog would struggle to find something even remotely feminine about the fragrant Zara. The really frustrating thing is, history will record this as a female abuser even as eyesight and common sense tells you it fucking isn’t.

Zara Jade – cunt. West Yorkshire police – cunt. Political correctness – cunt.

Fuck you all to hell.

West Yorkshire Police Link. (Oh do scroll down – you’ll be glad you did – NA)

Nominated by : Le Cunt Noir

62 thoughts on “West Yorkshire Police

  1. Why on earth describe a trans woman as a woman, they are as different as a penis and a cunt, as different as sperm and eggs, not to mention chalk and cheese.

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