Transgender ‘women’ banned’.
Is sanity returning?
Is there hope that woke is dying?
Someone actually grew a pair, or had a pair and
told them all how many beans made 5 and it didn’t
include two panty wearing poofters.
Well done. I doubt Lord Coe had anything to do with the
decision, he’d have been trumpeting to the heavens (press) if he had.
Can I add that this should have been nipped in the bud, from the
first second some testosterone filled cunt put a wig on
and called himself a woman?
Nominated by Jeezum Priest.
Anything that upset that bender tom daley is always great news..
Still I would of liked to see more of this..
Ooh dear me, Tomasina ‘Hello Ducky’ Daley is furious. ‘Anyone who can’t compete in something they love just because of who they are, it’s not on’ said Tomasina, speaking out of her prolapsed anus.
So that means I can’t compete in the girls under-7s egg and spoon race at this year’s village fete. Just because of who I am.
It’s not on.
Tiny Tom should knit himself a ball gag, and while he’s at it, a pair of socks to cover those half human, half Golem feet!
That South Park clip put me in mind of that Caster Semenya, who simply looks like a bloke.
It has no apparent female characteristics – sexual or simple physical appearance.
A bloke in lycra methinks. Just awaiting the knock on the door from the simpering trans police.
Caster Semenya is an anagram of “yes, a secret man”…
(Which is exactly correct. Semenya has a developmental sex difference, whereby her external male genitalia didn’t form. Often raised as girls in less developed societies, they’re still biological males.)
Thanks for the info Gloria, didn’t know that.
Yeah, you can bet Lord arsecrawler Coe had nothing to do with it. There’s a bandit if ever I saw one. Him and Tom Daley…….two poofs in the same changing room.
Still baffles me why the freaks don’t have their own events, a bit like the paralympics…But for freaks.
Testicular accidents in women’s sports will now plummet.
No cunt would watch it. Be like watching a freak show
I’d watch it LG; it would be fucking hilarious!
Lord Coe deserves a cunting of his own in all honesty.
He tried to ring fence his woke credentials when announcing the world athletics ban with the words ‘we’re not saying no forever’.
Why the fuck not?
For someone who knows what it takes to compete at that level, it’s a pathetic statement and a complete cop out.
He was a greasy little manipulator as an MP and appears the same in his current role.
This is outrageous!
Cheating in sports has a long and glorious history.
From a horse shoe in a boxing glove to competing in a marathon by car,
How the fuck is some up and coming Lilly Savage meant to compete against other men?!!
There needs to be a special category invented for these mophidites.
Conjoined twins, encephalitis, hunchbacks and people with flippers are overlooked in sport events.
We need a mutant Olympics.
That’s the only answer, trans Olympics.
Also, it’d be cheap enough for the BBC to televise, which would send them positively orgasmic.
Clare Balding would be foaming up in the studio, along with Tom Daley fiddling with his 2 inches of steaming hot cock.
Yeah, it’s not fair.
Midgets have a niche in sport.
They put them in colourful shirts and lift them onto horses for racing.
These midgets tend to be Irish for some reason?
And some are borderline.
Lester Piggutts was a lofty 4ft 7in in cowboy boots.
But midgetism aside
No matter your disability or hideous stomach churning deformity,
Theres a place in sport for you.
So chin up trannies!!
Maybe start a hopscotch league?
They have a place mis. Ever seen Australian dwarf throwing events?
Yeah Everyonesacunt!
Saw that.
And the little fuckers love it!
Not keen on the safety helmets and pads though.
I think it takes away the fun from the sport .
I prefer to chuck them in nettle beds or skips full of jagged metal.
Don’t forget Colin Jackson. He’s a fudge packer as well. Dirty cunt
LG I had no idea about Colin Jackson being one of them – but you are dead right:
It seems, until Mark Foster’s retirement, that CJ was a “close friend” of his and “coached” him.
I wonder who Tiny Tim-Tom Daley “coaches”?
Black, Welsh and a chutney. Doesn’t get much worse than that.
The Romans had something like that. In between the gladiators followed by the lions and Christians there were fights between the blind, dwarves and other special needs types. It was regarded as a comedic interlude as would any tranny event now.
Give the Romans that,
They knew how to put on entertainment.
David Blunkett with a trident against Warwick Davis with a short sword?
Pizza all round ?
Thought you didn’t care for foreign food mis?
Pizza!!! Who are you Gareth wokegate .
It was the only Roman food I could think of bar spaghetti hoops Baz.
Oh an dormice.
They ate mice Romans.
Don’t forget wolf nipple chips..
Get em while there hot..
Not saying no forever, just till all the cunts who value honesty, morality, logic and reason have shuffled of their mortal coils. The rate the state is pushing all this crap especially in schools with exciting events for 6 year olds like man in dress explaining anal sex, drag a story about miles and molly who are in fact the same person. By the time they leave full time education they will have a problem figuring out what they are let alone everybody else
As for daly, he jumps off diving boards and takes it up the council gritter plus he “married a man” hardly someone I would take that much notice of. As for Coe always appeared as an unctuous twat you are very right. FMC.
I just love some of the descriptions you see on this site. Some make me piss myself laughing.
‘Council gritter’ is one of the best yet BB!
Even better than ‘Dirt box’.
True. Even as a Conservative, I have to admit Coe was Wes Streeting before there was a Wes Streeting – always knew which arse to crawl up, to to advance an otherwise 5th rate career.
Weasel words from Coe. Plank.
I can’t give you the link tothe actual story, since it is behind a paywall, and I don’t like The Times, and we don’t need any lavatory paper at the moment, but look at the right hand column:
Labour in office would instill “respect” for wimminz in schools, to stamp out that awful mysoginy. But what do they mean by “women”? – that silly cunt Starmer can’t even define what a woman is.
The sooner all this sexual politics bullshit becomes yesterday’s hobby like Hula-hoops and CB radio the better.
I think all of us here and gentlemen, and we would always treat Blair and Mandy as ladies, so what is the point?. I suspect the more they try to “influence” young minds, the more rebels there will be.
Starmer’s dad, a toolmaker that was at least successful making one.
He made bespoke wooden dildos for the Bloomsbury set
I’d like to see one of these cunts who is a woman dressed as a man take part in male sport. Boxing preferably. I mean I’d pay to see some trans wrong in have seven bells of shit beaten out of ‘them’
I find this report really encouraging. The backlash on woke grows apace with more evidence appearing all the time. Great the way Starmer grabbed the opportunity to dump Diane Abbott with such alacrity yesterday.
In a way, but Lammy and Zara Sultana have been just as racist as Diane Abbott, but they are fireproof. I can’t see him sacking hammy Lammy but change the word “white” to “black” in many of his utterances and there is little difference between the pair of them.
True, arfur. I think Dame Keira’s just been waiting for an excuse to dump the racist sack of lard, and she’s so thick that she was always going to put her left-shoed right foot in her big fat ugly gob eventually.
Difficult to know who’s the dimmer, the Flabbott or Sasha Johnson.
I’d say its a dead heat at the moment.
We may be missing something here. It is the political morons we elect who are supporting these “new values” upon us. THEY should be the focus of our derision. When that bloated faggot enters Parliament dressed as Shirley Valentine ( as he/she/it surely will ) then the true value of Parliament is revealed. Ity is little more than a circus of shit. I say Flush !
Sadly it should have happened years ago before these idiots got a foothold….
These is no such thing as a ‘trans woman’, it’s a bloke in a dress’ perhaps then the mental disorder wouldn’t have become fashionable.
What do we have now, Dylan Mulvaney showing how ‘cool’ it is to transition to girlhood.
But the cunts let a man run in the womens Marthon.
President Xi’s boys will have plenty of fun when they take over the West.
The Olympic Games are already sub divided into many categories.
And spaz.
The spaccer games has a shit load of categories depending on the level of disability.
It would be easy to have a further category for the mentally deranged and this is where trannies should compete.
Lump them all together and let them compete against each other.
I thought about running a marathon but I couldn’t get the roads closed or find a hundred thousand bottles of water….
It’s about bloody time.
In the broader sense, I reckon that the revolt of the public against the Nike and Bud Light fiascos indicates that the majority of people have had enough of this lunacy.
The small but noisy trans lobby is alienating people by their viciousness, and if they had any sense, they’d throttle back.
Morning all.
Now back to dwarf throwing, is it either sex we can transport 1st or 2nd class through the air with the greatest of ease ?
Persons of a suicidal disposition should look away now:
According to this, the war is lost. The majority actually buys this woke shit.
Though this is an extrapolation from an extremely small sample*, and I find it very hard to believe that it bears any relation to the truth.
*Bollocks: “Focaldata specialises in mapping opinion poll data onto smaller geographic areas, using a technique known as MRP, or Multilevel Regression with Post-stratification. For the gender questions we collected data from 5,000 respondents between 3rd and 5th February 2023 using Focaldata’s online platform”
That’s less than eight respondents per constituency!
Was the sample taken from the Labour Party toilets?.
Yes ?
My concern is a trans person should not be using women to advertise products. What I mean is, there is nothing wrong with being trans but how is it appropriate to rake on the persona of a woman when you can’t identify with their needs,experiences? Period pain? Pregnancy? Abortion? Miscarriage?
If it is sartorial such as the late Barry Humphries or Paul O’Grady,that is different because it is a send up.
I do not know what it is to experience gender dysphoria or the desire to transition. However, even if I did, I will never menstruate,get pregnant, etc. Dylan Mulvany is free to live how they want to but Dylan will never be able to experience these things due to biology: not discrimination.
They know that they can’t menstruate but they want the right to menstruate……
And to gestate in a box.
Pour petrol over the trannies and watch them burn ????
People are desperately wanting to see push back on all this woke bullshit. Any company/corporation that refuses to be bullied into the woke mold and says, “Fuck you!” will have their profits soar I guarantee it. So what if the Twitter nazis post accusations. Give ’em the middle finger all the way into the door at the bank.
I’m sure you’re right MC. More examples of the push back every week now.
Her: Babe, a small penis isn’t such a big deal.
Him: I don’t know Jenny… I kind of wish you didn’t have one at all.