We all know the overall theme, an atrocity happens and Al Beeb and the quislings at Westminster say the same thing; “Islam is the religion of peace etc”. I’m not sure any of them have actually been to an Islamic country, I’ve only been to The Maldives and The UAE (very moderate) and the hostility is palpable, ruled by fear not by respect. However, two things in the past two weeks have alarmed me at their brazenness and utter disregard for the English way of life:
1) Trafalgar Square resembling the centre of any city under a caliphate.
2) Magdalen College in Oxford University substituting a traditional St George’s Day banquet to instead hold an event to celebrate Eid (last day of Ramadan). Doubtless the vino will not flow and it will be a drab affair.
Telegraph Link.
What I find odd to do you can bet your bottom dollar all the supporters of this will be indigenous people who are atheists and lamblast Christianity, but will support this. Even more ludicrous is the Muslim population of the U.K. made up 6.5% of the population two years ago. I sincerely look forward to a political party that supports the taxpayer and the English people sooner rather than later, or Colonel Gadaffi’s prediction “ “We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.” Will come true.
I despise the cunts in charge of this country.
Nominated by : Fortress Cuntimus
Islam does not translate as Peace – it means submission.
Submission to men (for women), submission to mad mullahs’ whims, submission to the mad sayings of a paedo goat-herding illiterate child molester.
There’s nothing peaceful about this vile control act.
After Lee Rigby was butchered on the streets in broad daylight by adherents to the religion of peace – I naively thought at the time that it might wake a few up.
The very next day we had David Cameron with his tongue up their arse reassuring us that it was a religion of peace (despite the non peaceful brutal murder in its name that the entire country had just witnessed) and that the islamic community had given us so much to be grateful for.
That’s when I knew that if we were to look to our political overlords for any backbone in the future face of this menace – then we’d be waiting for a long fucking time.
Also Kriss Donald – funny enough, his poor old mum was never made a dame.
Props due as always to yer Lordship and any who give a remembrance of Kris Donald
Or Richard Everitt.
See how long before mosques get to broadcast the call to prayer five times a day over loudspeakers. It’s coming, trust me and you know I’m fucking right.
Freddie, where have you been? That was happening in Brum before we left back in 1999!
Maybe they will all fuck off to Scotchland now that Abdul McP*ki is in charge.
Muslims can’t live (peacefully) with each other so what chance of them living with none Muslims
They are basically all cunts.
This party in Trafalgar Square sounds great. I might go along seeing as I’ve fucking paid for it. I might get to shake hands with Man of the People Suckdick Khunt.
They have every right to have a party. After all, it’s another country they now run.
Rather you than me Freddie!
I hear they are having a hog roast…
I’m going for the beer tent and bacon butties
We are born bald without hair and little brains. The dark hair begins to grow and you are foolish. As we get older the whites move in and before you know it they’ve taken over. That’s why we are more sensible as we get older.
East is East
West is West
Well, you know the rest.
Cameron is a quisling cunt, just listen to the speech.:-
No we don’t need to see more brown faces, we need to see less.
Look at Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Portugal – they all look culturally aligned to the country they are from – what’s what makes each country unique, not some slop bucket mixture of different races. That’s when a country looses it’s identity.
FFS – we will all be speaking raggy language soon.
Yeah and I don’t recall any fucker ever asking me about it either.
We’re fucked. I know it.
And to continue this look at what Ali Beebie’s decides to talk about.
Headline: Eid al-Fitr: How Muslims celebrate the end of Ramadan
I know exactly how they celebrate. They all get together, have a right piss up and pick their girls for the evening.
Who gives a fuck how they celebrate – a jihadi gathering about who to blow up next.
The racist echo chamber of IsaC’s hallowed halls reverberate with the sound of Replacement Conspiracy theory.
Good on you Pommies.
Hardly a conspiracy theory, it’s happenning in plain view right before our eyes!
And if mourning for the erosion of one’s ancient traditions, values, monuments, lifestyles, food, law … is racist – yup I guess that makes me a “racist” then. ? Actually it doesn’t as that’s a pretty lazy label.
Oh – you were just kidding?! Nice one fella, have a cake.
It seems some slime gobshite was singing the call to prayer from the ruins of Co entry Cathedral… (History Debunked, YouTube).
You have no choice.
Couldenhove-Kalergi for the 21st century.
You never know it might spontaneously combust.
None of this is accident, this is engineered policy; and here’s one of the principal architects…
Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of Christian European ethnic societies 1m:18s
…plenty more where she came from…
Those eyes are black pools of malice.
What satisfaction does she get by naming a group of people as those responsible?