The “Impartial” BBC and it’s agenda of Bullshit (84)

”Mosque ‘would have done anything’ to prevent Manchester Arena attack”

Fawzi Haffar said he felt Didsbury Mosque was “being used as a scapegoat” after it came under intense scrutiny during the Manchester Arena Inquiry.

Arena suicide bomber Salman Abedi and his family worshipped at the centre.
Mr Haffar said the mosque had “no room for radicalisation”.

This is the mosque known for it’s hate preachers. No sympathy or sorrow for the victims, no responsibility just typical Islamic hateful bullshit.

At the same time we get this, again from the BBC :-

‘I was radicalised by the far right aged 15’

And guess who was to blame for this radicalisation?– The Manchester bombing.
Yes, this atrocity against civilians and children resulted in the ‘Far Right’ (You know, the fascist bastards who object to their town’s hotels being taken over by government funded vermin) influencing the way this lad thinks.

Fortunately he has been saved and will not be out committing murderous ‘Far Right’ atrocities

BBC News

BBC News 2

Nominated by Cuntsable Cuntbubble.


And on the subject of impartiality at the BBC, there’s this from Ron Knee

BBC Impartiality

…or the lack of it. The recent farce surrounding that cunt Gary ‘Voice of the People’ Lineker has once again brought the festering issue of impartiality on the part of the tax funded state broadcaster to the fore.

Now I see the Beeb as clearly biased. The problem however is that this bias is not forthright; BBCunts are not overtly partly political. No, the bias is more oblique, so they can hard to pin down on the matter. The Beeb is infested by Guardianistas; a self-regarding clique which sees itself as ‘progressive’ and ‘socially aware’, and which holds views that go down well when chattering at a dinner party in Islington, but aren’t readily embraced by the majority of the nation.

So Beeb cunts have an agenda which they push in a more insidious and indirect way in order to ‘educate’ the rest of us. Themes of diversity and inclusivity emerge regularly in the likes of ‘Dr Who’ and ‘Call the Midwife’. The underlying implication will always be ‘disagree, and you’re a gammon’. Coverage is subtly weighted in favour of mass immigration, is pro ‘asylum seeker’, pro-EU and anti Brexit (and often anti-British), in an to attempt to sway public opinion in a surreptitious way.

I loathe the British Biased Corporation with a passion that borders on being unbalanced, and I hope to live to see the day when it is defunded, and forced to compete in the real world. I fear that I won’t live that long.

‘So the Beeb’s biased then Ron?’. Christ, does my dick have hair on it?. Fuck the BBC, and fuck all the cunts who steal a living by sailing in her.

And another helping from Lord Cuntingford.

The BBC and the mythical “far-right”

I did love this article on the BBC “news” website. Apparently, a break-out of far-right activity at an LGBT event in Oz. However, look at picture:

Far from being far-right, they actually look like a load of asians, so I suspect it is more a Muslim-led protest. Which makes much more sense than any white supremacist protest. Oh dear – we can’t complain about the Muslims can we?

Bbc news

93 thoughts on “The “Impartial” BBC and it’s agenda of Bullshit (84)

  1. While we’re on about the BBC my wife was unable to watch House of Games this week (a programme that helps her with her early stage dementia) because one of the guests , Kemah Bob, a blek non binary pannsexual American with bipolar had a voice that was so excruciatingly annoying that it made her suicidal.

  2. As long as the ‘far right’ is dished out as a justification/excuse, and there is no serious crackdown on these ulcerous corrosive vermin by government, councils and police, those murderous filth will continue and the body count will get bigger as each year passes….

  3. Remember that anti-British and pro Remain and migrant loving slag, Saint Jo of the Blessed Cox? She got got and we knew everything there was to know about her ‘Far Right’ assailant within minutes. From his name to what underpants he wore.

    Yet, one of ‘them’ kills yet another person or persons, and it’s a British citizen of Norewgian origin with mental health issues. Anything but who they are and what they are. Impartial, my arse. Fuck the BBC.

  4. I recall a plot in EastEnders about a non-existent ‘Far Right’ group planning to bomb a mosque.

    Now, in real life, this has never ever happened. So, why make out that it does?
    Yet, there are no plots reflecting what really does happen. Manchester, Lee Rigby, Westminster Bridge, David Arness and so on. Funny how there are no camel riding killiers in that Walford shithole, yet white far right psychos are made to order….?

    And, on the other side. That ‘brave’ chap, Schofield dumping his brother to save his already dirty and shit stained career. What a piece of shit he is…?

  5. Another one has started at the kideny unit recently. A cunt who looks like Colonel Gadaffi. He always insists on a side/private room, and the cunts give it to him when it should be a lottery. And even when he is this room, the thoughtless cunt still disturbs and deafens you by shouting that blabbering jabbering shite on his phone for hours as his wife screcches at the other end. If he does it tomorrow, that phone is going up his dirty arse.?

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