”Mosque ‘would have done anything’ to prevent Manchester Arena attack”
Fawzi Haffar said he felt Didsbury Mosque was “being used as a scapegoat” after it came under intense scrutiny during the Manchester Arena Inquiry.
Arena suicide bomber Salman Abedi and his family worshipped at the centre.
Mr Haffar said the mosque had “no room for radicalisation”.
This is the mosque known for it’s hate preachers. No sympathy or sorrow for the victims, no responsibility just typical Islamic hateful bullshit.
At the same time we get this, again from the BBC :-
‘I was radicalised by the far right aged 15’
And guess who was to blame for this radicalisation?– The Manchester bombing.
Yes, this atrocity against civilians and children resulted in the ‘Far Right’ (You know, the fascist bastards who object to their town’s hotels being taken over by government funded vermin) influencing the way this lad thinks.
Fortunately he has been saved and will not be out committing murderous ‘Far Right’ atrocities
Nominated by Cuntsable Cuntbubble.
And on the subject of impartiality at the BBC, there’s this from Ron Knee
BBC Impartiality
…or the lack of it. The recent farce surrounding that cunt Gary ‘Voice of the People’ Lineker has once again brought the festering issue of impartiality on the part of the tax funded state broadcaster to the fore.
Now I see the Beeb as clearly biased. The problem however is that this bias is not forthright; BBCunts are not overtly partly political. No, the bias is more oblique, so they can hard to pin down on the matter. The Beeb is infested by Guardianistas; a self-regarding clique which sees itself as ‘progressive’ and ‘socially aware’, and which holds views that go down well when chattering at a dinner party in Islington, but aren’t readily embraced by the majority of the nation.
So Beeb cunts have an agenda which they push in a more insidious and indirect way in order to ‘educate’ the rest of us. Themes of diversity and inclusivity emerge regularly in the likes of ‘Dr Who’ and ‘Call the Midwife’. The underlying implication will always be ‘disagree, and you’re a gammon’. Coverage is subtly weighted in favour of mass immigration, is pro ‘asylum seeker’, pro-EU and anti Brexit (and often anti-British), in an to attempt to sway public opinion in a surreptitious way.
I loathe the British Biased Corporation with a passion that borders on being unbalanced, and I hope to live to see the day when it is defunded, and forced to compete in the real world. I fear that I won’t live that long.
‘So the Beeb’s biased then Ron?’. Christ, does my dick have hair on it?. Fuck the BBC, and fuck all the cunts who steal a living by sailing in her.
And another helping from Lord Cuntingford.
The BBC and the mythical “far-right”
I did love this article on the BBC “news” website. Apparently, a break-out of far-right activity at an LGBT event in Oz. However, look at picture:
Far from being far-right, they actually look like a load of asians, so I suspect it is more a Muslim-led protest. Which makes much more sense than any white supremacist protest. Oh dear – we can’t complain about the Muslims can we?
I read the ‘I was radicalised by the far right’ bullshit and it does not contain a single verifiable statement and yet the reader is supposed to believe it.
Calling someone far right is not an argument. It is lame,lazy,and devoud of any intelligent thought.
Ernst Rhome was gay.
Being gay is not the preserve of the left. Plenty of the National Front were gay. This obsession that if you dare challenge the Alphabet mafia you are a National is so pathetic, it is beyond parody.
Che Gavara hated poofs and dark keys.
Funniest thing is the left call the Iseael Denfence Force fascist but it is full of mincers and lezzas.
The mosques and the wider community know who the radical jihadi nutters are just like they knew about the grooming gangs but did nothing. As for the BBC just utter cunts. I read the new Doctor Who has topped a TV power list with his superpowers being a gay and black.
A drag queen/weirdo perv is appearing in the new series. That gives it a full house.
Box ticking achieved, shame no one will be watching..
I was far right at 15, obsessed with the SS. My airfix tanks were painted in the 3 SS panzer division. Guess what I grew up and become a boring normie.
A poor excuse for a TV station. If it went on subscription it would be bust in 18 months.
When do we think the bbc will be getting a ISAC card for reaching the magic 100.
About June is my reckoning.
Years ago I knew a few of Combat 18.
Think they’re now a cited Far Right terrorist group and banned.
Weren’t mates just knew em.
Skinheads with a Hitler fetish.
They were what I’d term far right.
Nowadays your classed as far right if you haven’t got a electric car and don’t vote Labour.
Those combat 18 types always seemed a bit gay to me?
Jackboot polishers.?
Think it was Lord Benny who mentioned on here about neonazis in Eastern bloc places,
Being the real thing.
Those Slav and russian types don’t play about !
They aren’t clothes horses.
They really believe that national socialism idealogy.
Luckily they’re normally infiltrated by the security services of whatever county they’re from.
Is anyone ever classed as ‘centre’, ‘right’ or ‘middle right’?
There must be people that hold views somewhere between ‘left’ and ‘far right’.
Why do we never hear anything from them?
I imagine that they are the majority.
I’m not Right or Left.
I affiliate with no cunt.
Wouldn’t describe myself as normal though?
Mis, I don’t think that anyone would describe you as normal.
You’re right, Art, but we’re not news.
You’ll never see a headline with “Middle of the road…”
There are certainly more than a few twats who could be counted as ‘far left’ Artful.
Let’s make the term ‘the loony left’ fashionable again!
Afternoon all.
Nowadays, the ‘loony’ part is tautology.
A triple cunting on IsaC!
In that spirit I suggest we send the Heads of the Bolshevik Broadcasting Commune to the guillotine, the wood chipper and the oven.
Propaganda is our strength
Propaganda = Having a really good look at things.
propaganda: noun; information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view
The very essence of the Beeb.
You may have to explain that one Sam.
btw your initials are far right too!
Oh. Propaganda = Having a thorough good look at things.
Love your hairy armpits, lnfie.
I got it but I always assume General Cunster lives in the colonies.
Hence the explanation needed.
Fucked up again.
I do indeed live in the colonies so perhaps I’m missing a cultural hidden meaning that is unique to you foreigners.
It’s Cockney rhyming slang General (I think). To look at something closely is to have a “proper gander” at it. Don’t ask me why. Strange creatures, these Cockneys.
Ooooohhhhhh…I get it…a proper gander at the Beeb reveals its penchant for propaganda.
Thank you MMCM.
Was waiting for the penny to drop. He must know what gander means, surely.
I do indeed know what gander means.
A gander is a male goose. And a papa gander is a father goose.
(Damn! I just dropped a bunch of loose change on the floor.)
Another thing that always makes me think of something else entirely and that is cannabis. I automatically think of a can-of-piss. Which interestingly both coincide with puddling the brain.
Anyone not understanding the above conception, must first learn the English language and its colloquialisms.
Suckdick was calling anyone who disagreed with ULEZ a far right extremist last week. I suspect he’ll get a job on the BBC when he’s finally turfed out of office. Top Gear perhaps.
It wasn’t too long ago that that carpet sniffing wanksock was trying to get a London F1 Grand Prix onto the agenda.
The London Grand Prix – the World’s slowest Grand Prix at 20 mph.
A Grand Prix with rickshaws ridden by web designers wearing man buns
This bullshit pisses me right off.
If there were no rug munching Aladdin worshippers then there most likely be no far right groups in the UK. These cunts in some hotel, who have been given everything have pissed off some of the local community who see handout after handout – I watched an interesting piece on GB News where they had local ex-soldiers, who were homeless who had nothing and yet some Raggamuffin was being a phone, healthcare and money – something is wrong, very wrong my fellow cunters.
I also do not buy, for one second, the notion that the ”Mosque ‘would have done anything’ to prevent Manchester Arena attack”.
In Saaaaf London we have the the baitul mosque, allegedly one of Europe’s largest mosques. These cunts should be on their hands and knees thanking us for allowing them to build these on our land.
I’d bet my house that in in most A-Rab lands you’d be crucified (good timing eh!) for building a church, let alone one of the biggest churches in the Middle East.
No, I bet this Mancy Mosque had their fingers deep in this pie. A bit of waterboarding would have done well.
The British Islamic Association has said there is no longer room for extremists within their mosques…
Although a waiting list has been set up.
Still excepting child groomers though.
Couple of portakabins should see them right.
If there isn’t a bouncy castle hidden inside every mosque, explain all the shoes outside….
They also don’t want to get shit on their shoes.
I don’t see why not, usually the shit is wearing the shoes.
The cheeky sods would also say, “look what the cat dragged in”.
The smell of sweaty socks masks the smell of shit.
You’re not taking account of the fact that some mosques are getting very progressive and trendy these days. I heard of one mosque even staging a rock concert. The star turn was Bomb Jovi.
Boom Boom!
Quran Quran
Van Halal-en
Bomb the Bass
Big Audio Dynamite
Suicidal tendencies
Livin on a prayer mat
Trout mosque replica
Aladdin sane
Halal Meatloaf
Eid Stewart
Steely Ramadan
Groom & the Gang ?
Mosque = Place where cunts congregate to listen to bullshit, sometimes extreme bullshit.
Far right = people who are sick of mosque dwellers ignoring cunts who blow up kids.
Why the fuck would anyone think theses cunts in the UK are any different from the cunts in P land, Iraq, Syria or Afghanistan who like blowing things up.
The BBC like to report these parts of the truth that fit their agenda, leaving out anything that doesn’t comply.
They might as well blow up the bbc, now they’re in Manchester.
No chance they’d touch their own.
No room for radicalisation bollocks, their religion is all about radicalisation that is why followers do not integrate into western style society. Many may follow the more spiritual side but the rest follow the book to the letter and therefore by their very deeds are in opposition to me in my own fucking country no less. The bbc are riddled with cuntishness because it ain’t their money they are spending, soon as the licence fee is done away with you will see an exodus of employees equivalent to the number of miners who lost their jobs and maybe a return to sponsor guided programming ie market forces and the end of woke shit and the cunts that promote it. Bastards
The BBC is a an absolute fucking disgrace.
That particular Mosque in Manchester was well known and notorious haven of radicalisation.
The bloke in this clip from BBC Question Time, not long after those innocent children were slaughtered by a murdering bastard religious nutcase (who the UK government provided asylum for let’s not forget) no doubt had the Beeb squirming uncomfortably for all of about 5 minutes before shoving it down the ‘diversity is our strength’ memory hole.
Far right – oh just fuck off will you.
The entire ‘Building Britain’s Caliphate’ organisation makes me sick to the pit of my stomach.
These cunts are vile Quisling rubbish and their thinly veiled (?) agenda is utter poison.
To offset the real and ever present threat from Islamic extremism they create a neo Nazi threat based on a few bedroom based teenagers and everyone from Downing St to the local cafe swallow this garbage.
Eventually events will force the emergence of a real and terribly powerful rebuttal of everything they represent,perhaps it will be a “far right” political and social force and it will fall on these cunts like the Berlin Wall.
21 groomers just been found guilty after 10 years of abusing and some cockwomble ex plod has said the midlands police should be commended.
10 fucking years, I don’t believe it went totally unnoticed in a decade.
Keeping my powder dry on the ethnicity.
The crafty bastards were waiting for them to come of age. As if that would make any difference.
All white, close knit p ring.
Including 8 women
There’s plenty of people who would give Bernie Winters lookalike Shamima Begum, another chance in the UK.
“She was radicalised, she was only a child, she didn’t know what she was doing, she was only fifteen.”
The same people who spout this are the same people who regarded some fifteen year old girl from Sweden as an all knowing sage.
Consistency please….
She can get stuffed.
She’s no sage.
Doesn’t know her onions.
The cognitive dissonance of the liberal left.
They are the same on the incel issue, which overlaps with Islamism and radicalisation of young males, a connection they’d never entertain.
At once sad and pathetic lonely men while being threatening and dangerous terrorists.
Make your minds up.
It makes me laugh when bed wetters lose their shit over Nigel Flange or Tommy Fucking Robinson.
Far right?
Lol. Soft twats.
There’s stuff a lot spicier than that about. David Duke still does regular streams I believe (on Odysee I think)- ex grand wiz of the k k k. Now that’s ‘far right’. Drops a sandwich on the floor and it’s a four be two conspiracy. And it’s not always honkies saying the more extreme stuff too. B L M, Louis Farrakunt etc.
I’d lock the soft twats whining over Tommy real name yada yada in a room watching some proper far right shit.
Big girls’ blouses.
Saw 3 of these come in, all practically the same and marked as spam. Not sure why. Maybe the “honkies” reference. Dunno. – NA.
Aye they all disappeared admin. Like when you put the name of the guy who got 7m for Maradona’s shirt (Steve H od ge) but without the spacing in the surname).
I put my email wrong on the first few I think (.con instead of .com.) Maybe that did it? Soz etc.
It makes me laugh when bed wetters lose their shit over Nigel Flange or Tommy Fucking Robinson.
Far right?
Lol. Soft twats.
There’s stuff a lot spicier than that about. David Duke still does regular streams I believe (on Odysee I think)- ex grand wiz of the k k k. Now that’s ‘far right’. Drops a sandwich on the floor and it’s a four be two conspiracy. And it’s not always honkies saying the more extreme stuff too. B L M, Louis Farrakunt etc.
I’d lock the soft twats whining over Tommy real name yada yada in a room watching some proper far right shit.
Big girls’ blouses.
Indeed CB.
Take Farage and Robinson out of the equation (doesn’t matter whether you like them, agree with them, hate them or sit alone at night crying because they even exist) and that’s two less right leaning cunts with a semblance of a voice in the media who are at least willing to speak up.
Contrast that with the seemingly infinite number of Shit-Libs, Wokeys, Lefties and Bedwetters who dominate just about all of the mainstream media.
What does “far right” even mean?
As opposed to “near right”?
Are they ducky?
Is it meant to be an insult?
Keep on saying it, it then becomes as meaningless as, say, British Justice System.
To digress,
Forest are going down, due to taking too much notice of their manager by falling asleep at the back.
These far right nutters must be a well organised and secretive bunch. The BBC and their associates seem to find evidence of their atrocities everywhere, but never come up with names or places. Never any evidence offered.
It’s almost as though they don’t really exist and the beeb are bullshitting.
Perish the thought.
I will only believe the BBC is unbiased when they sack Lineker, that pair of pensioner undergraduates Punt and Dennis and this slimy egregious looking pile of shit:
They boast that this ancient series has now run well beyond 100 series. Sack the fucking commissioners!
The recent footage of Greasy Gary, Mary Sue Shearer and that laugh sat everything cunt Micah Rchards is sickening. All high fives and boys club giggling. They are now untouchable, thanks to that invertebrate cunt Tim Davie, and they know it. The smugness and arrogance is intolerable. And is it compulsory for a BBC Sports employee (except Greasy isn’t an employee, of course) to not wear a suit and tie and be a scruffy unshaven bastard? It certainly looks like it.
Micah Richards though…. For fuck’s sake. What is it with that cunt?
If Lineker mundanely says ‘Afternoon, Micah’ the twat bursts out laughing like has just been told the funniest joke in the world. If he was told on air that Putin was going to bomb the shit out of us, he’d laugh his head off. Just like Des O’ Connor used to do with his guests when they weren’t funny. Micah is one of those cunts (like Graham Norton) who thinks everything has to be ‘funny’. And I fucking hate people like that.
Even worse, did you see Daniel ‘Gizajob’ Sturridge the other night (Chelsea v Liverpool on Sky).
Fuck me, he kept trying to ask players questions like a roving reporter. Clearly not his job. The actual regular interviewer looked a bit ‘wtf is he doing?’ Butting in to talk bollocks when others were talking.
Talk about trying too hard. Sad. Showed himself up a bit refusing to kick a ball because ‘These boots are Pradas man.’
Fuck’s sake.
Yes, it’s a bit much. He’s playing a role, the ‘wacky black chap’.
Seen the 20 cops searching the Krankie house? Looks like they’re investigating a satanic cult.
Fucking spell check! She’s probably in a hotel with her girlfriend.
The cozzers will have a giggle when they find Wee Burney’s lezza porno and dildo collection….
First time she has had something erect in her front garden!
Hardly a surprise that people have a more right wing stance than would have been previous especially ones of an older vintage, their country has been changed beyond all recognition in a few short years. Things that were considered perverted and unnatural are now seen as being wonderful and should be encouraged and slipped into the minds of toddlers to get them onside at the earliest opportunity.
The country is being covered in bricks to accommodate a fucking deluge of unwelcome people with their own strange ways and refusal to assimilate with us ,we do that and we are unwelcoming racists they do it and they are protecting their cultural heritage.
Far right is not far enough for me, it wants to be just visible with a telescope to make the wokes and lefties shat themselves, CUNTS
For this old cunter the last 20 years have been a real eye opener. It’s like everything my compatriots and I believed in is fascist, bigoted, hurty some kind of phobia or another dimension of fuckwittery..
More traitors now than at the height of the fucking Cold War. Have to keep the real history alive some how.
No room for radicalization?
Well, the murdering little cunt who bombed the Arena got his leaflets from that mosque in Didsbury and the whole of Manchester knows it. Yet no arrests were made and there won’t be either. The world and his dog knew it was an IS stronghold, yet no coppers went near the place. And that utter creep Andy Burnham tip toeing around them didn’t help matters. And seeing ‘Happy Ramadan’ banners up in Manchester only yards and days away from the Arena carnage still makes makes my stomach turn. The blood was still being cleaned up, and there’s Burnham trying to sell the bastards to us. Disgraceful.
Far-right = anyone who disagrees with the corporate media and increasingly centralised state power, even if you’re an old school labour voter and anti-war demonstrator (especially not wanting war with Putin).
Actual far right = John Tyndall
To be fair, I think the BBC are correct about the far right being everywhere. Just today I found myself indulging in all sorts of far right behaviour.
* I went for a drive in my car
* I drank a glass of milk
* I dressed according to the gender I was born with
Now I am just waiting for the knock on the door for them to take me away ……..
(far rightness behaviours borrowed from Burnside on Twitter)
Just get undergrond and rename yourself Edgar Friendly.
Even if ii was true, what have the ‘far right’ got to do with innocent pop concert goers? What non-existent far tight words or incident would cause a camel shagging piece of crap to butcher a load of Ariana Grande fans? Could it be that it’s all bollocks and that one has no connection to the other? It’s the typical peaceful apologist leftie diversionary trick. Mention the words ‘racist’ ‘islamaphobic’ ‘far right’ to shut down any debate or criticism.
Strange isn’t it that we only have islamaphobia?
How strange there doesn’t seem to be hinduaphobia,mormonaphobia or catholicaphobia..
I wonder why?
The fucking evil cunts.
Dead right Tez,
If they weren’t such murdering, raping, thieving, grooming, freeloading vermin, the term islamaphobia wouldn’t exist or wouldn’t have to,
Could Admin please advise me why my comment went to moderation so I dont make same error again, many thanks Civvydog.